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�_, _ . . . .. -- - <br /> �.=;-= °" ,. �; —, � ----._. -- . _- _ .__ r � _ <br /> ..4 •° � ---- .-- - r_n. .as-�—� <br /> `�•�� �i•� '"�V,' i' _ .�t• . , - ''h:71�eo,x,� <br /> - Jt - � . _ ;?;,-z r_ase,,.w.._. <br /> .. � � . - '_� � > ' <br /> ._ . ..... .,,� . __" � ' ' ." —' _ __ . <br /> ` . . . . <br /> " '"s ._�.-' � . . _. <br /> -:��..�.: .,.:T;i. � . . - � _ - - - ' - .-- ' - ' . <br /> -��'ri'P"_�� ,� " , , . }� . _ . . _ . ' ' . <br /> . .. s. . . � . . . " "' ' ' —' ' `'c ' ' . � _ ' "_V����/l�Vi7 " = - . <br /> ' � � �c: .. . . . � ' , . _ � < . .. .. � ' ° � . .. " " _ -. _ <br /> .�p�ic�bi�Wv may�ecify.far ai�nan�befae swk at tbe Prppe�tY pa��a�t b a►Y.PQ�r uf s�te corwiaed id dns. `� ` ,.' <br /> e <br /> �` � Sec�ity�ac N)�Y��3�0���E��Y In�mneat. 7bose candrticas a�c thu'BaavMer. (a?�. . <br /> . paps Ireoder all w���ich �6eo wbWd 6e due nnder this Securiry Itisb�unau and the Nate at if na�cakraaaa�a�d � <br /> ' • acciu�d:(b)cu�s auy default d atiy other coveaants or apeemeirtx(c)WY�aU expeeses inciuied in eafon�ag 1tu.s SorutitY <br /> . 1mtn�'iacludirtg,dut twt lunitad w.�rasort�ble attQrneys'fce.��wd'�dj takes such action ac[.er►der a�aY�sooa[�IY <br /> nequi�e�assa�e thst the liei►of tbis Sesvrity r�'�••,�••�w* Lendert righ�s iw the Prope�ty and Bamwer's oblig�ttian to psy the . . <br /> , � secu�od by tbis,Security Insatmunt a6aU cuntiaue �uticlwnged. Upon reiastatemeat by Bortawer. this Security _ <br /> ` Insamnent aed die obli�secureA f�eceby si�lt nmaitr fulty efl'octive as if ro accrtetarinan t�accurred. However,this < <br /> _ ,. tigpt to ieinst�te sh�ll not apply in the c�se of accekruian uader paagr�pl�1Z ' <br /> _ ' 1! Sde d Note:Ci�e df La�Serr�r. 't'i�Nat�ar a p�tiat moeiesf ia the Note{toged�vHth thi.c Scauity <br /> ta�trumeot)may be soid ooe ar more times withaut prior nodce w Baaower. A s�lc may resutt in a cbange ia ehe entity <br /> (tuw��n as tLe,"Laan Saviceed')that collects mondilY P�Y�S ilue under the Nute aad this Secw'ity iacwrnenG'il�ere also > <br /> may be ooe a ma+e ebwngac of the Loan Servicer�ue/ated w a s�te of tha Nae. if ihere is a ch�age of the I.uan Serviccr, . •� _ <br /> Boao�vsr wiil be given written noike of the d�snge in ac000duice widt p�ragrapls 14 above aud app}icabk law. 'I1�e notice <br /> � w�71 st�6e the mme aod�ddtiess of the new Lo�t Servicer rui�tde�dd�ess to whidt paYments st�wld be made. The notice wil! <br /> . also cootai�:►g otber iofannation�equired bY ApPlic+�61e iaw. • . <br /> �!. Aaardws S�6�ces. Bormwer shall not caase ar pecmit tbo pnesexe,u�disPosal,SwraB�.or nieas�of aay . <br /> Ha7ardous SaMtu�ces on ar 3n the Propaty. Barower shal!aot da,nar a!!ow anyone etse to d�.anything affating tAe <br /> Ptaperty thu is in violauim of any Fnviimmenta!Law. The procoding two smknoes sd�tl nat apRly to tbe preuncer}tse,or <br /> storage oa ihe Ptuperty bf small quantities of Aa�dons Sub,stuxes that ate get�aaalIy recognized to ba appm��riue to nofmat- <br /> tesidential uses atd W maintet�ance of d�e ptopercy. . . . <br /> Ba�ower siuill P�P�Y 8�ve Lender wriuen notice of any imestigation.claim.demand.lawsuit or other action by any <br /> govetnmental or iegulatory agenc.y af prjvate parcy involvmg the Propetty and any Natardous Snbstance or Fnvimnmedta� . <br /> Ls►w of which BaRaWef i�as a�pial knowledge. If Boimwer learns, or u norified by any gavenunental a regulatory - <br /> authaity,thaE aay ttmovat ar dher nmediatian of arry Hazardous Substance affectiag the Piroperty is nocessaty. Bormwer� <br /> �P�P�Y taYe all aocessary remediai actions in�ecordanx wlth F�viromt�enta�Law. <br /> As.used ia this paragrapi�20."Ha�rdous Substances"are tiwse subsfances defaied as touc ar hazardous sab�s bY <br /> � Enviro�une�al iaw aad the followip�sr�fstances: gasoline,kecosene.