r. � :- . . --c--��� y4 , .
<br /> - • ' ,� .. .'... < ' • d!��" F' • � . i- r ( `,� ', c, ,;f"
<br />- " � .. - , �3��N . ' Fu`_' . Y v - . . . .. ' ''i,.°�i'r°`':�.•-.
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<br /> � �. �� ' _ _ ___ —_ . . ` .�,.C�ti
<br /> t t ` t �.� _ " �{:115:_•�y A. -I T, ...�......Wi � � _ 'V`'' _ . r . � � , e .
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<br /> 17.Trnn�lFer aY the Property or a �iene4ic�nD 1nYerrst In Bur�►na�r.�f a11 ec�ny Part of the Propeny or any inc:rest in it
<br /> is soEd or transferred lor if n 6eit�ficia{intenesi in�rroa��r is sotd e.T trat►sferre��:.�d B^•r�4�- -5""'•'����Pe�On)withont ..
<br /> I„endPr s priar �vritten consent, Lendut mny. at its aption, requine imm�ieat¢ �+aymeat in full of all sums secured by this �; _._
<br /> Security Inswment. However,this optian shaU nas be exerei�eii by l.er►�er if exercixr is prohibited ay fe�cral law as of the date ��_
<br /> of this Scrurity Instru�nent. , ��-',
<br /> !f Lender ezercises this optinn,Lander shall give Borrowet notitY of acc�cleraEian.The notice shall providc a peried ef not .J,r_
<br /> less than 30 days from ths daie tha nc�tice is dclivered or mailed ��•itbin���hich Bcurower mast pay all sums �ecured by this .:,,..::
<br /> Security Insvument. If Borro��ar finls tu pny thcse sunu pnor to the expiratian of this period. Lender may invoke any remedies ,.
<br />-� pemutted by this Security dn�ttum$at withaut furthcr nuti..Y o�de�srA on Borrav�e=• � � •
<br />=z 18. �orro�;�er's R�itt 4o Reittt�ate. :` �.+rnower�ets c�riain canditi���s, Borrower shall have the right to have
<br /> enforcement of this Setvrity Ins¢tumtnt discontinued at any tim;�rior to the ea�licr of: (a) 5 days tor such otF►er periad as
<br /> �•��iC-
<br /> � ursaam to an wet af sale contained in this
<br /> applicable la�v may specify for reinattuement> 6efore s�le of tb.. Pro�rty p Y P�
<br /> . Securiry lnstrument;o�(b1 entry ef a jua3gment enfurcing this Seta�rity Insuument.Titose condiuons are tinat Borrower:(a)pays _
<br /> Lender ali sums which then would Be due under this S:rurity Ir►3�rumant ar.d t9�e Nate as if no acceleracion had occurred;(b) _ '' .
<br /> �� cures any default of any other esrv,annnts or agreemenu: !c) pa)'s�11 expeieses incumd in enfoning this Security Instrument. _:�-
<br />' iaduding.but noi 4imitcA to,reanonublc attomeys' fees: and (d3�1:�such actio�as�Lende�may reasonably requue to assure 6
<br /> that the lien of this Security Instmment. Lender's rights in tt�Ptap�rty a�d Borrower's obligation co pay th�sucas secured by ___
<br /> this Security Instrument shall cantinue unchanged. Upon rei»stc�temau by Borrower, this �ecvrcty Instrument and the ;"
<br /> o0ligarions sea�red hemby sL�l�mn�in fully effective as ii cuo a�tration had onr+ured• Ho�arever,this ri g fit to reinstaee shall 4,,
<br /> , not apply in the case of aa�slomti�n under paragcagb 17• ' '=-'_"
<br /> 19. Sale of Noi� �n►�s of Loan Servicer. The riote aT a partiai iuttrest in the Note (totr�er with this 5ecurity
<br /> Insnumeny may be sold oa�a ar.mate times withaut prior notize to BQr[ou•er.A saEe may result in a cha.*�ge r.v:die entiry(Imown �~:_
<br /> as the"i..oae�Senricer")thrz�ccdlccts m�nthlY Payments due undar tha?:ote and this Security la.�ient.'tl�ere also rnay be one
<br /> 1�•,.._._,
<br /> or mote changes of the Loan�Bcr+riczr uaarclated to a sale of ttw Ka�te.It there is a change of the�.c:an Servicer, Borrower v�be —a=.;-
<br /> . given written notice of th�clttm$a in accordAnce with Paragraph fg abave and applicnble law.Ttie noace will state the na�tr�and
<br /> �1 r to which zttsnts sh�uld be mnde. The notice will a}sn�vntain anY other � T
<br /> address of the new Loan Ssu+�cer euid the address P'�) . ��
<br /> --_ information requited by a�plit�blu lutv_ . , _ ,,; . ..,,...no •,,reiease of any
<br /> . !r'� t1.�. F�srdous Sab�ca�. garsa+ver snaii IWt I:CWC v� Nc:�ni�E iiR jn��i.i�.:.. "�••`,�. ---`�.'=�=•'• -.:-o" �,_�=.•-".
