C \ . •`Cr- . ` , � �� ,��c L"'_C .'_ -. . .. ' __` - _� -.-__, z _._t .it _.__ . . _ � � " • . -.
<br /> . . ' !. �— r. . ___�� . . -_ . . . _ __ �— .
<br />_ �—_ .� � . � _ � _— ---- ' � �, � ' a - _.._.._.s... °°�- � . • .. . .�. . , � �, � sa`
<br /> � ��� �y
<br /> - � . . ._..3����.:,��`i�`.
<br />. � " .-k ... .,tiY�
<br /> .. �C.
<br /> � ' . M� ������ ,_ l.''ufa�a�.�c� ` ,f� ;�" ...
<br /> At the option af lender, al!oP any par� of the agreed fees and charges� acvuesi inYe�est and ari�dpal ; ,
<br /> sha�@ become imme�ia¢ety due and Rayabte, a�ter glving no�lte if re$uired �y lav�, upfl� tha �czur�eace ., . ,•. _
<br /> of a default or any�me tP�ereaftef In addition, Lertder shall be entitted eas ali th�remedtps p�aufd�d �*� = .., .'. � . •..;. ��--
<br /> -�. law the tertns of the S�curetl Qebt, this SQCUriry Instrument and any r�tAte� dacurd►en2s. inc�uding �. � ;. . ... .
<br /> - t�tit�aut!im#t'�•tea�t,ttee pa�.�r to s�!!t4���'o�erty. T"�,;>:r-;—.;•_�:�_���_:, : -
<br /> If there is a defaule, Trustee shall, in additlon t� anv other Re►mitaed re�v+ed L+, at tite req�est of the �; . �. .z.,, ,'�.. ., "::.•�
<br /> c a�ction tQ t£ne high2st � tt•;,.-•,,:A.-_ :,.,.,;,_. ,
<br /> Lender, advertise artd se�!tF►e Rro�erry as awhole er in separate �ar�els a2�ubli t_., ,_ �. , _._,��..�,�;,
<br /> � bld�er for cash and cortvey a[�solute t[tte free and dear of ail rfght, tid2 artd in2erest of Grdn2�ar aY such • =-?....�.�,��.-N_,�.-�_, -_
<br /> time artd place as Trustee deslgnates. Trustee shall give nattce of sale IRduding tha eime, temns and ;�,� � Y,.• �
<br /> " place of sale and a desviption of the pro�erty to Be s�ld as r2q�ired by the a�tplicabl� law in ef�ect at �.�+�?��°t!�;�=`.-:
<br /> the�ime of the propc�sed sale. `'`��' � _-:
<br /> •�'',�'�-'_-_---—_,�:��.'
<br /> � Upon sale of the pmperty and to the extent not prehit�ited � lavr. Trostee s�all malce and Qaaiver a �i.r-�, �,_
<br /> deed to the Pr�perty sotd i�ah€ch car:veys a�atute tide to the purcFtaser, ae�Q afeer first pa�ing afi fees. r"� �.��`
<br /> ee
<br />����� charges and wsts. shail pay to lender all maneys aduanced f�� repalr�, eaxes, insurar�ce, ller�s. �.: � : {. _
<br /> assessmenu and priar encumbrances and interest e&terean, and the �t�end�ral and tnce�st on the ;3N��;
<br /> . Secured DebL Raylrtg che surpius. if arty. to Grantor. Lert�er enay purchas2 tite ¢�rm=ter�1. The redtals in ;rt'=:° . � _
<br /> � any dee�of comreyance shall be prima fade evidence af oY�e facts set foe28 Ynerelr. �� r . �� � ,�
<br /> � : AI1 pemedtes are distirtct, cumulawe and n�t exdus'sve, and the Lcmder is enUated to all remedtes ;'���,����� `'
<br /> ' pravided at law or equity, wFtether or n�t ex�ressly set forth. The aueptante fay Lender of any sum in ..� ��_�__
<br /> �:�:=-:-.�
<br /> .�'., payment or partial paYment on the Secured Deftt af�er the balance is due or is awelerated or after - ,' �_,�,� �,,,:3_�sz.-:.
