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<br /> .. � < . �'roaEtl�R wri�,au�Ue i�npe�vee�s noM,o��eiected`a��ue.pa�erty.and all e�anares.�S.. . -
<br /> ` �` aod fixdRS aq�or beeeatt�r a P���ProP��'�Y. A1t�.���utd additiotts al�aal!slso 6e coveted by tlds Secutity , .
<br /> r. I�stnuaeot Atl of the farcgc�e6 is teferred w in this Secudty L�sttument as the"Pmperty." . � .
<br /> � SORROWE[t COYENAI�PFS td�t Bortuwer�s IawfLlty xised uf the estate Uec�eby conveyed and tus the right w grant
<br /> , . �d ca►vey�be pro�eny�nd ihat tiie ptopecty i�Nr�encu�n6ec�,exc�t for encumb�anoes of.rccad Borrowcr warranu an�
<br /> � will defend gerfer�ily the titk to the Pt�cpnty against all daims and dem�ads.subject w any encumbraucea of record. .
<br /> �' THIS SFsCIJRrPY INS'1'RiJMENT combines uaifam oovenants for natioaal usa and nua-unifQrm �ovenarus witb
<br /> ;- . - ..- �flpltCd.vEiiati0A5 by jU�iSdiaiOB IO COtlStitU[C A WIif0�R1 S�dCUtit�t inc � nt covetillg tCal prupec[y.., ,
<br /> lJ1�tIFdRM COVENMiTS.'Boaowa aad I:ender covea�nt su�d agcee as follows: •
<br /> 1. A��t d Pri�dpN a�d LterW;Prrpq�eat a�d Late Cl�r�es. Borrower shaYl promptlY P�Y when due the
<br /> pcineipal of�od inteiest on the debt evidencod by the Noce and anY P�'�PaYment and late charges due under the Note.
<br /> Z. Fi�da ke Tues aM I�a■eG Subject,to applicabte law or to�ariiten waiver by Lender.Boaower shatl pay to
<br /> '. � . L.mder on the daY montdtY l�Y�a�due�urder tf�e Note,until the Note is paid in fuli.a sum<"Funds"�for.(a)yeuly
<br /> taxes�ad usessrt�ents wfich mry atpm prioriry over this Sxuriry tnstrument as a lien on the Pmpaty:tb)YearlY:lasehotd
<br /> � -MY�a��un the Pioperty. if any;(c) yeuly ha�d or pc�peny insuiance.pemiums; td)Year1Y flood
<br /> . inwtsnce pretniwns,if�ny.(e)Y�Y�&�S��P�lums,if�ny; aod (�aaY��PaY� �Y B�wer to
<br /> Ixnde�.in x¢adance w1Hh the�provisions of Paragr�h S,in lieu of the plyment of mortgage insurance prcmiums. 'i'hese
<br /> � iums u+e c�ited"Esciaw Items." E�ender may,at any timc.coAect aad lald Ru�ds�K an amaunt not to eaceed tHe maximum
<br /> � � amnu�a knder for a federaily teiated mortgage lauti may rcquire for Borrower's escrow accamt w�der.ttu federa!Kpl
<br /> ,Est�te Settkrt�ent Procednies Act of I�Y74 as amettded from dme tu wae,i2 U.S.C.$2601 et seq:("RESPA").untess another
<br /> � law d�at applies to ihe F�nds sets a tesser unoun� If so.Lender msy.at any tune,wilect and lrold Funds in an�nwnt not to
<br /> � eaceed tbe ksser amoun� l.ender may estimate the anwunt of£vnds due on dte basis of cumat data and nasonabk --
<br /> - estimues of expenditures of fuRUe Esc�ow Itt�ns or dt�erwise in accoMance with app�pble law. � � __-
<br /> TNe Ftinds s1aU be heW in an instrtution wlase depasits are in.wned 6y a federal agency.i�saumentality,or eutity�
<br /> - -- - ---= (incWdiag Letxter,if I.arfer is sacb�instittition)a in anY Federal Hoa�e Lous B�k. Lender shall zppiy the Funds w pay —
<br /> - the Fscrow Iumg..Leader may aot charge Borrower for holding and applying ihe Flunds.armw'►iIy anaiyzing-dye escrow '�__ -
<br /> _- - accamt,ar verifying the Fscnnw Items,unless Lender pa}r�Barmwer inte�est on the Funds and apQlicable law permits --_
<br />- � I.ender to make susb a charge. Howev�Lender may requue Borrawet to pay a ork-rirne charge for an independent real �,�;r_
<br /> estate tax reporting secvice used by Lender in connection with t63s loan.unless plicable law vides othe�wise. Unless an �'`�
<br /> _ ap Pro ��i-�-_�
<br /> a�nt is made or applicable law requires interest to be paid:Lender sfiall not be required ta pay Bormwer any mterest or ;1^�i„�;
<br /> .' eamings an the Funds. Batower and l.ender may agree in wriung,however,tUat interest shall bepaz d on the I�nds. Lender ,� ,
<br /> �� , shaU g'ive w Bomnwer.without charge.an annaal accounting of tl�e�nd.s.showing credits and ctzbits to the Funds and the� _ �' .�
<br /> p�upose for which each debit to the Fimds was made: The Funds are pledged as additional security for afl sums secured by ..�w.:
<br /> . : this Security Insuument. �, .
