4. . „4 ' .c . � i . . .. . ; � . . ( . f_. . . ' ` .. . .. . y,t .
<br /> , . ' . � �. - f . .S'r'� . � • . , , F ' -
<br /> � �' � Y.�. . � . . . �.t�.. � i . ' 1 •+``�. . ''C` . �, - � .
<br /> _�..�..� -�-�.-�.��_i�.S..___lt.�_lw..}�•(.'.�.�._a_..�.� ..+._..Jl�sa�.� __.._. ._'u� _ ___� __�=__�.W�: • `h'C- -- _
<br /> �: �. 1�)`�'6�1 ,. ,• . �-
<br /> 16.iiorrawer's�opy. Bonowar s!i[d16a giv+en ane canfm�ac�y of tha NQte and of tl�is Security Instuia�t . -y
<br /> 17.'�Yan�ier af the Piroper�y o�A AenciidW�nter�s2 tn II3aramr�r. If a!1 ar 2ny�t of tA�Ptopec�y or any intuest in it is � ; .�•.,• , �;
<br /> sotd ar t�nsfeaed(ar if a b�ae,ficial intt�rest in �vcrower is soS i ce�tr�nsfecred artd Bs�tocver is not a aanualp�on) wiihoat � .� ��
<br /> . I L,cttdee's prior w�iltes consen�Lendea nmy.at its Q�da�.re�uir��m�iate g�yrtt�t ire tall of all svms s�vr��by this Securiry , . ° -_
<br /> Iosuum��However.this apaon shall nat be e��ed by Lexs."itr if eaenise�s gro!►i�itetf by fedQral law as of the darE of ihu . . ,.
<br /> ' Secu�ity Instnunent � � .. �
<br /> ` It L,e,�cdea eaeaci�s this opti�.L,attdcr stt�U�ive Barrowea n�a:ix af a�cedaatQre.�e notise shaU provide ap 'od of not G�s � . '. -
<br /> ' than 30 days fram the date the aatfcs is dellvr�ed ar ma�led�3T,�n wfiish BoTmwer Rtr.ast pay a11 sums s�uued by this Security . .
<br /> � In�*+�+�!.If Banower faf7s to pa}�dt�e sums prim tm�.he e�cy�iaa of this�riozl.i.e�der may invoke any remedies p�miued =- --_ -
<br /> • by th9s ggcnr'ay Insu�uscmt�rithavt fi�Ph�r nntioa ccs�dransa�a�Bamm��r. � - ' .
<br /> .- 18.Barrarr2p's Rtght. Ret�Y&� �SY Hn�iver� a�r2ain c+nnditions, B�ra+v� shall have the rigtnt to have - -- .- . -
<br /> - • enforcement nf tbis Secun�i �ru�[tim�''�Cm1t�i�tetY gi=an tbuye{�w th�e earlieJ oL•(a)5 days(or sucb otber period as •
<br /> appticab2e taw maY s�c'�y�j��t@�. �t�Uet�u'r�s&Yanf a�y�ursuant w amy panc�of sale canmirz�in this Sea�nty ,<< � ,
<br /> Instru�u��or(b)entry o�a ja�gmcs�t antm�emg�Ei�s 5eznnfy Is,x3ramEUt�hase coadicic�ave that Houower:(a)pa LeAder all , �_
<br /> • smns whic4 tbm wonld be dus tmdar this Se;cureiy In�anmeat�►J t#;.No:e as if na�cde�atuin 1�2d�ured� N)��Y �,.' !
<br /> � defsult of any other wvenaai�or agrc.�meats:(c)FaYs all�insaured in eufam�'aeg ttds Secvriiy Insl�umeat,inctudiag,but • . �`
<br /> aat limifled tn,�anab�e auameys'foac;an�(�taires s�icb��I.r,,�fler may r�samably reqmre w assure td�at Ihe fiea of dvs � . .
