� � . ' . ` , ' F. . _�...s.�.,c. � •`. � �X ;`.tt_.t...�.�,i�-- �;�.-.__
<br /> ,�—. a -- �— . . , ' ._ _,_ t ��`-
<br /> -�� —�T----- ----
<br /> . 's - --
<br />, � ,. �.. �•u;��5• _ ---
<br /> .. . _ . _.lY�=___
<br />� .` g�_ �0'7�3 . .<<` : ��` ,;`�,,�.
<br />- 13. Loan ChouBes• If d►e loan secured by this Security instniment is subject to a tavs+wh¢ch sets maaimum taan �. - a , • ; ;`' L_°--
<br /> charges, and thzt law is finally interpr�ted so thr[ the intesest or other ioan charges collected or co be collected in + ; :• �, : :_��
<br /> connectioa with the loan excced the permitted liffiits. then: (a) any sach loan charge shall be reduced by the amount �:., ; , .�s'1_•---z
<br /> ` ceecessary to reduce the rharge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums alr�ady collected from Borrovrer which exceeded ,s.�,.'; ; , :�-_.
<br />'� permitted limits wall be cefunded to Borrower. Lender may ciioose to m�lce tteis refund by radu+cit►g the princapal o�ved ., 'y : . _-_
<br /> t �
<br /> under the Note ac i�y making a direct paytnent to Borrower. If a refund red�ces principal,the reduccion will be treatcd as a . ��,.
<br /> ' partial pmpayment�vithout ar►y prepaymQnt charge under the Note. . : -••-`-�-%:-'-
<br />_- id, Plutices, Any aotice to Bo�awcr pmvided for in tLis Security Irstrument shall be given by delicering it or by , �,�,.„_
<br />-, mailing it by first cla4s mail up►Sess applicable law requires use of aao[he�meihod. 'f'he no[ice shalf be directed to ihe `' ,;,...,���-.
<br /> �, property Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall 6e given by ''...:�
<br /> fitst class mail to L�ender's address stated herein or any other addmss Lender deai�nates by notioe to Borrower. Any notice � : �. � .,,f:>.,•
<br /> provided for in this Securiry Instr�ruent shall be deemed to have heen given to Ba�ozer ur Lentlw whra given as provided in j�! ���� `�';
<br /> this paragtaph. ":" Y •Ac�:�'��.: ..9
<br /> lg, Goveeaing Law;SeverabIIity. This Security t„ �m t shall be gcvemed by federal lativ and the la�v af We uTL' ��r� _
<br /> jwisdiaion in which the Property is lacated. In ihe eveut that aay provision o�clause of this S�urity instruanent or the ���M��:��
<br /> nflicts with a licable law,such conflict shall not affecx other roeisicus of this Security Insuumeat or the Note ��;s��---- . '.:=,�-.
<br /> Note co PP p ''""t=,,:`"°.`y�`� '- -`-
<br /> - wluch can he given effert without the conflicting provision. To this end tLe pra•risians of tt�is Seciuiry I�twnent and tbe � ;.. �.,,h•:_.,.�:
<br /> t is .•a ,,;, . _ ...,._
<br /> ���r•°�:.y-
<br /> Note aze deciared to be seeerable. =���`�`"-�'°-�°--n�-.
<br /> PY Insmiment. ' 'S°=�::..•,.?'�
<br />- 16. Borrowes's Copy. Borrawer shall be given one conformed co of rhe Nate aad of this Security '�'_�-; .:�i
<br />.�,.. U. 'ItansFer at t�e P�opgriy or e Beueficipl Interest in Barrocrer. If all or any part of the Property or any . _
<br />.ii:i�t < ,�d sw�a�s_
<br /> interest ia it is s�ld or aansferred (or if a beneficial interesc in Bflnower is sotd or nansferr�d and Borrower is not a r-._;_ ..�
<br /> ';'-., may.at iu o una, immediate payment in full of all � ... �,�i
<br /> f. natural person)�vithout Lend�r's prior written consent.l.ender P� �� .,._..
<br /> sums secured by ahis Sec�uity Inswment. However.this optiaa shaU not be e.se�cise8 by Lender if eaercise is prohibited by �,��A¢::`c �t, �.
