" 'c. �1`:'�r •.� - -, :• ..F . -' i._ r2'� �'�,t. . __ _ 'e
<br /> �, 4 n � " , '+;` � � �` fl ' ` i . •, � , � " ; } ' �'
<br /> '"' c� , , �.` t ` c , ` i ", �`"'��.
<br /> -- - - — _ , f
<br /> ' °`.. � =ul':.��_._. -f___..._•�--�...�..-- -.t......_ �iu:/.., i.... . .�.tiif.'.•�:.,.......__.._v.. . __ � , � � �lr.
<br /> � .a_�_.�r��� �". _ __+..�. �..._.- ._ ....a. . ��` i f,
<br /> '� �� T;..
<br /> s ������ (�
<br /> S. H�a►� ux�Hsrope=ty Ha�arauce. sonowes shall keep the�imgrovements now enisting oa tu�ftrr cr��c� c►ss �hc � � ��:
<br />. property insured against loss by fire,hazards i�ln��si within the term 'eatended covett�ge" nnd auy o�ttsr h�r�Ct. in�ltefling F.�w�� �_. :�
<br /> flonds or flooding,far whach Lendei requiie8 insttr�nce.'I$is iDSaiTeace shall be uiaiut8]IIed iA th�aatl0;dit4s�b;J FaT t164�alods �. .. ��. �.' ;�
<br />� that L.eader reqnices.'I�e insurance catrier pmvirling the insutaace sball ba cho�n by Baarotiver su�;�ct co I.�tb�t�a'a e.�pmvat : < : e``;'
<br /> t
<br /> whicb sbatl aot be anreasonably withhel�. If�orrativer f�ils to maintain c�ver�e dessribzd above. lar.�r may. a.t Lea�da's . . ., ;' ,�'��,
<br /> option,obtais coverage to protea Lender's rights m thE Progerty in acoordauce wetla paragaFh 7. . ,. .:" ��"
<br /> � ��:•�
<br />� pll insurance pelicies and renecrals sh�il b_r�ptable to I.endes and shali inciude a standard rao�tga.�x ci�usx. I.en�er , . . a_ •��' ��?n.;,
<br /> Borrower shall m tl ve co l��sr�11 tct�ci�is of ` � f s°�J " ••
<br /> shall have the right w flo2d t�e golicifs aad ren,.�vats.If Leaider req�res, P m9 Y� - --` ,�,,��,Y
<br />_`_,� Paid gremiums and renewal notices.In tha event of loss,Bonow�ar shall give pmmpt not�x t�the insurav,oe csr�tt s�d Lxa��er. . ' •' �Ut`�,,";;;
<br /> t > ���°��• f.
<br />:,�;�ti Lender may make proof of loss if a�t mad2 prumptly by Borrovrer. _ _ �, ��, �
<br /> , •_.� ,i t. :1..�,'-a�•
<br />--� Untess Lender and Borrower o��ise agree in writing,iDSiIIBACC Pf�dg�11 bC Sj�ltCd t0 it340183�OS16!I�e3iJ 6�t�C ,, 1 Y,�, '��`
<br /> w �P�Y��if the restorarion or Ycpair is e�aomicaliy feasi'bte and Lender's sscuriry is mot l�se�.IP tbII fC330T?J��D Of _._�` ,�`<:.• . .. �,'r �r.
<br /> �. ....,.�ti... '? ;., ..,
<br /> tepair is not ecanomicaliy feasible or i.�ndez's s�uTity would be lesseaed, the iasurance pracceds sball be�nlbc�to ths sums � 4�:r-,,-:;�,r;�':,.�?,._• . �t`•
<br /> secared by this Secariry Inst�t�eut>w ���
<br /> heth�r ar nat then due, writh an eaass paid to Boarower. If BairoA���s.n3nns the �.,.•
<br /> y �.r,.�a�r,� =,��'��:x•.:
<br /> � Pra�erty, nr does�t aaswer within 3a d�ys a norice from I.ender tkaz the iasuraace carrler tias oifezed to atttbo a eleim. thai ` -.` ,�`��.�-
<br /> " i�ader may oollect the ins�rance ptaaez�. LL�.ndzr may use the proceeds to repair or rest�ore the Psro,�atY ar to p�y s�►m9 ,;';� `_„�;.�;��N��.y?
<br /> , n
<br /> ss�sed by this Secutity In�tran�nt.wh��r nflt 4hen dne.The 30-day pariod will begi�whea t�:r�oal�is gi�+cn. '.'��',��„��'_
<br /> } hcatiaa of proceeds to pai.ncip�l shsl! eml e�ttc.r.fl or ;� 'e'� ___-
<br /> C��ieas Lender aud Bniro-w�r othera+ise agree in writing, aaY aPP� � �:��:u;:�;:
<br /> �
<br /> �stpana the dne dace of tl�e momtbjy pm�Yefezr�to in para�raphs 1 and 2 or change tLe am�t�t o4 t�pa��u�t.if under °« ,,c'.y.' '-� � r°:
<br /> ma �� .
