. . V .. . ' .. . .. .... • �� � ' , - ' - � _ � '�r,� ' ' �, ` , � , .x.` .
<br /> � � . . , , ' . ' - E • ' , .. " . , � . ' _ - � . . ��� .� -
<br /> > . <
<br /> . . . . . . . . - - - --
<br /> ._., � �---- �• '��� • - — -- -
<br /> .�
<br /> .. __--�-T—� —_— _.-- . -- .
<br /> . . . . —�—�— .. . .
<br /> , , y�
<br /> � ,
<br /> �
<br /> .�-_---- �-- -'- � ---- .'-_ _ -•-- _._._._-'-�„ - ' �
<br /> ---- _"_ . _ �'
<br /> .. -- _ .. - - --•---- ..*--�—•_• - - - ----•'�-- - ---- ---_ � - - -- ----
<br /> , . ' ' • '_ y " ,.._t_.y._._..-� ---�.__,�_.s:�� '--_.._._-_ ,. -
<br /> ��-s ,_.__-- -.�.....—_._..�.._�.. ._.� l�` . ,i .. . .. . .- -
<br />� �3�°10'?6�1 , . ��:.t : ��
<br /> FaYmeats may no��er bs required,at tha option af I.aider.if mortgage insuraace coverage(in the amount and faT ihe perind . �: _ �• ,. .
<br /> .a
<br /> th�Leasie�m.c�uares)Dmvide�d by an insurer approved by I.eudea again becomes ava�7able aud is obrdiued.Borrower shal!pay i�c: �'',.. : �:
<br /> premiums cequ�ed to ma�ntain ruortgage insuranoe in eff�,or tu pmvide a tnss teserve.until�Re nequiremeat tar mangage . < � . .�
<br /> insur2nce ends in sxardaas,c with sny wriuen sgree�uent betweea Borroarer and I.ender or applicuble law. . , . -
<br /> 9.Insget8€ny l�r a its agent may maYe reasonabte enories upnn and inspectioas of the Properry. Lerider shall give : � . , •..
<br /> &�wrr noace at the rime of or�siar tn�iaspe�tion specifying reasonab2e causs for the i�sp�tinn. , `. � ai�,°:=
<br /> 10.Coademnation. 1ke gma�ds of any award ar c[aina for damages.d3sect ar wnsequenti�.l,�n �nnectian Sxith any • . . ,
<br /> IOK
<br />-- c�a�taFion as nt�a taking of any pazc af the piropertyr.or for conveyaace in lieu of o�ademnaa�ion.are hereby ass7igned�nd rt • ,
<br /> '� s�all be paid ro I.ender. ' -, ` � '`
<br /> Isi the eva�t of a ootal�dng af the Property,the pzaceeds s�all tss app�ed m the su�s sec�u+ed Isy this Security Instr�ent, : . ;.` :;_.-
<br /> wheYher ar aot tEen due.with any e�scess paid to Boraovrer.In the evea�t of a par6al rr.king of the Praperty in wtuch the fair marYet ,.:=;: - �_='' ' �.___
<br /> ;��::;.;� ;, ,.,,�.�.;Q�.-
<br /> value af ths Pmperty immediately before the ta�ng is equai w or greater tl�an the amaun3 of tite sums seaue3 by th'ss Sec�uicy , ,;�,:,•;r.� :,�� s:_ `
<br /> Iastmmeut immediale2Y before d�e m1Qx�g,imtess �aaovrez atcd LeJtder o�rrise a�ee m writing, the siuns sectued by this -� �:.:��.,:,•�.�-;�
<br /> t Se�rity tn • nt sLall be raduaed by the a�rnems af tbe gsoceeds mc�.tiP�i�ed by tAe folLovring fr�ion:(a)tha tnial amaunt of ':�: ,_•";��:•'_�`,'.'
<br /> t• , . F.ti��,__,�
<br /> . �",. ,..;'— . ...
