. i��� • . � ` _. � .. . �_. . '�f _ . ' . � . +�p������.
<br /> . . � ,. • . ^ E•� . ,� . `c: ,
<br /> . � _5 . . � i . .�_ , - <` . � ,. ':.�.n..�e...e,R,.�_..
<br /> G - - �
<br />. - - --- - F�:.x-Z'�
<br /> �° _ -
<br /> �'�:.Ct=,.�:
<br /> ( gorro«er sh:,l1 promptly gi�e Lender�vsine� notice of any inve..`agation. ctasHa dTdmand5ubs Siance or EnYironmental I-av �`-��"
<br /> govertunentul or regulaiory agency or private part3 inva{vin8 che ProPertY and a�' ovemme�tal or r ato autl+.ori that �, ,rt,-�•
<br /> r
<br /> of whtch Bnrrori•er h3s:stuai kaowtedge. If Bona�ver leams.er is notified 6y any 8 � �' �'• ����I,.�'
<br /> e
<br /> any remova!or oth�r reme�iution of any Hazardous Substance afferting the PropErty�s�ecessary. �oerower sfiall promsstly take �.T}_j,�.
<br /> aU necessary cem.di�l ucEions in accurdance with Gnvironmentall�w• '.�.
<br /> p�s uss.d in this paragraPh 2�• "Ha�•��°u' Substances" :ue those substanses de�fined as toxic or hazardous subsmnces •�,,,,.�,. F
<br /> ....�:
<br /> Environn:enta! Law and the folto�ving substances: gasnline. kero.�.or�e�d�eleaod��ioactive maten�A�1� i__t`'>
<br /> , pesticides and herbicidcs.volutile solvenu, materials containing asbe: � �'� ���
<br /> this paragaph 20. 'Environinental la�v' means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Pro rty is tacated tha� '` `. �`E!
<br /> - relate to health.safery or environmcntal psotecdon.
<br /> �;p�_(�gp�COVEIVANTS_Borrow'er wtd Lender further covenant and�gree as fallows: :� -.-:.:"%"
<br /> 21.Aoc�leration:l�emedies.�.ender sttall give noSce to Borsasn�c�r�rior to se�ele�atia�s�ol�cs:yiag Bs�srovrer's Dt+ea � i.,..-.`i�
<br /> ., oY uny coven�nt or a�ement in this �ecu�ity Instrumeni (but aa�i prior to acceteeu3ion under paiu�aaP� 17 uni 1: .;:.,�
<br /> (b)the actFon reqtiised to cvre th2 def�uit �
<br /> a i t c a l�ie lacv pmrides at[zettir[se1. Tt��adce�hall sg�dfy: (a)the def�uit. •��,�_�:'�-;
<br /> PP
<br /> . (c)t►dste,nnt less t6a»30 daYs frum ttie daie the eotice is gaven to Borrower,bY�vhtcb the d e fa�lt mu�t be cured; and� �,.��':
<br /> (�ttwt Pail�re to cure the defau[E oa or 6efore the date s(�ci�� a°Uce s6�11 further info�n B��of tht rf��f�to ���,..
<br /> secared by thls�xa�rEty InsOr�ment and sale o4 W�Property �-Y'."
<br /> . �instate nfter arneleraiIon and We right to brLog a ooart sstion to ass�ert the aon�dstemce of a d�fa�it or any otttPr �..??.
<br /> d�ter�se o6 Borros�er to aoneteraUQn and sale. �f thP defau!! is Qot �vr�d on or be�ose the date sgied&i�in the ns�tlte, �. ;�_
<br /> I.ender.at its optIon. may requ�re t�ediate payment in fu19 0�aIl s�ms secured by this Secarity
<br /> Hnstect�aat c�iYEiout ��--,<--..
<br /> , farthe�demand and ms�y imoke the power of sa�e and�ny�t�zr r�sedies pesm[tted by ap�cubie tuw.Le�d¢r s6�.be �g-' ;-�°..