<br /> federel law as o f t l l e d a t e o f t h i s S e C a r i ty I n s t r u m e II i. fr _. ;���.:_
<br /> ; c
<br /> .., '::,;:�� -
<br /> ff Lendes exerdse�this oDtion.Leader shall give Borrower nouce of acceletaiion. 1'he notice shall pmvide a period of
<br /> , ....»....��... "'`�"g+�"�`� '
<br /> mai less tlian 30 days from the date the nodce is dr�ivered or mailea wi�,ri�icn m„��� .;;w:�a�a,S��.�.,•.•...�, - ��
<br /> • this Security Insuument. If Borrov�er faiLs to pay dcese snms priur to t�e e.4piration of this perind.Leader cnay involce any ----=:
<br /> �. �.;r remedies pr�ined by this Seca�rity Insuument without finttcer notice or demand on Borrower. ; ,f`�,�_�:
<br /> lg. ff�aros�r's IItigtet to Reims�tsite. If Sorrawer meets certain ca�ditions,Borrovier shall dave the right to have '',���. M�
<br /> ...',: enfoxcem.eut of this Seairtty Instmment discontiunod at any wae priuc to t�e earlier of:(a)5 days(or sush other period as '
<br />' ; applicaEle!aw may specify for reinstatement)befare sale of the Property pursuant to airy power of sale contained in this . _ :" ;� • •�`
<br /> nt. Those wndirions are tilat Borrower:(a) `�
<br /> a, Security TIISr�vment;or N)enu3+of a ju�ment enforcing this Securiry�ssrume + -
<br /> p�y,s��all sum4 which then w�n�l�.be due ander this Sea�rily InEmucent antl tl�e Note as if ao acceleration had
<br />.;rtw�, '� an default af� .r�.ui�er coveaants or agreeurenw: (c?Pa3+s all ex¢en�es utr�med in enfo�ing tivs . ,� ` y
<br /> ,,z,�� accaure�; (�)cures Y nY � � —
<br /> . Secauity Instniment,inr3udin�,ir.0�:r,t:3mited to,reasonable attu�cney�' fees; and(d)takes sucn action as Lender may }�,�,'A��;�,;�y.;;�,�.,.:� �
<br /> r �, reasonably require to as�ire thaz the I:en of this Securiry ir�r��t, L�end�'s•ri;hts in the Property aud�omotiv..r's ,�it,%, �,�,y :.;
<br /> . obligation to pay the sums secured hy this Securisy Instrament shall wncirs,ur unchan$ed. Upon rei.�gmeat bY `;r,, ;�.: .'`°
<br /> Borrower,this Secutiry lnsavment aad the obligarions secuted her�by shall�r�fu11y effeetive as if no a�efyrarion h�ct ` �'" ' =� �
<br /> � � occurred.Howeves,this right to reins�nte shall not appty in tke caQe of ascelerasion under pazagrap h 1 7. '�"" � •-
<br /> a._ �,
<br /> � 19. Sale ot Note; Chang � ty �,
<br /> e af Iaan Servtcer. The Note ar���.�tial interest in t6e Note(to ther with this Securi :�• .,,.:�;.,r;;,,;.._-:.�,.
<br /> � instrurpent)may tse sold nne or more times without prior nodce to Borrower. A sale may result in a chan��in the entiry ��-=
<br /> �%. ..-=
<br /> � (irnoam as the'L�o3n Scrvicer')t h a i co l lects mon t h lY P a y m e n t s d n e u n d e r t h e N o t e a n d t L i i s S e c u ri ty I n s u u m�t. There - ,_._-�_Le L�
<br /> -:.,,_-� -:.
<br /> also may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of We l..oan ,�_ �•., . .
<br />�Yn�,,.r' Servicer,Bormwer will be given written notice of the change in axordaztce with paragraph 14 abave and applicable law. -�: ��_,- -�
<br /> `Y`�'""� The notice will state the name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the add�ess to whi��,,u-:ry menu should be made. �� �� : -.--. -• ";-
<br />:��jS�w�'i � licable law. '�
<br /> •,,��y�� The notice will also co pny other information required hy app . .
<br /> ''r'.''�d�:. .'-:.�__..
<br /> Zp. gst�rda�,�i�.t�ances. Borrower shall not cause or permit the pr�-..��nca:,use,dis�OSa1�stmra�* or release of .�' :. .. ..., . -
<br /> � ;Y.. �r..;.._-r-_
<br /> . any Hazardaus S�ab:�a����n or in the Property. Borrower shall not da,�c::i'tru=�anyone etse to do,aa�ti�irg affecting n�}�;,;_�•:�-' -
<br /> SPP Y" P '����:'.