<br /> t�e su�s seaued imraediarrly bcfore the ta�g,d'ivi�d by(6)t(se fair markei va�e of ttLee Propesty isnmeds�tely bef�e the � ° :,'.`-_ _
<br /> taYing.Any balance shall t�e paid w�o�aower.Ia t�e eveae of a partial�akmg of t�e P,mpeaty iri atsicl9 tfae fanr mark,et wal�nf t�e ::':;:,:�•:_.�:;�. ._4. -
<br /> ��Y �Y be�'ore thE�'dt6ng is Iess t�an t�..+e�S of d�e sut.4s s� e±nrng�t+atoty before ths la�8•unl"�s •. •'t.. .-�,__';_-
<br /> Btiaowtx and I.ender otherarise agee m wri�ng or unless aypi�E'e L�w at�envise pmvides.the proceeds sd�UU be uppli�m th: � •.� �,��'�'
<br /> n S ,e.....,�.�
<br /> sams s�by ihis Secu�ity Instrament whet�cr ar noi We sroms are tlr�d� � °�-,_.. .,,:- '-_
<br /> If the Pia�aty is a6asdoned by Euaowar,or if,afu�r notice by Lcu�c t�Baaower tbat the wndemnor offeis w matae an :., ,.,.,��}__.
<br /> awud or seWe a c1alm f�daz�ages,Borrow�fa�la to respond tn Leader wi3hin 30 days a�r the date the uause Ls grve�.l.emdea "�..• •- -- .:==
<br /> Lis_anthocized w coli�et aad agpfy t�e proceeds,at its optian.eicPr�to reswiaaon or repair�the Property ai m tkz aums sec�ued • ':.;�" ����
<br /> —I� -4-���..._�'� .
<br /> $QAII1Yj►IRStlli[RPdl{.W�1C1��07II01 tttCa d1IC. �a:..�
<br /> tti R+a' 3r1' Of !A S�1 AOI CXIC11f�Ol jfOS�IDAC �.�:�---:•_
<br /> -- Uafess Lea4er and Bo�mwer oti�erwis�a�e :�.a j agP�riOn P� F�� _ ...,-. ,R::;�--
<br /> tIIe dne daie of the manthlY FaYme�ts Yefermd t�in��s l�d 2 ar cdange the amount of such paymeats. .,.-_;,r ;��„:. `
<br /> :�;�..
<br /> 13.Borrm�e Not Reieasedi�c�arance By I.�ad�r�¢�a W�iver. F.xte�nsion of the time for payment ar mnd'd'x�n :.;�• :;� -
<br /> of amo�ti�n of the smus secuced hy this Secauity Insu��tauoed iry Lendea w aay successor m int�st of Boem^.rez shall �-. -
<br /> -�,.,..,
<br /> '�r ,- �
<br /> nat opeiate to�ease tAe liab�lity of the a�iginal Bamnwa ar Hotrotves's successars in inteaest I.en�shall noi be xr�q.�ed tn ,
<br /> � cammeace pmoce�nBq���Y��r in i�ter�si or refase w extend cme fac gaymeut or otherwie mod'dy a�n of :�t
<br /> the sums seca�ed by t6is Sc�curdy Insuameue by reason of�y demand ma�tY t�e ariginal Bamnwes or Bm�mwds succe�ss ' : .. ', ._
<br /> � in interest A�r loibeazance by H.�Eier in exerci.s�ng as�y r�i�:�reruedy ahaD ao3 be a ryrraver of or the exercise of Eny '�-;=:°°-�_ _ V:`F
<br /> �e `;l�. k•;. � �;5.� r'�.
<br /> , .f._
<br />' IIghLU�le�tCdy. l:'�¢;; . :; : .�-._�
<br /> .�.�: lE.S�ccesso�and A��'�md;de�iiE�SEVer�9Il.ia3a�4y. Co�ws.7he cr�mants and egxeements of thi4 ` , � � ;ti, �,:-.
<br /> ,.��
<br /> ,.�;t � J�ent shaII bmd�rJ b�efit tte �-ceessors as�d Pssi�s of Ixad�r and Baaowa,sc.a*;�eci to Ihe gmvisions of ... ,.!}��;.. '�''�
<br /> �'.�!�rr L4 Sh3IE � UIb 8Ed S4,w(�21. ATry BOlIOW2t �.$9 G7O-SIgRS 111i4 SCL7RI[jI ;1�•� —
<br /> ��J �7. BOtdt15YC['S CAV�'+.11LS 2II� 9,,,`�S�II �0
<br /> Ia�;.;bat da�s nat en��.�e Nate,: (a)is co-s��,�t�"ss S�carity Ia�a�eaii only w mort�a`�Brac►t aad convey ttcat ::i.. ,-_.
