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<br /> ��.t t . . .� . . � . < - i . . ._ ` _
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<br /> ca�da�wtia�or od�iakie�e�a►y pas�the P�opartr:at fa cinnvey�noe in liae of cw�daruu�ian.ue Ae�ebY�ip�d+�
<br /> .. aIM{14e pad to l.ender. � , � , .
<br /> � h tht erait of a`tatal Wcin6 of die �iope�tg.tbe poocads sh�iF 6e sppiiad to the sums securod by this Sa�ityr
<br /> ��wwphec�ar mc tbee due.with anY exass paid to Borrowu. !n the event af a p�tial taking of die Pmpe�ty in .
<br /> wpich�ihc fair m�icet ralue of the Frop�erty immediacety befae tbe taYing is aqual i�o or gaua ilian the amount af the sums . .
<br /> secwed bg this SeCUn`ry Insuuree�imnxdiatety beforc the takiztg.ankss Hottower and Lender otturluise ag�et in�writing,
<br /> d�e s�rns�atured by this S�curity Insuument sh�lt b�nduced bY the artaum of she p�acads muldplie�by t(�e follpwin$ .
<br /> {�ioo; (g)the tota!amount of the sums savcsd immediately befove tl�e talcing.divided by lb)the farr n�vaine of tl�e . ,
<br /> •-- .-. : �-inmxdiaulglxfore,the_taking. An�:6xlance shatl6e l�aid to Batower. IR tl�e eveat of a putial taking of tlfe . _ -
<br /> Pivpetty ia which t6e f�ir rt�value of tbe Ptope�ty immediacely 6efae the taYing is less t�vt the�awunt of tAe sums ,
<br /> -� secuned iinn�ediatety bpfort the taldng,unkss Borrower and Ixnder dhenvise agra in writing or unkss applicabk law
<br /> otl�erwise pmvides.the proceeds si�a1I be appliod to the sums securcd by t6is Sa;urity inswment whet6erar not the sums�e •.
<br /> ttrcn due. . `
<br /> If t6e Prope�ty is�doaed by B6riowa.or i�after aotice by Lender to Bnrrower that the cau(emnor offers to make
<br /> � �n award ac settle�clwn for dart�ages.Barower fa�s to cespond to Lender within 30 days after the dace the naice�o�r ov�
<br /> �E.ender is au@rorized to colkct aad applY tl�e Ptqcads.at its opuon,eithec to n�storation or repair of the Ptaperty
<br /> sums securod by d�is Security insuurncn6 whaher or not tf�i due. �� - < <
<br /> • �Unkss Lender and Barowet otherwise a8roe in writing,any�application of pcoreeds to principa{shall not extend or
<br /> po�,tpone�t�e due date of tbe moathly payments nfe�d W in pardgraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> 11. Ha�ra�wer Not Rekaud: ForbearaMa B� l.esder Nat • Wsiver. Extension of the time far paymcnt or
<br /> — � madification of amoRizatioQ of tbe sums saaued by chis Security insaDmtat gcanted by Lender w any successor m�nterost
<br /> . of Borrower sl�afi noraperate to iekase the tia6ility of ihe origu�al Bor�ower or Borrowet's successors in interest.Lender '
<br /> _ shaU nae be ta coma�eoce pmooedin8s against any successa in interost or nefuse rn exoead time for payment or
<br /> • ott�erwwisc mod��of/Le sums secured by this 5a�urity In�trtuneot by nasa►of any demu�d made by the ariginai
<br /> SoaoVVer'a Boaower's successo�s in intenst. Any for6eazance by i.ender in eaercising any righ�or nmody shall not be a
<br /> -- ��iver of or ptectude the easeu�se of aay dg6t or nmedy. .
<br /> 1Z S�oea�ars�aN!�'wi��s Bodrd;Jai�t s�d 5everal Li�W1dY�Co�s�as-.'�'tte cov�aants amd ag��eeinaus of this ',
<br /> � :':Sechuity Inutwr�enf shait t�and benefic che successn�s ana assigns of f.erider�nd��orcower,suejoct ro ttre pip�visions of
<br /> pa�gr�ph.17�Bosrower�a covenants and agreeme�►ts shall tx joinc�s,.�rera}. Aay Barrower whn co-signs tlus Secumy' .
<br /> l�swmacic but�es not eaecute the Nac:.4a)is eo-sigaing this Sec�c,rr�?.�'ssxcument only tb martgaEge.grant and ectm+ey d�aR. ..:.
