, _. . :.. _ -.. , . - .
<br /> . . ..
<br /> . . , , . . ... . , . . . _ .
<br /> � }.. �z " . - _ . 4; ',} ' � . .. . ;��t. .�,_
<br /> 1 _ C. c (�` � _._._.—.._._��_t�.._�._—.� ��._.�....�.�_�" '...___..._.___,..._._ - t,6. +rkti...y.,{�.n. -
<br /> C.—� � �_�i.
<br /> �F —.���: i. . �
<br />[�rc.,a . � � ���N'��� . ;:-y , • `� _ .
<br />`4 ���� �.'.�. �. c r` .
<br /> 6. Qa�wp�azcy, �rese��rattan, A�duinYeaance ead �o�esiton of the�+�operty: Horsogar'��.a�n76�sp�r.at[onc a�":' . .-
<br /> . Ler�e�halds. Boreawer s h�l l occ�py,esta b ii s h,an d use t he P ro p c rt y a c B o n o w e r's p ri a c i p�l re s i d�n c e w i t h i n s i a t y d a y s • . , , •
<br /> • after the execution ot this Security Instrum.nt and s1�11 continue to occupy the Property as Borrawer's prinapa�residence � "��-
<br /> ';,�� :�-'�-��,ai�ap9�-�.
<br /> for at least one year after the date of occupaucy,unless l,.ender otheawise agre�s in wriang. v�hich consent shall nm be �'-
<br />- ur*easonably withheld,or unit�s estenuating citcumstances exist vrhirh are beyond Borrower's control. Borrovrer shail �°
<br />:':���;E�' nr.v dr.suoy.dams�eor impair the Propeny.allo�v�he Pro�eay to deteriorate,or rnmmit waste on the Progerry. Bosrower " .�, _
<br />=;;StK�;:' sh�li b�in defauit if any forfeitur� astion or pracee�ing, whether civil or criminal. is begun that in l.eader's good faith � .
<br />':�`..f::;} judgcnent could i+esutt u► forfeiture of the Property or othervvise materially impair the lim created by this Security �
<br /> � �" Instrument or Lencfer's securiry inte�xst. Borrower may csue sust�a default and reinstate.as provided in paragraph 18.by - .
<br /> -,.:s�.. -- -- - - —_.
<br />„K;��� causiag the actioa or proceeding to be dismissed with a n�ling that. in 1.ender's gaod faitY►det�+nation, precludes ;
<br /> forfeiture of the Borrower's intezest in the Property or other mxteriaf impairment of the lien created by this Securiry
<br /> Instmme�t or Leader s securiry interest. Earrotiver shalD alsn be in defauit if Borrotver, during the loan application �. � ::
<br /> ��_,.. ,. proeess. gave wateiiaUy false or inz�ocurate information or statem2nu to Lender(or failed to pravide L�end�r rrith any - • � • • �
<br /> ruateriaJ infurmation)in oonnection with the loan evidenced by the Note. includ'mg, but not limited to. represeniatioas :. `� `�
<br /> ' � conteming Borrow�r s�ccupxnry of thz Proptrty as a principa! residenoe. If Wis Security Iasuum�nt is on a lease3tuld, ' . .`. .�.�"'S
<br /> s,�, �c. .-
<br />��'�5:r '� Y Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acc�uires fes ade eo the Fropeary.the leasedold and ��:`���', �`�_�_.-��#,.,;,,__.
<br /> �< the fee tide shall not merge unless[.endrr agces to tLe mergu in F+ricing. � '�`�� _=
<br /> k,. 7. Praiec�£oa oi I.eatde�'s R�ghts in the f�aopez8y. If BorsoNer fails to perform the cocenants and agreemenu �
<br />,'�;;�;.: cxmtain�in this Security Insnument.or there is a tegal proceeding that may sigaificantly affect I.ender's righ�s in the --y��"`°--��_-_
<br /> �pJr� ^yY + _
<br /> r�R{K' property(snch as a proceeding in banlauptry.Pmbaee.for co�demuation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or rc.gulations). „� ,,-: - �
<br /> 3��'�� then Lender may do and pay for whatevar is neoes�ary to protect the vaIue of the Property aad Leader's rights in tbe
<br /> ` praperty. L.ender's aaiotas may inclu�e P�8 �Y � s�by a lien which has priori�y over t�is Secvriry ,, }`�'-�-��;
<br /> Instrument,aPPearinB in oourt,�aYmg reawnable attomey+s'fe�s and enteeing an the Property to maYe repairs_ Although :�.r f ,::
<br /> . LEndez may take a�tion undea this paragrsph 7.LEUder doES not have to 8a so. �.�� . �.�=.
