--S,atA . . ..._ :r.. ,- . .. .,<R,s�� -_.v';:...__�..._ _.--- -.�_..�� - s`'' `.�"
<br /> �f_ �--.._..._.-._ `�`. .ci.Tc.��_ _—
<br /> -� -- -
<br />.. _ — . --_----`�-- �.�_-�
<br /> f �`fOw �`�i��77 ,.i.�, . • �.,�J:.__ ..
<br />•� e B.A!1 future advaaces fcom I.eader to Grantor or other future obtig�iaas of Gzantor to L�der under ariy promissory ; • . '",• `f" _
<br /> Qo�, mnuucx, guaraaty, or other evid�ce of debt executed by.Grantor ia favar of ixadea executsd after ttug ., _ �
<br /> Security Insnvmeat whether or not this Secvriry Irostrument isspexi��ytmwill secaue all�futun adv��andafutu�fg .. . . � __
<br /> � this Securtry iasavment,each Grantor that chis Se�vrity In . • _—
<br /> �bll g a t ions tbat aie givea to or' by a n y o n e o r m o z e G s r�s t or, or an y one or more Grantor and otBers.A11
<br /> . , future advanues a n d o t h e r f u c u t e o 6 li g a t i o n s a r e�e c u r e d bp t h i s S�u i ty I n s t r u a n e n t e v e n t t r o u g h a�l o r part ma y nat . . ••
<br /> � yet be advanced.�11 fuuue advances an�ather future omli�ions aie secwed as if m2de on the date of this S�urity . _
<br /> Insuument.No t h i ag en t h i s S e c u r i ty I n s u u m g n t s h a ll c o n t atute a oommim�nt to m�ke 2dditlonal or futnte loans ar . , . _--
<br /> zdvances in 2ay aacount.Any such com�itmeat must be agre�d ta in a s¢parat�writing. • '(. -
<br /> C.All obligritinns Grantor owes to I.ender, which�ay ta�er a;ise. to the exieat not prohib�,sd by law. including.but _ '__-_- -
<br /> er :
<br /> • not limited to,habilities for overdraits relaring to any deposit�c.^cssunt a�em�nt b�nveen Grantor and Lender. , .
<br /> �:
<br /> � , �. .
<br /> D.All additional sums advanced and expeuses incused by I.e�nda for insvring. prese��ving or otherwise piotecting ti2e i ': .„( '
<br /> ��incurted b Ixnder�mder the terms of this Security . , � `.
<br /> Pro p e rt y and its value and any oiher suins 2dvancad ansl exp� Y .
<br /> _ Ynsuumen� � . . ' � '.
<br /> 'I'hLS g�urity Instrument vrill not sec�ue any other debt if l.emder fails to give any required notice of the right of rescissioa. �� , f���: . � _
<br /> :. r�; .
<br /> �.. . S. PA�Cnant�r agc�tl�t a i l�aymeats un d e r t he 5�D e#�s v v i l l T i e Q a i d�v Y t e n d u e a n d i n a c o ordance with the 1���_�'�:,
<br /> �. termg of the Seaued Be6t aa.�diis Seau�ty Inst�um�'t• .� -
<br />_.` rr. ""`�"�cx.;-.:—..
<br /> G. �ARRAAITY OF TA'�d,E.. Grantor wmrants ti�t�tor is or wilt be lawfult9 seized of tlhe estate comreyed by tliis ;.���,N-, ..
<br /> S�urity Instnamant�d bas t�e rig�t t�isevocabiy�}ani,convey,and sdl t1�e P[ogerty to Trasiee,ia uast,wit�Povqar of ,,,, � ,,-..:, __.,r �.,
<br /> sala Granmr also wanants that the Frag�sty is unencumber�d,exc�t for wwmbramxs of recard. '�`��T � �_'. _
<br /> ,;'... g� , ,,.: - .�
<br /> "`��ir� 1. �IO�t��iJRI'�Y�NITERESd'�.�'vi�regard to any other mort�ge,�of tivst, secarity a�t or other liea ;-, .�, .', ,__.
<br /> T Grantor a .�'•�-�°V
<br /> d�t that created a prior secauiry�u.=rest or enco�breac�on tLe Qrop , 9�� ' ,., , ':';�.; --
<br /> ;,:fey. •.r',� .'3.�:
<br /> �` �:,..y...;.. -.,
<br /> A.To maks aIl paymeuts��hen due and to gerfoim or mmply with all covenants. _ • . -=_ -
<br /> ' � B.To gr�mptly deliver w Lender any notices l'nxt Grantc�r r�ivc3 from the hot�er. � ' ���-.-
<br /> ::.: �` .
