. . . . .. . .. . . .. . ;r... . . . . .. ...... . . . ..r . . _ ..
<br /> ... . .. . .
<br /> � ( ' .. . . . t.� c , . . � + . . .... ... � ' . .. .. . . `_�._ ` :Y� ` -__
<br /> __-"___:—� i4'_.-�__ .�._ .____' ' ,v _ � .. t - _ _ � . _ ... O T— � �..
<br /> ..Y:'_ •-�•--�__'—"ir, L � dii".,i_.
<br /> _ __—t._ . . . . . -- � __-- - . — — —' _ � _ -- —
<br /> . , �� -_. . , ` '` -c- . ..'`! 5.. , r:. ---'�---"`\ . ( -�- _
<br /> _{'r� � `_ ' `1 � �_�s..-�__-._,...( "" 1....,_ _ _..._.�_ e . .. * �_:
<br /> _._....Y. '""'""""" _�� � �:r � , , _
<br /> ' � �.O'7654 . ` , 4 � : ., �
<br /> �
<br /> �.�
<br /> of the Narc and of this Secuiity I�suu-'n�nt . . : " ._
<br /> n
<br /> • 16.BorraWU's Copy. Bosrower shall 6eg�ven one wnformed copy in it is , � `.��:
<br /> 17.Trans�ea o!tb.e Fro� ar a Henetldal Inteae3Y�n 13orrawee. If all or any part of the Progeaty ar any inteaest :`� � ': . ._
<br /> s�1d or ua�'eaxed(or if a intPZest in Bouowa i�sold or t�ansferrzd and Baauwer is n�t a naumal Peason)wit�hout F ' M1`:s��
<br /> Ls�der's priar written cons��Leada may.at its option,�use immediate PaYmeut m full of�II suins�by this Se�urity .�:...-...,�
<br /> Is��i Howeva,tbis opUnn shall nQt he exezasr�d by Lender if exercese is pso1u'b'sted by fedeial law as of tfie date of ihis r ti `~�
<br /> gac�ity Ins�ument vi od of nut less !'--.:�- - --- =---._
<br /> ? If I.eadcs eaercises this op�on,Lxuder st�all give Boaov�er norice of axeluation.'Ihe nauce shall gm �de a Peai . . . _�
<br /> thtm 30 days fmm the datc the no�ce is deliveted ot maited rritha�ahi�h Bonrower taust pay all.sums secured by this Suauity ., �`
<br /> In�ment If Boaaw�£a�s tfl pa�.Jh�?su�����°n of th3s periud,Le�der may u►vo�se any reme�es Dermatted ,. . ° -_
<br /> � Ias�sagcem whttottstt ftut��`���o�Bnzmwer. have the t to have
<br /> by thisSecmriiy � .. :..�'. _ '.T-'_�_,-
<br /> 18.Borr��re�'s Si�ht to�t�. ��f'.@6�ifif'rt�t'�is ce�n cmndmons, Boimwea sh�3l � _ :.,,.�J�,.::
<br /> enf'osce��nt af this Se�itY Insh�m�'d�nt�¢et�aL any t�me�r to the ear2cer of: (a) S dmys(ar such other peiiad. : .':�:;=;;,,r;.:_.
<br /> �plirab�fe I&w maY sPe�'fQr e�)befaie sate of th,e Propeaty p�u�nt to rny potiver of Eale cantamed in this SeaurtY : . . ,i._' ,�..,,,,,�,,,a.•. ..
<br /> t Thase oon�litinns aze tdat HonowFa:(a)paYs Leudea all , <
<br /> �st�amen�or fb)eanY af a judgm�t eafoicing this Secaairy Ins� `�.:' - n�....
<br /> taums whish th�n woald be�dne undea this SecuritY Enstrumc�t an�tYte Not�as if ao 2oo�laation had ocxum�i;(b)cures aaY K _
<br /> s afl e�."usts�ia e��g this SecurYtY lnsuu�sent,mclud�,6nt .T'a""i�;.._ , .