<br /> foreelosnre preceedings are filed sftaf�� noc canstit�te a wa�ver of Lenders righ� [��fequire complete ._
<br /> e
<br /> . wre of any existing default By rtat��ising any rerr�edV on Gr�ntors d�faul� lendar does not vuatve � ::R,��N,��°•„�.�:r
<br /> .. , Lenders right 4�later canstder the ev�a defauit if it cmntinues or happens agatn. °�;� ` � •• "°`�:;'"';
<br /> 16. IXPEI�ES: ADYAPieES Oi�Y �OVC[�l�1T5► ATPOIWg1fS' F�ES;, C�b1.E�IN� C�DST�. fxcept whQn `� .��,��¢ �'���: . �`'•�', .
<br /> ''� prohibited by law, GranLOr agrees t+r pay all af I.ender's ex�ten�gs df Crant�r. Itreaches arry cavenant in 4.. ry�'�,z.:.•.� ;:'.^;.'�,�
<br /> ..(., �F.'..:.�,d!�,J S� :..r. ,:..{__
<br /> tli�s Sewrlty Inswment Granter vhll �6so pay on demanal an�amaunt incurrr�d by Lender for ins�ring, „ ;, _
<br /> , �.;,.>.,, ; •,,, ._ :c� s: .
<br /> inspecting. resenring ar othertr,rT� �srotecting tins �rapere�/ an�. Lender?s seairity interest. These � .:. .�.,..;vf;���.; r�� i
<br /> ,' t expe nses vuiP�ear inte�est frmm the d�te nf the Rayment untit pald in fiill�at th�hfghest tnterest rate in ��Y I��. �:.•'.�. �_�"�,;� ..,;i,
<br />� . e�eet as ovided in the terans ot che Setu�ed Cteh� Grantar agrees to pay all costs and ex�nses ��,��" :� '��� �
<br /> incurred �i Lender in callecting� en f�rcing ar pmeettin� L en d e r's r�g h t s aR d rem e d i e s u rt d�� t h i s - T`{`'.:���..--
<br /> ���� Seatr�ry Inmumen� T t n is amaunt may in du de. 6u t ifi no t l i m i t e d t o,a t e o e r tey s' f e e 5, c o u r t e a s t s, a n d .
<br /> 5
<br /> a4EteR tega) expenses. 'f'fnis Searity Instrumee�t shall r�amatn in e�Ct until•reteasec9. Grantor agrees to :,.�;�,,�,�. ,;�� ,_.
<br /> �� � pay for any�rdaticn cosrs of such mleas�. +-r*� .. '!�:. _-
<br />, t ���li�..... . , q �:.���'S;'1 ,�`�t!.
<br /> �9 �it�iROIWAh�d'�la►L Lpy�tS qAfD H/8ZE1�0f1r SuU�FAI+�� � us�d in�this se�ttun� (7) Environmental �
<br /> La►v measis; �rlthcut (imitaeean, th� Cam mhan�ive EnvironmenYal� Re� nse, Com�oensation arrd �+�+�,�_... ,.',;��'�
<br />. �fal�iltry Aet(t:ERCU�, 4x llS.t. 9601 et s$q)..and ali�other federa4� s2nte a�nd local lavu�� regufations {� ��� ,. _-
<br /> . , . . :,�.:��,;; ,,, „:1:,,: ::,,
<br /> dy �;;�::•.:-;:;
<br /> �.;;., ordinances c�uR ordcr�� a�tare[eK �enerdl apinlun� or inte►prettve teita�conceming the pu�llt heatth, �,•�, ,�_ ..� • +. ,.
