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<br /> � � w�y�oi�.�oea�um .
<br /> .. �appBca6ie hrv m�Y specffF far�)���af t4e Pmge�ty P� ,
<br /> 5e�wsity Imtruma�a tb)�Y��3�8��O�'°a��us 5ecuritY fat�mmt 4'6o�e 000�tiats�e tlist 8anower. t�►) .
<br /> pa�rs La�der all su�arbicb dxo�vauW be doe nnda tlus Senui�Y��d the Nate a4 if no aooekraioa had
<br /> - oocumed:(b)aaes anY defsWt of wy odkr cov�eo�ts�r sgea�(c)paYs a11�xPecaes incurred in enfa+cinE diis Secw�'aY
<br /> , �,iuciud�g.btu na liaited ta.retsaaabie auaa�Ys'fas:md(d?a�es such action as�ender maY neasomblY
<br /> � tequi�e to ssw�e�at tLe lien.of this Securiry ii�ent.Lender�s rigffi's i»d�e YtcfpatY tad Boimwer8�1ig�tion to paY!he
<br /> sums eecu�ed bY Uus Seciuiti► Iiisaument shall caidnue michangod. Upoe �emstaument`by Hamwer`. this SecuncY
<br /> � Ia�nanent md d�e oMjg�tioos sa��rcd haebY s�all nm�in fWlY effectiva as if no acceietation 6ad occurrcd. However,this
<br /> W reinettte s1uD not apply ia tt�e case aF acceleruioa under pu'a�p1�17. .
<br /> —. - �1+1. 5iie dNofe;`C��:di.o�s 8ervicer '1De Nate or s�ttia!iutaest in the Note(tog�er�vith this Security. _ -
<br /> Instinane�t)maY be sotd onc or mo�r times without pdot nofice w Baciower. A salc may result ir�a chu�ge in the eotity
<br /> � (known as d�e"l.oan Se�v�')�aE coIIects morthlY WYmen�s due under the Note and this Secvriry t�saumeaG There'also
<br /> may be ooe a mooe c6�n8es of tGe Loan Servicei�m�elsted to a sak of the Nae. If tlieie Is a c�nge of thc tou�Savicer.
<br /> Bo�mwer wilt be given wriaen notice of t6e ch�age in acca�danoe wiW paragr�ph 14 abave aad applicabie law. 'il�e notice
<br /> w�sqoe tbe n�me aad addreu of the nevv l.oan Semcer'nd the address to wltich paymentg should be aiade. T6e notice aritl
<br /> atsa cantaia a�►Y dber infama�ion requinod bY�PP�k�'- �� y�g�or nkase of any , �
<br /> 2/� Asssr�s�6e�s Bumowtu s6a11 not caus�or pemtit the p�esetree.use,disposal.
<br /> Haucd�ws Substances an or in t6e Praperty. Barower shall not do.noc allow�►yoae dse to do,�nYttunB s�'o�in8�
<br /> ptopatg tbu is in violatioa of any Eavi�omnenpl Law. The preceding ewo sentences st�Il not apply to tbe piesenc�e.
<br /> stasge nn t6e•Anperty of sm�tl quantities of Haxazdo�Snbstancxs dru are gener�lly�ecogniud to be spp�opri�te to normal
<br /> midential uses and w maintmance of the Ytope�ty.
<br /> Bomower sdaD pmmplY give Lander written natice of any invesdgatian.claim,dern�id.Iawsuit or other acaon by anY. .
<br /> . govtmmental ar regulatay aBeaeY�Pnvau pacty imvotving 1he P�opeitY and any H�zardaus Substance or Enrirn�une�tal
<br /> I.�w af whicb Barowu has actual IuwwiedSe. If Borrower team�, ar�.s anafied by aay.Sovemmenrol a regulatury
<br /> � aathority.tUat any reraoval or other remediatioa of any Hazarda�s Substance a�ecting ttx PropertY is c�essazy�amwa
<br /> shall pianptly tafne ali r�tY�a1 xa°°s ia accotdancawith F.av�conisrental Iaw. .'.�: .