<br /> default of sny a•.her coveaanss ar agreemrmt�(c)Q�Y :-`""''''',.—"-� -
<br /> not limited m,m�sonabie aisnmeys'fee�sad(�takes sacb actioa as LL�uder maY reasoaablY r�e4�m assUre thai the lieg of t6is ,: , . _ __
<br /> Lendec's n ts in the Prope�ty and Bflaowds o�ligatissn to pay the snms secared by this Secauiry �; -- -
<br /> $cx�ity 1nst�ent, Le �, U reinstateuu�t bY BoTmwet, tfis �eariiry Insttnment and the obligations secur� ►-�:�°;��� . ...�}:-�:
<br /> �att st�aIl oontinv� mnt�8 �l�n had occuaed-However,thes ri�►t to re�smte shall nnt appfy m the case of �' .� _ .�._ `; . '.,�^'
<br /> fi�,by sha11 s�in fuIIY c�r..,as if no �;r`u��. `z;-;, .°}.�����:
<br /> �l�ation „d�a�LT' �1a1 in�erest in rhe Na.e �toSeihet with this Secnmy �=��-.. � �.�;�:�-"'-„. _ -;� _
<br /> " 'ILe NotB or a
<br /> 19 Snte ab'I+F�3e;�F,�,�,�,��.�.�-vice�. _� .`
<br /> t be soid ac��xr mote�w��P�namce w B�vr�.A s�le may resali�,�thange in 4he eaitity(iiuBVns �,:v::.s; .�` F<� �._ ,"�`-
<br /> - � inso«ea)ncaY , ts dne�ucded ti�e L�t'at�$nd this SecuncY rn�,"+�t'Ih�e also maY be�c� � "''-" _
<br /> as t�e°Io2u Sp'vtcet") `ti�Le�:ects monthly p3ymEn,_ ,,_.�.,.,. �s�...io g rl�vt¢8 Of 4EtP T��r13t SPJViC�,Borrowet w�t� ;�` �.:,�„�.��i�
<br /> ;y �e cLaages of the Lo��vicea a�ei�ut u,a�..�:s.... „w. .�law.TTfree not�e wU slase the name anu � - ��k --
<br /> y� h 14 a6ove and�� _�� "'�
<br /> give�wrmea notice of the d�age in accordan�e p� sE�e�!d��r.�.�.'Ih�ur.rece w01 aLcfl caatau►any e�`...er ' -
<br /> address of the o�w Laan Seavieea and the address tn wh�ch pay� -.r- � '�� ,��',
<br /> �� info�tuaYian resiunred$Y aPP�Se law. -,,. ,.��i.
<br /> 20.Haz�rdon�Sabstance9. Boaa�s�sbail aat caasa �pr�'�c���• nse, d#.�''➢�s�l• s�Se, or release oE�.�
<br /> � �......:�.{:.. i"r
<br /> � �ne else w do.anYt�B a�ecting the Fa�at� . ` t7 ��`,: . _�`:-:
<br /> IrTar�dous Sabstances an a�ia tlie Pco�'.Boimwer¢ball mot�;.��c as� - � :_
<br /> � vironmeurdI Law 'i�e g�8 tao s�r�ces '�� mFr.apgly to ths p�seace,nsti.os smrnSe a�x tlt� �';��.; ,'',;:
<br /> is m violalion of any Fa � to be sp�ropnate ta�res�ents:�� '4�. '.c ��.' �'��.�,
<br /> p r o p c l t y o f s�n a D q u a n t i L i e s o f H a r�d a u s Snbstances that are g�aUY &-� ,�,�•, .:'�•�F � � ti --
<br /> s aD 4. y��;..,��;, � ' f;
<br /> and to m��sp of the Pt�pertY• ;,��notice of any m�csti�un, clalw, demaad.lawsuit ar at6er actTwn is� :ar.Y :. c� �'; -
<br /> ce a
<br /> B�roa�sbaU pmmP�Y 8Ne�'� and au H87�IdOU9 SAbSfeACB 6T fiDYIP0II1aCIIts'���1 ��,` �:�; ,: ;. �`�a.
<br /> aU
<br /> govetnmend.os regul3tmy�aY���P�Y iavolvIDg d►e�' Y antttariiy,d�:tur'�
<br />� of wS�ir�Barmwer 6as lcnowledge.If�Boimwet leams.or is��ed$y any goveznm�ml ar regalatary f , `:` ;�,� . '`-
<br /> raaoval�othes remeQiatnun of anY Ha�doas Substance affectu►g d�e Pr4PratY is n�ry�Bosowes shnll P��F�Y�� �
<br /> nece�ty re�medial acanns m ar�orda�uce with Fnvimntaental Law. �t'��`''� ,�
<br /> - As used in this pata�'aph 20."I�Ia�ardFws Substarsces" �e these sabstaaces defined as to�ac or ha�dnus sulsstances by _ .�°°�:�:6j{:�•'_
<br /> Eavimnmensal Iaar �d the folluwing substa�uoes �asoliae�.�"w othe.r flaanmable ar t�uc petmleam products. t�c :,. r _
<br /> and r�lioacave materials.As a�in �'�- �„' .
<br /> � . pestieides aad de�biades.vofau'Ie solveuts.maie�iads cuatainmg a�c�s mr farrmalde�yde, t�i ss'
<br /> ' this p�a�aph 20,"F�vironmer►tal L a w"m c a a s fcAeial la�ss an�P�!�s�..€ahe j�uis��an wheae the Propeaty is located tt�t:td�s .}:�.