<br /> � �tItled W oollec't all espensFS iacan'�d in pu�sufng 8he tmmedies prov[ded in Qtwi�Rar�Pb�1,i�t�,bsti aet 1i.�4et1 �p!�
<br /> ir��;;c-:-�
<br /> ' to,t�ason�t►1e attaraeys'[ces und casts of 8tte ev[dence. �:_.:�---.
<br /> . ,. V the power of sate f�s invoked,'I�astee shall reoord a not[ce ot defantt in each oou�y im�SEn pnY P�rt o#the �,=-
<br /> �_ -.�
<br /> ;. prope►ty is larated and shull mafl capies ot s�c�notIce in the manner prescrt6ea by apptica6lP law to Bn�rovser anfl W �.:.
<br /> �`I� the oti�er pe�sons prescrtbed by appfIcable law.After the tt�e required�ny aPF�cable Luw,Trustee sls�l gi�e puDl�c na�Ioe y.:;=�V:
<br /> � of sale to the peisoms and In the manner prescribed by apptceable law.Trustee,w[t6aut deman�!on Basro�ser.sba.91 se11 {�.:.�..`,-
<br /> the Property s�t publlc aadton to t�e highc5t bidder at the tim�anc!ptaoe uid under tQie¢ea-ms BYSig�ated in tiie nc o�he �-� ''"`'
<br /> sfile in one or mare parrefs and in any ordea Tr+�st�deter�ines.Tnistee may postpone saEe oi af!mr acry Parcd �y
<br /> '!� ..... �.�K,�o...�.,ta..a wv q�v �..fvina.�,iv cchednted sale. LeB�rec ar its dz5ig�'ee �!-+�
<br /> :' Y�[�p�p,,{e.r�i�Y.��"a}i�',�Puiiaic°au•,;`°""""° •---r--- -^-.. �.-�-.._.--=:��
<br /> ....•:/ pylpJa7G LUi��7 a18���w t b:.:-iW�:"
<br /> Upon receipt af paymeat of We price �id, '1'rusdee shaill deliver, to t�e p�aser Trustee s deed caaveyfr�the _ z �;
<br /> -7�i Pro�ertg. T6e recitWs ia tije Trnstee's de2d s5a!!be pri�u£�z evtdeuce o�the huth of the sioR�zn�s m��x tl�e�.n. ��Y
<br /> Tmstee shaA aPPly t�e prvc�ds of ihe sale in the folloivtng vs��r:(a)to a!1 ce�sts and expenses of exerrtsiQg the poFS�eS �:4�.
<br /> .�`ir. sa1e,tind the sale,[ncludinS t6e paymeut of We Trastee's fe�actually iu�.aot to exce�t'of $50.00 os �f� �° ��--�'�
<br /> p ..,-.—
<br /> y,.s ��::-_
<br /> :�.; o��p�p�amaunt of 4he nate at the tiate of the dedae�n of defanit,und reasonabt�atto�tey�'fees as ' �Y�
<br /> ,�:i by law:(it}to aII sams serured by tlils S�rIQY Instr�m�t,a�(c)any excess to the person or pe�sons Le�fY�¢r�Co �=�-�^�
<br /> " tt. !'J_
<br /> ,,''• ?Z. Reconveyanca Upan payment of all sums secured by this Security T�.swtaent, Lender shall request Tm�-[�to �
<br /> iir^�rr•,.
<br /> reconvey ths PropertY aa� shall swrender this Security Insdrument aisd all notes evidencin� debt secured by tPvs Secwity �:,�
<br /> :,.,i�; �nsU�umeui w Tnutee. Tmrs:ee sst��all rcxonvey th�:Property without warranry and without charge to the pessan or pe�sons legaltY ��ar.'t
<br />,.';,..:. entitled to it.Such p�u�i�i persons shall pay any recordat�on oosts. �'r
<br /> ,;::�,;`� ?3. 'slabs4�►te�'�. Lzader,at its option. may from time to time rer�wve Ttustee an�agpoint a successor trustee to
<br /> '.'i<,: any T�z�Poitrtetl pemunder by an instsutnent recorQed in the county in which this Se�utity It►�rume�rt�s m�,T��n�,�n �`';
<br /> :��:•.�� monveyr,u�.�of We Pro erty,the successor trustee shall succeed to all the atIe,power and duties wnferred upon t,.
