�' . . . . ,� _ . ,.s • . . M , .• r . .n_.
<br /> - � . � . . . 'C � �� - ��T. tr�',. Xz. .
<br />. ...r `[5. __..�_�i._.�..._....,.. . _ . _l.
<br />. .t. v�;.cL^,at.�RS—,—.
<br />,` �r' _ .,�:�" .."`e..";if.- ��`_
<br /> ."i"-2�*�i�'2
<br /> ;� �'.`. substaneially equivatent mortgage insurance cuverage is not available. Borrotiti�er st�l1 pQy to Lcndcr ead�muntt�a+um ccZual to ,�,,.,�._,�,,�,;�,
<br /> . .. oue-t�velftt�of th�yearEy martgage insurunce premium beang paid by BaROti�rer v�h�.�c.th:in►uranm c�+vetagc lapscd ur c�cascd to : ;�;: �`•<,:,.T.:-j.-_x'_
<br /> ' .be in effect.l.ender will aceept.use and reta'sn thess paYtM=ats as a tass reser�•e in I3tx� o f m o rt Q a�t in�urance. Wss �e�er�e ; ; ,4„-
<br /> � • payments tnay no tonger be re�uire�.at thc apteon of Lendet, if mnrtgage insurar.ce ro►'ecage(in thc amuuni a�sd for ihc period - �.�`�
<br /> c •
<br /> � thai Lender'requiresl provid�d by an insu�er aQprove�by Lender agair beca�r.es as�ut�.ble and e�ubt;urtcd.&�rro�ver shall pay „ �• �' :��� "
<br /> the pmmiums reGuired to maintnin mortgage insu�ce in effect,or to provide a�ass reservc.until the seyuirentem for mo�1g� • �' �-.
<br /> ' insurance ends in acmnlance with any wcitten a�reement betu�een 8orcotver aiu!Lec�°;s or appficabte loEV. Y�'��... s.
<br /> u
<br /> R tries u n ar.d in� :seio�s of the Pro�scrty. f.crtder shall gi�e� , �_:�
<br /> <• q. I n s p e M t o n.L e n d e r o r i t s a b e a t m a y m a k e r e a s o n a b l e e n p o � .
<br /> � Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an ins�ection s�oecifying reasonable cawe fa►r th:inspzcti�n. � � �`�•°: �#i
<br /> , ' 10. Coadeannation.The proceeds of any award or claim for dumages. dircxt ar conse�uential. in cr�ttnection with an}� : ��•�� ,�
<br /> condemnarion or osher taking of any psrt of the Property,or for com•eyarice in liet�of oondemnation. :am hereby atisign�:d�ut ;`'s;�
<br /> shall be paid to Lender. �
<br /> -• In the event of a total taking of the Progerty,the proceeds shall be appliz�:o tta:sums secured by this Srxurity Instrumcnt. �^=r' °=-�-
<br /> _, . whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partist tz�ing uf the Rro�crty in��vttich the fai . ,-
<br /> market value of the Property immediately before the[aking is equa!to or great�s tt���th:amount of the sums urured by t[u : •r.���~=J��r°•�-� ''�
<br /> Securiry Instrument immediately before the tatcing, unless Borrower and Lendn.s at,.w:ta':se agree in vfriting,the sums s�cured by ,; r., - - ,
<br /> this Securiry insdument shall be reduced by the amount of the pra�ds �nultiFlScd 6y the following fr,.ctian: la) the total , , � "�` �
<br /> - amount of the sums scxured immediately before[he taking.divided by(b) th�f�r martcet value of the Propeny immediately �`4�•.--. ". , `;.�
<br />• .` before the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partia.! t2king of the Property in whicfi the fsir • . . ' � • _ .
<br /> � market value o€the Property immed�ately before the taking is less than the arruo�►r.�of th�sums secured immediately before the - �.••1,,:, , t �•
<br /> . talcing, unless Borrower and Lecder otherwise agree in wri6ng or unless a�iic�hl�t2.zr•othenvise provides. the procePds shall ;,.. _ __ ': s � '_
<br />� be a�plied W the sums secuYed by thas Security lnsuvment�vhether or not the s�uns aae thrn due. -�" ��
<br /> � If the Property is abandoaed by Borro�ver,or if,after aotice by Lender to Bcatmver thaa We caademnor offers to unake an r?e• �zt:r.�,;�- ,,.
