�4y, r ( ' . . ` .. . .. . . v � C. ..... . ..— -� — -
<br /> .. - � ,t ' .. � � .. . ' ' ` , - �� . �_ � ' �
<br /> .. �<' ' . . . . . � . ' . .. . . .
<br /> .. ' a . � ' �. ��. _ ��_ '
<br /> __ _ _�.., . � . � ---
<br /> �'_ —_ —' _—_ ---� _�� � _ __ _— "S— _ . .. ._�._.._�_ —" __'_ —
<br /> . ' , , < , . ' �. .. ' . � ` . . - • ,< . , ` , ` , ` , • . . . 1 ' , � ` 'I
<br /> C[t�� (.<' .�_i .�.a`... 4�_�_ -.... . . -. ..` . � ♦. �, . ...�_ . . � . • . ___ �. . . _. _t .... - _ ....�. ......�..�_.S . � " - - �S
<br /> � . . _ { . �_
<br /> �s 9.��760� E ` .
<br /> 19.'I�a�sf�of t6e Pm�evty or a Beaeticial iaterest in Borrawer.If al!or�y part of the Property or any interest in it -
<br /> �? is sold or uaasferred(or if a beaeficial interest in Barnower is sold or uansferned aa.d Borrower is not a natunl puson)wuhout _
<br />' Leader's prior written onnsent, Leader m.ay. az ics op�Ion, requise immediaze payment in full of all sums seciued by this
<br />. Scciutry Instcument. However,thig optioa shsll nat be exercised by Ixuder if eacercise is prohibite�by federal la�v as of the daus
<br /> of thig Security Instrument. +
<br /> If LQader e�ercis�,c this option,Ler�ler sha�l give Horrower aotict of acceleration.The aotice shall pmvide a period of not
<br />-`'1 less thaa 30 days from the dazx tha nati�e is delivered or mailed�vithin which Boirowet must pay all sums secured by d►is ` .�
<br /> .+� Security Instrument. if Horrotiver fa�s to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period,Lender may invoke any remedias [- l------
<br /> :a ptrmittc3 by this S�urity Instr�meat without fmM�r narice ar dem3ad oa Borrower. � _ _..
<br /> 18. Borro�ve�s l�ght to Re3nsYate. If Borrowet meets oert�ia conditions, �assovJer shall have the rigM to have
<br /> i� enforcem�nt of this Seauity Insnumeni 'd�:continaed at any ams prior to the earlier o�: (a) 5 days(or such other pezi�od as `^ _
<br /> t applicable lavi m3y specify for reinstateme�t}befo�sale of the Property pu�suant to any power of sale contain� in this
<br /> S e c�i ty I n s u u m e n t;or t b)e n t r Y of a jud g m�t eaforcin g this Security tnsuume�ntt.Those wnditions are that Horro�r.(a)pays >
<br /> uum
<br /> . `; LeIIdei 2ll sums which thea would 6e d�Ie uudEt ZLi&SecAlrery inctmmg_m�d the Note as i f[w acCe lerat[on h a d o c c u r l�E d;(b D -• --- '�.�`•`•.'
<br />•�t�':� aues any defa�ilt of auy ather covenants or ag�meuts;(a)P�Ys all e�s�iacuned in enfo�ing this �e+c�rity.tngttvmeat. ' ''�:���--
<br /> including,bui not limited to.reasonable attumeys' fe�s;aasl(d)takes surdi acuon as Lraader may�easonably r�quue w ass� �
<br /> ` thaz ths lien of th�s�ec,urity inscrumeai,Le�dea's d�ts m the Pc�perty aad Sorrower's ab�agation to pay the sams ses.v�d b� ;. - ...