<br /> _ . .,_:,�.:�ower�s ince�s[in @,e rropetey mtdera�eurms of this Seeurity(s�'�.i�€: ro)�s�p�t�.o6r►s��[�X�� `... .
<br /> _ ..sei�u+ed(ig das Securiry Inmumen�and(c)agrees ehat Lender and�y m�t�er Borrowec may agree m extend,modify.forbear.
<br /> = . -oz"malce any accommodadoas with ngard.to the temu of this Sectirity Instrument or the Note without that BorrowerTs
<br /> - . . cbnsent. ;.... . : .. . . ; .
<br /> -- 13. t,00w4 Clu�r�. If the[nasa secured by this Security Insvument is subject w a taw wiush sets ma�cimum toan
<br /> -- Chatges,azd that law is finaRy mterpraced so that the interest ar other toan charges coIlected or to be collected in connection
<br /> with the loan cxeeed the permitted limiu,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be mduced by the amount necessary to reduce �
<br />- tbe charge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits wilt be
<br /> tefiinded to Borrower. Leader may choose ro make this r�efund by reducing the principa�owed urider the Note or by malcing a
<br /> _-- di�ect payrtKnt to Borrower. If a refund reduees principal.the reduction will be tireated as a pasial pnpayment without any
<br /> --- prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> - 14. Notices. any noticc to Borrawer provided for in this Security instrument shall bc given by delivering it ur by
<br />-= mailing it 6y first.class mail unless applicabte law requires use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the Property
<br />-�s•� Address ar any otl�er.address Barrawer designate.by natice to l.ender. Any notice to Lender shall be siven by�rst clasti
<br /> :;w mail to Lendet's addres��tated herein or Any other address Lender designaces by natice to Rorrower. Any notice pravided far
<br />-=�•,-.
<br />- _ in this Security lnstrument shall be deemed ta have been given ta Barrower or L.ender when given ac provided in this
<br />�: — ParagraPh•
<br /> --= 1S. Coverning tAw; &venbility. 71�is Security Instrument sha{! be govemed by fedeml law and the law af the
<br /> jurisdictiao in which the Property is lacated. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br />�-Y¢, conflicu with Applicable law.sucb conflict shall not affect ather provisians of this Security lrtstrument or the Note whicb can
<br /> ^-"' be given effect without the conflicting provisian. To this end the provivians of this Security lastrument and the Note uce
<br />-:� dectsued to be sc�rerable.
<br /> _ 16. Borro�ver's t;opy. Borrawer�hall be given one wnt'ormed copy of the Nnte and of thia Security Ir�swment.
<br /> Hs� 17. Trat�ter ot the Property or a Benetkial loterest in Borrowee If all ar any part of the Property or any int�est in
<br /> -_`� it is sold or transferted(or if a benefcial interest in Borrawer is sald or uansferrcd and Borrower is nnt a naturnl petson)
<br /> without Lender's prior written consem.l.ender may.at its eFption,reyuire immediate paymcnt in full of all xums secured by
<br /> _;�� this Securitg Instrumen� Hawever.this option shaU nat be exercised by Lender if exercisc ic prohibited by federa!law aq of
<br />` .;s� - - � �he date oftizsSecurity lnstrumen�.
<br />-= If Le�r exercises this option.l.ertder shpll give Borrower notice of uccelemtian. 7'he notice shall prwide a period of
<br />;'E not less dtan 30 days from the date ttte�otice is delivered or m:�ited within which Barrower mu�t pay all sums secuced by this
<br />_ = Securiry inswment. 1f Sazrower faifs to pay the�e sums prior to thc c�piratian of this periud. L.ender may invoke any
<br />_ ',.. remedies pecmitted by thi�Sccurity lm�rument withuut further noticc or dcmand on Borrower,
<br /> - - - - - _-_ 18. Sarrocver's Right to Relnstale. lf Borrower meetti certain candi�ion., Bnrrowet tiha}I have thc right to have
<br />- enfurcement.oF this Security Instrument discontinucd At any time pri�,r ta the earlier of: (�►5 dayti(or tiuch othcr perial ay
<br /> ... Singlc F.m�ity--Faenk 1fae/Frrddk Hx lltilil)R�11titi?RC�1F:�1'••Unifomi Co�cn:mt� 9l� ���ga 4�,fn�ig�.0
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