<br />. SeauitY Insqrmm�cnt, I.aidat's rf�hts in ths PtapeJty sad Btaro��r's dhlig�on tu pay t�ce sums secar�d by this S�uriry _ ,'- �:3-'•`
<br /> Ins�me�t st�all conlmt� unc,t�mgad. Upan�nsmtane,ui by B�, this Seauiry Ins�rum�i and the abli�o ns secnred • �- - -.-
<br /> � tigre6y shnU temain fally effes�iv�as if no ascelerat�on had�tcd.Rm��rer,this right w ramstate sball nat appTy in the case of ' �...� =
<br /> ,� aceek,rarina aader p,aiagwph I7. �
<br /> 19.S�le of Note;Ctia�ge oS LoAn 3ervicer. The Note oi a pasdal int�ss im tha t�Iote (cogettier with this Securiiy . � V��i``�aF-"`�
<br /> ',�; .
<br /> � Insa�uneut)may be so2d one ar mare times withmu or notice w BomaA�r.A�te -�=�
<br /> as dse°Loan Ser+ri�er")that onilt�ts mantWy paym�s due�tAe Na:e and this Se��mity�ent'IBere alsa raay b�one ar ' ' .;.„„���=
<br /> more c3iaa�grs of the Loan Servi�umelmed tn a salc of th�Nate.If tbr,re is a change of We Loan Serviser,Ba�rower w71� '._.-��`y..__
<br /> � givea wziYten aoiiae of the dtanga in a�ordanoe with parag�h D�r a'bov,�akd a�pficab4e letiv.7he notice w�state tke name mcd 'T---° - °°
<br /> address e�f dte aaw I.aen�r�[�►i.c�r�d thB add�s to wQrich paj�n:utq�xia�be made.The notice wU also c�ntaui any mttea `_;''�,a,�,. .''�-
<br />. . . infata�a�an re�rit��bj�appiicafi�lu Wsv. �,��. �=:..
<br /> — 29.:'.�:�u-.��u6�isuc�. �a�raucr st�!! s�t�e � permit ttt�R�r,e, iase.ttispogl, s��e, or rclease of any f •t�.. �,,�e;
<br /> ._ H�daus SaDs�u�en ur in tha FrQparry.Bnmswa sLap n�a1 d�a,nar a.i�aw anyoae eis�s ta do.anythuig affe�umg the Ptopaty ��, ,, �
<br /> tLai is m violaeion ofaay�nvimnmental Iaw.'itie tam s�ieaAZa sha19 aot B ta the . .',. • �`�"-�.
<br />- P�8 �P Y p�►�.ase.or stnrage on the �.,:
<br /> . Ptoperty of smatl q�nandti�s af I3a�daas Subs�nrRS thai sre�.Jai}y recogn'v.e�t�ba appm�riate to namial resideatial us�s ,,--,'��:,:' Fs�i-�
<br /> and ro maint�e of d�e Prop�rty. • =' �t+t:.:� ..
<br /> Bo:mwer shap Fmtagtly giv�Lmder wriuen notice of 2ny inti�es3i�,caaim, �der�►mnd, Iawsait or other aqion by any -'��,r.� r� `
<br />... govemmeanl or regulsvunj �ncy ar priva3e par�y inva3ving t�Prapaty arc�auy Harardaus Substaace ar Eavimnmc�tal Law �` ^.:.'.�1
<br />. of whicb Borrower ha4�kamvte�ge.Jf Borraswa Ieams,oa is��bY anY�ovedssmts�ml ar regol�ary amhoriiy,tt�i�p ;�.`
<br /> ' remrna!ar aidxr teutadladnn ot any Hnaudaus Substaace a�a��ag ttt:Prop�aty is neae�y.Bormwer sLali gmmptly tal�ati � -
<br /> necessz�s z�¢itu�td�CSmis in A�rdance with Envuonmeatal Iavi. � ` '• ,
<br /> ' As usr�t in�this p�t�ph Z0. "Mmandoas Substsnc,ea' �c.f6os� s�bstau�aes defi�r,�as mxic or hazardous snbstaa�isy ,. ,r _:`;,.` ��
<br /> , • F�v�unm�rtal L a�v tmd Wa gollowing snbstanc�s: gasoline, ���. a�har ftantmable ar wxic peuioieam praducts.t,�ic '..:, � ,5 .:;
<br /> `�'�``. ;.