<br /> �....
<br /> • . atvard or settle a claim for damages, Sorrower fails to respand to Ixnder �sithin 30 days aftev thc date the notice is given. �;� �,:, •
<br /> .. �' Leuder is authorized to collect and apply th��sroceeds,at its option,either to a�ttsinEian or repair of the Property or to the sums _
<br /> , •. secured by this Seauity Instrument,wheth:r��nat then due. ,
<br /> . ' Unless Lender and Borrower oth�rwise a�ee in v.riting, any agQlaTUtior oi':proceeds to principal stiall nat extend or „�-
<br />, postpone the dae date of the monthly paymer�ceferre�to ia A�S�P���2 or uh�.nge the amount of sucb payinents. - `�=�--=�-_ ~
<br /> Il.Borrower Not Reteased;Forbcaa�a.�re Sy Le��ci�+iot a Wa3verr.E�cta�i.�nn of the time for payment or modificarion ��•��•�°°�-=�..•, ;.�,
<br /> " . of amorti7ation af d�sums secured by this�c�ity In �,,, t granted 6y Leszder tu a.*�y successor in interest of Bormwer shall �_` :�.,.'.,__�� 'r�
<br /> ��- not operate to ret�se the liability of•the origi�!Borrower or Botrower's suoce6sorr in interest. l..ender shall not ise req�aired to �_��-==--=�=:'
<br /> ...:,.....e.�r ......F.oe*n A.t.....r .:.....i.....,.....o.......ubP.�,;cP modify amortization
<br /> commence proceedings a�n�d,J �.:;,:°.�.."'_ _.___...... ........__ ._ _.�_- .----- - - �-.----_ _. ...� - _-= -
<br /> � of the sums secured by this Security Ins�uraent by rea_�un of any deman� madtc by the origiml Botrower or Borrowei s � :TA��-•.�-.
<br /> �
<br />' suczx.�ssors in interest. Any forbeardnce by Lender in ez���hg any righ¢or remr.tiy shall na16e a waiver of or prertade the •.
<br /> � ez�r.i�of any right or nmedy. ��-:
<br /> L2. Suooessots a� A� �ound; dcoi.�t and ac��eral Ltabiii►y; Co-5i�a�ss. The covenants and agreements of ttus --•-`°*�'--'�:..i"`'� �
<br /> . ,; Secwity L�sttvment s�hall biud ar.� ber.e6Q iii:ssccessors and assigns of Lecnd:r.u�d Borrower. subject to the provisians of . ��?'•�. ',,;; �1 �
<br /> , P��P� 17. Borrower's co�er,.:::cs �f �„� ��nts shall be joint and sever�l, Any Borrower who co-signs this 3earity •""'.'. '.-'?=t.:;.':-
<br />- '� Instrr�nent but does nnt exaw.e�r1.t:ticm: isi=cs casigning this Secusity Tiw''tau.�i�t only to mortgage, grant and convey that ��`� �,r.�r,._
<br /> �arni-a+er's interest in the F-rz�mr.; under a:e�af this Security lu.��,�erf:(tit i:�nat personnlly u6ligated to pay ths sums ��.••�. - . ..� ,;!'��.
<br /> s �by this Security Instru�,�t:and(c)a�-rees thaz i..�r_dc�and any v�er�cmavrer may agret to extend,modify.forbear br �,,,,.•�� .,.<<;;�. ;�.
<br /> make any acmtnnmdations with regard to th,�'�-ms of tteis 5�c^arity Ir.stnu�en�or td��Note w�thout that Borrower s oonsent. ` ` �w'��,�_;•,
<br /> nnmd , .:
<br /> , 13.Laan�:liarges.If the loan securc-k!j��this Securiry d��tnur�r,r.i�su�ject ta a law which seis maximum loan charges, . , ,,t�`
<br /> ��i e'S!',.�:.
<br /> • ° and that law is�-�..ally intecpretel so that t�:,i�terest or v�;er loan ds:�s�r;col3�et:�d or to be collected in connection with the r=���:�,Q}�,"',,.,
<br /> .;._, •{=�',r.mr.•�.