<br /> � ��::�:
<br /> ` If the Fvnds held by Lender exceeci the amounts permitted to be held by applirable law,I.ender shall accow�t to �"�='�-
<br />- ' Bo�rower for the excess Fands in accordance with the requiremems of applipble iaw. If the a�mount of tlte Funds Aeld by - -
<br />� ;'' ' I Lender at any time is not safficieat to pay the E.gcrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Bomnwer in writing,and,in. �_;:-:.�.
<br />:`1:`� � such case Borrower shall pay to l.ender itie amount neressary m malce up the deficiency. Borrawe�shall maYe up the =�'
<br /> , -,. , delicieacy in no more than twetve monthlY payments.at Lender's sote discretioa . �
<br /> :� � Upon payment in full of all sams secuted by this Security Instrument,I.ender shaU pcomptlY refund to Borrower aay ���1.�:
<br /> ' �'' '�' i
<br /> FLnds held by Lender. i�under paragaph 21,Lcnder shall acquire or sell the Properiy.Lender,prior to the acquisition or -,�'�`,-;`�: __
<br /> sate of the shall a 1 an Funds hetd by Lendcr at the time of uisitian or sate as a credit a t the sums ��`' "
<br /> ��, PP Y Y �l � .�=,r°`:� :'._
<br /> ' ' secured by this Secmity lnstrument. ,.
<br /> �;- � 3. Application ot P�yments. Unless appliqble taw provides otherwise,all payments receiveQ by l.endcr nnder . __
<br /> � paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note;second.to amounts payable undet =
<br /> • _.' � paragsaph 2;third.to interest dne:fourih,to principal due:and last.to any late charges due under the Note. .: �.
<br /> 4, Clu�raes; Lieea Borrower shall pay all taxes.assessments.charges.fines and imposiaans amibutable to thc � . � ;� _
<br /> Propetty which mag a�ain priority over this Securiry Insuument,and tcasehotd payments ar ground rents,lf any. Barrower __,- ,`�
<br /> �� shall pay these oblig�ons in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not pa�d in that manner,Borrower shall pay them on '�'�:�%:__
<br /> time d�ectly to the person awed paymen� Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all norices of amounts to be paid undet , ,
<br /> . �:• this p�ragaph. If Borrower makxs these payments direcdy,Bonower shall prompdy fumIISh to Lender receipts evldencing . � .
<br /> ' ���-� the payments. . . ,:.• '=
<br />- � • ,`�f Borrower shsill promptly discharge any lieri which has prioriry over this Security Instrument unless Barrower:(a)agrees ,.� .. .:
<br /> in wrlting to the payment of the obligation secnred by the�lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good faith the �t»;�,.�;:;�-
<br />" • � _�: � 11en by,or defends against enforcement of the licn in,tegal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to pnwent the . ;�,:;.,
<br /> ;•_ � enfarcement of the llen;or(c)sGcures fram the holder of the lien an ageement satisfactory to I.ender subordinating the lien � "?3,'•�=
<br /> _. � to ttris Security lnswmenG if l.ender determines that any part of the Froperty is subject to a lien which may attain priority . , ,- _
<br /> :•. � over titis 5ecwlry lnstrument.Lender may give Boirower a notice identlfying the lien. Borrower shall satlsfy the lien or take .
<br /> . �f=' � . o�e or more oY the aetions set forth above within lU days of the giving oP notice. ' _
<br /> ,� S. H�rd or Propeety Irtsursmca Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing ot hereafter erected on the . ,
<br />' .. Property insured against loss by f1re.haaards lncluded within the term"catended coverage"and any ofher hazards.9ncluding .
<br /> ftopds or flooding.for whicb Lender requires insurance. This inwrance shall be maintained in the ae�ounts and for the `
<br /> ' .z . ' „ '-,�
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