<br /> � C.Not to allow any modifrcation or exteasIon of, nor w m�uest aay future �h'ances�d��y no�°T a� �: �--.:--
<br /> secured Dq the tien docnment without Leader's prior writtea annvent �:=-=�-3 - _
<br /> .�r,' 8' CbAIINS AGAII�iST 1'ITLE.Gnzuor w71 pay all ta�ses,a��,•�r,e�liens.enc�nbtances,tqse ts �s, �_ ^'���,-.'..�
<br /> �i paym�n ,Brouond :.. _ -
<br /> '�� utilitles.and other cd�arges r�lat��g tQ rh,e Yrop�rty�#sen drae.Le�ader may requir�Grmu.w���vi���d��P�� :. ..,,t,�.�- `.-�•,:
<br /> ',,`•��,., �i$ts evideuci� Granwr's pa� ,�`�•�-�*c�r�'�-i•�' '
<br /> .;�...�, all nnrices tbat such amoimts xx�dn�;�si �e S. Graatas. w assi w I.ender, ffi , ���
<br /> '•:;!•:�,' claans t6at wv�S�.i�sspair the i�n of this Sesauiry Tn.,�Gmmcat. �� 8° '� .
<br /> .,<•�� Pr �..end�er, an ri ts, ?�- ���,:.;
<br /> ' r�� �P�Y� y �h claims or defens� Grantor�y have ag,aiast gaxtie�s wiur �sply labor or�aterials ru `� r ,;.;�� �
<br /> „.,�; n�or;�npmve tf�,e L�vpErcy ' �'; r�::
<br /> 9.
<br />' �•,,:;;;:' DUE ON��OI:It��RANCE.Lender�ay,at itsop2ion,declaze thr�:.:.�balanr.e of the Secured Debt to be }� � :.�•i:��; :_
<br /> ,��-;��,,-: �iasei.��=�d gayable ugon the creauoa of.or canu�act far th8 creation a; �y lien,eacumbiance,uansfer or sale . �...: -_
<br /> t.° of the 'ihis nght is sabject w th= r�onsu�os�d by federal law �t2 C.F.it. 591), asa�plicable.'t'hig ;:-t,.�.. __
<br /> ',.?t-`' � covenant��sua with the Pmperty and shall remain in effeos nntll the Secvr�d Debt is paid in full and thls Securi ;���r;:
<br /> � ' {iiS•
<br /> • t 'F�' —
<br /> a ]n$� L'y Is iu.183SCd. ` _
<br /> ' � 10. Y'ROpERRT9t CONDIITION,ALTL��tA1TON5 AND INS�II(.°H�OId. Grantor will keep the Pcopery in�ood condition :` ': ' � .' ,",_. �'; _�
<br /> `- E Gra�tor shall not com�t or allow any waste, mspaiiment, er `
<br /> �.. and maYe all aiis that aie reasonabiy necessaiy. :=�7r �_
<br /> / deterioratiaa of�e Pioperty.Grantar wall keep the Properry fre�of noaiaus wcrds and�.Cnanwr agt+eES that the �'. , ` • +� ...-,�
<br /> �l�1'i
<br /> �ly�,�: natu�of du=oauPan�Y a�d use will,mat substantialty c�mgo without Leader'n prior wns,�sonsea� Grantor w�l not •�..� %.,: -.:
<br /> `';'sv�i;,` Petmit�.y'rLwge ia any license. resuIsrive wven�t or eas�t without Lea�er's prior�n�iuen coaseni. Csrauwr will �f� _ .
<br /> notify Le�:r.�of all de�ssads,ProceedinSs.claims.snzsl acaons a�ain..�i G:antor,uaa!of aay loss or damage to the property. •;<�,�.; °,.� ;-
<br /> �j `�� p� le time for the piupose of inspxting
<br /> L�dez ar I.ender's agents may,at Leader's ogt�oa,�.er t� ercy at any r.'�reab upo :`'���'" � _µ -
<br /> :�:i��� the Pm�.Leoder shaU g"►ve Graawr not�ce at the ttm�of o�bef'a�e an ^�on specify�ng a reaEOnable putlwse f�r
<br /> ;i#°,;`.� the• �na. Any ins�pechon of the Prng�ty shall 1�eniimly frr L.eader's�efit aad Grantor wi11 ia no��ay re1y on .�,, :.:,..��:`'=''_` --..
<br /> �'�r,.i.. LlpQ�fS�7P'(1f�'L;OD. �_"�_::,_ ,,..a.. _
<br /> ,.:,,` • 11. AiJTSi �RITY TO PERF�ORM.If Cranwr fails to perfoim a�y duty or any of the cavenanta oontained in this Secari,ty �. -
<br /> .! ,' '�``' Instr�enb Leader may,arithout notice.Perform or caase the�to be performed.Grautor appoints Lender as auo m - _--
<br />