. , .. .. .'� . .. .. .. . . . . _ ��.,_..... .T?�' ' rS- � _—
<br /> ` - ' Y . ' ' • . ' ,.. ' {��c ' _. , - � . C'�.� �. .+."+�.. . �.''_'
<br /> .i. . . . ..t. ..r . , , ' .' ` . ` - r _. . ,� , ` , a. ` .. . . ' ��` _ .``( ...�f�.
<br /> c- -' -..--•---�---- __'� "_T'.----• - ` -
<br /> � ��
<br /> —_ . -- :_Y—. _ . — � ._ ---"-== . —` _ ^��_r�_ . . ___�=-r--�. .. „_,,•
<br /> .�. � . . ' ' - . . . - � � - . _ . `i .. - ' ' ' 'x� . t. -
<br /> . , ; �_ ,, ; • fF� i. r �` . �i • r ` � ` ' ``t, `" , . , � � ' _
<br /> - , t . � .<� . . • • �tc .. . . '. . - � .�._'_L_"5 . � s • �.-
<br /> - � � � - . . . . ��� " �.S'_�•...�._.��:L..._�_'�__�__i_ .
<br /> _—__._s...:��.�._. .��-_.�..._.--.r�—s._._,.._.Y__.�.�_._�_—�.....�_.. � . .. .< . • i' , _.
<br /> . . g6- �l.0'�6�� � �. � .� ':� . ==-:
<br /> ProP�Y• urtenaaxs.and . . • ,f
<br /> I. q�0��RII'�'g ail the improvements now on c�reafter erected on the aad ali easements,aPP " '. . � --
<br /> � fixtures now or hereafter a part of the PmpertY• Al� �lar,ements and additions shall also be covered by this Security . _
<br /> � Instaument.All of the foregoing is referred to in this Security Insuament as the°P:operty' ` �.. _
<br /> en
<br /> � BO�FtO@lER COVENAN't'S d►at Borrower is lawfulty seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to gru�t a�d -- - -- . ,— `g_,
<br /> � canvey the Property aad that the P�pecry is imencumibered. excePt for enaimbrances of iecord. Boaower warrants and will �`..�- -. _
<br /> � men , . .Y=
<br /> � defend�eaezally the dfle to the Property against all clai�c and demands,subjea Yo any encumbmnces of record. ___ __ `-__-- -
<br /> THIS SECiJRITY INSTItLJMENT combines uniform covenamts foz natioaat ase ancl n�a-�niform coveaants vr�lie�vod
<br /> variations by jwrisdiction cm conssitute a Bniform sewrity insu��covering real pmgertY. : . .:.•� '�;,. ' .
<br /> UI�TIF'URM COV�NANTS.$orrower aad I.ender coveu�ut�d agree as faLocvs: ahen due tb� '�'-_, u_' Vg�-r .
<br /> 1. Playmeut of Riuci�tul and&eierest: Pr�9�� �x� 1Latx Char��- Borrower sha^p��p'.n` A� ' � ..-T =
<br /> b t���I�:z and d^.v piepayment aad laze charges��°r che I�oie. '��';«�'�t,=.�: -_�
<br /> principal af and interest on the debt evidenced Y `, , ,,""�!----�-.r;M;�--
<br /> 2. F a n�f o r T a x e s and Insarance. Sub jea to applica�'a�.aw or to a written wair��}l.�r,Barrc�zrer sha�.t paY to , .�,�: ;�.
<br /> Lender on the day montLlY Payments aze due under the Nat�,uatit�Ehe Piote is paisl in fall,a sam�"�'�s`�'�:.i$?S�Y�� .�`�-�:, � -
<br /> as a ii�n�n as the Fro��!ty'{�?}-��'y lras�►old payments _ �' ���.. -
<br /> aad assessmsnts wbich may ausin piIontY over this Securiry Tnsu�a�ut �;����_►�"' ~-
<br /> or grouad rents on the�ro�ertY,if any;(c)Year1Y�d ar pruPertY insu��as gremi:�s;�(�l?}�y��1�snrance premiums. •
<br /> . ..��=:�
<br /> if eny.(e)Ye�1Y mo�� '��'�ce Premn�mc,lY 2Ily:and (�anY snnts��9abla by �'ar,r�m�t�L,e��'.in acCOrd3nc:e tvith ' "i�.� �.-:
<br /> � �
<br /> the provisions of paragrap�8,in�n af the payment of mortgag�ins�.irdcoe pr��s.'P.��i�ms are caued'Escn�-�E�:ms.� 'Y,.V��� ._-
<br /> ._:..�..•:-.. .