<br /> .. `� Sg �
<br /> � B�x+�s interest in die Pc��g imder the tenns of this��}►Ins�ru�ufi(b)is nat pe�sonaity obligaced to�t�e sa� �'"
<br /> ���' aad c thai L��ury 'a�HoAOwer may a�ee ro ea�tead.modlfp,f�or ,i'�';"..,�v�
<br /> staaed by ihis 8=aaxty Ins� ()aSrees
<br /> maice snq a�at�cdat`.�ariW r�rd w dte terms of this Secrc'a.�Ins�si:r�t the Note witho�that Soarower's ao�nt. +�,r � _�
<br /> 13 Loan C� If the loan se�ued by this Sec�rity Insuumect us�.ibject w a 1aw cvhicb sets o�aximum loan ch�r�es, ,-_ --
<br /> and tbat law is 6na]Iy�taqr�ett��that the intere.st or oth�taan charges collected ar to be collected in connectian with t6e Ioaa ',�,"` �:�:.,. "
<br /> • ' eacseed Q�e p�m7ed limits.thvz f;�.�my sacti loan chs�ge��i be�+educed by�e ama�ut�ecesstuy tfl radace tJ�e cl�sge tn the �' �r�: -_-•_'.� 'A- .
<br /> ch g
<br /> pe�misied l�i��d(b)anY snms�ri'�rady collec�ed from Bas�sx�er w6ich exoceded pami�d limib will be refund�trs.l�.�nawer. '� ,��,..
<br /> ,.:
<br /> Lea3dr may clwose W maYe this refand���dng tt�e principal oaed �mdea the Note ar by matring a dir�t�vr.e�t tn '�",, . � T^
<br /> .���;: Basaarer.lf a nfund iedoces principai,�r,n��eion w�l be ueared ag a partial Prep�aYma►t wahaut a�►Y p�aY�ul cha�8� �
<br /> . • )`�J''`1
<br /> uad�the Note. , `
<br /> � � 14.Notto�s. Any natice w�so.vwer pmvided faz m titirs�'..�a.'ority Inso�ument s4�aU be given by deliveru�g it ar i�y, �aiting it W�,;,�.��%%�;> 'r,�. .
<br /> .. Isy 6zst clacs mail auile�applirabrL law�eqni�es use of a.�nlic�c e t ho d.T ha norice s h a l l b e d i r e c t e d w the Pto p a t y/�udress or :,�� °�'�;;,,.,f�• ; ;y,
<br /> . � a a o t h e r addres�Bonov�ea desi g n a t e s 6y na�tn Leadea.Etny notice tn lender shaU be givw by fust class mt�v�I.en�ea's ;��,�;��,�:`�!�,��,' ,-�'
<br /> Y � • •.,.
<br /> .. � a�st�ted herein or any otha sddress Ir�d�r designates by notice a��E.ticrowea.My notice provided for in this Seairity ;r.�:N�rf.. �'�:,�i�j�' '-.
<br /> ', Itts�umeut S�1a11 be�eemmd[O have bee�g'tvee�oD BotsUwec Cr L.�de.r when givEO 2s pmvided'u!t6is p3t8$teph. +�'�i?',,.' ; . . a=;�.
<br /> rn�r-+.»+t s3�a� be oveaned b fedaal law and the laa of ttre ^%�`�,� j�� �
<br /> � 15.Cove�otag Law;Severr5ility'. 7bis S�curity B Y .:,�, , : : -
<br /> : jurasdictian in whicb ihe Ptoperty is locaud.In i�e ev�E�at any prnvis�on or clause of tLis Securiry Inslramer�t�the Na'e r•�l..���'.�..� �. ,�,
<br /> ,,�!:' aonflicts witb applicabte daw,�ouaflict shall not affect oilter provisiuns of thig Sec�uity Instnimea�t or the Nu�e wt'r.sh can be • ��;�_•
<br /> ' ginrea effax witLout the confltcang Dmvision.To this end the provisians of this Sesurity Inst�ument�:d the Note�e dr�.,clared to ��y�.Y••.�.h-�c—._...
<br /> � �' be sevc�able. •..��
<br /> ati ,.����±y�;�+�
<br /> }.
<br /> ��t'.:IR-'� '1..
<br /> � Foz,►�.:�se �roo f��f'f.—'A^t��. —_
<br /> (:�`I�(�i:/,,..a...r�a..r c�
<br /> ,: r �-('iJt1[i�$mz+zt-o� vc„oaof e mn�:s: . ._._ ��'• , . n,.
<br /> ,� -..,,. . ...„�.,;�
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<br /> �.:�. . �••�, . ' ,�:'�,
<br /> - i • ''-`-�'�.��i�'i'-�:w�...'.
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<br /> . . . . . ' . ' ' . ' ... .. . " - ' ��CAa�,Yre4'�T�-•n
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