<br /> �' i this Secarity Ynstrament shall oontinue unc�aaged. Ugon reinstai�ment by Barmcrer, this Securiry Instntment and t4te . _-�
<br />- obligations secnmd heieby shall remain fully effecrive as if no accelecatian�ad oxutred.However,this ri�t rrs c�instate shnll : --- �_
<br /> :.�; notapply in the cas3 af accelexation ander paraginph Z7. �..�;.;�,..�
<br /> `,�`� 19. �le oY Nate; CLan�e o[�oan S�rviaer. 'Ihe Note or a pataal inte�est in tL� Note (togetYeei��tbis S$auisy �-_;
<br />'�{:' Instntment)maY he sald one or inote times without prior nQtice w Borcower. A sale may result in a change in sh�eatiry(tsaawr► ��-'_�_.....�_,
<br /> � as the°Loan Setvicer')thaz ooIlaxs monthlY Faymeuts du�ande.r the Note and this Security rnctm�n�t_��aL�n may be oae - _ ��"'s��` ��-�``
<br /> .;,•, ue
<br />,_ -.�---- _;—
<br />�;���� or more ct�anges of the Loan Seivicer unnlated to a sale af�De PTote.If there is a�of the Loan Sezvic�..r,��nw�viill be y, -�--.---...'��':_�_
<br />.,;•: � �ven wriuea�notice of the change ia asxosdance with paregraph 14 above aad applicaL.�law.'I�e notir,x v�}1�tha name aad _ - —_
<br />':`""; address of the new Loan Ser�cer and the address to which payments shonld be made.The notice will also contain any odeer • ---
<br />-�r�, information requited bY aPPlicable law. -_-: '_ � �",
<br /> ;"; 2(►. Naat�rdo�s Suhsisu�.Borrower shall not cause or peimit the piesence,use. dlsposal, starage,or rele�te of aulr .. �•
<br />• '� Ha�ardous Sabstances on or in ttce Properry. Borrower shaU aat do, nor allow anyone eLse w do, an�g aff�ting ttie ��:.-5,,:• - � •'., �F+
<br />•�;'�`1 j F c o p e rt y t h a t i s i n v i o l az l o n o f a n y E n v i r o n m e n s a l I a w.'R i e p re c e d i n g t a r o s e n t e u c r s S.f�a U not a p p l y w a p�senoe,use,os ,. .� �, :;
<br />�_�''_` storage on the Property of cm�l1 quanti6es of Har.a�dous Substances that are generali�+rsxagaized w be appraprEate to norm�il ' ���-
<br /> resldeatial uEes and w maintenaace of the Pcoperty. :''
<br /> r' Bornnw�r shall pmmptty give Leadr�ccnitten notloe af any imrestigntion,elaim,�..��, i�snit or othar aRion by any . �I, ;
<br /> .',r: Sovemmenml or reBWawN ageacy+or pri��any iavotving the Property aad any Haxa.*•�P�s�ca or Fuvimnmeatul Iaw " , ;:.:;�.;�:.
<br /> ea
<br /> a€wbich Borrawer bas actual imoaIedge. if BomotvPr leazns.or is noYified by anY g�r�mmeatal ar regol�ary authority.that ,:�•. ";, ,,,,;,:,.:
<br />'•,.+• , . ,,..:.
<br /> . ;�removal or other remediation of a�r Ha7ardous Sui��ase affertiag the Propeity is Be�essary,Boaowe�.s�Ii promptly tatse •, ;y,::;y�xc
<br />'��s ��ry r�n�editd actions ia accordaace aIth Eovironmental Law. ,,r.,�;,+ `:;....-=
<br />: �.{'• E!s vsai in this puragraph?A. 'Aa7ar4ous 5ubstances'are those substanaes defined as to�r or h�ardous subst�ces by - ..��;r�'��, ��
<br /> S� 1.=.
<br />:�., Eas7�ss�r� Law and the follawing suDstans�: gasaline, kemsene, other flammable oY a� petmteam pmdacts, toaic �� � .;•,_
<br /> • g�;��I�bicides,volat�le soIvents.materials containing asbescos or formaldehyds,aad r��aactive mzteriats.Aa u�ed in , g����'f�,: .;:�
<br /> ►1}i�Pmagrar"�r Z0, 'Emriranme�tal Law' meaas fedeial laws and laws of the jnris�i,coica�.�:e tho P�pe�ty is located thut ,., .�r ��.,��,�F.;:
<br /> rc-i�te to health,safety or mvironmeatal pmiection. `4�;.' �+,�,�t„'..:':� `��1,.:..
<br /> I30N-iJNIFORM COVBNANTS.Bosrower and I�en+der further covenant aad agnae��c�vs: (`�'` °.,. ��� �',��:"'
<br /> . t S�'��l�- • ,.4�f�.::�.:��i ' _
<br /> Z!.Ace�atl+on;Remedi�.y.endes sLall give nottce to Bormw�prlor to so��a�a ealiowtng Bara+ocvt�s 6mxr� ���,:�� . �' .�:; ��;.: �
<br /> � ,,;': ��:,i�-.,::.,..