<br /> pa�agra�h 21 the Prap:rty ia �bY Ltadys, Botroaer's right w aay insurance policies aa�d p�oceal�t sras�idng ffrom "..' ,,r;�,';,�<',
<br /> . dam�ga to the Progerty prior to t�acqui�itinn sh11 pass w Ix�es m the eatent of the sua�s ssc+ired by t?iia Ss�u�tY Inst�snt ..�.f;�.:„ - ;:�
<br /> im�i�e4y prior to the acq�isii�on. `°.����•`. .° .;_�'��
<br /> 6.QDocnpr�c9,Yreservattom,Mai�i�ase ans�PcotesHoa of the P�operiy:�aevwPr's 1.�A�il l m t}�n i L w a s�t�. - ,:-��n�-t��»-.:
<br /> n .. �,v;�.vta��.
<br /> Ba�uwer shall oaupy,establisi�,asd uce tha I'copzrty as Botrower's priucipal resideace within sixty d3ya aYtta tb4 o�c�uti�n of ...:��x=�:
<br /> t4is Security Insuument asid shall cammue tn acrupy the Property as Borrower's priscipal reside�e far�a tcasl o�.�s y�aft�r '""`''_°�' ::�r,:
<br /> • thz date of ocarpancy,unless Len�r a���raz!e ag�in wr2ting.W�11Ch COlaSSCIIt ShdU IIOt�I1nIt830���rt1�L'�tl,os u�tc3s - � �,�.' ;��F,_'
<br /> 98
<br /> . �uating cirra�mstanees exist vrU�i:h ara b�yan3 Borrower's oo�col. Borcuwer shalD not desimy. da�ntgve o� it�'�r�e � .-.:-,;�'�-. . .._=
<br /> .. . �..-,.,.,_.
<br /> t�o,�e r ry, allow die Pto�erty to d:terIaa�te,or cn�waste on the Property. FAorrower sh3l1 be in d�f�r4t if�ay forf�mte -. ._.
<br /> . action or proc�g•wt�Fi:r dval oi c�inninal.i�tregt�+that ia Leader's ga o d f a i t l�j u d�t cau!d r e�1�t i n L P 7 2 e i t u�o f t h e _ � �.�' ':-
<br /> Property or o:h�rwise ffar�xtial3y i�2he ll�n c r e a t e d fi,':�s�a�i t q I a s t n�m e u t o�l.e z d e r's e e c u s l.y i r.C C a e a 3.B n i r a w e s m a y -;;i".. _-
<br /> ,�� ; •� '
<br /> � caua such a defauls aad rei�ut��,r�Pm v�d u l in posag�ap h 1�.'�3 t caus i n 8�he aeaan or proce�di��to be d1���cvitb a r�iling - ..� '..,::
<br /> � that,in Lender's good fx�b�c�tttndnation, PTa�lurles r�f�e"srW�..of the Borroaer's intes�st ia tLe Pca�zcy ot o.t�sr m�t¢tial :.: `�i7�.: �.-.
<br /> . impais�r.n:of the liem arEat�d by this SecuTiry 7�o�t az?:znder's securit� iaterest. IIorro�rer s�ll ats�b� us d�cf�ult if ,;? ;-�- , :..
<br /> . B�zmvrsr.�rtng the la�r�g]Y•�atian prua,.�.F,�va m�:ria�gaise or inaccurate i�foreratian oz stazs�c�:i c�l.�nAsr(ar fa3led .� �.,.�.s.,.�:`; : �;�.,
<br /> ' to�rovt:t�lender witb any mat�tal Infarruation)i�ca�eccran v�ia3i the loan evider:ced Dy t�Not,:.itc?u�ii�,b-at na2 limited � ;}� � ' `.
<br /> •r�a .;�., �:
<br /> � to,�rt�arians coacern�g Ham�wer's aac;�.y of the Property as a principal resideace.If tt�is Sx�xisY�tsncm�;nt 3s on a . :, _ .s:� '
<br /> n .
<br /> I�se�o3�9; Bormvrar shal] coa�4q wit� s►!1 tM�ra�lsians of the 2ease. If Borrower arquires fx tit�s to t�� Pca�ty.the .- �'�;�:--,
<br /> laseho2d ancl the fa title shall nnt m��e ualx�Ti�ndzr agrces to the merger 9n writfag. ,+�-;' `��,-�;
<br /> 7.Pratedion fli I�nr,�rr'�Rig�tta in!h4 PmpPrtY.If Borrower fails to perfor�the caver.ar�a�!a�zeemen3s co�laiII.0!n '''-
<br /> atf�xt Leader's ri ts in tLm Pto�rty(c�s�t+�a .°���'� ��'
<br /> this Saroriry Inauumeat. or there is a Ie�2t proceeding that may aignificantIy 8� -+.: �:;: ,. .. .
