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<br /> _ �`��s�s��� .� . . _ _.. _ ,- ..-- - , , .- _ _ 4--. . < < 92--- 1�Qt --- :����
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<br /> . . =pa;odc�Lenae�Rwaa- 'tUt��w°r'di"s'6�'m�a��.ri be d�n fiy Ba�a�s�w r;,aiaerk � .
<br /> ' � . app��w�1 w�hrch sb�ll not 6e nQ�easaaabtY wid�eld. If 8arower fWs ta maintsia oove�age descn'b�d abc�ve.Lsnder msy.s r
<br /> . � imdec•s optron.ohfain caras�e�°P�'��$riYHs in tlre PtnpertY u�aoc���P�S�?'
<br /> Ali iastv�nce Polx�es and mKwa{s sbdl be sn�ept�bk to l�ender md shdl incl�e s sdrdud moR$aae c1�se- � ,
<br /> 'shalll�►vc the riEht tn ijol�d�e pdicies aM teneNrals. If L�ender raWi�s.Bamwer shaU prompRl9 8�ve to t.eader�11�eceiprs . • .
<br /> ������,al�naices. (u t6cevent of Wss,Barrower shatI gire pmmpt nodce to tt�e�caaiec and. '
<br /> • L,ender. lender msy mal�e pmof o�loss if not made pramptlY bY Barower.
<br /> Unkss L�ender aod Bamwer adnrwise ygroe in vim"tieg.inwrance p�oceeds slsall be aPPI'xd to�a iep�ir of .
<br /> �f thF trstowtioa ot repur �s econo�-n�IIY feasib[e and Lender's secu�ity is not Ie.ssened. ,If tl�e ,
<br /> �. - the YiopstlY��*� feasible'ar txnder�s�ih►woaid be 1e.��e ins�uaace procoods s1�116e=
<br /> �tp�tian or nepais is nol�ecoaomicaIIY. , .
<br /> � spgiied w the smns secured by this Security Insuutne�t•wl�i�or aot then due.with any eacess patd to-Bamwer• .1f
<br /> °Boimwer ab�ndoas tbe Prap�tY•or�as not answtr arithin 3(!days a natice fcom Itnder tlu�t thc'u�suran� «�store
<br /> uffeaea w sente a claim.�hen t�ender mry couece the ins�c�pm�� t�may°se e6e piviceeas tepair
<br /> the�npettY ar to pry sums secutrd by this SecutitY In�ument.wfiether or nat thm duG The 34daY periad will,begut whe° -
<br /> - � the notice is given.- �atioa af to ptincipai sha41 twt exus�d oc
<br /> Unfas I.eades�d Bamwa athe�wise agree in vrriting..any appC �
<br /> postpnne,ih�due dat�of the nan�hty p�yme�xs net'enod w in peragiaphs 1 and 2 ar chaogc�,�a�f�Y�W 8
<br /> a�er paragr�ph 21 tUe Ptape�tY is�oquired by Letder.Borrower's�ight m any insu�nce po
<br /> fmai damage to the Fioperty Pricx t°t h e ac�N i s i t i o n s h a i l p a�to Leada to the eatetrt.of the sums sec�ned by this Socurit3►
<br /> fastrument immodiately pnar to the acquisitian. er's Lo� AppHcstioo:
<br /> f. O�cNpw�c7+ �OO+ Maieteosact and PeotMion ot t6e PrapeKy+ B°�°�
<br />--- L�eiold�. Sarower shall occupy.establish,aad use the Ptoperty as Borrower's pmKapal residence witirin si�ety days after
<br />-_ — tbe as Boaower s principal nsidenoe for at
<br /> - . the exacutiai of ihis Savriry Insavment and sl�alt cantinue to ocsaPY �°P��.writingt wi�ich cauent s1�aU aot. be
<br /> =- le�t one Yar after the date of occupau�.y,,unkss Lender ott�enxise agtees B�wer�s cqntmi. Dormwer slsatl not
<br />_= tuur,acaaaMy vvidJuld,a unkss extenuating�ucumstances exisc which ac+e 6eyead
<br />- ' dapny�dunagt or impair the P�roper�Y.allow the PrnPertY to deteriorate.ar�nismit waste oa the Propeity. Bo�sower shai!
