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<br /> Grantor t� provide to Lender copies of ali rtatices that such amnunts a�re due and ti�e receipis . ,,$;-`� <, �
<br /> evider�sing Grantor's payment. Grantor w61! defend tltie to th� Pro{axrty against any daims that v�uld � �
<br /> ` impair the lien of this S�urity instrument. Grantor agrees to assign to Lender. as �equested by Lender, � � �
<br /> ,' any rcghts, daims or �efenses Gran2or may have agalnsY parties who suppiy labar or mate►ials to ;�s�,!:__ ' •.1: .::_
<br /> _ ma�nt�7n or imprave the Prope�ty. - , ,, `
<br /> �. DUE 03�1 SALE 03t ER!lti811�p�S� Lender may, at its option, derlare che entire h�lartce of the Seured �� � � • . �
<br /> :1 D�bt to t� Iman2diaYeiy atue and �ayabte upon the veaUon of. or cQntract for thQ creation af, any lien. ;;�' "_ ` • ,4
<br /> 1 encumbraeue, transfer or sale of [he Praperty. T6�is rlght is subject to che re5trictions imposed by � �. .':s,�;•�:., ,
<br /> -.# federal law(12 C.F R 59�), as applitab4P. Tp�is covenant shaN run wi2h ehe Property and shall remain in " � " ''
<br /> e�fect urtdl d�e Secured Debt is�ta i d in f u l l an d t h is Security Inswreent is released. �' � ` � =
<br /> ::� 10� Pit�REttYY COt+f�3'�1A3��. AL7'E�77� AeV� It+LSPbL.TlOhL GranMr will keep th� Prepem/ in geod _ . . • ���.-r'�-�.{�:
<br /> � aondition a.nd make all repai� thae are reasonabiy necessary. Grarteor shall nat wmmit ar allovl any �: -�-�;�N "�`"�
<br /> wasee, im�aairmene, or d�:terioraeion af che Froperty. Crantor w111 keep the Pro�erty free af noxious •" ����'-
<br /> ' ��eds arui grasses. Grantor agrees that th� nature 6f the aaupancy and use wil! nat substantfal{y � °`� ���-`•
<br /> chang� v,ritis�ut lender's �tor writter� cnnsenL Grantor vuill not g ���"� ~�. .F,'+�" •
<br /> ,:4 P �2►mrt arry chan e in anv license -.. f.
<br /> resMc�trrn r�cnrenant or easemeni wi2heut Lenders priar written conseni. Gr�nmr wjll rtatify e ender a� •�-.�,���-'�` `
<br /> �; al! derrsanr��, preceedings, d�i�, and acttans agatnft Crantor, and of any loss or damage ta tfi�e : � ;�;,,.
<br /> '�� RrapeetZr. ��;,...",_. .
<br /> ..;.;I; �� .
<br /> Lender er t ende�'s a�ents may. at Lender's apYfon, enter the Froperry at arry reasQnablQ tfrr�e f�r the
<br /> pnrpo�e o� inspeuis� the R�rfl erx+9 Lender shali give Crantor nutl� si the tirr�e of or �efare an -:. ���-`�'L.
<br /> insped[an apedfying a reascn�t� Rurpose for che in��tc�ian. My frt€pectiort �rhe Pro� shali Ge - - �-- - i�'�,9"r.,:-
<br />'.}� entirely fior f�eride�'s 6enegit and Gr�nsmr will in no way rejy an Lende�s�rt��iar►. 'u;":;� .,
<br /> I 1. AIiTFfQ�ROYV T�P�RR4. {f Gtantor fails t� �rform aa�y du2y as x�^ �f th���nants r�tain� i�s �'. :;,,;,,r..•. -
<br /> this Secu►tty Ins2n�ment, Lender may, without notice, pert'arm or�m them tn�e perfnmt�l: C�rttru �, �.�.•=;t: .'' ��;, : `
<br /> appoints Lender as ateomey in fate to sigq Granta�'s name ar �,�y an�x arnount c����r+j ftt.r '� �'"`'�" •
<br /> perforrnance. �nde�'s rdght to �er�or�n for Granter sh�Jl not cre� an obligate�en to �urm, and �''
<br /> �.� -
<br /> �ender's f�lure to per�orer�will nat predudQ L�der fra�n �r.�Erdsing any of Le�rd�s other �ights under � �.:
<br /> tNe (a��c tiais S�►itv Instrum�rtv. tf any c�snsauction r�� �he Fra is di�x+a�inued or net carried ��•-��-°
<br /> an in�c�nG�La manner, l�ttf,�s rv���r�i:cs�il steps rr�.rv..�sary to ��-et Lersf��°s seturity interest in ;°�'�j _
<br /> the Pra��r.i6.Inctudin�completlar��a6titL zo�nuzton. ...,y
<br /> 12. AS�i�i�!`�:� �F I:C�" Atr�T�1�l��1;� Grar2or irrevocably grants conveys ant9 sells to Trustee, m �i�
<br /> t n,s t f a r d tc=_h�t�a f=F.+��-� <�s,u,i�#[i iona l secur ity a l l t�3 r ig ht, tit fe an d lneecc� in and to any an d all ,�;
<br /> � existing rs� fi.�u�� Ir�w, su��.,�as, and arry other wri�ten or verbal agreEre�c-r�ts for the use and '
<br /> :::�, eecupanep� rz� arry p�rtion of dt� Pre _rry, tnd�dlna� any excensions ren�u��..s, modi�icat�ons or ��t��;':�,..
