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<br /> . � �' ��'��� 7�,:�;.°,T._
<br /> � TOGETHER VIJiTgI nU t�e impmvements aow ar heceaRer erecced on ohe propert}.an easements.uppurtenzreses.and ,�y^:;._
<br /> fiatu�+es now or hereafter a part of the propsrty. All ceplaoemenes and �ditio�s sh�l also be ooveced by ehIs Sezurity ;�iY_:;��
<br />� I�sn�nt./!Il of the foiegoing is ceferted to in this Security Ias:nsment as the'Propercy" i��•;-
<br /> BO�ROPIER COVENANTS that Ear[awer is laurfuUy seised of the estate hereby conveyed sad fi�s the ri�t to grani and ' ----•
<br /> ,'� oonvey the Property and that the Prapecty is uneacumbered.except t'or encambrances af recacd. Basrower.varr�..nts and will i�_-�_
<br />. V. defead geneaally the dtl�to the PropertY ag�inst atl claims aad demands.su�ject to any ertcwnbrances of record. ��R_.�_
<br /> ' ` Tf�IIS S�CURTf9t 1NSTRUMENT c°ts�biaes einifarm c'ovenants for nationaf use and non-unifaYm co�'c[�nts with t'ututed ;�--.,_-�-�--_-,�_-.T
<br /> 1�' variations Dy jurisdir,�on to canstitute a�niform s�ecurity insuua�nt covering reai pru�ettY• _-__-
<br /> iINIY�Q�?«1 COVENANTS.�orrower attd Ixudee ooverrdnt an�agree as follotvs: —
<br /> • 1. g��;3 of t�rinc�pal am�In4er�l; Prepa3Rne�t an� Late Ch�Ies. Boaawer shall pmsnp�:ly pay wken du�the —_-_--
<br /> PrincipaE of xnd in:erest on ct�e dabt evid�►ced by the Note and anY prePa�'�►t and late chatges du:u�sdeE'the Na2e. _—---
<br /> Z.�ds foT T�s aud:Tasvra�ce.Subject to applicabte Lavi or to a writtezt tva3ves bY Lemter� Hon'°�ver sh2t1 pay to __r J
<br /> . lxnder on the daj ma�t�y��are due under the Note.uatif the Note is paid in ftill.a sum('Funds")for.Qa)Ye�Y�� ---
<br /> ��S cvhi�z�ay anain priority over this Se�rity lnstntment us a lien on th�Propeity:N)Y�Y l��old payments �,---_
<br /> " or gzuund rents o�;+��-ro�exty.if any:(c)Yearly ha7ard or Pmpe►tY insurmnse premiums:(dl Y�ly itood insuran+x premiums.
<br /> u
<br /> � if any:(e)Ye�uty��Qac�u�uragce prerruums,if any;and(�anY su�s FaYable by Bmrotiver to I.ender.i¢�acoordanx with �{;::`aT;;.._.;:
<br /> '' � the pruvisia�c�s of parag�pir.�.in lieu of the payment of mortgage insuranoe Piemiums.Ttnese ite�are called'Fstrow Items.° - -
<br /> s �
<br />�"a�: Le+�der may,�any time.cnllr�t and hald Funds in aa amount not w execed the maaicn�auaunt a lwder for a federally ..—
<br /> ���'v: zelated mortg�loan may c�for So�erer's essmw acvount under the federat Real Fstate Seitlemznt Prooedures Act of �_--._
<br /> �' 1974•as acaead�i'�om ti�e to tirne. 1Z ii.5_C.Secuon 2b01 et seq.('RESPA").unless another la'a+thu$PFlies to the Funds .. -
<br />;'.1-1..
<br /> r,.,;.
<br /> ;�,��• � seas a lesser a�r.w� If�, l,en�er may.at any time.m l t e t t an d t i o l d F u n d s i n a n s u m u nt noi to exceed the lesser amoun� '��=
<br /> I,ender may estimate the am�unt of Funds dne an t h e b�i s of cur�nt data assd�.sonab�e tsu°�s of experdiwres af future �ir:s;s>
<br /> .`" C�..v Teoma nr nthv}-wico�m�fcx.OrdBliCe wilh BDPlIC2b1C 18w. �__„ ..o t s i�m n n t a t i t y. o r e l U 1 t V _
<br />"��;=; The Faads shall be hetd in an institution wfFC�se deposits are cns�i by a f�d s"s%�.:;• =----- - __
<br /> a
<br /> � (including Lender.if Lender is sucl�an inuiU►tion)or in any F�.Hauie Loan Bank.Lender��A���F�ccount,or
<br /> , � Escrow It�s.I.ender may aot charge Sorrower for hotding and a�tping the Faads.aannallY Y S �.._--•--
<br /> ' ye[efyjttoa tl�¢Fs¢[ow Ieems,unless Lender pays Borrower interest on.�se Funds and applirabte la�v permits IRader to make such
<br /> e for an I real estate tex repamng seivice
<br /> : . a siiurge-Nowever,Lender may require Barrow�r to pag a one-time charg � --—
<br /> .£�;�; used by I.�urir� in connedian �vit6 dvs loan. nnless applicable Iavr provides otherarise_ Untess an agreemrnt is m2de or �+,.
