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<br /> pay[uents may no lon;er be required.at the option of Lender. if arort�age ins�ce coverage(in the amount and for the periad �,
<br /> that L,ender mq�ures)provided bY an insurer approved by Lender again becomes available and is obtained.Borrower shall pay B�_.
<br /> a
<br /> �e pr�miums re�u9red to mainrain maetgage insutanrx in effect•Qr to provide a loss reserve.until the requirement for mnrtgage �:,;:.;.
<br /> insurance ends in accordance��+ith anY�+*�tten agreem�nt between Borrower an�d Lender or applicable law. �:���r'
<br /> as- .
<br /> g,Inspectton. Lender or iu agent may make nasonable enuies upon and inspec�ions of ti�e Property. Lender sttall give �, ,_.
<br /> �a Boaower notice at the time of or prior to an i�spection sg�ifYina r�s�n�b�e���fnr the inspection. �����#=
<br /> _ t0. Cond�nation. The pn�ceeds of any ativard or claim for damages. direct or conse�Nential. in oonnection with any �,,
<br /> � condemnation ar other taking of any part of the Praperty.or for oonveyance in lieu af condemnation. are h2reby assigned and
<br /> �.;�:
<br /> shall be paid to I.ender. ��d
<br /> In thc evert of a total taldng of the Propert'�.the proceeds shall be applied to thc sums secured b}�this Sacurity Instrament, �_-
<br /> whettcer or nat ebQn due.writh airy excess Paid to Borrower. In the event of a partiat taking of t6e EDroperty in�vhich t�e fair �;.�_-
<br /> �arket vatue og�;pmperty immediately refore the taking is eq u a l ur ot g r e a te r t h a n t h e a m o u n t c f t h e s w m s s e c u r e d b y t h i s �e��
<br /> c,��answa=ent imrnediately befoie the�ng,unless I�orrower and Lender athe�wise agree in wriring.the sums secured hy �L
<br /> ¢h�is �CUrity Insuument shall be reduocd by the amours af tha praceeds multiP��ed by tLe foUowing fraction: (a) the wtal
<br /> .:,ca�,-::_;t of the�.uns secured immediately L•efoTe the tairing, divided by(b) the fair marlcet vaiue af the Property immediately ��
<br /> �`'� baiance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial talan8 of the Pcoperty in which the fair �'._d:
<br />:�� t-�.:are the ta.�a'�-AnY
<br /> �j� ,�;�set value c;��*.e Property immediately before the taking is less than the amaunt of the sums secured►mmediazely 6efore the �._.,:�_
<br /> t��;<g,unless Borrower an�3 fu�der othecavise agree in a�reting or uniess a�plicable inw otherarise provides. the proceeds shall ;,� ,s..
<br /> �.�;,
<br />-`•" �,c�plied to the sums secu^3�'��y this Security Insuument whether or not ths sums ac+�then due. d1.r.•.
<br /> `.r��a ��e p t�..+'is al�andoned by BorroweT,or if,after nodce by[,.en d e r to E o�o�c:t h a t t h e c o n d e m n o r e�c s t o m a k e a n ;,,�',
<br /> �� . .:
<br /> '' � awsrd or s�le���aim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to B�3er within�I days after che date the aotice is given,
<br /> ra�., i me toce�ris.a►iU �_�:.�. ,.:°",`...•^��r���or r?�ais af the Pro�rty as to the sums
<br /> :, � l�er is a�....�'rcmn'.�d W coltect and aPP Y P �,�,'�"•.,,�•°,.�.... a;:h
<br />```;s� y��,..�by thu Se�rity Instrument,whether or nat then dus. f�; ,,'
<br /> 1, Untess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writiag, anY aPPlication af proceeds co principal shaJ:fl rr,�t eatend ar �>t.• :
<br /> x;:?. ,p��pone the due date of the monthly payreents referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 ar change the amou:�¢of sach�np;r...enis. ��__,,
<br /> "��' 11.Banvwer Noi R�leas�;Fort�a�ce By I.ende�'Not a Wfsiver. Extension of the time fi+�paymsnt or modification �
<br /> of atr.ortizatiaa of the sums secured by k�s�.�.vity Inswment granted by I.eader to any succes�r�ns�nterest af Borcower shall
<br /> an
<br />«-�:-: �rtta•ope�te w release the Iia1L:�r of the onginal BocroR�r or Borrower's successnrs i�interest.�...^�'..�sh311 aec be required to ; '�
<br /> 4f���.'�s._;_
<br /> a.r�„rnence procaeetlings agai�;t c�:y succesaor in intere�3.mr.cefuse to extend time far����t or at�erwise rss��amortization x�a�.,,.__
<br /> of the sums secured by this Security Instrument bv :�a:.a-z� of any demand made i�; •� @r�a'.a1 Bflr�u�•'�'n Bo�T°wer's ' ��':
<br /> .,- successozs ia.an'n.:rest• Any forbearance bg �eniler in ezercising any right�r rarrtedy shaU nes bY a waiver of�ar preclade th� �.,
<br /> � exercise of z�y�r•;�ht or remedy.