<br /> substttut�� of sucdi agreemerns (a61 re�rred to as °teases°) and rents. �ssaes and profits (all referred .� ��-�''
<br /> to as `Rertu7. Grantur w311 promptly prwide.lender writh true anrD cornect capies of all existing and �: ;: "�,'=
<br /> future G�a�es. �aantar may co{tect, receive, en�ay and use the Rents so long as Grantor is rtot in default ;� .
<br /> under:tiae t�rmr�f�this Sewriry Irastrument. _
<br /> Grantar ��r+m�uJ�dges that this assignment Is perfec�e� upon the recording of thes Deed af Trust and �• _.�*��
<br /> thai Lendi�-is entitled to noU�y any of Granto�s tenants t�make �a yment of Re�ts due or to become -_�- �- _— --
<br /> due to I.�j��ler. F:oe�rer, lender agrees that onty on dQfault vriii I.eader notify Grantar and Granto�'s �`` '�
<br /> tenlnw and�mab�a demand that au future Qtents 6e paid dir�ctly to Lender. �n reeehring r�otice ar =-=
<br /> Q�u 1 t..G r a r�tor t�i 3 l:en dorse art d de l i ver to L en der any payment o f Rents in Grantors possession aa�d - =�.Y_
<br /> wi91 rerniv� an� R�rnts in trus¢�for Lender and will not commirtgle the Rents witfi a�ay other funds. Any� " --
<br /> amoun� caSleeted•�ill�be appb�ts� as provtded f� thts Secudty InsttumenL Gr�.r,,as v�rarranu t0�at �r�
<br /> . der'�uki Factes unde� the Leazos ec anY appficabte landl�urd/tenane taw Grantor aBsrr agrees to.maintal� --_----- -_
<br /> and r�z�ui�a any tenant to eompiy�+�tth the terens of the leases and applicaBte!aw �:-};-.�-��=-��_- --
<br /> " ,j„ _ . ,...;�,,.� ..
<br /> � 13• L�Bttf�1D5; COPfdi�+FA0tL1tUM5; PLA�(!U� UNIT DEVEI.OPti9EiYTS. Grantor agrees to com�tl+� with the �� ��-+�+� � . '
<br /> prarr3�9�ns of any le�e if this Sewrlty Instrument Is an a leasehald. If the Property Indudes ��cnit in a • ' ���
<br /> v�n�am:nium or a pfanrted unit development, Grancor ux•!I per�orm all of Granto�'s duties under thg �:.i:�'�''' '" � ���=`
<br /> u�c�r�*�ouirs,E�ycdauvs�or regulations ofthe cartdominium or pE�ned unit developme�� `*�`i���-�'
<br /> -
<br /> lA. Q�fi.kUl.�t:. fi4ra' rator wiil be ln d�fault if any party obligated on the Setured Debt gails to make paymenc -�:.,.--�,-,-"�-�--
<br /> ��nPar.due. Gr�ntor w111 be in default if a breach accurs under the terms of this Securi�y Instrument or � � -
<br /> an�.ather dacument executed for the pu ase of creatin , secuNn ur uaran in the 5ecured Debx. A �;:'��$`�r. .
<br /> rP A 9 9 tY 9 rr'���%i,J, , �
<br /> ga�rd faith belief by Lender that Lender at any time is ins�cure with respea to anype rson ar entity �•!�a�{t-�:.. � � -
<br /> obllgaied on the Sewred Debt cr that the praspea of any payment or the v�1ue of the Property ls ' � ;��-��is��s;,�,r -
<br /> impaired shall also constitute an c�ax�t of default. Y��'`� ��''� • ,��
<br /> . �N,`i
<br /> .,�, �,
<br /> . 1�. FtERliEDI� AN DEFAUL4 In sa� instances, federal artd state !aw wlll reqmre lender to provide � „ ���j;::�
<br /> . Crantor w:3h notice af the rigtnt co cure ar other notices and may establtsh time sct�c-�►�les fcf .'".�'Pf�,,,,';��:f-�-�-=�
<br /> i fmrer1osure astions. �ui�lr�st to these limitattons. lf any, Lender may auele�ate the Seture� I�Z�t arst ,..T,;„`!----�_--�
<br /> � faredase this Seturtt+p f.rs�rsvment in a manner provided by law lf Grantor is in defau(t. ��
<br /> � ; '--����!��'�F��.';'1
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