<br /> ::^.•� and by ag�E�ca41e laN. a`�_
<br /> :�;r,.�•� lA.I2eqaest[or Notioes.Boaower requesu that copies of the notices of default and sate be scmt to Bairotiver's address ��,�
<br /> ';N; w1uc�i�di�Property Addtess. �.;
<br /> �,r.���o���Ity b��ent.If one or more riders are eaecuted by Barrower and racorde�i togeth:r wj¢h this ��".'..=
<br /> .,,... � �S�TI��;"
<br /> �� � 5ecurity Tnstrument.the ooveuants a��,�'*�menu of each such rider shall be ic�corpoiated inro and shall arnend and supat..�nt
<br /> :`°'�� the cavenar►u and ag�ments of this Securiry Instrument ac if the rider(s1 virere'a part of this Security I�tnunet►t. ��`
<br />`;�''.'�� [Checic app1icabte box(�}) ,. :
<br /> ��;'.
<br /> �:.�.a �y, (�?,',
<br /> ,Af{,.
<br /> Adjustable Rate Rider �Condomiaium Rider �1-A Family Rldes �±:..
<br /> s�an,:�;,
<br /> � g Crudva+t�d payment Ri�3er 0 p1anned lJnit 1?evelopuccnt Rider 0 BiwedclY PaYment Rider ■!�'%';
<br /> ..� O Balloon Rider �Rate Unp�nv,���nt Rider I�Secand Home Rtder 1,;,,.�
<br /> . [�U'thens��SF�t�Y� :;5�;�:°%�
<br /> , p v.a.Rider
<br /> — i3r�me Equfty Line Rider �i�%�;
<br /> •_�ie�
<br /> '. -►Lr�,•'_.
<br /> BY SIGNING BELOW.Borrsower aecepts ar.d agcces ta�rLe tertns and covenants contained in this Security 1nsw�rcent and �3�:.``
<br /> w f��ti:��
<br /> in an}+rider(s)execute�by Borrower and reoordc�i:��;�h it. '">r
<br /> �..,:,
<br /> Witnesses: •• �>��.�
<br /> (Sea!) ,y,..;::
<br /> L1,-:
<br /> - 28 �►. Glim88 -1?�nn�wer . e;}S�?F'.:•
<br /> �•?
<br /> , . A;;.-'
<br /> --�- -- p � .t�i � :
<br /> � Frances M. Grime.� '�O1f''�'E'
<br /> � . (�) (Sea!)
<br /> -Borrower -Smsowci.• . „
<br /> ' �,o
<br /> "•,;
<br /> ►s
<br /> STATE OF NEBIZASKA, County ss: Haii . `�+
<br /> � . The foregoing iasvument was acknowledged before me this 18th �Y of September • 1996 rc+� ��-' s.
<br /> � by James A. Grines and Frances ti. Grimes, Husband and Wife ' ����•�
<br /> � Witness my hand und notarial se�l at Grand Island, NE in said Connty,the date af'oresaid. ��!
<br /> ' �/ ��.�
<br /> ' �'�/ _ . _°:
<br /> ��
<br /> My Commission F.�cpires: 12/23/96 •-"'
<br /> Nmary P�bfic
<br /> {.;;;�_
<br /> � � • �� {fN,'!Q QQETt� ...
<br /> �����J� ♦�a Fotm 3020 9180
<br /> • , . • • ,_ti . � ' , .. . _ • ' . . . . .... . _ , � ' '!. . .
<br />