<br />. ..�, oi any covessmt or agre�cut in tL1s Secmtiy Iastr��t (b� not prlor to acr�lere�s�m ronder�gr�pU 17 an�e�s r.`'. ,,,.,,., =-,�,.:�:,
<br /> appllc�le 1aw provtdcv atherwlse).'I�e nMice s�ll spec�3ty: (a)the dttanl�(b)the adtun�quft+ec�!to eart 4Pie ddoWY; ��• •�,r��; . ..:
<br /> spe
<br /> l�!a dat�nat�tt�an 30 days 6+am the date tLe aat�e b givta to Borrow�, f�whieh the ddonit mns�6e con�i and �j,..° . _ ,r,s�.'I.. ,�'..'�';
<br /> Ni�'i that lallm�to c�e t 6e d e ta a t t on or 6 e tore 4 h e d a 3 e s p e t t fled in the no��y resalt tn Aoedcia4tr�n o?the s�s �� � `',�: ��`.:.` •�-:� ,`
<br /> �e�nnd by tltt�Seear[ty Ia�mt and sate oi the Iltt�perty.The nattce s�Et�t�t�er dntorm Bo�w�r oP the rtght to - - ���,,��„
<br /> .� �` rdnstate afC�s^ncce2a�atton ar„�the r1�ht W 6ring a co�t ac�loa W asss�t the noa�t.ste�oe of a d�anit or any oth� .
<br /> ` �;.' detense of 13c�arower to acce2eration and sale.If We dptautt ts c�c�on or 6dore th�dato spe�iYa�in the notto�, "��,'� '
<br /> ''''.v:reK!^yi`t:;,'r-�s-—
<br /> �� Lmder, at its optlon,maq require tmmedlate peymrnt in fall o!�sams see�ed by ghSs s+axa�ty Inc�n�mi�o�t G.:+r6:��' ,:�
<br /> itr�tl►�'d�t�nd aad m�y Involce the power of sale aad swy othar remedle9 pe�.'Sted by app11at610 Y�w.I.�der�011 be �T����': ... •��,
<br /> ' �� �a4itled to calted alD esp�scs tacorre�in pmsning the rsmedie9 grovide�in ifriss,�a�ag�pm Zl,fncSnding,but not limieed �
<br /> m.meonabte attornepa'fez9 aad costs ot t(t2e evQdeace. ;� , a�.,.. .' .
<br /> V tho y�a+wes ot saie is tevoiced.THSStee shall record a not[m�nQ drS�ui� f�eirfl��y tn w�ilcTv any p�u4 oe s3Ye �»-. ` }' �t�. �. --
<br />..;=�:�4 P�op�ty is located and sh�ll mail copt�v ot sacL nMice in the m�p�i'bed by ap�l�ctirfn ls�w Eo Pto�wwcr at�t�o , . - .:
<br /> !� iv� ' ;-7.
<br /> .:.. tttc otites pe�sa�presa�by appiis�bie law.AtYes the tims req�dred by appiicable law,'Cnu�.�s�all give pabllc noi�.`e �'.; ,*�. .`��.... , ' ..
<br />''.` ' of�ie to the ns and In the manner��cr�ed by appltcab2e taw.7Ya�stee,witho�d�c.�3�ac�wer,shafl sell i
<br /> peiso ° , "�1!�. .���; .`�;;
<br /> ' the Ptvpc�ty at pnbl�e aadion t�n the hig�est bldder ai the t[rne and place and ande�the te�s��the noitce ot ._- - :—
<br /> f. • � e�fe in ono or mort p�rcds and in any o�v�determine.Tra�tee may postpone s�te c�� ar m�.y otthe 'I�', . ,.. �"-: :.=
<br /> te
<br /> -'c;: Qt+oi�9 6Y Pabfic announcemeat�the tlme and place oi atry prevtously sc�edWed sale. IIRad� or itn eil�nce msiy �. � ..���-.' •
<br /> ;:•'i�;.; put+chase the�t+npr�4q at nay sale. m i, " � �.`� � ';
<br /> ---�nR�� ��
<br /> . 'I `y'��/��'.'
<br />. . 1;;_ ..�ey,fl1�.
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