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<br /> • ' p�riods qat i.ender�. '[i�e inwzacoe c�rier pcuvidrn8 the iac�aaoce shall be cirosen by Bortvwer subjcct�o Leedec�a . .
<br /> �` � �pprov�l which shrU noc!�e unnea�a�MY Witdbef�`If Boriower faiLs to m�int�coverage descn'bed above.l.eader msy.at ` •
<br /> . Leriderb opEio�b d�tain cove�ge to protect L,adec'�ri�s in the PtapeKy in xcordxrce with puag[�ph 7. `
<br /> `Atl ins�uanoe poticies and senew�ls sl�lt be accepta6ie to Lender and sfiall iaclude�standaN�tgage clause. Lender
<br /> 'shatl have tUe right to hoid�he policies and�eneewats: If 1 ender requires.Bormwer s6�I!�amptlY Sn'e to l.ender all teceipts � -
<br /> ' of P�P��ums aad t�eit�w�l notices. In tiu evenrof toss.Bamwer shait B�P�PE nooice ta the�carrier and .
<br /> Leade� I.akkr n�ay make pruof of toss if nat m�de pcomPtlY bY Bo�rOwer.
<br /> . . Unkss C,ader and Barower atherwis�e agree en wri6ag,:nsuiaac�e proceed�sh�It be appliod w iestoration ur repair of
<br /> _ t�es propestY datn�8ed.i�the nest�ar rr�tir is aanomically feas�'bte and f.eader's securiry is aat lessened. If the �
<br /> restoration or tepair is ont ecanomieaUy feasi'ble or Lsader's security woWd be lesscned,the insnYarice p�oceeds sba116e .
<br /> �pplied to the s�uos secund by this Se�rity insuum4pt,whether or aot then due,with any excess paid to Borrower.•,If
<br /> Barower abandaas the Property.or daes not answer within 30 days a notice from i.ender that the insvru�ce canier fias
<br /> offe�ed to xult:.ctaim.then Lender may cotloct the insutaace ptocads• Lender may use the proceeds to repair ar�estoce
<br />__ . tbe pmperty or to pay sum�stctued by this Sauiity Inst�mtn�wbether ar aot then due. Tt�e 3Q-day peciod will begin when � `_ - -
<br /> ` tbe notice is givea. ` ' ' —
<br />--- - � Urtksc Leoder and Baanwer otlu�wise agrae in writing.any application of pmceeds to principal shaIi not exund or
<br /> 1Gi
<br /> P�P�ihc due date of d�e montfilY CxiY�nts refwied to in paragraphs 1 andr 2 or chauge the aa�ount of the payments. If
<br /> - ander paragaph 21 t6e Propetty is acquired by Lender.Bamwer's right to aay insurance policies aad proceeds eesulting
<br /> - _ fiam d�mage to the PmpertY Pnor w the xquisiaon shall�pass to Lender ta the extent of itx soms secutod hy this Security --�-
<br /> � lnstnnaent immediately prior to the acquisitioa.. . - _
<br />-�: 6: OccYp�ocy, Pneserv�tbn. M�ietensncs snd P�sotsction ot the ProperEJ, Borrower� l.aaa Appl�oa, �
<br /> :: Leue6oWs. Horrawer shall accupy.establish.and asc the Property as Borrower�priaeip�l xgsidaxe within sixty days after �__ v
<br /> r�` , �:::°°-
<br /> - tbe eaa:utiae of this 5ecurity Insuument and shaA cominue to occupy the Psoperty as Borrower's p�iacipal residence for at �u�___
<br /> kast one yrar after the due of occupar�cy,_unless Len�er otherw�se agnees in wir3ng, v�rhisfi consent sUall not 6e _ . R- _
<br /> aaneasonabty witht�etd.or unless extenuating cucumctaaces eaist which an bepand Bomnwer's cuntrol. Borrower shaU not � :'-
<br /> 8estruX.dsunaBe or impair tlte Ptoperty.aliow the P�operty to deteriorate.or commit waste on the ProQetty. Brnrower.sba11 �'�..--
<br /> ��.
<br /> --- - �,'!ie ui default if any fafeitun action os procading,wbetlxr civ�or criminat:is begvn sha�'sn i.endcrk gaa!faith jtWgaunt._ . - ��
<br /> o�qld �esolt in forfeitwt of the Ptopercy or�env�se materially impair the lien creatcd by this Security in.mtm�ent ar . �.�:.