<br /> � ;; 12. Suct�ais and Asdgns Bounc�.T�u�t and S+�etal Lia'Sn�ty, Casi�ners. The w���u.ts and agreements�f 4�
<br /> : . Security Instrument shall bind and b�uefit tL•e su:c.���•and assigns of Leader and Borrower. subject to tt�provisions of - -
<br /> para,�aph 17. Borrower's wvenanis and w�ee�r.�� ��.� be joint and several. E1ny Borrower who oo-sigtts this Securiiy _
<br /> ' Inswment 6ut dces not eAecute the Note:�.�;�is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage,grant and wnvcry tl�at _
<br /> Eorrower s interest in the Property under a�iz zerms of this Seairity Instrument;(b)is not p.rsonatly obligated to pay the susns —
<br /> secured by this Security Instmment:and(cj agrees that Lender and any other Eoaower may ag�e to extend.modify,forbear or
<br /> ���:
<br /> • �� matce any accommodarions with regard to the terms oF this Security Instrument or the Note without that Boaower s oonseni.
<br /> 13.Lau�Charges.If the loan sec,ured by this SecuritY Inst�ment iE subject to a law which sgts maximum loan charges.
<br /> � �A that!aw is finally intecpreted so that the intec�st or other loan chsuges caAected or to be collected in oonnection with the .;:
<br /> loasi exeeed ds�parmitted Gmits•then:(a?3ny such toan eharge shall 1�reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the chatge �•i�:
<br />� ,��� to the per�n:s��imit;and(b)any sum3 ait�dy collected from Borra�er which exceeded permitted limits�vjll be refu�ded to --
<br /> ��' Eorrouer. �er may choose to make�.:is refund by reducing the prsncipal oweA under the Note or hy makin� a direct _
<br /> � �.:� �.�,�,,,,�=,a vorrower. If a refund reduces princip2i. the reduction �vill be treated s�s a partial prepayment without any
<br /> � ��;�t o�rge under the Note.
<br /> ttb,.;V;u�1kp�.Arry notice to Borrow:�+r rr.ovided fcr in this Securibj Insuument shall be givp.r.Lty detiver3ng it or by mailing
<br /> � • <�' ;i:.�tnr t7�st�t�s mail unless applicable laii•requires use of another method. The notice shail be Alin�ted to ths Property Address
<br /> �,r..�y ather address �omr�.�:r designates by notice t� l.ender. Any notice ro Lender sfia�S!,.� given by first class mail to :
<br /> �� ' It�der's address stated har.��or any other address Lender designates by notice ta�idra*9wer..My norice p��ided for in this �,;
<br /> • .�t
<br /> •��"•��� 5�curity Ins�rument sha11 be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender whea•La::���*=�vided in this pazagraph. ; �`: :
<br /> �.;i 15.Gmutt�n€ng Law; Severebility. This Secur►ry Instrument shall i�e govemed t� fec�al law and the luw of tha =
<br />;�;;�•F.`. ,jurisdictios�au Nhich the Propertry is locatQd. ln the event that any provision or clause of t�'r.s,':Kasarity Instrument or the.i�te
<br /> � .'�±; �ui�,flicts with applicable law.such conflict shall not affect other provisions of tAis Security I��.mxnt or the I�Iote which can 6e
<br /> �; E¢�rat:u effect without the conflicting provision.To this�d the provisio�s of this Securiry Instrumhnt and tyrt"��:�aTe declared ����s,�'
<br /> , ..;� � rx��,^e severabte. E:�_
<br /> �' '' 1Ca.L-�'nmsaw¢r's ICopy.Borrower st�,sJJ.6e givec!rn��wnformed wpy of the Note a^.d Qf:ti��Wa�:-ity L��sumeni. :—_
<br /> `�;,'�` ---
<br /> �^`�+V6k,' . Form3�28 9/90 "��
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