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<br /> . .�;�..`. l,. =-.
<br /> for the purpose of creating,securing or guar�atgring the Seaared Debt. A good faith helief by Lender that Leader at any .�`" ' ';;���,;�, � ° _
<br /> tim�is insecure witli mspQCt to any p�tson or entity o6ligated oa the Secured Debt or that tha prospect of any payment or ;°° • ;{�.Y����.,
<br /> � dte valus o f t he P ro�2rty�s i m p a i r e d s h a ll a t s o c o n s a t u t e a a e v e n t o f d e f a u l t. .<<: �,�s.•` �...
<br /> ns
<br />� . :�1
<br /> 1 S. I t E ME D I E S O N I D�F d U I.T.I n some instances,fede�ral aQd state law will require L�nder to provide Gaantor��+ith nnYsce ;: : :::ti�`�;:.-,
<br /> ;.. .,��,;--=
<br /> . of the ri�ht w cuce or othrr notizes and may establish time sch e d u tes for fo r e c losurc a c t io n s.S u b j e c t t o t h e s e l i m i t a t i o n s,i f i��� -.•���;�-
<br /> any, L,eader may 2ccelerate ttte Secured Debt and foreclase this Security Instrument ia a manner prouided by law if � 'f•€"}°
<br /> <;;i
<br /> � . Grantor is in defasilt. �� --_ �"' ` -.
<br /> ��•:.I±!��,,
<br /> ;., .�� ` -
<br /> < At the.opdon of I.ender, aU or any part of the agYeed fees and char�s• axrued interest aad prin�ipal shall bezome `, ��,'S-; ; .
<br /> imm�ate.y due an� payable, after g►ein� notice if required,by law: upon th� accumenoe of a default or anyti�e �, ',l;��;c� -
<br /> desi by law, the terms of the Secured Bebt,th3s `a� �
<br />. th�reafter.In ad�ition,Ie�.der shall bt euaded to all the�es provi '• __,_._....r...;:���`�a`�"�.
<br /> - Sec+uity Insaument and any related dawne�ts,iacluding without limitsrion,the power w sell tha Property. {�`� ;'�`����,� u
<br /> 4 � •:`?�h*r`.,'
<br /> � �`. .. .
<br /> If there is a defuult, Ttustee shall,in addition ta any other permitted rem e d y,at t he requ e s t o f t h e L e n d e r.a dv e r a i se aad , ,:.;:x�`.�.;�. "-.
<br /> ` sell the pm�+,�rty as a whole or inseparate parcels at public aucdon w the]ri�hest bidder for cash and convey absotute titie ;.� . . , ,.,�,� :?`-��-.
<br /> ' free and cleaY of all right. dtle and interest of Cnantor at sunc�ime and pTzoe as Trustee d�sigastes. Trustee shall give ,;: •, ., �, y� ..�..
<br /> � notice of sale including the tim�.terms anfl Pl�of sale and a description of the prnperty to be sold as required bY the � t:•' '�" °"�,
<br /> aPPlicable law in effect at the time of the pmposed sals. '� -��,��'"��`'�". —
<br /> �.. . � ,.
<br /> � ��<,x . , .
<br /> a�la
<br /> • Upan sale of the p and to tfne extent nui pmhibited by 1aw,Tmstee shall matce and deliver a de�d to ihe!��rty �.;. •.;�s��:`� •
<br /> � sold which ooavcy s�ute tifle w the pur�aser,and after fust�a ' g all fees,charges and costs.sha11 PaY to l�der all �,. -;l;�� :��`
<br /> Ym
<br /> .; ��: mao u e�+s advaased for r�aus, taxes. insurance, li�s, a�essmert*�an d p n o T e a�u m brances and mterest chereon, and tbe ;^;. �.';;�r �,:"`'��_`_
<br /> ,. pnnc� al aad igterest on tYte S e c u r e d D e bt.F a y i nB t h e s u r p t a s,i f a a y,t o G r a n t o r. L e n d e r m a y p u�h a s e t h e P m p e r t y.1he 5., ,,;.�"`� ,.
<br /> �ia any deed of oonveyance shall be prima facie evid��e Q.f the fasxs set fatth therein. ,, ��;r''.� • r
<br /> " !.`;Y!�'!i t� l,t• "..._ .'�-�,�,.
<br /> �-- All renxdies are distinct, cumulative and not exclusive. a�tSe I.eader is entitled to all remedies�rovided at l aw or ;.,s.,�'c��" s��:,.�` ` . •
<br />_ _ equity,�vhether or not expressiy set fonh. 'Ihe acceptance by I.endEr af any sum ia paymeat or pt�mal paymeut on the ,.t;�.,: � ,on`.. �o.�,.`:°_
<br /> a�fdaci shall not:.oss�"tituac a 'Y-:--.,�.�'i�°. � .