<br /> pesriades aud h�'b3�dt�.valraila mlv�ts,mateiia�s conra�ing�es�s ar far�a�rlehydd�and radioaarve mat�erials.As used in ' • •�.,
<br /> . this para�aph?A;"Swita3imcnto!Iaw"means f�s!taws z�d?aivs of ths�nrisd;�taan where the Pmperty is Iacated that relate :" ':.�tY`. ��:
<br /> m heald�,safery ar em�isanmt�tr�l pmReaian. �j��
<br /> _-= NON-UNIPO ,;•;� �
<br /> RM W�1ffid�'sPiTs.�ver�d I.eu��u f�o��t sn� as follp� ��r,�,`'�s'�''�`•,
<br /> � -., • .„�•
<br /> ' • Z].Awtler�tWn3 Y�anocllq.L¢u�s�nU givs motice to B��piior to aooeleraUnn foIIawing Bflrrower's breacs o! ��_.;�1er:,a `
<br /> ol
<br /> any aavemant oT t�},�roa�mptt in t8is 3eParlty E�r,ia�meal [bui oDi priur to acxsF9[�dnn am� par�gritph 17 unies9 ,..—,�-r�
<br /> em n .,.�----
<br /> .....: �n;-.,, ,..,
<br /> � aPP�se P�v prav��u;al6agv6se).TLe notke s€r�D s�eatYs(�)thP�etaatt,(bD�e�c41on reqair�¢o e�ee tLe dd'anlh,(e) `�---�'�,,..
<br /> e
<br /> a date,r�U7 Bt�Wnn 3D dnps fl�vm the dute the nntke i�giv�ri to�ormwer.by w'�id�We dePaalt�ast be c�ed;aad(d) �'=�:��- _
<br /> Wat faitaro t�+c�a�tbn 11d2iuft on ar�e3'are the date spe�t�T�s.ilnce cotic+�mAy r2�lt tu uoce2epatia��4 the s�s�ed �" �-,_,—�
<br /> by tLie S�ritp Tiu4�mneat�nd s�9e v7 ti�e Progerty.T6e na�.fa��D turt('rrs infar�n Botrnwer ot f�ie rTg6t to re�t�ute ����'_��-=----
<br /> • after ace�terntion ru►d•Qio r�gt�t ta bring a 000ri action to s�ert t6t�na-aat�nc�r of�detaalt os any at8er�o? - . _
<br /> � Borroweer uo�ooellrattm��nd sAl�U t8e defa�[t t�uot carem mm a�brfore t�dnte spee[f'�ed In the aaEf�r,I.cnd,�►.utt itq --_.
<br /> �.�._,�=�_�__ - ;;
<br />� a�ttan,�r��s immallate�.a•�4 in faD o?a0��t+�tb'r3 St�ity Insfaument wi�hoat tart�er d,r:��►d
<br /> _= a�nd m�y 11tvo�e thP pms�r uP sa9�am�r�ay oWer remedks�oittr�i lby ap�l�ra6le tam.�der sda11 be ent�to co� .�:' �.�., . �
<br />:`�`;�' � aD e:pens�e3 incarsed fn pu�in�r.1Le�medies �rovided iD t�is�pSr�D�tl,Inr�odimg,bnt not listiie�to�rezwna6k �. �, .. ',.
<br /> : , attoraeys'[as arul o�u'45 oS91R8 ev�tteaoe. . ��.A:
<br /> It tbt pawea v9?�sila is inv�aka7,7Yaist�siut�fi�rd � �r�23te a�de�aWt in ea��namty in c�t�a�y psut ot the
<br /> Property�e bratc+cii rwd atiull mn(t onptes oY sac6 noti�in ths un�anfT preseribe�l by�pylsra6le faw to Borravrer aud to the
<br /> � ., other p��a pmsca�tU�i 6y�pPUc�ble Isiw.After the timr re�nlr�by appli�61P Yew,Trastee sha0 give pnblle notiae o! . .. . .��:.
<br /> � � s�ie to the _`.�-�„�,�-
<br /> . persaav anrl�in t8e mannt�r pr�rSbed by appiieaA3e�ss�.7 rvste��vdP�au!de�am�on Borr�wer,sLaD se�tbe
<br /> . P1+operty st pnDik auWton ro tho hfgh�t 6idder sst thQ tlms�tl p33oe and�rndar a6sr terms�esignated in the notke of eale ��.-: ,
<br /> �.
<br />�;" .�•_
<br />:�� Form 802II f�ff9Q --�..:..._ •'•�"x� •
<br /> Y'•_
<br />.":�` �-ecaqte�)�az��.o+ aaaosata mnws:�--- ` •
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