<br /> . . �E�ei�der'�security interes� Borrower may cure such a default aad reinstat�as pravided in ParaBraPh!8.by causu�g the actian :��>
<br /> -."l:: .ogproaeding to be dismissecf with a rulIng tha�in Lender's goad faith c�etemiina6on,precludes forfeiture of the Bormwer's �.�•''�.'=;• _
<br /> ' ��:i ' . � iflterest in the Pto or otber inatenal�mpairment of the tien'created by th4s Security Instrumem or l.ender's securiry �.•,�i. �
<br /> ` intetest. Borrow s�lmll also be in default if Borrower, during the luan applicati�n process, gave materially false or µ ;��
<br /> inaccuiate information or statements to Lender(or failed to providc l.ender with any�a�erial informauon)in connection with ,,;-'r r�-----
<br /> tiy.-��'s��.`.,�.
<br /> the loan evidenced by the Note. including, but noe limited w, repnesentations conceming Borrower's occupa�scy of the ,�,. . _
<br /> s.� Prapetty as a principal residence. If this Secnrity Instrument is on a leasehold,Borrower shaU comply with all the provisions *;: `: .._.�.
<br /> ``." �the lease. IF Borrower acquires fee tide to the Property.the leasehald and the fee tide shall not S� �-
<br /> _ merge untess Lender a ; �,;��:.
<br /> '�, ' t��.5e mergerin ariting.
<br /> � �. 7. Protection of I.ender's RigMts in the Property. lf Borrower fails to perform the wvenants and agreemeats �;�"'�° :
<br /> ,. T.-
<br /> � cai�tauned in this Security Insuumen� or�is a legal proceediag that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the _,��Y:
<br /> P'roperry(such as a proce�ng in b�uptcy,probate.for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regutatics�s).thea ""'= � -`
<br /> � Leqder map da and pay for whatever is ner�csary to protect the value of the Praperty and L.ender's rights in the PtoPertY• �_ r _
<br /> . _ t.ertder's acuons may inctude paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security lnstrumen�appearing .. � -_
<br /> - i�t court.paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Abhoug6 Lender may take action . . -
<br /> under this patagraph 7.I.ender does not have to do so. � "
<br /> ,� �� =�' F� My amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional de6t of Borrower secured by this •`'*
<br /> _ ��, Securiry Instcumen� Unless Borrower and Lender agree ta ather terms of payment.these amounts shall bear interest from the � .
<br /> � , date of disbu�sement at the Note rate and shall be payable.with interest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting :
<br /> , , • � payment. �'_
<br /> �'� . S. Mottgage tnsuraeee. .!f Lender requirecl mortgage in.curance�s a condition of making the toan secured by this
<br /> z : S�curity Instrument.Borrower shall pay the premiums requued to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If.for any , -, _=
<br /> � °•' n.ason, the mangase insurance coverage required by i.ender tapses or ceases to be in etfect. Bonower shalt pay the . .
<br /> •r,, premiums reqt�ired to obtain coverage substantiaUy equivatent to the martgage insurance previously in effect. at a wst ,. �
<br /> .. .. { �4: su6stantialiy equivalent to the cost to Borrower of thc mortgage insurartce previously in effect,from an altemate mortgage . _
<br /> insurer approved by Lender. If substantia]Iy equivalent martgage Insurance cavera�e u not availabte.Borrawcr shall pay to =
<br /> ,r- Lender pch month a sum equal to one-twelfih"of the yeasly mortgage insurancc pmmium being paid by Boaower whea the � -
<br /> �,-_�.
<br /> � insurance coverage lapsed orae�ased to be in efFect. L�,mder will arcept,use and retain these payments as a lass reserve in lleu f;, ,•; "'. _
<br /> � �� of mortgage insur�nce. Loss reserve payments may no tonger be rec{uired.at the option af Lender.if mortgage insurance ,� , -
<br />•� . ,� ��,: ._ coverage t�n the amount and far the penod Ihat Lender reyuires)pravided by an insurer approvccf by Lender agsun becomes •�
<br /> . availabtc and is obtained.Borcowcr shatl pay thc premiums reyuired ta muintain mort�e msuranae m effect,or to provide a
<br /> � ` �- r usrement for mort a e insurance ends in accordance with�ny wntten agreement between Barrowet �,• ,. .
<br /> . „���.' �t tass reserve.unal the eq S S
<br /> ' ` �r.•=:?� '' a.nd Lender or applicabte taw. � �'
<br /> � �•:�`•. V"
<br /> � �����--'��'� 9 las No». Lender or itc agcnt may make ma�onable cntrics upon:snd inspectians of the Property..l.ender shall �
<br /> ..j'r�.•; ._.. . �
<br /> • .�,...;;,.�:.�:.,. pive Borrower notice at the time of or prior to nn inspec[ion specifying reasonable cause for thc inspection. t
<br /> +, r*:.� - IO Ca�demnatton. 'f7�e praceeds af any award or ctu"sm far damages.disecc�r consequeni�i,in coaneetior._.::�►�y - �- .
<br /> ',. ' '. - - ---
<br /> - . . ��•, :, �
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<br /> �ti 4.,• ', Crcat tntes Bo�latsq f'atm+.lnc.�
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