<br /> ' loan exceed the permiaed limits,then: (a)any such loa�z�•:::.�gz shali 4�:r�lue�hy the amount necessary ta redace the cbarge --- .•.yr;.;,i;..._.
<br /> . to the pettnitte�limit:and(b)any sums alre�aiy wllo«��•��;:;�:.�:.r xts.uh exc�eded permitted limits wiU be refuaded to ,s;�t••�. -.
<br /> �.. � Boirower. Lender may choose to m3lce this refund by redacing the ptiruciR3t o��d ander the Note or by making a direct *�� � '
<br /> 'f payment to Borm�ver. If a refund reducQS principal. the reduction wil! be taeat�d as a partial prepayment without any
<br /> , re a ent char e und e r t h e N o t e. ���`���.�
<br /> � ,-;.;-,��
<br /> � � . •� ' P p 14 Notiue�My notice to Borrower�n�vided for in this Security instruaner�shall be given by delivedng it or by rnailing ;�. �:"';�
<br /> . � it by first class mai!unless applicable law rer,uires use of another method. Thc ru:�tice sha11 be directed to the Property Address :. .�,.,�
<br />' or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lendcr. Any nat'sce tu Lender shall be given by first class mail to _.1'='r=-
<br /> ' I.ender's address stated herein or any other address Le�+ir�,3eAisnates by rwdice to Borrower. My notice provided for in this ?'°•�_.r.�. r•; .-::;-
<br /> Security Instrument shall be deemed to have b�n girea r•r_�EG�^rawer or I,end:r wtyx�given as provided in t�is paragraph. _`'�.•�`:.�. `'-�•-�y
<br /> 15.Govecnrf� baw; Severubility. Z1t:�= Sv��r: C�.s:xumeni shnJi fn: gv,vemed by federal law and the !aw of the �_--=----:n=_ :__
<br /> � jurisdietion in h'::ch the Praperry is l�.L'L J'.�.e��dzzt�ny Qr�visi��n ai�elause of this Security Incp�ument or the Note . �:"��=;;'�;,�;
<br /> ' conflicts with applicabte law.such wnflict:,T�n:r�af�ax ceS'er provisiau�of dci;Security Instcument or the Note which can be _ `",;��__�
<br /> � � „ given effect withaut the conflinr�provision.To this er.ii i:uo provisios�s oF this Securtty Instrument and the Note are declnred - ---�..-;,.�,
<br /> � to be severabie. ��•:• � �" � �
<br /> � 16.Bamnwer's Copy.Scznzwer shaii be given one confocmed copy mf ttw No:e and of this Secnrity Instrurtunt. -�'°"•'� •.• ?
<br /> ,'t'' �'',i'-
<br /> • � � 17.Transfer of the PropESty os a�an�:�cial Interest in Bosca�-e�.If al]'or any part of the Property or any interest in it ,�,��r��
<br /> ..� is sotd or transferred(or if a beneSciat i w-r.L.�s in Borrower is s�ld or tr�fernod and Borrower is noi a natural person)withaut Y�'��� `
<br /> L�nder's prior written conse�..'. Lender 8say. at its option. require iwcs�ediat,s�payment in full of all sums secured by this - __
<br /> � . Security Instrument.Howevcr..rJ-�s option shatl rtot be erzercised by Leader if e�ercise�s prohibited by federa! law as of the date •• • . • --
<br /> ' of this Security tastrument. �i���`
<br /> � If Lender exercises this r.�tion.Lender shall give II4mswer notiae of accet�ti�n.The notice shall provide�period of not --___--�
<br /> � . less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered ar r_:aiSr�d�vfthin �vt�v:lti Borrower must pay a91 sums secured by this ' ...��._
<br /> �� Security Irosnvm�t. If Borrower fails to pay these sums pr'or to t�ie�.K�ix�cev.n,r�f this period.l.ender may invoke any remedies °"-''-""`�-' ,..
