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<br /> � �, H�rsx3 or ptv►perty L�sura�ce. Borro�ver sh�ll keep the improvements no�v exisu�ng or hereafte� erected on tfie •_����
<br />�. .•j gro}�erty insured against lass by Hre, h v a c c fs i n s t u d e d �v i t h i n t he term "extended wverage'ar.d any otker hazards, inc[ucling --�.
<br /> �� �laods or tlooding,far which I.�*�de�requires insurnnse•'Ihis insurance shall he mainrained in the amounts and for the periods �.��:�,_
<br /> � that L�nder reqiires.ThE insurance carries provi�ing the insurance shal� be chosen by Borrower sub}�c to Lxnder's approval ;,�,�:
<br /> � s which shall nut be unreasor�ahly nithhcld. If Borro��•.:r fails to maintain wverage @escribed above, Lender may. at Lender s �=�.f.`��
<br /> t p 8 Pl'o" Gh ° Pe �n atcordance with h 7. '.'�-'�
<br />=:� a tion,obrain mvera e to �ecE Lemder's ri ts in th�.Fro rty� P��P :L
<br />' Atl insumnce poticies and renewals shPll be aoceptable to➢.ender and shall inelude a standard mort;age clause. Leader _ti%��
<br /> <.,� shall ha�e thz right to hold the paliaes and r�n�wals.If Lender requires.Borrower shall promptlY give to Lender all rec�ipts of ;
<br /> = paid premiums a►id rer�ewa!notires.[n the even:of loss,Borrawer�hall give prompt notice to the insurance rarrier and Lender. ��^.._�=
<br />� ,�. t
<br /> Leader may ma�ce pmof of lass if not made pramptly by Borrot�er. �'�f�=
<br /> Unless Ixnder at�Borrower ot�envise agtee ia wridng,iasurance proceeds shall be appli�to restoratioa or repair of the e ',,j•:_
<br /> propzrty damaged,if the restoratian or repair is eoonomically feasible aad Lender's security is not lessea e d. If the restoration or ���__
<br /> repair is not eoonomi�illy fe�sble or Lxudai s sec�uity would be lessened,the insnrance prooeeds shall be applied to the sums _
<br /> sec�red by this Security insi�um�t, w}r�ther or not then due. �vith any eacess paid to Bomowe�r. if Borrower abandons the
<br />'.',� PrapPrty.or does not ru►swet within 30 d�ys a notioe from Lender that the insurance carrier has offer�ed ro settle a claim,then
<br /> ��.K
<br /> .'�.M1� Leuder may collect tfie insurau�ae pmoeeds_ Leuder may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sum$ ��_-�-
<br /> secured by this Security Inmuma�t,whsxheY or not then due.The 34day period will begin when the notic�is given. �•,..�;
<br /> Unless l.ender ans1 �orrotti�er otherwise agree in writing. auY aPPli�iion of proce�ds ta principal shall not exter�or �:��.-;.
<br />';<.� rae°--�=
<br /> postpone the du�date of the monthlv payme.nts refetred to in par.lgtaphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the paymznts.If �, _..
<br />:•• t under parngtaph 21 the Ptog�rty�is acquired by Lender.Bomawer's rigt►t to any insurance policies and pmceeds resultir��. from _-
<br /> •`;'� damage to the Froperty prior ta the acquisition�II pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secvred by tbis Se�urity Inswmenc � -�.-�
<br /> immediztely prior ta the acqvisirian. °' ' ��
<br /> :.'� 6.tkeupfln�Y,�rese�aYion�blfainter�nc�tmd Pmtection of the Propeity,Borro�cer's Losw Appliratios;Le3se�1�. �;.;:°;�
<br /> Borcower sh�ll aavpry.estahlisb,an�use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after the exerntian o€ --
<br /> ._f ���,.� ,w.�,������,��n,,.tin�w r�nrY-�mv rhe Pmnerry as Borrower s principal residence far at least one year after �
<br /> `�3�
<br /> -� � the date of occupancy.unt�s 1-endez od►eavrise agrees in writing. which consent shall not be unre�asonably withheid.or un:ess �_�_.:
<br />; � � extemiating circumstances e�cIst which are beyond Borrower s oontral. Borro�ver shall not destroy. da�.►p,e or irnpair the
<br /> Property. a11ow th:Prop¢rry to de�e2iarate.or eommit Maste on the Property. Borrower sball be in default if any forfeihae �".T�__'
<br /> • � � action or proceeding,wtt:thh�civil ur criminal. is begun that ip Leisder's gaod faith judgment could result in forfraturi�4 th� ��
<br /> �.'} Proparty or�othesvrise m�sa;riatly imp�ir the lien created by this Security Instirrument or Lender's security interest.Borrovrer.suay -
<br />' �� ture suth a default and reu�state,as provided ia parograph 18,by ransing the action or proceeding to be disinissed wittt a nilieg �:ti_:_,
<br /> ;��,,'� th�, in Lesder•s goc�w�:rh deterrm�tion, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in the Pcoperty or osher material �.____.
