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<br /> 4
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<br /> -a., � � � . < -- - '-- --------� �"__ :F e. N � _ ��:�.
<br />� ..._....���,. _
<br /> � ��_���►►�� � �< �.: .. :�-__
<br />- � Day�nents aeay no tonger be requi�ed,at the option of Le�der,if raort�age insaraace wves�qa Cm t6e funount aaca or t�uy pr•.csar ' , ` __. �.°_'---
<br /> � equi e
<br /> ��? dzat Iendra cequicrs)PsQVidsd by an in�uer appioved by Lender again becomes aw�7abls a�d is obtt�nad.Bmm�rer�d�y s��: � � -- �
<br /> .� �aemiums re�uired to mammm martgage insuiance in effect.or m provi�e a iass rczerve,ant�d� req�rerr.ea�faz r�srYtg�{� <�•,� . ` �, ; �� �--
<br /> ' in.�uance e�ds in�oazdauce with eay cvriVen�eaL�twe+en Brnrowez aad Leadzr ar agpli.�le L-�w. . �.--.:
<br />� 1 9.Iaspeci[a�. Lendea or iis a,ge�tt may maYe�+sanabte ea�izs u�n and inspeceions of tha Praperty.I�r sk�.�1�gb� ; ` . ;. �+±;.
<br /> '_ ? Brnrowel nosice at t3�tim$of ar piior to an inspecunn specifyin8 rea�orab!e cause far tha�spsctian. � .. L ` '- ".-:
<br /> . x
<br /> =f 1�.C��..�^.,•'..�_ T�e p�of a�y av�d ur e!a.�m f�d-ma�,a�.d'uect or oonsrquzati�il,in consc��Q�i��tity _ - - .- . _ ."� -�'-`
<br />` y oondemnadion or othea�g of any part of tLe Fm�eaty.as fa3 conveyaece m lieu of oonde�n2Fiox�.�re 6ec�by�i�`�.mN3 -_
<br />'. :� sball be pau�to L�dcr. � - _
<br /> � In the event of a mtal t2laing of the prog�y,thz pmoe0ds shaII be agplied to t�e sums se�ed by t�is Seia�,.-z��Inrs�:��.:. _
<br /> "v arhethet or not t�ea due,wah anY ea�cc�s paid w Botmwar.In the eveat of a p�d2l�a3ang of tha Pmp�ty in wh:,ctt dte f'as-i�� ' . . . .. , ,
<br /> '�.. . .::..�« ��.----�-
<br /> ..��.��
<br /> � valne of the Praperty immediatsSy befQre the tal�g is equal to or greases chan ths amfl�t of tha s�s secu�d�f ahis S�►r�..�ity `,;,,;.� ^..{` ..- ,,
<br /> �. Ins�am�t irnm�iatcly 6efore the taldng, un2�Baimwer and Lead�otl�viQe agree fr►w�iting, the s� s� Er,� dss ._ �. ��.=..�
<br /> S�uiry�t shall be rednced by the amo�t of the procee�s multiplied by ths followmg fiaction:(a)it�t.��l:snsr�of ,.�,,,��,� . ,�-�:.
<br /> .'� the sums sectued immediately bef�e the tal�ng,divided bY N)ths f�rs market wdtw�°of the Prop�riy i�d�ty�6��th� , �..,,':;�Y�`•. "•_-
<br /> taking.Any batance st�l be paid w B�rowea.In tht evmt of a p�ttixt tat�g of ttEa Propzrty um wblch 1Le faa��fiet x��•�f t�e � .;,.�, -=yr `. � . �•
<br /> ,.� •xt :_ . �
<br /> �P�Y �Y befare the taking is less th�the amnoni of the sums� unmer3iat�ely befa�e tt� takns�, � �°„�",3'._ �:` `.
<br /> �..
<br /> B�wer aud Lender aiheawise agree in writing�unlesc applic�2e 1aw oth�awise pravid�,th�praoeeds shatl ix��a�t�the •'`,.. .�-•.,y9'��.a•., . ..
