_ 't _ `� � ), c . .. _ . O�� `` _ _ . .. . . - , . . , --
<br /> — �` -- - ' `` . t .. •; . � ,'�. .� f , - — Y --- - -- _
<br /> , . _. -".- . ^ --.._�_�.�,��Y.� }�---.- _- ___ --� �_�_.._�-.�.�^�TC.�.__- �.��a�.r =
<br /> , . . � � a,.��rt�. ., <<.,. � -• f � .. t. .
<br /> , � � • . . `... � :. � �, ... . _ ... -•--. ��'� .r_�:__{• — ` � �. .. •�- -- � :...__.� _,__ , , • ;
<br /> �.___._...� �__s�y__ .._....._.. ....___ _.._ --�•--°-�• ____. �' ` �
<br /> • �� drb�D(I��� :
<br /> ' at the opdon of Lcnde�r.if mo�tgag�isr�au�oov�q,e(in the�ount and for the period ' . . . -
<br /> . paym�nts may no loager be��. mv�d by l.ender agai�'�:r���ralWle and is obtau�sd.6orm�.ver shall paY
<br /> that Leasler re�uires)Pmvided by an insuret app imntil the reqeairemr�t for moagage --
<br /> the premiums ie9ui�d to maintain mort�ag�Insurnuo�in effect.or co p�t►v;�r:a lo3s rFServs. kcabie law. .
<br /> iasuiance ends in accord2ace with any written u�'��at b�veen Bu��s+vt a�!t.tsadrs or app�
<br /> o�of the ProperatY. Len�2r s��e
<br /> nnable enucies�.r:N aad ia3p�xsi P �Y
<br /> 9,Iisssg�ec�on.I.��r or its ag�t c�f m�:teas _--_---------= _
<br /> _ �o�a�id,cause fat thc inspecii°fl.
<br />. Eoaower IIotice at the ti�of or prior to an iastxtcci°n sgec�� �or canyeguential.in ooanection with any
<br /> 10.�md�naiton. 'ihe pmce�of anY.awasd or I�rf�Y����liw af oondemnatioa.are heiebY ass�g�� _ ..
<br /> oondemnattion�r other ta1�n8 uf auY P�af the Pmpr�t]+, . . ,..
<br /> shall hep�to I.ead�. ��°�i• - v__,—_•�`.s_�,
<br /> Ta the event of a tata�taYinB of the Prop.�ty,ttte praa�s sha13 br.a�:r:itd ca*�e sums seaued bY��wluch the fair . ._ , _
<br /> a:d ta Sorcawet.In iLe e�ccl'.�a'f.a psatird takinS of the Frogertl► � ..
<br /> wh�hex or�at thw du�e, with anY exc�s P �es tUt�the amnuat of the sams sewted bY this . .-� :•.•-> .
<br /> aafare che���cu�n_�r' '"'� _ -
<br /> mslcet vs:n�of the ProPert}'��f�' unless Borrawer�.L�atb�wi:e aSm�in wmfmg.the sums sxured b3►
<br /> Security Insuu�.nt imm�e�y�O�the ta�ng, a multlplicd by the folto.ving frasxion: (a)the total ° �'"; ?_
<br /> sbzil�redi�c!bY dte amoisnt of ttse p�� ' � �' -•
<br /> this Security InsWm� �Y befOi�B i$e iakL•1$�d'lvi�•'bj�4��the fair a�a�ket value of the PmPertY�ety '�^ .y.;��,.jq:F 'r
<br /> amount of the s�ms seaaned' of the Pro�ertY in which the fair , :. _.,�.
<br /> befar�ttte -""�`�. ,.
<br /> bCg9I�l$E t�C1II$. Any halzn�e shr!1�t p�.d w Bomocver. 1n t�e e�rr.;:M a paatjrl tat�ing . _
<br /> shr_ t of the snms s���Y �•..•`�' "`•'�LL
<br /> � �mmrdi�lY hefare the taicing�s I��1�ir,at'�►m .,.,..; .
<br /> �va.,us of th�ProPert3'�m °di �f �writi�or imb�.ss�Plic�k►tp law otheavuise Pmvides, the Pmc�� • :
<br /> t�ing,c�S�ss IIorrower and Lea�d�r othssaise�Z a3e then dne. �•Y�''.= - - °;��` ,
<br /> Le' ��m�,nt whethec oa tuY��tri•sum� �� �
<br /> L�e�p�s3 to the sumY sec�cd bY���Y = _,-Hnw:�-a:;^:•:.
<br /> s �-",::.'.:
<br /> �t�e Prupeity is ahEadan�d by l3orro��,ar��ao S c e b r�Le�4st.�ta Bcrsrocvez tbnt the cor.�mm3 offers w m..:Ye aa --�,• .��•,�,-�=—ri>v,
<br /> - awaid�seute a cl�im fos dr.��, H�row�r fz�FF eo►�snon,d w Let�as arithin 34 days after che dat�e the�o o the sums '' c �. =.