<br /> u -
<br /> � ' ;;5 app��i�.T�,,�.�,Ures interest to be pu�,.Iixnder shall aot be requir�'•to paY Borro�er soy interest or eamings on the Fu s.
<br />"l��ti��a ��p�y�•�p�:j'�pap,a II13y 8gt0'L ID P+"[FiS7f$E, hovrever.tbat interest s��d}`.(ye paid an ti�e Funds. IFder sh211 give to Borrower. �,.,��.
<br />:yi,;ti, ,. se for which eac3� �m�r�;�
<br /> without char�r-'��'►�.���'�of the Funds. showing credits ti�t�d debits to rize Funds a�ehe P� ��_�_;
<br /> de6it to the�FUSds was m�ir.'d'tie Funds are pledged as addi6onal security for all�v�s securad by this S$curity Instnunent• ���;-�-
<br /> th
<br /> If tke(�i'r's held by I�nder exo��the asnounts permitted to be.6eld by applicable law.1.ender sha11 account to Bom��aer __
<br /> f u r t h e e x�:;:s•C-a n d s inaccardance aritir�tfin requirem�nts of appli�tLd�law.If the amount of the Funds heid by l.ender at sury ��,._;
<br /> . .' time is n�o�<�t�i�cient tn pay the Fscrow Il�ros when due,Lender m:fq,sv aotify Borrower in�vei t i ng.a�,in s u c h c a s e S fl t r o v r e r ���,�,,.
<br /> s6all.pay U7��er the amount necessary to make up the deficiency.Bu�rower sh211 malce up the deficieacy in no taore tban a,:::�;
<br /> ,�.
<br /> tx+t�f;�e mea�hlY Payinents.at Lender's sole discrateon. refund to Borrower az►y }.f�
<br /> �� ' � UFa�Y�Y�nt in full of all sums secu:ed by this Security Iusuument. l.eader shall pmmptly ��`,:
<br /> . gands hel�l�y.l.ender.If.under paiagr�Ir21.Lender shall acquite ar sell the Property,Lender.Prior to the acquisition or sate n.
<br /> af the�pe�Y.sha118PP�Y�Y F�hetd by L.ender at the time of acquisition or sa!e as a crediY��ainst the sums secur2d by
<br /> �g Sec„"n'In�r�em' nts received b Lender under paragraghs
<br /> ` • . 3.Application af P�g:�u�ts.lJaless appficable law provides otherwise.a11 pay� Y
<br /> fied:� t;ta any PrepaYm�t charSes du�under the Note:second.to asnnunts payable under parngraph 2; ;,;�-i��T
<br /> i and 2 sha1!be app �+ '�.-.•
<br /> ' third,to inteicst.due:fo�rfn,t,o princip�tt due;snA last.to any late charges due uader the Note. .. . . —
<br /> . 4p�r�s;lsens. Bonower sfu�11.pay all taxes.ass�sments.charSes.fines and imposittons attributabte to the Propctr�.
<br /> • . which mny attai5►Prioriry over this Sesvrity lnsnument. anb teasehold paym2nts or srouncl Yents. if any. Borcowe�'shali�.�f.sj . �
<br /> ti�ese obligations in the m.anner provEded in paragraph 2.or if not paid ia that manner,Sorrower shall pay them oa time dicn.c¢�y `_
<br /> . ttc the person owed payment.Borro�vec shall prompUy fumish to Lender a11 notioes of amnvnu to 6�paid un,d�r this parag,caph. ..�.'�V;Y
<br /> � 1f Borrower makes these paymenis dis�ex�fy�,SorroEVer sha]I promptly furnish to l.ender receipts evidencing the paycnerits. ,
<br /> ` Bor�+uw�:�shall promptly disci�argu air:!lien which has priority over this Security Instn►mert nnless Borrower.(a)agt�s ia
<br /> wridng to t��.�ay�ent Qf the.oi�l�ga�a-r'���by the lien in a manner uccepiable to Lender.(b)contests in good faiW the lien
<br /> � by, ot defends againsk�uttiir.xment of the lien in, legal pracePdinps which in th:Lende:'s opinion operate ro prevent tt� _
<br /> r.e�r,.:
<br /> � { enforcemectt.ssB the€ien:�r(a�socures from the holder of the lien an agreemsnt satisfactory to l.ender subord'anatin8 the lien tu
<br /> • thi�Setvrify irstruraT�ent. lf Lea�der d�termines tAat�nY Part af t�e Pcoperty is subject to a lien which mny attain pr�ority aver
<br /> . � �la g���y,��ttum�r.t� Lender may give Bnmower a notice identifying the lien.Borrow�er shall satisfy the lien ar take one o¢
<br /> • mare of Btc¢ctions ect fmth above�vitiun 10 days of the giving of nodoe.
<br /> .. Form 3Q28 9PDQ
<br /> : � �_
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