<br /> Lender�,� ai any time. w llect�¢'d h o l d F u n d s i n a n a m a u n���:m e:toas��ma�amount a lender for a�ea�rally ,.,,,;. .;;,��-
<br /> r�:r,..,��.< = _�
<br /> rela�d m�.�age loan may teqlaire for Borrower's escrow acco�nt�''.��..'�al Rcal Esrate Settlem�t Froadut�s Acc of --��.:.� __� - - ,
<br />:'"; ?�'7d��end�1 from dme w time, 12 U.S.C.Secaon 2601 et sar. �"�P�.°3,�less another law ffiat applies to the Funds ;- ;,, ..,.
<br /> `�?i�;i �er�.-
<br /> •,`� Lender may, at anY t�me. collect a^..��atd F�uh za aa amount aot w exoe�d the lesser amount. �. �,r_ �`--•.-°;`
<br /> e s�s a i�amount. If so, • -:__-
<br /> .�� I.end+.�z n�y��e ths amQUnt of Funds due on the baais of e�r.:nt data x�d reasonab2e estimates of eapendiare.s of futare �,�,�,. � �. ,�4._,_
<br /> .;� �
<br /> Esaiaw Y'ems oz otaetwise in aGCOrdanee witlt appltcable lau/. inatmm tali or e�ity � _
<br /> The 1 tmds st�all. be held in an institmion�fiose depm� ate insura�.�J► a federal agency, � �^ tY. y���`�'"� _-� ..
<br /> (including I.e.nder.if E�er is such an instit�tie�l�ec in any Federal Hoa�II,r�Bank.Lender shall apply�e Funds to pay the � ':.,,' �,`. . f,`
<br /> �... ... `'' ..�,.�• .►•�
<br /> Escrow Items.L�ender'�'not chazge Eoaower for holding and applying�a�i--ci�da.annualiy analyziag t�es�auw accaunt,or ; t�,_ �.-�
<br /> �� •- �
<br /> verifying the Escrow IYems,unless T,�der PaYs Bormwer inte�on the F�cts�d a�pplicable law permits�er to�:�e sncd� :tti �
<br /> a r�arge.�Iowever,L+ender maY�B�rrower to pay a o��e-tr,�cna�=C�an inslepen�:at real estate taa repa�,��.'rvice „ _.
<br /> usod isy i[�ndsr in caancction �-�h u'h:s loan, unless aPPlicxS'Ia l�a pts-�.r�xs otfi►erwt�e. ��nless aa agceemsat is �•a3e or ; -. 2. ..
<br /> "• �( aPplicabi�1aw requ�r-3 int�rest to bz paid,Lend�snall not be reqnir�to p�T'�rrower�qy interest or eamings on mz s�unds. �;. • �t'' "�:,.
<br /> ' Bormwe�a�sl I�ender�ay agree in writing,however.that interest shall be�.�r�?on the Funds. I.enGer shall gi�+e to Boirower, �'�f. ��.
<br /> " without clxa.ge.am azmnal accounting of the Funds.showin�cr�its and debits to the Fuads and the puipose for which eac� ,;?,, ,. ,_•--
<br />�;. = 't_�� =-
<br /> ';,; debit to tlte Funds wa�made.The F�ds aze ptedged as add�io:a�&security for all sums secured by this Secarity�ns�u�t• --`
<br />, � � w be held by applicable law.Lender sliaU account to BomnweT . .`.,� �.`if`�,'.�,
<br /> .. If ihe Funds held Ay Lender excted the amounta permitECd _ . _ . E. ..��--;
<br /> � for tha excess Funds in accordance with the recNi�ements o8 appl�cab2e law.If the annount of the Funds held by l.cnder at any ,, _.�. —�
<br /> . ��apt snf�c}ent to pay the Fscrow Itema when due,lcuder ffiaY so notify Bo�rower in writing,and,in�h case B°rro� --�— T
<br /> � shaU Pay+to L�nder tiie amnnat necessary to make up the deficiencY. Bomowes shaU make np the defrc�easy in no more thaa _ _.0..��_,
<br /> � cwelve�4h1Y PaY�ents•���s solo dlsc�etion. o r tl ret3md to Bez��a��any � -
<br /> y- ,....,...._
<br /> Upua payment in full of alI s�ms sectued by this S�url�+insuom.nt, Lender�!#�mP Y , i . :_�.--
<br /> Ftmds he2d by Lead�s.If,under parageaPh 21,lcnder shall aar.na�or seII th:z Pmpei'ty,F►�tder,prlor to the acqais��r s�2e . •.