<br /> � . '.�•� petmitted by this Security Insuvment without further novr.e+�r 3e�m•��i an I3oTruv�er. - "
<br /> 18. Borrower's R[�ilf,c t'i� ReScutate. If Borroa-r•s rct�:2[s certairt crnuiitlon�. Bonower shall have the right to have .. , _--
<br /> enforcement of thls Securi:ryr P:r:;�ument discontinued a2 :m5� :ime prior to 1}us uirlier of: (a)5 days (or such other period as �` ' . --
<br /> � �plicuble law may specifjr C�.r reinstarement) before iate �f the Property pursu;uit to any power of sale mntained in this �.� $�1�;�,ri" xg;f`'
<br />, �:t,;. Security Instniment:or fb)•�'sy of a,{adg�:nt enforcing this Security [nstrua:nnt.'Riose aonditions are that Borrower:(a) a s -r��-. - 4..��.
<br /> .• �,,t� P Y '�'s�(v`; .�rr
<br /> • ,,,: Lender all sums which the�would be dae u.r.rier this Security lnstrumont ar�d the Note as if no acceleradon had accurred; (b) ..�,.�:t�"•.' '_'
<br /> ' cures any default of any a�tiiL�r covenants or a;reements: (c) pays al! ex�sonacs irtcurred in enforcin� this Security Instcument. `",���r���� _-
<br /> � . � including,but not limited rn•..r�suonable attomeys'fec.s; ane3 (d)takes such action as L.erder may reasonably require to assure .�:--� _
<br /> ' tiLat the tien of this Security l�vsu'ument,Ler_der's ri�ht, in:tt:�Pro�erty ans��toaer's obligation to pay the s�ms securcd by . , , __
<br /> � �:�is 5ecuriry Instrument sh�l3 cor.tinuc 4nchanged. U(x�ro reinstatem�enr. 6*� �orrovrer, this Secunty Instrument and the;,. _ �_
<br /> ` obligations secured hereby shall remain fullp effective as if tto accelerare,i.h�f occurred. However,this right to reinstate sl�all +• � ��_";"" '
<br /> not apply in the case of acexleration under paragraph 17. r � . �''•
<br /> 19. Sale of Note; Char,�e of Loan Servicer. The Note or a part�31 irterest in the Note (together with this Security:� � .
<br /> � Instrument)may be sold one ar more times�vithout prior notice to Snnov►er. A sale may result in a chan�e in the entity(kno�vn ° """"'+°'-�.`�'
<br /> as the "Loan Serviccr")that cailects monthly payments due under the No�e and�this Security Instrument.There also ma}+be one. � y� - - ` _
<br /> � or more changes uf the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. li tter�is a change of the Loan 5ervicer.Borroa•er will be � �_z.�_.�,'�.,_.�•
<br /> �, given written rtotice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 ahove and a�p?irable la�v.The notice wiU state the name attd .. -
<br /> . address of the new Loan Servicer and�he address to which pay�rtenGZ shouid�6e made. The notice�vil! also mntain any othe; '''"``~"""��''
<br /> •� infatmation requircd by applicable law. � • - �
<br /> ` l0. Ha�±rdous Sab.,tenecs. Bnnower shall nat cause or pem*it tP.e prfsence. use. dispasal. stonge. or release of any • 3
<br /> • Hazardous Substance� on or in the Praperty. Bortower shall noi do, RUT :iI'.ow anyone else to do, anytning affecting the . ' _
<br /> . Property that�s tn v�otatton of any Environmernai i.aw. The prc�:e�iin� i.+v�e�dcu����i�a�l ix�i appiy to it�..presc�t:.c. use. ar '=--����=-:-�
<br /> • ; storage on the Praprrty of small quantities of Ha7ardous Substances tLut ars generally reco�nize�"to be appropriate to norntal � ' � ' . �
<br /> � • reside�tial eses and to maintenance of ihe Property.
<br /> � ' v,g,3 0+a Fo►m 3028 9190 .'"s�.. , -
<br /> ,... , �:� . .. � • .. .. . . .. ' :' •- �>: . _ , � .. • .� . .. '
<br /> • " � ' " . . . �•� " . • �y � . . .
<br /> .. . , . . , • • • ..._ . .r�` . , . t � . .. ._. . � . . .. ., .. - .. . . .. .
<br />