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<br /> � �. . . �_ . � _ _
<br /> � � �k;,. � _ . . .- , , � _ - ._ , ,._� . —. � ,
<br /> - '��- ; _``� . '--- - -- - - = .--- - - -+�2_- it�� � . - - �----
<br /> ' ti
<br /> � � voa3e�tiun ac aTher W�nE of uty put of ttie Ptop�t�:at foc convey�x ip lisu-of coada�ru�iaR,x�a hete6y sui�ee,d f�d
<br /> ` s1iaU 6e p�id to I.ender. . . _ ` . ,
<br /> � .Li the event of a tdaf tating of the PMperty.tbe ptacadv stiall be applied to ih4 sutns so{,u�ed by`t�is 5xutitY
<br /> (�s�rc��wl�thei or not tl�rn�tae,with any excess paid to Bortuwer. In�I�e event of a pa�tta]tal�ing of ttie Propertj►tn _
<br /> vvfticlt d�e{air ma�icet value of the Piopetry im�ediauiy before the takiag is e;�uqut{to ot geratu d�an the amount of tBe suma
<br /> eecuted�sy lhis Secaaity Instrwnd►t imirxdiaoety 6efaie the talciug.u�nless Borrower and Lender otdenvise sgree ia wrieie� . £.
<br /> - ���6y����y inspvment s`�ll be nduced by the atrwunt of We p�oceeds muldpliod by the tdbwing ,
<br /> f�acteon: (a)the total amount of the sums secucea�immediately before ths taYing,divided by(b)the fais m4rlcet v�tue o�tl�
<br /> .-Ftopetty immodiatet�before fhe tal�ng. My aalar�cc str6il he.paid ta,Borrower. In t1x event of a partiai taiciag of the----
<br /> , � propetty in vehicit dx fair m�lcet vatue of the Property immedi�tely 6cfore the tahiug is kss than t�e�nount uE the swns
<br /> securod immediately befare the taldng.unless Bonower and Leader othenvt�e agcae in writing or unkss appiicabie Isar
<br /> . otlxrwisc providss.the p�oceeds sUall 6e applied to the sums secured by this Security Instnmxut wl�ether or aot thr smag are
<br /> then due. � �
<br /> � If the Propeity is alia�by Bo�rower,oc if,after notice by Lender to Borrower tbat t6e candemnor offers to m�ica
<br /> � �awud or setde a claim for damages.Bamwer fails to iespaM to Lender within 30 days afar the daoe the notice is givat,�. ,
<br /> -.Lra�der is authorized,w co(lect and apply t6e pmceeds,at its option,eitl�er to nestoration or n�air of the Ptoperty a w tbe
<br /> .:..'suans sermed by tbis Security Instrumeat,whether o�not then due.
<br /> " Un{�ss I.ender and Bornower othecwise ag�e iu writing,any application of pcoce�ls w principal stiail na euend a� ,
<br /> - p�po�:ti�e due date of the manthly�ayments cefemd to in Faragraphs t aad 2 or change t6e,amount of such paymenu.
<br /> - I!::�a�r�rower \lat.Rek�sed; Fafiearanc�e Bg l.�der Nnt a Waiqer.- Fa�tensioi�af the tur� for paymetrt nr
<br /> — - :ipodi&catio�of`a�on of t6e sums rxcured by this Secacity Tnsmm�ent ga�tsd bjc Lei�r to.any suecessar us� _
<br /> t ::;_
<br /> ' -"of Ba;mwe'f shaDI�t crpe�ate to ce�ase the liability of the ori�:Bocrmvarvr Ba�c+ower's sucoesso�s sa inte�st.Lerder . :;:;:
<br /> ��Stwli aot 8ie stq�r.s rs•�me��r�eeedin8s a8a�nst any su�.�s�r�.�)interest or tefuse.#�,exte�d�..fa�.paymar�c.,c =� r
<br /> •.. .,odiec�vise.a�d'ffy��isf�:�`,s secar�d by ttus Sec�i>S?ii��entbY�af�u�u��a.�.r,-'-��ori�' � �
<br /> _
<br /> .
<br /> - . .::Boaux�r�r Barrowa:'s sucressoes�i�:teres�. �ay�fori�eac'anae�t'Y�x�dertn eaemisia8�LS!,�st��"s 1 not a
<br /> -� . - ":�� araiver of or prectade ti�c:ExeRz-se of an}f cight or rti�d� � :.