<br /> ' �, of the Psoperty,sIla:i apP�Y�Y Fnads held by r�der at the ti�e of acg�.�sir,���r sale as a credit against the sums ser,vred by _ �-_�,;`
<br /> � � this Sscutity Insitument. � -_.:�.�fq�-.��` ...
<br /> � 3.AppllcAttou uf�layments.tJnless applicable law pro��zs otheswise.all�payments�eceived by Lender under P�,,.r�:s ,� .:�":�r�° :,�.
<br /> . �� � 1 and 2 shaU be appHed: fuat,to anY P�P�Y�t charges dne�r::Y the Nate; se�and.tv amounts payable nnder p����s Z; -
<br /> third,to interest due:fouith,to principal dne.and last,w anY l�ce chargES due�nder the Note. '��,-,. ` .
<br /> e
<br /> 4.C6uges:E.fic�s- Soaaaer shall paY all taxes,ass�ssments.chzs�:s�f�and amposition�atnihutable to the r"�iaperty
<br />' , which may auaia p�nr��over thia Security Insmime�t,aad leasehold pa���s or ground renta, if as�.Boaowes shall pay :,.:. •i
<br /> � these obl�gations in the manncr�Sr.�r�ed in paragraph 2.or if aot paitl in thEt m�ner,Samower sha11�ay them on�r.directiy �_-,.Y
<br /> to the peison owed paymant.�e�eu ahaU promptly fumish w L.ender all no2iaes of a��.s to be paid under t�:��grePb• - Y
<br /> If Botrower maScea ttnese payments�.�tly.Boaower shall pm�dy fumieh ta I.en�er roo��`s evideta�;the pays��s. _:.
<br /> Boaawer ahsill pmmpdy discd�arge any liea�vhich has priosity ovcs tLle 5��.vrlty Insnvment�Iess @�xaower.(a)a8=�� , x
<br /> '. • wrlting to ttte payment of the obligatloa sec+ne�..4y We llm in a mazm.z a�tr�►la co Lender;(b)cr�t�s�gaod faitD the lien ° --
<br /> a =
<br /> by. or, �ir:fend�against enforcement of the lien in. legal Fmc�.�ings wLicS in t�s I.e�:er's a��i.�operate to �.-tvent the __r_ •
<br /> ,�,..uen to �,LZ.
<br /> enfc�'nt of tha lien: or(c)seciu+es from the holder of^�tn i5iay r.�a�m:�z satisfrcrrs:y:a T�".,��snhordina�.. °�• - �
<br /> this Se�uity Instiument. If Lender determiaes s�t any g�c�S�Tr.Pro�ty is subJ�ct tr.r�,�ay�c::�ds.�ay atP�in�,'�cQ�ovec :,�
<br /> =•*�� �Lx li.s�.�orm:��:s?�:?sJi�s�°�e lien o=tFSe aae a �Y.
<br /> th9s Securlty Instcument, Lender may give Beisua�a notise.+._W..fym� � •�:`:
<br /> moae of the actions�forth above withia 10 da,�n.L the giving of nosio�_ - ' • > •`
<br /> ' .�. r.
<br /> famSD28 _9l/90 �:��i ;-`'`.:'�i:.�,�?`•'!;,'..
<br /> (�'�' -0Al@VIF1P2t2)At �L'42o1e Mr �f� tf--11�Fi�.':�;:_ r.:', —
<br /> ���� .�• ., . ,�{ —
<br /> � . ' __
<br /> . � . . ' _
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