<br /> Secnred Debt after the balanoe is due or is accelerated or after foreclosu:e�mreedings , •:��t;:�.;:��```,r�>' .
<br /> waiver of Ixnder's right toreqwr�complete cun of any exisring de�� not exercising any remedy on Grantoz a ''.,�rya� ' ��y:'rlh�;'',���', •
<br /> � def�lt,Lender does not waive Lender's right to later con�ider the event a default if it coatinues or hup �s aga�n. f%��'�"' ���ok�"��'`,
<br /> P �..•���f � a,
<br /> . .�•.q° ��'':•kEE'�v��"_..
<br /> . 16. ERPENSES: ADVANCE� ON COVENANTS; ATTORN�YS' FEES? COLE.�ION C�STS. Excepi when r�:J� o�;;;;':�_�..;::
<br /> of Lender's expea5es if Grantor bieash�s any oov�nant in this Sea�aity 'yi�' . .t''�<� •%? ' �� .
<br /> pmlubited by law. Giaator agees to pay all % •.t��;:' ``�f's�. _
<br /> Ins�ument. Gtantcrr will also pay on demand any amouas mca�rred liy Lendzz for is�surin�. insPecting, Pre�vinB °I �,�!.;����•;.,�.�.?':" �, �,,;
<br /> athera+lse grniessirs,�the Pmperty and I.euder's se�a�riry mtenst. 'I3��exgeases will bPar interest from the date of the . k�}r . �.�; ,s�
<br /> . payme�t uut�t p�dc's�fiill at fhe highest intenst rate in effect as provid�e�t in We teYms of the Secaued Debi.Giantar agreea 1 y4F 1 .,.`� `sa' _.
<br /> � �F�Y all costs agd expenses iaaured by Lender in collecting.e�fon�c,�,or pmts�ting Leade�r's ri�hts and remedies w�ider •��`�54.. , .
<br /> , ;t�� ,•..::� � .:,�r • T
<br /> thPs Secvnty.Inswment. 'Ibis amaunt may iaclude. but is not limited w, attomeys fe:s. court costs. and other legal �<� �, .. �.,.
<br /> ex��s.T�S S�utity Instcument shall remain an effect uatil teleased.Grantor agre�s to pay far any recordation costs of tt; _ • , � �.,
<br /> Y
<br /> SUC�I iP�C3SC� ; '+r � ' .
<br /> tF r .', _ ;`. �'-:'.
<br /> 17. IIWY�iONA�JEI�l'�AE.I.AWS A1Vl)HAZARDOUS S(JBS°I'ANCES. As used in this SecxiOD. (1) Envimn�ental lavr +��;;`:�:.,�,_���;? `_
<br /> . means,without litnitarion.the Comprehensive F�vironn�ental Response,Compensation aud d3�bility Act(CERCLA,42 ,
<br /> U.5.C.9601 et seq.),and all other federal,state sud tocal laws,regulations,onlin�a�es.court orde3s. attomey general ,�+��i': �•' .� .��;:..,�:•y:-
<br /> ,� apinians or intagretive lettets concemin$the public heaItb, safety.welfare.eavisonmrnt or a hazardous substance;aud(2) '���y` d � . __
<br /> � ' Ha7ardous Substance means aaY toxic,
<br /> r a d i o a c t i v e o r h a z a i d o u s m a t e r i a l, w a 9 t e. p o l i u t t m t o r o o n r�,;n n w h i c h h a s x'.�' ; . .
<br /> c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s w h i c h r e n d e r t h e s u b s t a n c e d a n g e r o u s o r p o t�t i a l l y�gemus m t he public b�Jx1� safety. welfar�e oz ��,r, :; . `, `."�;��,�
<br /> envlronmeat. 'l�e temi includes,withont limitarion, any substances d�'mad as "hszardws m�erl�." 't,�mc substaacea." �,,,.. .• . 'r, _ _
<br /> � '��'� 'ha7ardous w��or"hazardous substance"under a�r Environmeutal[�w. .�,; .�. � �����,.'.,: - -
<br /> . � Qr.zurAr t�trr�,wanants m�a�ees that: �;`t���t. ,
<br /> t�.�z ��.�. 'ously��`rased aad aclm�wledged i�w;.idng w Lxuder,ao Har�crdaus S�bstance is or wlll be lacated, , ,rr,t_ ' . �
<br /> � {Gr���r cd�sed on or m the Praperty. 'I7�is��on does nat apply to sms31 qu�nnrities of Hazardous S�butancea ,.:::���• • . ,..:� •<�.
