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2 �1�U2799 <br />are applicable to the coverage of the P� <br />Property or to pay amounts unpaid un <br />6. Occupancy. Borrower sha] <br />within 60 days after the execution of th <br />principal residence for at least one yea� <br />consent shall not be unreasonably witt <br />controL <br />7. Preservation, MaintenancF <br />damage or impair the Property, allow <br />Borrower is residing in the Property, <br />deteriorating or decreasing in value du <br />restoration is not economically feasib <br />deterioration or damage. If insurance i <br />of, the Property, Borrower shall be rE <br />proceeds for such purposes. Lender r <br />a series of progress payments as the w� <br />to repair or restore the Property, Borrc <br />or restoration. <br />Lender or its agent may make rea <br />Lender may inspect the interior of the <br />of or prior to such an interior inspecti <br />8. Borrower's Loan Applica <br />Borrower or any persons or entities ac1 <br />materially false, misleading, or inacc <br />material information) in connection <br />representations concerning Borrower' <br />9. Protection of Lender's Int <br />Borrower fails to perform the covena <br />proceeding that might significantly affi <br />(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, <br />attain priority over this Security Instr <br />Property, then Lender may do and pa <br />Property and rights under this Securit <br />and securing and/or repairing the Pro� <br />secured by a lien which has priority o <br />attorneys' fees to protect its interest in <br />position in a bankruptcy proceeding. <br />make repairs, change locks, replace o <br />other code violations or dangerous co� <br />under this Section 9, Lender does not <br />Lender incurs no liability for not taki <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lend� <br />Security Instrument. These amounts <br />payable, with such interest, upon not. <br />If this Security Instrument is a <br />Borrower shall not surrender the leaset <br />Borrower sha11 not, without the exp� <br />acquires fee title to the Property, the <br />in writing. <br />10. Mortgage Insurance. If Le <br />sha11 pay the premiums required to i <br />Insurance coverage required by Lende <br />insurance and Borrower was requirec <br />Insurance, Borrower shall pay the pr <br />Insurance previously in effect, at a cc <br />previously in effect, from an alternat <br />Insurance coverage is not available, B <br />payments that were due when the insi <br />payments as a non-refundable loss res <br />notwithstanding the fact that the Loan <br />interest or earnings on such loss reser <br />coverage (in the amount and for the <br />becomes available, is obtained, anc <br />Mortgage Insurance. If Lender requ <br />required to make separately designatf <br />the premiums required to maintain N <br />Lender's requirement for Mortgage I; <br />operty. Lender may use t] <br />ier the Note or this Securi <br />l occupy, establish, and t <br />is Security Instrument and <br />after the date of occupanc, <br />held, or unless extenuatin� <br />and Protection of the Pr pe <br />he Property to deteriorate or i <br />3orrower shall maintain t e P <br />; to its condition. Unless t is <br />e, Borrower sha11 prompt y n <br />r condemnation proceeds e � <br />�ponsible for repairing or rest <br />ay disburse proceeds for t e r <br />rk is completed. If the ins ra� <br />wer is not relieved of Borr we <br />onable entries upon and in: <br />improvements on the Prop <br />�n specifying such reason� <br />tion. Borrower sha11 be i <br />ing at the direction of Borr� <br />�rate information or stater. <br />�vith the Loan. Material <br />� occupancy of the Propert <br />:rest in the Property and <br />�ts and agreements contai� <br />ct Lender's interest in the F <br />>robate, for condemnation <br />unent or to enforce laws c <br />+ for whatever is reasonab: <br />� Instrument, including pr� <br />�rty. Lender's actions can <br />�er this Security Instrumen <br />the Property and/or rights i <br />Securing the Property incl <br />- board up doors and wind <br />�ditions, and have utilities <br />iave to do so and is not un� <br />ig any or a11 actions autho <br />r under this Section 9 shall <br />sha11 bear interest at the N <br />ce from Lender to Borrow <br />n a leasehold, Borrower : <br />old estate and interests heri <br />ess written consent of Len <br />easehold and the fee title <br />rance proceeds either to repair or restore the <br />ument, whether or not then due. <br />Property as Borrower's principal residence <br />mtinue to occupy the Property as Borrower's <br />>s Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which <br />nstances exist which are beyond Borrower's <br />y; Inspections. Borrower sha11 not destroy, <br />mmit waste on the Property. Whether or not <br />�perty in order to prevent the Property from <br />�ternuned pursuant to Section 5 that repair or <br />air the Property if damaged to a�oid further <br />d in connection with damage to, or the taking <br />•ing the Property only if Lender has released <br />�airs and restoration in a single payment or in <br />e or condemnation proceeds are not sufficient <br />s obligation for the completion of such repair <br />�ns of the Property. If it has reasonable cause, <br />Lender shall give Borrower notice at the time <br />as <br />or <br />; (b <br />ault if, during the Loan application process, <br />�r with Borrower' s knowledge or consent gave <br />to Lender (or failed to provide Lender with <br />;sentations include, but are not limited to, <br />3orrower's principal residence. <br />its Under this Security Instrument. If (a) <br />i this Security Instrument, (b) there is a legal <br />ty and/or rights under this Security Instrument <br />rfeiture, for enforcement of a lien which may <br />ulations), or (c) Borrower has abandoned the <br />�ppropriate to protect Lender's interest in the <br />ig and/or assessing the value of the Property, <br />3e, but are not limited to: (a) paying any sums <br />appearing in court; and (c) paying reasonable <br />this Security Instrument, including its secured <br />but is not limited to, entering the Property to <br />drain water from pipes, eliminate building or <br />1 on or off. Although Lender may take action <br />y duty or obligation to do so. It is agreed that <br />under this Section 9. <br />ne additional debt of Borrower secured by this <br />ite from the date of disbursement and sha11 be <br />•e uesting payment. <br />1 omply with all the provisions of the lease. <br />� nveyed or ternunate or cancel the ground lease. <br />, ter or amend the ground lease. If Borrower <br />ll not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger <br />ider required Mortgage In uran <br />iaintain the Mortgage Ins ran� <br />• ceases to be available fro the <br />to make separately desig ated <br />miums required to obtain cove <br />st substantially equivalent to tl <br />i mortgage insurer selecte by <br />rrrower shall continue to p y to <br />rance coverage ceased to b in � <br />�rve in lieu of Mortgage I ura� <br />is ultimately paid in full, d L <br />�e. Lender can no longer r qui: <br />�eriod that Lender require ) pn <br />Lender requires separate y d� <br />red Mortgage Insurance a a cc <br />3 payments toward the pre 'i.0 <br />ortgage Insurance in effec , or <br />surance ends in accordanc wit <br />Y �" '� <br />NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fannie M <br />Form 3028 1 /01 <br />Mac UNIFORM INSTR <br />Page 6 of 1 1 <br />; as a condition of making the Loan, Borrower <br />in effect. If, for any reason, the Mortgage <br />�ortgage insurer that previously provided such <br />�ayments toward the premiums for Mortgage <br />�ge substantially equivalent to the Mortgage <br />cost to Borrower of the Mortgage Insurance <br />ender. If substantially equivalent Mortgage <br />snder the amount of the separately designated <br />fect. Lender will accept, use and retain these <br />e. Such loss reserve sha11 be non-refundable, <br />ider shall not be required to pay Borrower any <br />loss reserve payments if Mortgage Insurance <br />�ided by an insurer selected by Lender again <br />ignated payments toward the premiums for <br />dition of making the Loan and Borrower was <br />� for Mortgage Insurance, Borrower sha11 pay <br />� provide a non-refundable loss reserve, until <br />any written agreement between Borrower and <br />vocMegrlc eG��i <br />www. docmagic, com <br /> <br />