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<br /> �. � ��(!�E ji�f►�plY�OClfy fOf t�G1�LSpIGDkNj�QE S�{C Of 1bC�y Q����O�Ei�E�tR 1�IIS
<br /> ' Sec�ity L�sb�cr N)�atrY of a�eafoe�ciog this SecvcitY Ia�m��. 7bdee caditiaas arc dW Bonower: (a) . ,
<br /> ! ` p�yr I.en�er al!smns wNcb 16dt rrould be dne uuder.dus SaaQit!► Insvur�xnt and�e Nate u if ao acoeiauian�d
<br /> f 'aocvrted:@)aa�s any defaWt of any other covrnants or a�emeatx(c)FaYs all expenses incurred in enfo�cing t6is Sauiiry . .
<br /> � � In�ct�e�.including.bui not i'united to.cea.wt�bte attcwneys'fees:aod(d}4ik+es such�ctian as�l.ender iwy nason�blY'
<br /> requi�e w�ssure that,tl�e lien of this SecaritY In�+Lender's rig6ts in the Ptape4ty�ad$ortovaer's obligatton to paY the
<br /> i sams stcfined bY dds,S�itS►-ta�nu� ah�ll cantinne tmclunged. Upon reu�staument by Bomnwtr, this Securiry
<br /> � � I�aneM aod the obbgattaas sec�red 6erebY s�U remaia fuliy effectiYe as if no accsleratian i�ad accurred. Howeves.this ,
<br /> � _ iight m neie�ttie��wt appiy�t ffier�ase of ao�under pa�agcap617. . � .
<br /> ; `. 1!.S�le d Nde;�-7!!!�d LaMa Sa�icer. 71rc Ntxe a a pntial ir►ter+est in the Nofe(togethes witl►�his Sociuity •,
<br /> � � L�tcument)uay be sMd aoe or mae tuaes witLout p�[iar ooace w Bormwer. A sate may t�e.wlt in a chu��ge ia the entity .
<br /> I (irnown�s the"Lflan 5enricer")ti�t coI[aKs ma�thlY WY�due under the Nate�d this Security Insottunen� TAec�e atso
<br /> may be oac or mare clw�ges of the Laon Se�vicu im�eiated to a s�te of the Nate. [f ttxre is a changa of Wc l.oau Servicer, _
<br /> B�xmwec w�l be giren writ�noti�x�of the ch�nge in accold�ce with p�ragtaph 14 above aad appliqbk iaw. The notice
<br /> wiII stue U�e�and add�ess,of the neW Lo�n Servicec and the addcess to which payments shauld 6e made. Tt�e notice will -
<br /> also cawin my otber Infom�tion tequaed by applicable istw. ; .
<br /> 21� Hasarda�s S�6�ees. Hacrower shall na causo or permit the presrnce,use.disPosat•sto�8e,or releace of ar.y
<br /> � }Iuacdous Substanoes an or in the PropMy. Bo�ower shaU twt do.nar 31bw aayane etse to do,anythirt8 affectiug tUe
<br /> �° Property tbu is in vioUtion of any Fnvironmrntal Iaw. T6e pnaxdin8 iwo sentences st�aU ued�to 6e ����
<br /> � staage an the RtopettY of small quantinea of�ta�rdous Substanas that a:+e generaUy ncaP,n �Na
<br /> � resideatia!uses a�d to maintenance of the Prape►ty.
