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�o��o�s�� <br />FHA Case No. � <br />32�-2992936 <br />ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER <br />THIS ADNSTABLB RATE RIDER is made this 28th day of March , 2011 , <br />and is incorporated into and shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed of Trust or Security <br />Deed ("Security Instrument") of the same date given by the undersigned ("Borrower") to secure Borrower's Note <br />("Note") to BANK OF NEBRA5KA <br />(the "Lender") <br />of the same date and covering the property described in the Security Instrument and located at: <br />1616 WEST STOLLEY PARK ROAD GRAND I5LAND, NE 68801 <br />[Property Address] <br />THE NOTE CONTAINS PROVISIONS ALLOWING FOR CHANGES IN THE <br />INTEREST RATE AND THE MONTHLY PAYMENT. THE NOTE LIMITS THE <br />AMOUNT THE BORROWER'S INTEREST RATE CAN CHANGE AT ANY ONE <br />TIME AND THE MAXIMUM RATE THE BORROWER MUST PAY. <br />ADDITIONAL COVENANTS. In addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Security <br />Instrument, Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br />INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br />(A) Change Date <br />The interest rate may change on the first day of April , 2016 , and on that day <br />of each succeeding year. "Change Date" means each date on which the interest rate could change. <br />(B) The Index <br />Beginning with the first Change Date, the interest rate will be based on an Index. "Index" means the <br />weekly average yield on United States Treasury Securities adjusted to a constant maturity of one year, as made <br />available by the Federal Reserve Board. "Current Index" means the most recent Index figure available 30 days <br />before the Change Date. If the Index (as defined above) is no longer available, Lender will use as a new Index <br />any index prescribed by the Secretary. As used in this Rider, "Secretary" means the Secretary of Housing and <br />Urban Development or his ar her designee. Lender will give Borrower notice of the new Index. <br />(C) Calculation of Interest Rate Changes <br />Before each Change Date, Lender will calculate a new interest rate by adding a margin of <br />Two and OOOt1000 percentage point(s) ( 2.000 %) to <br />the Current Index and rounding the sum to the nearest one-eighth of one percentage point (0.125%). Subject to <br />the limits stated in Paragraph (D), this rounded amount will be the new interest rate until the next Change Date. <br />(D) Limits on Interest Rate Changes <br />The interest rate will never increase or decrease more than Two and 000/1000 percentage <br />point ( 2.000 %) on any single Change Date. The interest rate will never be more than Six and 000/1000 <br />percentage points ( 6.000 %) higher or lower than the initial interest rate as stated <br />in Paragraph 2 of the Note. <br />(E) Calculation of Payment Change <br />If the interest rate changes on a Change Date, Lender will calculate the amount of monthly payment of <br />principal and interest which would be necessary to repay the unpaid principal balance in full at the maturity date <br />at the new interest rate through substantially equal payments. In makmg such calculation, Lender will use the <br />unpaid balance which would be owed on the Change Date if there had been no default in payment on the Note, <br />reduced by the amount of any prepayments to principal. The result of this calculation will be the amount of the <br />new monthly payment of principal and interest. <br />(F� Notice of Changes <br />Lender will give notice to Borrower of any change in the interest rate and monthly payment amount. <br />The notice must be given at least 25 days before the new monthly payment amount is due, and must set forth (i) <br />the date of the notice, (ii) the Change Date, (iii) the old interest rate, (iv) the new interest rate, (v) the new <br />monthly payment amount, (vi) the Current Index and the date it was published, (vii) the method of calculating <br />the change in monthly payment amount, and (viii) any other information which may be required by law from <br />time to time. <br />(G) Effective Date of Changes <br />A new interest rate calculated in accordance with Paragraphs (C) and (D) will become effective on the <br />Change Date. Borrower shall make a payment in the new monthly amount beginning on the first payment date <br />which occurs at least 25 days after Lender has given Borrower the notice of changes required by Paragraph (F) <br />of this Rider Borrower shall have no obligation to pay any increase in the monthly payment amount calculated m <br />accordance with Paragraph (E) for any payment date occurring less than 25 days after Lender has given the <br />required notice. If the monthly paynnent amount calculated in accordance with Paragraph (E) of this Rider <br />decreased, but Lender failed to give rimely notice of the decrease and Borrower made any monthly payment <br />amounts exceeding the payment amount which should have been stated in a timely notice, then Borrower has the <br />option to either (i) demand the return to Borrower of any excess payment, with interest thereon at the Note rate <br />(a rate equal to the interest rate which should have been stated in a hmely notice), (ii) request that any excess <br />payment, with interest thereon at the Note rate, be applied as payment of prmcipal. Lender's obligation to return <br />any excess payment with interest on demand is not assignable even if the Note is otherwise assigned before the <br />demand for return is made. <br />BY SIGI�TING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to th t s and cove ts contained in this <br />Adjustable Rate 'der. � <br />(Seal) (Seal) <br />�' JANA L RICHARDS Borrowe RICHARDS <br />(Seal) <br />Borrower <br />Borrower <br />FHA Multistate ARM Rider -10J95 2oo7.CV {io/os) 20006990 <br />(Seal) <br />Bonower <br />(Seal) <br />Borrower <br />(Seal) <br />GOTO(OOOc85f4) <br />