<br /> d
<br /> sums sec�ed by tbis Secariry 1nst�uim2�nt whether ar nat the smns are tha�due. ��k��""�"�;�_`; .�'
<br /> If the Pmpeity is abaadoned by Boaower,or if,afl�r nottce by Lsuder m Bflmowa thae the condeaaa�aife�s w�an f.•��s��--
<br /> - srrard os settle a siaim for d�es.Bo�amver fa�1s w zesp�d to I�nda wit6m 30 days aftri the dstz tte na�cs�:scr,�I�s�zr :: i�,�"���s=�=
<br /> - ps auth�i�3 m calle�t and apply the g�eeds,at its o�ptinn,either w restQS2�aa or teg�af t?�e Pro�er►y az m C1�a�seaued _ _ ._.,,--.�,.T..;;:%,�:,�-
<br /> ' [�y thiq Se�iry Instanment,wheth�r�r�^t i;��. =.r::Y::...,�_�._� _
<br /> <�� Un�ess Latder sud Banower otheiwise ag�ee an amtm3,any agplisation of pmoeeds to pm+cipal�baIl uad w��xa�}�oz g�astpone � '� � '� `�'�.
<br /> . � the due daze of tLe manttily PaYme,ats rr.fea�d ta m ga�a�aphs 1 sud 2 0:cbauge tha amou�t af such gaym�. ,� `'��`��'�` —_
<br /> aa
<br /> 11.Borm�er PInt Yttkased;Forltt�rane�e B �No4 8 Waives. Bxteasion of tt{c�eime faa ♦ ae.m.r�t� ,;nn ' ''��_ '"�°`.w
<br />- �� p j ��4 [' . �4.��_
<br /> of amvniu,�nn of the svms sec�ed by�s Seauity Tnstra�ent gxmted by Lettda m xny s�a�se.�m�c�ci ufi�o¢JOZrer shaU • �,• ''' ,'°
<br /> not apecase c�rekase the tiab�y af the orig�al Ba�ower ar Bo3rowrs's so�s ui im�e.I�s�slu�it�ar��be iecg�fred to 'uk�� �'";; , �_
<br /> _ • F, �:�.
<br /> com�nenee pqnceed"mgs u�a�any saoc�ssaor in in�ar mfi�e m eucad mm fur paym�ri oY o�ha�vi�e�.rs��a�a�� " ��- �:
<br /> " tt�a smms sec�ed by tNff�rity I�s�smau isy reas�n of any d�caad made hy tb�arigfnmd Bo�owcr�Sc�rcv�rr's sucxe�s . ��`�`'. �`:�.: " .
<br /> ' �"° �: �' � �#";. . .:
<br />"" .�n inteiesL Any forbea�ance by Lender az ex�sing any rigt►s or r�edy s6aI1 nai be a wa3vzz of ar pYZrdude i�u3�xartue of�y � s, ,.
<br /> d �.. . ..
<br />.:` ri�t or c�tr�y. ,.� . _.
<br /> . • IZ.saoaessois ana P�s eouat�:,bicrr�.t an���:rral a.hb�iay;co�ignzra.'the coves�aats ana a�eeaQCnt3 of a�is :---. '�,•'' `.�. ..
<br /> r �
<br /> � �auiry Lostrameat s�ali�sand and b�ti'�?t the su�rs siand assIgss of Leadet aad�anrowEt,s�isj+3ss tr,thu p:ov�u�s of ;+.f:-:�.-,. '« .. .: °, �-;
<br /> ai d s
<br /> . �aragaaph 17. Bmmaer's cov�ants aad agre�neu�s sdalt be��d �z�'. t�.ts� Basror,rEr rr6o o�� @:� Se�riry ''.':��_:;�'.�:`..-
<br /> ' Ins�m�nt but does not execute dce Not� (a)is co-si�►mg thi9 Socurity�t oatY to mmt�c,�rnrnt and oa�vey thai ,. , .. a• —
<br /> z
<br /> ��ower'3 iat�rest in ttre Roprlty anda d�e te�s of this Sec�aity Ins�u�t�(b)is na2 PeasmnaII!obls�tec4 u�L�r t�se sums .. _r.:2i?fi'� 4:, .'` �� . .