<br /> +�.�s�1`J''���Y���tO�aPPmpriate far the notmal use aad m�inteaxnce of the Pm�arty. .:��,_::^. J�
<br /> �':.rn_9�.'-..___
<br /> (3.Except as previously disclosed and ackaoaladged;:�writing w Leader,Crrnutor sutd every tenant have been,ar�.and . • � .-
<br /> � ahall remain in full compliance with an}r applicah;e�vironmental Iaw. , .
<br /> ' . ;,�T
<br /> :;;; C.Grantor shall immediately notify Lender if a releas�ti*_�r thre�ateaad release of a E�anardous Sabstaace occuis on,u�cder . . , ,•�-
<br /> or abour ti�Prop�ty or there ts a violation of any Environm�t�J Lavr cnnoeming the Property. In such an eveat, ��.;:;',u'€St�.: .
<br /> oem
<br />• Grantar�rrr:ll tak e a 1 1 necessarl+r e m e d i a l a c doa in a s c o r d a a ce a�i r r�a n y B a v i ro a�tal ls��o.
<br /> D.Graator shaU immediately notify Leader in writia�ae soon as Crantor h2e n��n to bsiieve thete is any�Iendi�g aq � . �' •., �. .
<br /> threatened iavesdgation, claim. or proceedi�g n�.�.:ng w the release or rJ�;ateaed release of aay a�auo '� .!fi�=.•,.. •• . ' �.;�•;
<br /> Snbstaace or the vtolaslon of anp Eavuonmental L�:w. '• : � � �'�-
<br /> , .:�.�._........;...•�,:;;'.i;�:3;:
<br /> ��� ��._.�:_
<br /> ,��,..
<br /> 18. CO;VDEMA►7/�'GCON.G:antor will give I.�er p i noi�ce of any pead9ng or threatened a3cti.an.by privute o puGlic �n>.:�,.,,�-w�;;:_
<br /> EMA
<br /> entifles to purchase or take any or aU of the 1�aperty ng�conde�arion.ea�in:n2 damain,cr��oWer�.«fSllltdff }rt,.�.,,�'�:�•,�:�;';�
<br /> � au3horizes Lender to intenrene m Gmntor's namx m any of the above deactib9d zrxions or claimv. G�rantor a�si�to �
<br />' L�slder the pmceeds of nny awarA nr claim fi�r damaqev mnnectPd with a conAornr��n�m ar n�hrr taki�p.nf a11 os any par�of ,psp,;�;�„t—"�"
<br /> �i�Qroperty_sor�prooeeds s�au�e coasi��-ed p ts and will be appliod�a pmw���ia tLis SECauity lnssr�nt_77a3 .!�.,�;;�._�_z�___
<br /> a
<br /> a.a�t t of prooeeds is subject to the 1r�ns o any prior mortp�e, deed of uust, security agreement or other l:�a , . ,...•,�
<br /> --��-�,�n��
<br /> -=�-.�T_.�::.
<br />' � 19. II�TSiJMNa:E.Crraator sha11 keep Property insured agaiast loss by fire,flood.tl�_R aad o�ee har.�rds anrl risYs r�nnnbly . _ -�-
<br /> • assoc4ated with the Prapercy due to its type and loration. 'I1tis IaSVrance shall be m3inttiu9d in the amouats and foa t�e ti��.-m��-a-== .y
<br /> res.The insurance carrler ravidin the insuramce shall 6:choaen by Grnntor sub'ect ta E�nder's �%.�;;: ' . . �
<br /> periods that Lender requi P S
<br /> � . approval, whicl► shall not be unreasonably withhe4d.If Crantor fails to m�intain thr coverage descr� above, l.ender '�:' � L`
<br /> may��i der's opdon. obtain ooverage to proteci Lender's righu in the Progerty according to the terms of thio Ser.urity ^ _ --
<br /> AI1 insuranexpolicies and renewals shall beac�eptable to Lender aad shall i�:lw.'e a standard "�rtgage claacs" �nd. . ' , ���
<br /> where applicable. "ioss payee clavse." Grantor shall im�ediatety aodfy Lender of cancelluion or te�m+n�on of the , . _
<br /> � insurance.Leader shall have[he rig6t to flold the palicies and renev�t�ls.if Lead�r mqui�,Gran2or shall immediately give ;� �:�
<br />� � to Lender all receipts of paid prem�ums and renewal nntices. Upon la3s, Granwr sUall p,ive immEdiate natice to the � . ' —
<br /> • . insurance carrier and Ixuder. Lender may make proof of loss if not made i�mnediateDy by�rtsm�or. ...-s-_ .. _
<br /> . �-�.
<br />.._,,.--- '` =-` __' -
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