���~ 'T?�� .t. .. . .. . ._ .. ' .. . - : . .. . . � \ -. .. �- - '
<br /> �4fi� _ . < < . , .-. c _ . ` � ^-_
<br /> - - . � - ', -. - L`. `- � ' --� - -- "92-�.__ �1�44 - - -
<br /> - -, �� _ �, .. � �� : . '- eefc�e'�le af(u�e prope�e;►p�'�b�'gcr�°f s�e�oo:�.r.:d�a iiit` �
<br /> _ _ . ��a�(b�a°°q'°t'j'�'"a't�eat°rc`u�ttis Se�icy Ia�' 'iboa caoditions are d�t�ono�er: Ea) . •
<br /> . paji's I.eader�ll s�wUicb�ea.rro�ld be due noder tbis Securi�Y b�ua�t aid tha Nae� if�w�ooelar�t�ioa 1rd
<br /> aautte�(b)aaa a�►defavlt of aay ad�a oovenants ar ageert�ts3(c)WYs aIi expenses incunrd in eefa�N�dua Secrrit�r .
<br /> , t�u�'ue�t,iaciudio�.but nirRR N�nited to,its�pn�bk at�xneYs'fee�aod(d)taloes such�etion as i�eadec mtY t�aao�ab�Y
<br /> . teqaine oa�aa�Nat d�e Ika�d8ris S�c�rtity Inso�amaent.I.drdax ri86ts in the P+ope�Y aad Ba�vwet�s abii�,ttion�pa�►�
<br /> sm�s eec�aM 6!►�,��Y �u�°c ah�II cmtinue unchan8ed. tJPon r�e��5' $On'0wa• t6is Sec�ly
<br /> � ias�uma�t aad tb�ci��saaQed l�eneby shaU remaia tully effettive�if na aaxkr�tian had ocaured. Now�ve�this
<br /> - �ht wi+eiaetue strait not ap�g�a ibe eue o€�ccelaatim:uodec�ph �fercst in the Nate(toB�er witt►ttns SecuritSf"
<br /> I! $ale ot Nale:�e d la�Se� '�'�p�O�'a P��
<br /> Ia�omaR)m�Y be�oid ooe a mare time.c aridraat prior nai due mtdec tLc No1e md tlu�'s�'uoaQ'�eY �i�ae�.Z1�ae dgo
<br /> (lanuwn as the"l.aao Savioe�"3 tb�t ovlloas montLlY PsY�
<br /> . rRSy be aoe a mo�e ch�o�e�of tbe lro�n Saviar W�ndated w a sak of the Nou. If Wene�Lc a cUuigc of th�I.oso ServKxr,
<br /> �� Baarnver w�J be givea vRit�ra aotioe o�the�6ange�a000[dmoe wn6 P�ca�Ph 14 above aod.applic�bk l�tw. The notioe' . :
<br /> . . s�i at�the uane atd addresso€tbe nerr Loan Sarica�od the addiess w which paYments sUoWd be n�de. The not�ce w�l
<br /> .�eomu►�nY al�infam�an�qaic�d 6Y�ilicabl�c�`� �e ace.uss,�sPosat,storaSe,ar�r.of�uy
<br /> :,`��1:Hn�rie�sSriNRa�e� BarioRrFShaUi�.���-'�. P�!�. P� • u . .
<br /> ;g��on os in the P�upacg. Bo�is�s�'�ac�"r,a;rnx allow anyane eLse co da,?nY����:
<br /> ,pts�pattye th�'t a•iit viotatioo o�any 6�vuamnmta�I:as� �,C�:�-"�!�?YS senances sdall not appty to sT+e .�:�:a�
<br /> ;.s�aisge ort the PmpettY of sa�13.q�ticies a��u�cdo����$�IY�0�izod ta be appruprisr�"to�`
<br /> ` '°iies�deoti�t uses�M to mai�cz of the Property. :. :;<
<br /> ' �ower sh�fil pmmptiy give Lcnder written ncxice of eny imestigation.cl�im,demud.lawsuit a dher adian by smy
<br /> g�,�(�re�lamcy agea.y or privau parry involving the PmpeAY and su�y Harardo�s Substance a Envimnm�►tal
<br /> Law o[which Barower 6xs acWal lmowkdge. U Bamwer.lesms. a is aatifiod by aoy govemment�l or tegul�taY
<br /> wU�aity,th�t aag maoval or dlrer semed�atiat of any H�za�da�s Substaace affecung the Prope�tY is n°ass�Y•Rorrower
<br /> - 3hW pmntptty t�aiF nxessuY�etne�al adians in acca�daace rxith Envi�+anrtkntal i.aw.