<br /> ���y,��y rn�r�,,,.�r��(�)agees Wat landca aa�any othQr B�rowcs may ag�rec tm e��and'..m��icy.fa�ea ar �'�� r
<br /> maTce say accam�adatioas with regard w the terms of ttis Sec�uisy 1ash�t ar the Nas�wuhout th�s I�ci�+es'��a�t , .��:�
<br /> e ��y
<br /> l3.Loan CLasg;p. If the loa�secuted by this Sec�uity Inshu�eat is sabject tn u 4�w whic6 s�a mnmi�mtc lacun charges, �•:'':�,�.;;;�.;: _-
<br /> • } aad that taw is f�nally interpr�ted so th.�t�t�e interest or orhPa laan cir��s co�lected or ta be oat�.s,�d m ca�eacmla wi�a aLe loan }:4; :.. ;
<br /> ezcaed the pamitted timim.thea:(a)asxy ur:ch ioan charge shaII M_rod�,rced by th�as�on�i a�samy cm red�ce dt�chutga U�t� ,�j�F,'�„•.7�`°•�
<br /> re c
<br />.::'I • pamitud tit�aad R►)auY sams alrtar3�wIIected 1Fro�Bar�wer whi�ch excee�od�arcuued�n�s3ss cv�Uo nctr�ndbd to�tst�.�war. ., .�f���,�.::..�.�.' _:-
<br /> i; � �.ender m��cbnose tn maYe this refa�d by ��the princl�al owed �mc�d'_�z Narte ar by Qaaiva�r a dhuct pciymeat w ___ -_ -�._'`_-`--
<br /> ��::�:-�..•.:::
<br /> )�oaaw�If a refund reduces priucip�,tth�r�daction wltl be tr�ate8 as a par�y�y+ment withaat any Pmgi►Ym�u�a chaz�e ----- ------- - -
<br /> ; '' .� �nd�th�h�. «� � ;-
<br /> .n
<br /> !. � l4.1�'ailcr�. Any natice to Baim�tcrr�ovided fa m this SeauriZy L�s�t shat�be givea by clelivc�ag cL ar.by s�.�i�g it ���;.s . -.
<br /> �. j •,. by f�rst c1�s m�anlcs�q�yticable l�.�r ier�,¢a�s ase of anmtl�c�ad.'fie awiee sh�tl be d�xled a►�T��c�r A�dt�ess or r�`�a.,.,,�;'��, :
<br /> .. auy atha address Borrow.rx��'.esi�a L*�notiee tu Lc�der.Any natice w L�shal�bo givw by �nat clsts3 mnt�u�,3�'s ; �..•;,�,�-r����,. .�
<br /> addrasv stated dete.in ot surlv ather sd��s Leadca dr�i;�ates by natsce tn BarmNa�. Any notice pro+idcid fcc in��afn Secauity `:.� j � ' . •
<br /> '.,. .; _..
<br /> � Iawument'sLaU be deaa�5 D�lsave bart�givea�tn$ur.'swr,�or Latdea when given ss p.sovP.aod in thin�ata��h. �� . . .*�*
<br /> � 15.Coverot�g L�w;SeveradSii[Y• '�is Se���y Iast�umait ahatt be goverued by fedaal ta►v znd t��s.�w af tt� :: :;; .,��.,: • ... .. . � -
<br /> m which the rs I�cated.in the event tLat any pravision or clat�te of thi4 5�a�ri�j 7natr�ttsn6��tte Noie ..
<br /> � • g�y• thi �j,,.•.: "
<br /> conflicts a�b ayplicuble la�v.such canflict shaD nnt mtfe�t other�rovisIona of this Scx�ity Ins�mant or 1h�Neto�cvhich can be - - . ..
<br /> . givea egect without the c.onf'sctmg pmvisia.�.To thi�e��dte ymvisIons of iLis S�siry Instrument r�nd Uh�Naw•�ue dec�ro .u^t•�.��:� ' --
<br /> '"' —
<br /> bc sav�hla "
<br /> � { �atr.t809ff Sit�O '.:m���+��., -=--.
<br /> �•af1(NE)IQ2121.01 Pay�4me tnsu�:,—._ �,x:• `� dl`_�"�
<br /> ��,�_.
<br /> . . � ,� * �.�'.'^=�q,, f""•"''•r_='
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