<br />� 1 ""�`�� '�"�-,�
<br /> � [O hPd�t11.SBfEtY QI CaY�Yi1Q1�pl6IC�dD• � -��-;,
<br /> NON•UPIIPORM COVENANf�.Bmeowes and 3.ender fi�her ocsva�t and agcee ag foIInwa �°�f�;,
<br /> -:�;;���.��., -
<br /> ZI.Acceteradoa:Re�nedies.I.ead�sLaq�Ive notice to Bc�ra�+�P�to ac�srSerat3�n foIIawln�BomrR�r's t���! '„4�,�`y' si, ,, -
<br /> 9 �
<br /> �m,y cav�an� or agreemcn� in tII��'�t7 La�rament(�i �a¢ Prior to Rcee3eratiea aader pas1�graP6 17 tou� l,i,, , �. -
<br /> � ��I`R'��.,y�,...*�"".� `.
<br /> app{ica0le!aw providcs otht�vise?.'�he notEfle sD�D sDec�bFg�:(o)��xfAUFi;(b)the�'iun reqnir¢d W c�n the dd'�pli�(cr� ��------ -="
<br /> t e �`�y
<br /> a date•not kss than 3f!days irom t6e date tBe natice is g{ven to Be�eg.f��wbtcb t6e defanit mast be arred; — ---
<br /> }. t�at[aHare to crrr the ddanit on or bdare 4be date spec�ul��s�moL��9 re�t nn aaceleratinn o!the sums se�re� ' ._,.G...,,a.��� _
<br /> � py tbb Ses�iiy Lstra�wt and eale o!the�perty.7`[se catFc�r,�taD fmr�her iniarm Bnno�ra of the right to rt�t� �.-,a��� - ���--�-`.� ==�=
<br /> bb �,r_.�-
<br /> i after acaekration and tEfe rigbt to Drimg a oa�t AcHcm to�as��sf�:e noa�e�teace o��de���Ii ar any olher defc�rs+¢c�t __-
<br /> Borm��to ac�deratbn and s�U t6e defau[Z i�eat e�ue�I�m�s betose�e date specSf'�ed in the natice�r.ende�,ut fJs - - -;..!„�
<br /> Y�str�ent�il'�tau3 favt��r Q�nanB e�
<br /> oDt�Q,m�T�e immedtate p�yment in ta0 a!i�.']aatt¢�securcd Dy¢�S�a�ity - - i �,;:,;
<br /> a td D a 4e law Lgader 6hall lte cntid���� ���iitf
<br /> �m�y invW�e the pa9ver of sole and any olIler cr�edie�permitt Y ���m ': `���}t;%
<br />' t�e�medka Pravidetl in tuis pasaira��El.incle�g}b��t limit�d tu.re�s.+nable �'r� �., � ,�--
<br /> a11 e�cn�mcmrred in pwsatn8
<br /> cm
<br /> at�p!#L'�!t°• Ih.t°S s�n�OQ6C9 Of LM1!tYEd1(mC:a �'""'����-=--�-�-"'.
<br /> I� "k�:g pii�'e o�saCx i�ia�va�de'li"rasiee sS�aD reoord a � ot dtfauH in wcL owmty in wbic6 any part a�f the - r`�_�---- - -
<br /> pfrapert�is Qocated aud�0�ai!cepi�s ot euch uat�ce ia�th2 munaer Dpascrfbed by appUcabfe Inw to�ar�r�wer asd to the �_�:�
<br /> Lcab�c law,Trusiee e�ati Qiv��t��:k natice o8 � .
<br /> otDer Qasr�„�s pr��D py appW�3e taw.AiY�r tha fa�se reqnEred by app' s�acii Qhe r__�.__ �_
<br /> � saie ta t�cct(r,�soas a�d!�n tt�e ec.wm�'Dres¢�ibed by ap�tt�ae Aaw.7'rostee�witbont dem��on Barnzwcr. --- -_
<br /> t � Didder a!the tea�e umE ptaoe aac�andcr tLe teims design�ted in tAie not&�aQ azle �F�.,_ ,:. , •-
<br /> , i Picopepty s[�p�bL=s a�stE�n 6u Qt�.�{�u�t eat `"'�"P'.�'".�� -
<br /> op t •
<br /> _ i ,,1."�Y!R!�'•i--
<br /> �1��4�W�
<br /> �M�I�.
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<br /> • ,:�'>.- ' ' � • . . _ . _ . � , ' . `I , . . . ' • � • ' . ' . • ��-
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