<br /> As nsed in this paaary�b 20."Hazardoas Substances"ue tbose substanoes defiaed as toaic or hu�rdais subspnces� �
<br /> Fmironmental Law wtd tde following substances: Basoline.kemset�.aher fl�mmabk'ar wxic peunleum p�+pduc
<br /> pesticides and herbicides,valatile solvents. materials containing acbestos or fortnaldehyAe.�nd rs+dioactive mate�ials. As
<br /> usod in thisp�uagr�pi►20."Fnvironmental Law"r�ns fedetal laws and laws of the jutisdlction whe�e the Rc�petty is lacated
<br /> tt�t alate fo he�lt(f.safety or environmetttai pcotectfon.
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lceder funher caven�►t�nd agree as follows:
<br /> 2!. Aecett�tioa,ihmedies. Leader shaU gire aotia to Rarru�rer prior to*cakrallow[dbwl�Rarro�rer's
<br />- bresc�d say covau�t or s�rcement in tbi�StcuritY In�tron�ept 16u/eot prior ta Aceeleration uedev p�ea�spb 17
<br /> _ �des��pUcable law provides df�isel- T6e noNce shall apecify: (s3 the delauN:lb)the action requked W cure t�e
<br /> de�s�lt,te}�QNe,�at less tlWw 30 days Tran the date the Roticr i�li��to Borrower.by whicb the defwit must 6e
<br /> - casd:sNd(d)tl�t taii�re to cure ti�e def�uk ou oe befone tbe d�te specif k�d is tre�otke a�y re�wtt t�sccekratio�o�
<br /> -- tie sMas sawced by tl�s 5ecurity Instrumeni and sak ot the PropeNy The edke sMsN farther i�fonu Barrower ot
<br /> -- tiie rl�t b reL�e nf ter a�tekrntlon and t6e�ht to brin��eawrt sctbn to s�seirt the eos�sisteace ot s de�autt or
<br />-- �sy at6ee defease d Bor�oWer to accekration snd safa It t6e detault k aol cared oa ar befare the date specitkd in
<br /> t�e notic�Leader at its optbn m�y require immediate pAymeet in fuil at p0 sums secured Dy this Securfty Instrument
<br /> =v�� witLaut turther dems�nd �ad may invoke the power ot sak and any dher remedies permitted by app�icabk W►w
<br /> Lender s6�1! be entitled to colkcl all eacpenses incuerM in parsai�the remedies provWed in this paeagrnph Zl.
<br />-'�: includtng,bnt not limited tu,reasonabk attorneys'kes and costs of tftk evidence. _
<br />"�:r* It tix pawer of sak is invoktd,7lrustte shaD record a aotice of defautt in each county in whkh�ny p�rt o�tbe _
<br />_- _ _ property h bpted And sbsll mail copies ot such noNce in ihe mAnne�prescrlbed by Appiic.�bk law to Borrower and to
<br /> �o�e�r p�rsou,9 pr�crfhcd by applicabk Is�w. Attee t6e time rtquired by App��abk��+�'�a sbnli Sire pnblk
<br /> =F.� �wNce o�s�le to the p�►sons su�d in the maaner pres�ribed by AppHc�bk Ixw. '[t�.�ee.withaut de�annd oo Bosro�v�*,
<br /> sUay sd1 tUe prape�at publk Auctloo to the highesi bWder at the time and pi�ce And under the terms de,si�n�ted�
<br /> = T the eotice ot sak in oae ar more parcds Aod in any order Trusta determinr3. 7Yustee msy postpoae ssk d sU ar any
<br /> ".,`� pareet aFfic�'ropertp by poblk aanouncement at t6e time aod ptaa ot�ny previously schedukd spla LtyMer a'its
<br />__;,,��:.;.
<br />-- - d�et�rsy puechase tbe Property at any sale.
<br /> u
<br /> -- iI receipt o�paymeet ot 1he Price bid,7Fustce shall deUver to the purchasee'Iivustee':�deed conveyleg t
<br /> - ptopert�The reciWs in t6e 7lrustee's deed sdall be prima�acie evidence o�the tratb ot the st9tements n�de therein.
<br /> -^`-,� ;ra�tee sbsll apply the pracecds of tde sale 1n the tolfawfng order. (�)to all costs and eapenses ot exercis�tg the power
<br />---:r.
<br /> .�;� --
<br /> -�'-'":. •
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