<br />. �e��uthorized to cflllect aad t��Ly the praoe�3s.a�itn ogci�s.,eitin.�r�t��•'•gtm�ian or n�air of t�..PrapenY �. .��,��-
<br /> c v){��
<br /> SCCIITC4'���1�SC'�Ilfl�►��4INmYa1;s�i7�T.°'�GT OI IIOI V1CII QI1C. � 31 S}13� l101�'�O! r �-
<br /> ;:�' r and Borea��,� a��writing, a� a�%�aa of pmces� P�P -�.
<br /> Un2ess Ixnde -mzuts tef�ed w in par�w`n t Srs�2 er change ti��amuunt of sach paYmsn�. n . '�,�'�,:'
<br /> �• postpone th$dus d�te of the m�nthly gsY „
<br /> d te L�tde�'Na'S a Wtr'nvei Bxtt�an of the time foi FaYmeu�°r mod�fi�°
<br /> ez r 9n t o er ahall
<br /> ll.Borrower Nmrt?Relmsed:Eo7bc�a �Y �,,d b�•L�t;r[a any snacesso interes f BorcoR .
<br />, �this Securiry Insua�ent Bs�s� sha11 not be t�� �'�.,.,5`
<br /> of umott�zation of the sums s��1�i � ,
<br /> not a��a to release the liuUiliry of the orlginul Eorcmwer o�I��r��ra's stsx�ozs in int������� '��.„ i ;
<br /> cam�P�c�a8��°IIY�9�0L in imezes[or ref'n����.�terr�c�mn..for p� gfllrowex or Eor�swer's �
<br /> �,� tr� rea��.�f:'.� d r e��m�de b y the original ,, .
<br /> � of the s�s secu� fi� this Sxurity � ����;,ar crs�3Y shall not he a vlaiver of or preclude the . 'i%,. :,,
<br />.��3''y"��i suoeessol8 iri 3II[esest,.�uY foibeazamv�bY I.�.�=-r i�a7cerc'ssi� � :r;��':_;.
<br /> n �
<br /> r�1;�� exezcise of�aY nY,��t or:emtd3t• �.�o-s'I�ne�s. �'ae oavenar.ts and agreem��s mf t3�is ; f , .
<br /> ''-ti�s� 1�. Sn��s and���ozm����? and Sev�suL Lir�Dtt�, sa�,•x�t w th�e pmvi��as of .,J��, , . ;?1.j,,f.:
<br /> sa�ssu assi ad�b�a�r av3���• � , , ,
<br /> '��.?� �qn�nt sh�ll bincl antl ae�tfit� rs and � , . .;�_:;
<br /> � �:s�w�nl. A� i9�sc�r�rer wtco co-sip�s tL'ss�ty .��;,,:.
<br /> • P�B�Ph 19. Bonower's cov�ats and �"�=3 � s°'� and oonvey that — - .
<br /> . . �bnt daes not exesuw ttte Nata:(a����-��n$th3s S�sai�`:�rauume'°t oniy v�.martgag�,� '-,y;�:":'
<br /> to a the su�s ',�.��,,,,'
<br /> Eo�:Po inttrtst in the Pcop�c5+andes the ten�s�f this S�aait�'tu�ttwa�t;(b)is not Fersa w e�cu�nd,�odi�Yp y .
<br /> h z�1�sj���orrn�ver m��� fatbear or �
<br /> saa:..�my this SavritY��m�at;and(e)agree���n� '�`�� `
<br /> ta the cerms of this Secusit�'us3tn�maa�ar the IVote wr.I�aut tbat Boaawer's�t• � ,:�;:
<br /> � male:�p accummodaaaus arizb reg,azd �mcL:�subjga to a law c�hich sets maai�nm loa���har8es, ---
<br /> If the loaa secured��"�is Secnriry ���_---�:'"
<br /> � 13.La�n�• or ather loc�n s2�r�:a ooll�tefl or to be collecced in connection arith the = ._--
<br /> . � and that laar is fin�71y intasptoce�co tHat t�e�t sDa3.1 fx��afuxx�l bY the amount neceasa�}►to reduoe the cbaa8e _^,�;_:
<br /> « S
<br /> .. lo��'�the permitted limits.ch�a:(a)P..."=�b loan cLuge eimitteA limits will bc refimdod to - -- -- ¢r�;:>-;:
<br /> to tDa p�rmitted limit;a�d(b)�a9'��y COilected fiv.0 Bcam+�rr. whir�excee�i g �,.,� ;..� - `
<br /> ��r.i�t3n�pein�psl owed aurf�the Nou or by m�ing a di�t -.:°_�`__, ,-.��_;;,,
<br /> . ..,' • B o s o w e r. I.e n d e r m a y c]zoose to :�ca this retund bY , ,� a aithout afi► ,bK{.,i::;.