<br /> L n = ,_--
<br /> - Any amwnts disbutsea by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall beasme addition�l debt of Borrower seraared by this .- —T--
<br /> �,� gecurit},Instrume�t. Unless Borrower and Lender agne to other terms of paymcnt,these 2mounu shap bear imterest from �'�'�'�
<br /> _ . .._ s.�_ :.a. • ... • F„� t��A.»�� Rnrr�►aPr �
<br /> U1C ASYC OI WS�71I�.RIII�I :!I tIIC PivtC 1dlc mru sitaaI w 'pajavtc.iriim :u.vi..o�� iI-yvu it"vs.r ��, �
<br />, • requesting payms�t. . .`.� r�--;"-
<br /> . . 8. A+Ioitgs�ge Insms�c� If Iender re�ui�ed mortgage inm�.ance as a cxindirion of making the loan secuYed by this � . �. _ _ --
<br /> .`.' Security Instrument,Bumovrez shaU pay ths premiums required to ma'sntain the mortgage insuransee in effect. if.for aay - ,, _ � -.-
<br /> . teason, th$mnrtgage iasur�a,�e caverage tequired by i.ender lapses or ceases to be in eifea, Barrrower shall pay the
<br /> �. premiums requireei to obtain coverage sabsta�ially equivalent eo the�ortgage ias�uance pzeviously in effeet,at a cost _ . _ , �-: ._;`��?�
<br /> `,.'` substanrially equivalent to the cost to BorroiveT of ths mortgage aasnrauo�pzeviously iu effea,from an altemafe mortgage ' -. �.-'•��:. . ��• ``�;;;��':
<br /> • ins�uer�r+oved by Lender. If substantially equivalent mn�e in,°nranre coverage is not availabte,Bomnwer sI��ay to . _ �.���:''`
<br /> : �.
<br /> � L�sr��r.+�month a sum equFil to one-ttvelfth of the yearly mnatgage iasurance premium being paid by Borrow�r whaz the ;�:.�,, :
<br /> ;*+�,ce covenge lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Ixuder will accept,use aad retain these payments as a loss ceg.Tr.v�in
<br /> -,' '� ;:`
<br /> ° lieu of mort�age nnsunmce. Loss reserve paymenu may no loager 6e required, at 11ie option of Leader, if Rinrtgage • .��
<br /> • insurance covaag�(iu the amount an�for the period that Ixnder reguires)Pmvided by an insurer appravod�by Lende�
<br /> � � again becomes availabte and is obtained. Borrowe� shall pay tt�e paemiu�s requi�ed to maintain mortgage ensur�ce in :�'�`�.'�
<br /> � effect,or ca pmvide a loss�esezve,until the requirem�e for mortgage iasurauce ends in acco�nce wit6 any wrdnen . �': � "
<br /> agre�ment between Borrower a�,d I.eader or applicable law. � '
<br /> _ 9. Inspe�ZP'ion. Lendsr or its agent may make ceasona3�le enai� upan and iasp2ctions of the Property. [.ender �.'�,���:
<br /> shall give Barrower notice at the tim�of or prior to an inspectinn epacifging reasonabte canse for tt�s inspcaion. . " ;�r�_-.
<br /> 10. Cond�tlon. 'I'�e prooeeds of u�y award or claim for da.��es.direa or consequeutial,in couaectioa with ��'
<br /> � any contl:mnation or ot�er taYing of any part of the PrQperty, or for oonveyance in lieu of condemnatiou; are heieby � .-
<br /> .. • assigaed and shall be paid w l�ader. - .. .
<br /> • Yn tba event of a total teldng of the Property. the Lsucxa�eds shall be ap�lied to the sums secured by tliis Su�riry .,f.:.��t.:t.:. :::
<br /> Inswmeat,wheth�or not then�ue,witb any eacess pai�a L�orrowee. tn the event of a partial�alcing of the Fta��et.y in ��;:
<br /> • whict�the fair marl:et vah:e of the Pmperty imme�iately before t4ie ra.�i�equal to or g�eater than r�e affiaunt af&n,sums �'�.� :=::�_
<br /> -:=f..�.,:-.
<br /> ��.,•: se�r,.�d by this Se�uriry Instrument i�mediately Eefore the taking,unless Borrower aad Lender�therWise agree in.v�s�ing, ,»4 _
<br /> ' ' ttrz suT�sECUred by this�asn�iy,� Instniment shall be re3uxd by the amount of the�mss�eds muitiplied by the i�ll�wing , � ,.;. �
<br /> .. - fi;�rion:(a)the total aufount�t�t��%swns secured immedi�*�rr1y before the taYing,dir#drxi Uy(b)ehe fair mazket valae of t6e � ,;�,.a:����;Lt��•.
<br /> . Property immediately before tlne taking. Any balaacc shall be paid w Bonower. fiu ti�e event of a partial talring of the s;_,�;,�. __ : ' _,
<br /> Propeny in ahic�the fa�r market value of t�r�e Propeny immediately before the talting is less tHan o�rx amount of the sums �v
<br /> � sewred immsdiately before the taking,ualrvF•�orrower and L�ender otherwise agree in writing or unle�s applicable law --== -,-��.,r: ��...
<br /> . ` " orJz9:wise provides.the proceeds sha11 be ap�l.ied to the sums setured by this Security Instmment whaher or not the sums y''�-'�''''�"'�`' .
<br /> atc tben due. � �`��
<br /> � IP the Property is abandoned hy Bormwer,or if,ai�r�r,.mtice by Lender to Borrower that the coudemaor offers to
<br /> • make an award or settle a claim for damages.Bonower fails to r�pond in t�er within 30 days after the date the notice is �_
<br /> • ' given.Lender is authorized[o coltect aad apply the psoceeds,at iu o�s,an,cat�Qr to restoration or rcpair of the Property or to ��__:
<br /> tl:.:sums secured.by this Security Instrumeat,whether or not tb�en du�.
<br /> Untess I,ender and Borrower othenvise agree in wricin�,any application of proceeds to principal shall no1 euend or ?'�"
<br /> ps��one the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change th�aaeount of sucl�paym�nts.
<br />