<br /> be�defauit if any forfcipue act3aa a PmcadinS,whethec civII or criminal.is be8�!�in Lender's goad faith judgment _
<br /> - caald result ia forfeitune of the Pt�upeity or otherwise materia119 iml�air the lien c�tTiis�ectiriry I�roment� --
<br /> 18. causing the action
<br /> Lender�s security inte�est. Horrower may cure such a defauliand reinstate,as pmvided in 1Pua�rfeitw�ie of the Borrower's ' , ,�� ,_-__
<br /> ` uc pmceoding to 6e dismissed witf►a culing that.in Lender�good faith detecmination.Pree nt or Leader�s sec�nity ' �_�--
<br /> ._ intaest In Me Pmpetty at other material impaimrcat of the fiea c�a1 by this SecuritY Ins�me �a;v_
<br /> intecest. Bormwer sha11 also bc �n d�fault if Bormwer. during the loaa applipdori pr�cess. gave materialty iatse or .��;_;:_-
<br /> pr ce
<br /> ..r��
<br /> inaausat�informatian or statements to Lender(ar failed to pmvide Lender with any materia!infom�auon)in connecuoa aish �.�.'____
<br /> the loan evidenced hy the Note.inciading.but not timited to. riePt+esentatioas wncetning Banvwer's occupancy of:ahe ���__�
<br /> property as a principal res�dence, if this Security Inmument is on a leasehold.BorFower shall comgly with all the prov�siuns �:-<._
<br /> �Yi'_
<br /> of the lease. if Bomawer acquires fee titte to the PropereY.the�easehold and ths fee titte shall not merge unless Le�tder agRes . �.,.:.
<br /> �_--=--
<br />>-== to the merger in writing. —_`
<br /> 7. Protection at l.ender's W�hts in the PropMY ff Barrower fails to perfam the cove�nants.and agreemeii�
<br /> cantained in this Sa�uriry Instrument,or there is a legal pcocceding that may significantly affect L.ender�rights in�Ce �-�_
<br /> pr+nparty Esuch as a proceeding in banluuPtcY•P�te.for condemnation or forfeiture or to enfocce laws or tegulations),t�► v�--•-�
<br /> Leader mar do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Propert}. ��-�:�;��-
<br /> � Lender's actions may include payin8�u►Y sums secured by a lien which ha5 priority over this Security[nsuumen�aPPearinS .-:,;.�_�, ; -
<br /> in court,paying reasonable attomeys'fecs and entering on the Property to make tepaits.Although l.ender.may talce aetion .
<br /> • under this paragraph 7,l.ender dces not have to do so. °.``�=-_°
<br /> � Any amounu disbursed by l.ender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional c�.bt of Boaower secured b}-tlus
<br /> � '�•�� Security lnstrument. Unless Borrower and l.ender agree to other teans of payment.these amounu shall bear interest from the __
<br /> T �-. _
<br />- �JY. Aate of disbursement at the Note rate and shat!6e payable.witb interest,upon notice from l.ender to Bar�wer requesting __ _
<br /> �• "� paymen� - :�---
<br /> S. Martgage Insuranca If Lender required mortsage insurance av a condifiaa of making the Ioan secured by this '�� ,: �,_=-
<br /> �.:.�', Seassity Instrument.Borrawer�pay the premiums reqaired to maintaitt the mortgagv insurance in effec� If.for any �;,.: ;:;=
<br /> . reasos�; tbe mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ccases to be m effect, Bormwcr shull pay the _ _
<br /> ;, .; premiums required co obtain coversge substantially cyuivatent to the martgage insurastce previously in effect,at a cost _-
<br /> • r •` substantially eque�alent to the cost ta Borrower af the mortgage insurance�:eviously in eff�ct.trom an altemate moRgage _
<br /> ins�.�r approved by Lender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insurartce�vcrage is nat available.Bortower shall pay to ;�., _
<br /> •,�.`:; I.�3�z each manth a sum equal to one-tweli'th of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Barrower when the .�'','��:--
<br /> � ins�e eovernge lApsed or ceased tn be in e f fect. L e n der ai ti a c c e p t.u s e a n d r e t a i n t h e s e p a y m e n�a a s n l oss rcserve in lieu
<br /> ' ' of martgagc insurance. La�s reserve payment-�may no lor.��..�be rcyuired,at�he aption o f L e n der.i f m a my;age insurance �•o}p�___
<br /> -: • coverage(in the amount and for the periad thzt i.ender cequices)providcd by an inturer approved byr Lender agatn becomes �+ "��,-;__
<br /> available and is abtnined.Borrower shall pay t�:�remiums reyuired to malatam martgage insurance in effeet,or to prwide a
<br /> ' lass reserve.until the reyuirement for mongage insurancc cnds m acrordance with any watten agreeme�n between Borrower
<br /> ' a�d➢;ender or applicable taw. • ;'r '
<br />' ; _•f`�;,:y.j? �1. Inspection. Lender o=its ngent may make rcasona3le entries upan and inspeca���s af the Property. l.ender shall ;
<br /> � �.��,!",.":.,.. . give Borrower notice at Ihe tim�of or privr ta an inspection tipecifying reaxnnuble cause foT the inspection. '�';;���
<br /> - - _- - --�.,T=c=--- � . 10 Condemaation.-'!he praceedv Af nn}s�wnrd or cl:�im fur d�unagey,dircct or con,eyuential,in connection with:iny _ , '
<br /> t . , :. . . .. ...
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