<br /> ;; Hazardous Substances on ar in the FroQerty. Borrower sh311 roo,t do, nnr aElow ru�yone else to do, anything affectiing the �
<br /> property that is in viol�¢ian.af smy�aaaJironmental Law. Tt�p�ing t�va senz��s shaU not apply to the presenc_. us�or =::,--
<br /> storage on the Pcoperty af•smal}quatuities of Ha7ardous S�bsta�nxs that are generaily recognized ta be appropriate to r.�armal ��,_°_�:-;
<br /> . .,��,• residential eues and to m�inta�nan�e of the Property. `�--.�.�
<br /> Borro�ver shall prmng�tly.};ive Lender written notice of any inrestigation,claim, demand,lawsuit or other action by any �__
<br /> � govemmental or reguftttary agen�y or privnte party invofving th�Froperty and anY Nazardous Substanre or Environmenta4 Law !- . -:,
<br />. of vu(ich fc�nrrower h�,s a�.�l�kna�vla�e.If 8arrower le�s.ot is nntified by aay govemmental ar regulatory authority.that �-,,..
<br /> _- any tem.�-�-u,1 ar oth�r remt�lttdlan af zsry Har,ardous Substance afYecfing the Propsrt�t�s neces5acy. Barrower shail prom�dF fake ,,..-;.
<br /> - aU nece.ss�remedi�l a�iana in.a�cordunce with F.nvironmentaf 12��. �.•
<br /> �� � . As used in this p�mph 20, °fHtv�rdous Se.hstaa:ces° are tbose substar.as defined as���:cic or hazardous substances by ��
<br /> �'� � �nvironmental Law and�ih�e foilawing substanc�: �oline. heras��r�. ottee flammabfe or toxic pecmlwm produccs, toxic p,;�
<br /> . i .
<br /> j pesticides and herhicidzs.vnlntile solvants,materi�ts.containing a�:�tos or formaldehyde,and radioaciiv�rrniteria{s.As used in _
<br /> ; , ,i... this p�ra�aph 20, "Env�mnmimta]I�:w'means federal laws un3 laa�s of tfi:e judsdiction v,�ere the Propetty is located that �._-_
<br /> : � relate to health.safeiy or,dm�imnm�+t¢I:protection.
<br /> NION-UNIFO�tM CU��NANTS. Borrower and Lender futtt►cr covere�st and agree as fol2ows: "'�
<br />�• ��.: Zl.Acceiwrutiont;�n�ic�.Leitder shQ�l give aotice to Bflrroti��er prior to�etera9lon fouowing Baaower's breacd� ��-��.
<br /> ' � �, oi any cove.aaut ur mgt+�anatl•In t#ds Securit�' �ns4rura�t fbut nni �r�or to �uceltr.�tfaa under par.�rapb 17 anless
<br /> applkabte!a�providm otRtmnzse).The no3fce shall spac6fy: (�s)tbe defaulh, (b)the action requimd to cure the default; �'�'`
<br /> � :� (c)a da4e,n�ai Icss thsan�3a�dhys 4�n the dute the«otice is gi��¢m to Bamnnca�,by whfch the defanit must be cured;and i
<br /> td)tha2:Q'�r�nre ta cvr�iWa drft�utt on or before thQ date sp:a�Yiefl in tQ�e notice may�=�nli iu acceleration o�P the sunns
<br /> � secw2t��m�t�is Secaa�ily.�II�tc4tmment and sale of the Properi}�,74�e nm26or sf�sill fiutf�fsn�'osm�orrower ot We right to
<br /> � �ge�iter aeoettaa;ion�end�thn slght to brin�a oo�rt�x¢!an to asse� tBe non�xt��aoce ot a detault ar any othec
<br /> � ` ��efeas¢oY Bosrotiv�r 4c+�ROnnlcnalton nnd suta IY th�dei'nult is ao!cu�e�1 on or before t6e date speclfled in the notio2, �"�: :;
<br /> �� � �.ender, at_tts optian,�tty,t�s�ulro itnmaliate paymYnt in tuU of all sums seture�by this Secarity IQStrumeni witboat ��:
<br /> �'�' ° furthee amm�nd antl maty+ltivn};e llt�pmver of sate and anp ael�w rem�9e�p�ermitte�P�appllcabte taw.l.ender shall be
<br /> ': ' entitlec9•�i►a�fluE aU ex��uu�incu�in pa�suing t1v�r��i�.��p�videQ,l3n thls para�7.rn�21,inctudSng,but not I�udted
<br /> � S`� to,reasonable attomay�,.k2�cs ancl cas4s o�t�ile evtilescmc. -
<br /> . ••,i. If tln(m iv�r a�3 safo is InvoStc�3,Tras4��e sEt�71 recosd a e�viio�of de?aalt in eada��unty in which any �rt�sY the � "
<br /> ., property is t�tdF�n1t•��1n1!i m�il�oapie�of sus�catice in tbY mnnmer p�scribed by applIcable luw to Borrower s�nd to
<br /> • the other pee�on�prs�nr7�cal�by app�trable Inw.After thQ time required by�ppl�cabte�a�,Trastee sdall give pubfic not�ce . �.
<br /> �� of sate w the pPtisa�und�ip�tho mnnner prescr�b� by mpptir�ble Is�v.Tr�stee,��ttimui:�emand oa Borrower,s[xall seU ,
<br /> � the Pro�at pnUltc aucitbn�to thc highcs4 bfdder at tt��timr cand p�a��nd undes tlr���erms destgasted in the nr��ce o� �i;;
<br /> s�te En o��.x or more pam�1,D e�nd iu uny order'feustee det�emitres.Trusic�may postpo�e saYe of all or sny par�e�;r�f the �.','=
<br /> F
<br /> Properly by publle�vuumutu�mcmt at the Nnee nrn� plece oi any pievumu�➢y sche�uted sale. LeQder or its deslgnce may �
<br /> � punh9se t6e Pm�fl;�rti���y.ss�la �"�':
<br /> ;
<br /> • r Form 3028 9/30
<br /> '� Peqo 5 0�8 �
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