<br /> 12. Suoees�ars�id Assigns Bound.Joiet a�d Sevsrsd l.i�Dilit},Co�iiers. The covenants and ag�neats of tdis • ,
<br /> -- Secatity Instrument shaU bind and benefit the.successaes and assigns of Lendet and Borrower,subjoct tv the prov�stoas of
<br />-- pa�agraph 17.Borrower's covenanGc and agreements sha0 be joint and several.Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> Instrument but does not esecute the Note: (a}is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage.grant and copvey that
<br /> Boaower's Ltter�st in the Prop+erty artder the tenns of this Security I�trument: (b}is nat persanally oblig�ted w pay the sumc
<br /> secured Isy this Security Instrument;and lc)asnees that Lender and any other Hotrower may.agmx to eatend modify.for6ear
<br /> ar malce any accommadations with regard to the temns of this Security lnstrumFnt or the Note withaut that Bortower�
<br /> . consent. _
<br /> 13. I.o�n Char�. If the laan yccured by�his Security tn5trument is subject to a !aw which tiets maximum loan .
<br /> - • ch�►rges.and thpt law is finally interpreted so Ihat the inter�t ar other taaa chargcs collectcd or ta be coltected in connectian
<br /> with the loan eace�d the permiued limits,then: la)any tiuch to�charge shall de reduced by the amaunt necessary tn reduce
<br /> the charge to Ihe permitted limit:and Ib)any sums already coltected tram Barrox•er which exceeded pertnitted limits will be
<br /> refur�led ta Bcarawer. L.enQer may chootie ta makc Ihis ref�und by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> Airect payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal,the nduction will be tmated ac a parual prepayment without any _ __
<br /> ' prepayment chargc under the Note. �;-=._._.
<br /> • 14. Notkes. Any notice to Borruwer provideci for M this Security Insdument shall be given by deliveriag it ar by Y•-
<br /> ,. mailing it by first class mai!unless apQlicabte law re.quires use af ano[her method.The notice shall be directed to the Property �'�'�`"
<br /> a.;;.r'�:'=:
<br /> Addnss or any other pddress Borrawec designates by notice ta l.ender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class •�:-•
<br /> � mail t�l.ender's Address stated herein or any other uddres�L.cndcr designates by natice to Borrower. My notice provided for �'��'�`�
<br /> in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have Ueen given to 8orrower or Lender whcn given as provided in this ='
<br /> :y..
<br /> . . P��Ph• '*`�:�_
<br /> - 15. Gaverning l.aw; &verabiltty. ThiS Security Instrument shalt be govemed by federal law and the!aw of the ��_ -=
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Praperty is located. ln thc event ihat any provi+ion or clause of this Security InstrumeN or the Note '��� -
<br /> �_=��.`
<br /> � • canflicts with applicab}a taw.sucb canflict shall noi affect other pravisions of t�is Security tnstrument or t��:�Iote which can !-�___
<br /> . ' be given effect withaut the conflictirtg provirion. To this end the provisionti af this Security Instrume,c[and the Note are -
<br /> �t;'� declared to be severabte. ° . �;
<br /> ' �:,�• 16. Bo�tower's Copy. Borrau•er shall be g�ven one canfarmed capy of the l�tote and of this Security Instrument. �. .. .....
<br /> 17. Trsnsier otthe Property or a Beneticial lnterest in Nnrrowee !f all or any part of the Property or any interest in ::. ,L.'
<br /> � ''� it is sald or tsansferred(or if A beneficial interetit in Borrawer is sald or tra�.��errcd and Borrowcr is rtot a natural person) ,� .`'
<br /> without l.ender's prior written consen4 Lender may.at its option,reyuire irr,�:diate payment in full af a:t�ums secured by • '"=:�-
<br /> this Securiry tnstrumenl. Hawever.this option`hall not be exercised by Lender if exerci,r iz prohibited by federallaw as of _
<br /> the date of this Security Insttument. •
<br /> . If Lender exereises this option.I.ender�hall give Borrow�er notice of aeceteratic�n. The nofice shall provide a period af
<br /> � r' not less than 30 da}s�rom the date the notice i�delivered ar mailed within which 8oru�wer mu,t pay all sum�secured by[his ..
<br /> . �' Secudty lnstrumeni. tf Barrower Fails to pay thesc sums prior to thc cxpiruii�n uf thi� periixt. Lender may invoke any - •
<br /> ° " remedies permitted by thig Security In�trument wiihout further notice or demand on B��rrowcr. �.
<br /> ���-s-�� � . 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Burcowrr meetw ccrtain rnnditionti. Barrower s6a11 havc thc right to have ___
<br /> ` . . 'i' enforcemem of this Security lnstrumen!c�ixcominucd s�t ziny time prior to the earlier af: �a�S day�(or�uch other period aw
<br /> r
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