<br /> • �� i m paimaent of the tiea�►.•f�atod by this Securiry Insdrument or Lender's security interest. Bomnwer shall also be in defauIt'if �-.
<br /> ; ,s --
<br /> . BOITUWEf,during�the loan applicatioa pmoess,gave materialty fn L�or inaccurate i n fosma do n o r s t a t e m e n t s t o E�.n d x r(m`�t 7� �
<br /> ,; to pmvide i.euder vriil�any m�terial informztion)in connection�vi.th the laan evidenced by the Note, incladin;,bua ndt.iitasll�ed
<br /> to,representauons oonee�ning$oirowei s oocupancy of the Property as a principal residence.If this Security Tr�eot.�.�un a
<br /> - leasehotd, Borrower shaU eomply �vith all the pro�isiuns of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee tide to t�: Pro�serty.t4ie 2_ '.
<br />' leaseholsl aad the fee 6de s�hzll not merge unless I.ender agrees to tl:e mergec in writin�. __
<br /> 9.,iPh¢tertton of L�uB�'s Itf�hts in the Fnope�ty.if Borra�rEr faiLs to pedorm the covenants aad agreements�contaIttq3 in
<br /> • ` dils Ser�irib�Insuumeal,or th�a is a legat pmc�eeding that may s�gnificuntly affect Lender s�igt:ts in the P�oper3y (s't,�,i'�a��� �•_-
<br /> '�. ! proceoding in 8anlaupuy,pm6ate.for condemnation or fadeiNre or to enforce laws or regu:ations).then 1.ender may t�o and
<br /> • pay for whatever is cxna�:�ary to Qratect the vatne of the Proyerty arcd Lender's rights in the Ptoperty.Lender's actions may �
<br /> � include paying any suQS seciared by a lien which has griosity over dris Secu�it} In.�ruucr�nt, appearing in wurt, payiag _
<br /> •- masonabla attomeys'fees and enteriag on the Property to innlce.rx�rairs•A1tr.aa�h 1,eoder muy qake actian e�ader this paragrapb �..�..
<br /> � �•'.i 7.Lender does aot have to do so. • � ` "
<br /> . Any am�unis disbursed Qsy L.cnder under this para�ra�sfs.7 shalt ber.ame addi��wt debt of Fisrrower secured by this =�_-
<br /> � SecuiiEy Instrument. Unless Bnrrower and I.en�er 3grce fo o:{�t:r terms of payment.these amovnt�shnt�br��r interest from the �••-
<br /> ' . date of disbursem.nt at the Note cate arzd shal! Ee payable; with interest, uFon notice from l.ender to i3Urrower reques6ag =-_
<br /> payment.
<br /> �� S.Mertgsg�Insatance.If La:�i,�required mortgage in�m�ctrr.e as a wndiaon of mntcir�the loan secured by this Sec�ri4Y �`-�
<br /> ` instrument, Bntrou'er shall pay the•�,�miums required to r�a.WnUi the rcorgage insuraace en effect.If. for any rearmn,the
<br /> rrArtgage insuranoe oo«:ta8e required by Lend�r Ir,�pses or cez��w ba in efl�t. Borrovrer shalt pay the premiums re�L'ved to :�
<br /> •�� oUtain ooveragz subs�c:dafly equivalent to the mflma�e incuran�:.pceviuu�y�in effect,ac�cost substantnally equivale:�t to the �
<br /> � �'.; cost to 73orrower of the mortgage insurnnce previously irt�tife�, fram an altemate mortgage insvrer ap�roved by Lez�der. If _�_
<br /> �`;�. substai�ty:�lly eqaivalem mmtp„e insur�noe coverege is nnt avulluble.Sorrower shall pay to Lender each month a sur,x e�;ual to •
<br /> � �`` o�e�++��h of the yeariy ruortsage insurance premium Defng{sai�f by Borrower when the lnsurance covera�e lapsed at•i:raised to ;
<br /> ,�'� be in effect.Lender wiU accept.use and retain U;e�.�payme:>s as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage invur�ux�e. Loss mserve ;
<br /> �. w�+aaaa srso
<br /> s: ��wa 4f e ,--
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