<br /> safety,wei�are; er►vironment ar zf��rdous substance; and (2)Hazardous Substance means any toxic, �$ .�,.,,.4;��,F��� .��� a•'.. .,,
<br /> .;�( � radtoactive� �r, hazardous mat�rtai. waste, �Ilutant or canttam(nant wfitch has charactertsdcs which f �L�°'�•� r. !���-� ��;:
<br /> . ��nder th� si�t��ance danger�us qr parentiulip dangerou� to the pubitc heaith, safety, welfare or -�''".:=":.::4'•T�r,
<br /> envi�onment. The term,indudes. wi4houn qmitation� any sub5tances deflned as 'haaardous matedal.° a;:..: °,;��%' �•�'' • � �
<br /> °toxdc subssr.uu�ces,�a�az�rdnus w�te°or"h�zardbu�substance°unde�any Environmental tav� �_ ___�r�=�� �-�'"��
<br /> . . Grar.•�tor represents�waminn and agrees thatc � ��--., `: ` "`:,�'A`:"� -.�
<br /> �r�.t=
<br /> �� .? �/�.;.L�x�ep�i�previou.*.dy disdosed t�nd acknawledged�in,tivrltiag to lertder, no Hazardoss Substance is ���"`�'�"='�f,,;;.
<br /> ar w;tl�is�[acated�stored ar ret�ased on or tn ti�e PrnpsrtV This restrictlon do�s not appty to smalt �,�,n���,;.�.�,;;
<br /> �`� quantittes of Hatardaus S�batances that are gPneraiW recognize� te be ap�ro�rtate for the ��.�r� ;
<br /> norma!use and maintenance of the Property. �~�='�°4��
<br /> �. , (3. Except as previousty� rlisdosed and ackrrawledged in wridng to Lender, Grantor and every tenant '�`-----
<br /> � , have been,are,and�tiaf1 remain in full co�r+pliance vuith any app1teabte Environmental law. � r��';,'�;":
<br /> ` C. Grantor shall imme�dlaeefy nQtlfy Lender if a release or threatened release of a Hazardovs ,, •. �a �-�;;,;,.��,:
<br /> , <<.,..,,,
<br /> Substant,� otcur5 Qn�¢nder ar afoout the Property or there is a vlolation of ariy F.�tvironmeneal Law • �-� ���:;;.-:.
<br /> conceming the Pr��ax�r, tn �rh an �ent, Grantor shall ta&e all necessary rertrtedial action 1n '` ���-�`�,:;�.... .�..�;
<br />,•'° � auordance wfth��p�.f's�s�cz�¢tstal law. ,4���;.. : :. �;,
<br /> {.i��� .
<br />� i (�. Grantor �hall icn��dGr:ciy nad� �ender in writlng as soon as Grantor has reason to befleve ther� ` �-�
<br /> ��� ` is arty �r�ding ar ti�reatenrsi. ir�vestigatlon, claim, or proeeeding relatirtc� to the release or jlj,_` °-. _
<br /> � � threaeen�•retease of any Hazarit�,�ls Substance or the vlolatian of any F�viraa�mental Lav�. i��.�.-�'-��-�
<br /> � � 18. �'�9DFAANATQOl�L Granr.ae wdll give Lertder prompt notice of any pending ar threatened acttar�, � � __
<br /> ° �.r.P or put�tic ent�ti.� aa purchase or take arry or all of the Rroperty thrmugh condemnation, e�ittent ���•���•m�
<br /> dar�s�rr� or aroy other rsr�.�arns. Grantor authorizes Lender to inteNene in Gtantmr's name in any of t�e � -dT::.
<br /> �
<br /> .:P'�y�►a;,E,�w._.,�. .. ..
<br /> ' � . ' "" '-(;j��,j�i�'."
<br /> y'i :_�_:..:�r rr�t'��•F�.l:
<br /> � -.-. r CR
<br /> j;.. . . . :.p=---. .
<br /> , 0149�8ankcn3rcmm,ir.c.SLO.tA1�11Yily Fj:0357i"Dn�d i'vrtnGiH�fTGl/12GE 10/11/94 GT1l2a09019/94) (p��1aJ61 "�r�:'.`=•:---
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