<br />- — —..�ts used m th�s paragiapb 20,"Hazardous Substanes"are tfiose substances defined as taxic a�bzaidous substu�s by
<br /> . E�vic+anrirntal l.aw aM tt�e following substances: BasoIh��-tce�e�•otlx�fla�mnable a toxic.�team pt�cts.-toa�ic__—_- = - - -
<br /> �ades ar►d I�erbicides. volatile solvents.materials co�!�ining asbest°s°r fom�atdehyde,and�adwact�ve materiats- As - �
<br /> - - ,,-�,�in this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law"meansE�*erallaws and laws oY the jarisdiction where the Yropertg ns tocated •, '
<br /> . �relata ta tieatih,safety a enviranmenu�l Frocectio�.. ..::.:,'; � - . -
<br />" NON-[JNIFORM CU�EIVANTS. Borrower and i.ender further covenant and agcee as folIus� � . _
<br />-- 2L Aooelecatloo:Remedies. Lesdee sha[I give natict to Barower p�ior to accekrptior�fdbwiAg Brnrower's _
<br /> - bre�ch ot�ny covenxot ur sgreemeat is�Secarity Instrumtnt(but nat prbr to Aocekr�nnder P�S�Oh 17
<br />. - �uakss sppflc�bk law provides�Ler�ise�.T6e aotks shali spedfy: (a)tUe default:(6)tLe action require8 to cure tbe
<br /> defsWt;tc)A dnte,nat less t�3�ds�s trom the date tl�e hotice is givee ta Barrower,by w6ich the detaatt mast be
<br /> -- aind;and(A)that failare to cure t�e deGwlt oa or betore the dnte speci�ieil in t6e notice na�g sesalt in swoeteratioo ot
<br /> 'r�.� tbe soms secured by t6ts Secorlty I�stnieat And sak ot the Property. The notke s6a11 tart�6a intorm Bo�rower ot
<br /> - tLe riaht to rdnshte niter aceekn►tiow a�tbe rlgAt to bring A court action to a4sert the non-�istence of A defsult or
<br />- aay M6er defense d Barrower to�ocekration and sak. It the ddaWt i�nat curod on or betoro t6e date s�peciitied in
<br /> � - tie notice,I.endee at Its opUan may require immediate PaYme�t in lati ot ati sums sccared by thlv Secarttg lmtroment --
<br /> . - RitLout tarther demand and may irtvoke the poWer at sak aad any other�emedies permitted by��21, � _ ---
<br /> 'i.ender shaD be eatitted to collect all expenses inc�sred ln pursuing the remedks provided in this p�ragrap —__�_
<br /> � including,MR not IimitM to.reasona6te attorneys'fees�nd costs otUtk eYidence. �";,:-��a
<br /> � If tLe powtr of s�le is iavoked,Trastee shal�record a notice ofdetault in each coanty i�i wbich any part ot the _ .,�_
<br /> property iv tocated and shall mail copies ot such notice in the manner presc�ibed by appliqble law to Borrawee and to �'�
<br /> ..�.�y,:;
<br /> - Ibe othtr pe�^sons presceibed by applkabte law ARer the time required by apptka6te law,7Yustee shall give public :.:,�.,-
<br /> . eotice of sak to the persons and in the rtwnner prescrlbeA by applicable law Trusteti without deawnd on Bon'owe►. —��--�-
<br />' shaU sell the Property at pa6lic auclbn to the highGSt btdder at the time and place and under the terms designpted in �;i�,_�:.
<br /> y ne ss�k of all or an "� °:_--
<br /> ;>�,;;;;: t h e n o t i c e o f s n k i n o o e o r n w�e p a r c d s a�d i n a n o r d e r 7�u.4tee determines. 7lrustee mpy postpo Y �:,�:a_
<br /> parcel ot the Property by pubUc announcement at the time and place ol any p�eviousty schedWed sale. Lender or its ���;.,.-=
<br /> • • designee may purchase the Property at any sale. •�= '` _
<br /> � Upon receipt ot paymeM of the price bid.71ru�ee shafl deliver to the purchaser'Ilrustee's dced canFeying the :_ , _�.,_
<br /> Yroperty. The recitnfs in the 7Yustee's deed sba11 be prima facie evidence ot the truth of the statements mac�therein. � ;.;:___
<br /> �.• 7lrustee g6a11 apply the proceeds ot the sate in t h e fo l t ow i ng or der: (a)to a l l c a s t s a n d e x p e n s e s o�e x e r c i s fi�the p ower �� ,
<br /> . ;,
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