<br /> proeeeding ia banlan�tcy+.ptobate.for eaadz�ation or forfeitata or w eafar.�e I�xs er rag�acio�a).t'i�s Lc��drr muyy 1to aad :�,- ;-_- - - -
<br /> .. po��#ar,w'4s�tever is�sary w p:otcct the valw:of th�Property and l.eader's ri�in t�e Praperty. l.�adePs�Rians may � _
<br /> .r._.. . . �_
<br /> imu6strkt�►Y'�s3 any suras secu.Ttxl�by a llea vs�::Si has prtority uver thia Secariry L�tn:T:ene. ag�� in c�t. p1yla8 � - _;;;`'+'
<br /> t�eacosrab3e aaomeYs'fee�and enrRtiag an she P�rr,�ercf to maice npaira.Althongh Leader�y ta�e aett�tmd.t thi,a psragra�H .. , .,-_
<br /> • .. 7.lmder doe3�aot have ta c4�co. ���-=
<br /> `�� Any ama'w�s dlsbursed�Ir� 3.enr3er ur,3�z ihis�^w�D'� � �all become additional debt oR Bo�a�er s�tre0 by this - _ .
<br /> � Sewrlty lnsuuuxu:. UnZeES��r�LE^..��r�e:�o��er,a.,.--m9 of payment,t�ese aacut��s�13 beas inte�est from tha ._ „. .._
<br /> date of disbuise�nt��t tTae iVosa rae and sha;!3�e�yable, �r:�:ni�est, upon notice from Ler�u.�s co Bono��requtstiag _��'`-•�
<br /> �='�,. __
<br /> payment. ?*�'�``�i;
<br /> ' 8.Mar�Jt�am'u,�ce.It Lzn��r requirod m�ongage ir�nu����s a conditioa oY maic�cg t�e L�saeur�d try ffi�s Seciutty . , , . . ' -
<br /> � 't Iaetntment,Br,nrvv�ea shall pay tbs prams�require�l to c�e2�';�t=awrtgage inmrranr� 'r�eff��. IP, foz a�y reason�the �_..,-�._.:�=,�. -
<br /> ' 9�7 P��requireA to .
<br /> ': �# nwrtgage iasura�ncc cove�sge�oq�,t3�ed�y Leuder lapses or arr�s�s�a l�r",�effect,Boaowet s�a.l t'L� � _ : . .
<br /> obttim coverage suF,atanaially equiv�leat to th.��,-��-�mce p��;rcr�::`f�effect,at a oout sr.,.'`at�,s7�lly e�ivateat to the � . '�* �i°:
<br /> '� � ca�t to Borrawer of the r�nrtgage ir�ur�ace pze.r3�ly :��ir>..ra, fircu`x�arrnate m�rtgage itaa�er apy�.ave0 by Lenaier. If .. �f��.�
<br /> . � e�b�tuitialty eqo��vLsn��mortgage iaauraa�ce ooverabe is y�av�:Ia:�re,�rrower shall&ay v�I,�r�'L:z eard`j mo�a sum equat to 3 '
<br /> � oae�lwelftb of tho-yrartY mostga8+�i�useuce premium be'-..,,��i"�1�y:e oaower whea tae�m�x co-,�age l�d or oeascd to .- ._ .,. �. ,
<br /> � �. bo In effect.Len&tr v,sIl:accsp:,u;���1 retain tIlese payme^�...�� s��i�ss !eseNe�n lieu of aoctga� ir�aaw�a. Loss reseive =_-��' �N.;:.
<br /> � .1 r�aoza a,ao =
<br /> 1 ... .
<br /> . i - - -......�
<br /> � ��BitiH81 t��+�A+ v,�n s�r x nUU •�
<br /> - .i -�b�a1�4 ..�.
<br /> ,' . �
<br /> - . '.._....��' �''{�';��'.�!•�'�'9�4 �� �. £�,. �`� ' _ `', - . 5. � � ..y . ,. ..
<br /> - - --.. � _ n�'i''�+��tittt,y.: , �Yl�v �,��!�h2h't tH1:�;,'. r �Y yr.� r _� .�e.-..- � 1 ' � , �_
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<br /> - . . - - , ' - . 'i`kr1��. _. , . - 'i � , , - ,� -'�, .. � '�� . • � . - � . � - .-.
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