<br /> Basrower shall p�omPtiY Bi�'e I,ender written notice of any investigation,claim.demand.lawsuit or otl�er action by any
<br /> govenmxntal or ngWatarY aBe�:Y�P�'�P�Y�'otving the Pmpercy and any Nazardous Substance or Eavironmental
<br /> � Law of which�arawa has actual lmowledg� If Boamver le�ms,or 4s notified iry any govemrt�ental ar nguta�taY
<br /> __ i wd�ocitY.t6at w�y cetnoval a otLec tanediatian of any Hazan�s Substance affecting the Property is necessa►y,Borrow�
<br /> i - ��pe�p�ytate aD�oessary renxdiat aciioas m scs'.a:;a.-;e'��ri��auirunsnental La�v.. .. —
<br /> _ ! ����.����:��So����defu�d asta�uc or hazatdou§s�ibstances'bY
<br /> �- . .F�vupnmental Law.�c►d the fol�aa;�ag substances: gasolisie,�ceefasene,cfther:�ab1e or toaie peaoteQm products;�io�cit
<br /> ase
<br />��C^.`. . ` . pesticides arW he�bicides,volarite soIveius,mate'�"rals cantaining ashesto�v�fasmaidehyd�and�oactive materials. As _
<br /> ,. � ..., used in this pdrragre�20,"Fl►vim»inental Law"�meaas federal laws and taws of the j�uisdiction where tiie�PiapenY is located
<br /> ' . tt�at relau to healdr.safety ar envi"rorimental protection ` '-
<br />= ` PTON-(JIViFQRM COVENANTS. Borrower and I.ender further covenaat and agree as foltows: ' _
<br />- 21.Aceeteratios:Remedks. Ledder s6aU give aonct to Borro�rer prior to acceleration fdlowin8 Borro�cer's _
<br /> bn�acb at aay covenant or agreemrnt b this 5ecurity Instraneent @at not prior to ao�leration under psu�grADh i� _
<br /> g (b)the sictioa reqaired to cure the
<br /> aak�s�pplkabk isw provides MherWlse). Tbe notice shall specify:.(al tbe detautt;
<br /> defsdt;(c)s dat�uot le�t6an 30 dsya trom t6e dste the notice is Slven to Borrowtr,by w6icb ti�e default must be
<br />::��� cared;a�d(d)tM�t tailure to care the defaul!on a�before the date specifkd ia t4e nottce rnsy cesult In accekratia�o�
<br /> tik ao�as secund by this Security Ingtrument and�k ot the Properly. 7'ke�otice sliall t�rther intorm Barro�rer a�
<br />- = the rl�t to reiNatste anes�caeleratioa and the r�ht to 6riag a coWrt action to as�ert the non-existence d A detauil oc
<br /> . say dher de�enx of Barro.rer tu accekrntian and sate.-If 1lie defAUit ts�wt cu�ed on or befae the date specifted in
<br /> , � tbe notke.l.e�Ae��t f�c optba msy requi�e ima�ediate pny�euat in[ull otatl sun�s Recured by ihi�Secuelty tngirumenE
<br /> � withaut further denand and nwY invake the powe�o�sak�nd any dher remedieq permitted by ypplicA6k bw
<br /> i.ender skall be entitkd to colkct all expenses iecurred in pur�ing Ihe �eme�fies p�ovbed Ie thts parAgrnpb ZI. —
<br /> iaci�din�.l�ut not limited ta rea.wHwble atta'neys'tees and costc ot t(tk evidence. —
<br /> If the pawer o/�le is invoked.Trustee�hatt recorA A notice ot Aefput/ie eacM cuunty in Whkh any part of the =
<br /> _� , property is IocateA and shall mail mpieg atsuch notke in the manner p�escribed by applicable law to Barrowe�and to �-
<br /> tIK oiber per�ons prescrlbed by applicabk taw Attee the time required by appUca6le Istw,Teustee shall sive publk _
<br /> � notloe dsak to the persons s�ad in the manner prescribed by applica6le law 'I�ustee,witAout dempmd on Borrawer, _
<br /> _ � shall sell the Ptoperty At public auctbn to the highest bidder at the time and place aed undee the terms designated in —
<br /> a! sak of ail or Am
<br /> the notice otsak in o�e or more parals and 7n any order'llrustee determines. Trasta nwy pastpone
<br /> paral of the Praperty by public announcement at the dme and piace oi aay prevbusty schedakd safe. Lender or its
<br /> ' � designee may purchase the Properly ut any sak. _
<br /> Upon recaipt ot payment ot thr peice bid,Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser 7lrustee's deed canveying the
<br /> - '' ` property. The reciials in the Trastee's deed shall be psima tacte evidence ot the trutd ot tse statements made therein. _
<br /> •, Tiustee ahall appiy tLe procerds of thesale in ihe foltowing orde�: (a1 to atl costs and expen.�of exerci�iag the power —
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