<br /> the Pra�c.rt.y r.�at is in vi�iation of any Environmeatal Iaw. The preceding t��s�entences shall aot 1 .rr t�:� rese�ce. ----..� _-:;;
<br /> , use.or storge on the Property of smaU quandties of Hazardous Subsr.;.cces that are genera11y recognized to be appropriate t�s
<br /> • nomial residentinl uses and to maintenance of the Property. '.j,� ¢'::`
<br /> � Bo�rower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any invesdgation, claim,demand,lawsuit or other ac[ion`ay ___
<br /> any govemmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any �azardous �ubstance or ��'�,�
<br /> ' Envimnmental Law of wluch Borrower has actual kaowledge. If 8onower leams.or is notlfied by any�suie�amental or : �_!;s;;�.i,'�`;• ��'-;�:
<br />.:;,;.�•.. regulatory authority,that�y remov�l.���other remediation of any Hazardaus Substance affectin8 t�e Property is necessary. �.�.,; �,�,__
<br />;;'�: . Bortower shall promptly take all mxr�s::r¢y remedial actions in accordance with Environmenta]Law. ...;���:'°, �:
<br /> . As used in this paragrapb 20,'Ti:nr:�dous Substances'are those substances definrd as toxic os dazardous substanccs��_ � '"'• - -
<br /> �.�r�^ �.
<br /> Environmental law snd ti���ollo�r:ng substances:�z,�soline,kerosene,other R.:ecr�able or toxie peuotetun��nNiucts, toh:c _ __,
<br /> � pesticides and herbicirlr�,L�t�c;le solvents,materi�ls containing asbestos or G�r,�;ldehyde, and radioacti���c^u:°�lals. As f,i��.��l�.���.
<br /> � � Zfl. "JEnvimn�:ntal Law°tr.�ns federal laws aad laar�s aF the jurisdiction where:lie?roge�r:i ;-: ` ' • �.:.`-.::
<br /> used ln this parnga� , �
<br /> located that relate to�ea:�h.safety a r�vironm�ntal protect4an. ' "''•' .
<br /> ' 4�A.••
<br /> NON-UIJIFORRR COVENANTS. Borrovler and Lendec f�u:tf��covena�lt aad agree as follaws: . ;;,'.•.4:��;=;�,.it`,; ,, .
<br /> yl, Acsei�s►tfoa;Remedies. I.en d e r s h a l l gi v e a o tEc�c��orro�er pai»r to soceie�tioa following Borna�n�sr�S' �a:�.
<br /> .�•�.
<br /> breacb o!any ooveonnL or agreemen4 ia this�ecr�f4y lnstrt�meni NL'!antc�rior ta aeceterntion undw��S:u'.�g,ra�aL'T `�;,�..x.�;. .—.
<br /> � unless opplirAble la�v provtde9 otbeswise). Ttie notice sha11 spectfy: (n)tlnY de4sult;(b)the acdlon n�-y��ie�d t�cm�x ,��,,.
<br /> '� the defaWU(c)a dote,no!I�•s tTiau3m Mys from the datethe notice is g,iven to Boreo�s�,BY zvhic�the de?Anit rme��� �"�''�'';;;
<br /> ;;."f,;�:,: cured;and�thst[ailure to cure tlte�efautt on or befare the date specifled in t6e notfoc tnay eesWt in uccelera4fon otf ;.,,,�q,, ,��''
<br /> � ,�',.
<br /> the sams secured by Blils Sec�ity Iastr�rment aad sale ot the Property. The aotice slam�l[ariLer inform Borro�ree o�' �., ���; ,�:
<br /> the rtght to reiastate mftcr acceleratlon and the dght to bring a oourt adton 4o assert the aors-eatstence of a deteult or '���:•�:;�,-.y;;�
<br /> uny ot6er defease of 1'�oirower to ucc¢�eratton and sale. It We defaWi is nmII cured on or b�?ore t6e dnte ut6ied ia �•r• `"� ' • • � �'
<br /> � ••. v.ar•,,,ti+,`n�una�-s.•.
<br /> �'. ..�_:.�..a.�y.t4.�•. i-.-
<br /> the nottce, l.ender at its optton may reQulre [mmedtate paymeni in �u 1 1 o f u ll sums setared b y tWs 5ecurt t y .,.�,�;.:..�•1-,, .
<br /> • instrument w[thout further demand nad may invoke the Rower of sule and any o3her remedies permitted�y • • �
<br />� . � appUcable I�w. l.eader sbs�il be entitied to callect all expEnses tnc�n n�d i n p�s u i ng t be�ne d�es provided in thls , . .
<br /> 4 �
<br /> � paragrapb 21. includiag,but not Ifmited to,reasonable atforneys'fees nad oosts o!tttie evideace. '""` .�j �� '.`:�
<br /> .,:�,;„,�? .
<br /> Forcf 7028 9�90 lpag�4 nJ 5 pugrt) v
<br /> • ' . . �
<br /> a ' `;' � --.---- — — .
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<br /> �. . . _
<br /> ' _....�_ . .
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<br /> �.. .._... 4
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<br /> �, ... �.� . . .. ' � O). ... • . .• . - . • .. . _ . • � .
<br /> . . .. .. ... l •� . ._. . ' - �l . ' - .. ' a .• . - .. . ...1 . . , . .
<br />