<br /> � a artlal nP Y� ,.�,,.,,
<br /> t�e I��a;r 3 t t��w 9 1 1 b_ u e a t e d P P
<br /> , paymcnt to Borrower. If a refun�t mdua.�s y�'"��• ;v, :
<br /> ` P�P����e u n t t c�i h e N o t e. t � �t s h n ll h e g i v e a b y d e l i v e r i n g it or b y ma�in8 `_.,w��t�i;�,,,:.::
<br />. � �,' 14.Notice9.Any nodo�to Eorc�ver pnezv3::1 fos in c'C,ll S e a�i s� i n�w m 6s dir�d to the Property Address ,.,.. ,,.,����° -
<br /> � use of anntiu:r mntL�ad.'IIt�notios shalt ,r.a.<{,�..;:
<br /> it hy tirst class mall w01e3s�ppUc�le law rec�ires �;.�,...•,+..„Ts,���,
<br /> � or any other address �omoivzz designates by notice to I�dr,r. A�'r`�lce to Lender sisall be gnven by fiist das� �sil w �,� ' , �
<br /> ' • other addiess l�ender dda3�ta by aatioe m Borr�wer. Any aotia pmvidcti.Li�r.in ttis � ,�, ,:1 L
<br /> . 1,e n d e r's a d d r e s s s t a t e d h e m i a o r a�a}► ,,,,-,�- ��
<br /> ._,..,:.
<br /> ` �•"`� Security Instmmant shnU be deeffie�to have been given ta Ba�rar,er_a�l a s���r a h e a g i v e n•a s p m v i d e d i n t h l s p a r a�l+ ��r,,._.
<br /> Law. Se��nability. This SecuritY Ir�xu�rncsA s�ll b: govemEd bY federa� law an� the la�v cf thc �_-_ -
<br /> 15.Goveraing isiom or cl�mse o£this Security Ins��t oz t�e i�otc ,.,-:
<br /> jurisdiction in ahich ths Ptop.,'aty is tacazed.tn the eveaa t2at�r p� or the Note wTz�r��an be t z;,.+`r,_.
<br /> � conflicts aith applicablm la�av.sus�confiicx sba11 not affext at�u�proviaions of tUls Seauily Iasuument�d the Nate m�decl�ed •: +�y��+�;;ti%•;•
<br /> given effect without t ha wn f l t c�i n S Pmvi�3an.To this ead t�as�rnv�ai�of ttds SecuiitY fnst�m ���.�,,,,,.,.:,
<br /> kYN�yer-
<br /> tO bC SGVElebl@. er;tr. , .�fr4 .f-°
<br /> of�tr�Nate and of thia Secvri��lnsuument. . ,.�.;s.,z-
<br /> � 16.Boaawer's Capy.Bott+nwer shall be�iven oue con�Evnnnd�.rogy ,.,-;�---�;,;,;,.
<br /> Form 3028 �19� �,.,{���,I_�i:"
<br /> . .. p+0►Q��fl
<br /> rtuua�s �� � .. .x_ •, •
<br /> . ��BR(NA tfl��s�.o� '.,.�.. ,.
<br /> •�°'q.;;
<br /> � . ----.��_,
<br /> •t....,�•:y�.�.
<br /> • . .. -�---��- ,- -- , -.___------ . , y�,F{ . 1}:. x�wx.- ' ... . . ' • . �
<br /> . _ ` . . - . - . . 1�� .. . . " • . ' ' _. ' . . . :- � • , � • : ,.
<br /> _ ` _ . � . . . ' . , . ' . . • . - ..
<br /> . .
<br /> •..._ , ., .... . . . _ ... . ... . .. - -- - -- -- ----- - ' - -- - - - - �
<br /> - - .
<br />• - -_-- - - -• —° - --- .--- - . _. . . . .. ..... . _� __ " . _. _._ __._.. .---_..
<br /> . . . . . ... . �� �
<br /> - --- ---- . ---- -�-'-------'----+ .— .�� . _� . . .
<br /> .. .. . . ..._ .�..
<br /> _ � - .-r-— , --- - .-
<br /> .. ' - � - - . � ' . . ' . . - � _ � , � .. , � . � � � .
<br /> �r'' .. . . � . . . _ . . . � , . � . . . . ' . . .. . .
<br /> � . . - . � ' . ' . . - . " • - _ . _ - _
<br /> _ _ . . .. , . _ t . . .. - ' ' , ' i�
<br /> ..
<br /> �.............�._._�-_.__...�__ ..-...,w�_.,_.__.._.__.........,....._........ ...-.-.��r...-....,.r..�. .. _T' «... .. . _ _ . . ..-..... :- - ° . . . .... ......_......... .. �
<br /> .-._......_. , . . . . - , . .
<br /> � ' , � • � ` r�4�i,'�''.�u.� � - . • . . . � • . , : - .- ,. .,
<br /> ' . . . .�. � .. � - . . ' .. . � _ ,e... ... - ... � . . �.•. . ,. . . - �„_ • .. ' .. .
<br />