�her flammable ar taaic peunleum products.toxic <br /> = pesticides and hecbicidas,volaale solv;,ms,materials containing asbestos or famatdehyde,and radioactive materials. As , <br /> _ used in this parsgraph?A,"Enviroamental Law"means federel laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Propetty is located <br /> :-A�; - thaErel�tetohealtti,safetyx�et►rnraunental�ntecti�. . _ � . . <br />°::F I'. NONaJNIFORM C�VENAN'!�. Bomower and Lender further covenant and agree as foltaws: , <br /> � 2l. Aactler�tion:Remedies. I�ade�s6a11 give aotioe b Borrower p�a'to accekrstlon fdlo�viag BorroWer's <br /> `_�' bceacb af s�rnvensut a�reeme��E ip t6iq SecQritq lnstrumen�t(but not prioc to acceleration undes p�r�agraph� <br /> z"fi• aaiess spplicabk law procides otl�er�ise). Tde n�tice s6a11 speciiy: (a)tLe defAOtt;(b)the action reqaieed W curs the --- <br /> �vs f <br /> _'a=- defaWt;(c}a date,not iess�Lan 30 da�s fram rie date the noNce is givea to Barrawer,by wfikb tbe def�ait mu5t be , . <br /> :_:-- �wred.�ud,(d}U�st fa�t to am t�e deiault o�ur betare tbe date spec�fied in the natke msp resalt n�aeederatioa of . <br /> ''-`• tbe sun�v secoced by tbis Secarity I�rement and sak d the Property. 7'6e notke s6sQ tarther in[anr Hoero�vee at <br />-��=;r, tl�e rl�t to ssinstwte stter acceleratias and tbe ri�ht to 6rlag a couPt 7�ction to a�sert tbe aoa�ezistencC ota defAalt or <br /> -::. , any Borrower W aeoeleration and sala It the default is not cared on or beforc the date speeitfed�ii�� :. .�'�° <br /> ',,'r: <br /> �.:�,�; t6e notke,L'ender at its optton mAy rgqulre immediate paymeat ia full ot M sumg secured by t6ts Security Ir�m�e� . <br /> -- witlaut furt6er denand and msy iovoke tbe power of sAk•and any otber remedks permitted by apylicable hw __- <br /> Lender shAll be endtled to colied all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedtes provided In t6is paragraph 2l. �_. <br /> IncludinE,but not limlted to,reasonabk attorneys'fses and costs of tiqe evidencG ��;� <br /> � It tie pawer of sale is involced,llrt�sta shall record a notict oi defauU ia eacb connty in whkb anq pa�t ot t6e . _ <br /> Property is located aad sfiAll mail copks of sucb notice In t6e ms�anev prescrlbed by applicabk taw to Borrower and to <br /> 6 p Ikabk law.7lrustee sLall ve publk �': <br /> ;.:�r �he aher persons prescribed by applicabk IAV►. Atter the time reqai�ed y pp � _-.� <br /> '� �wttce otsAle ta the persoas and ia the manner prescribed by applipbk law 7lrustee�witlwut demand on Aorrower, <br /> " � siaA sell the I'roperty at publk auction to the h�t bidder at the t�me And place and under the terms designated in ; <br /> m ;;�:. <br /> ;,:,;�;<,`� the notke ot sAk in one or more parcels pnd in a�ry orAer 7Fustee Aetermines. '1lrustee maY P�P�sale of all or�ny __ <br />-.� ���; � parcel o�fie Property by public aanamcemeet at t6e time and place ot Any previously sc6eduled sak. Lender or its ��T� <br />�'�-:....�.'�• �� <br />:,..J.:; desiSeee��Purchase the Propertr+atany sale. - _ - <br /> =_ Upau aeceipe of pasa�ent af she pr�ce bid,llrustee shali detiver to the pu�chaser 7lrusta's deed canveying ttie •�.` ::.:;'_ <br />-:�� Praperty 'i1�e recitals is the Trustee's deed shaU be prtma tacie evideace otti�e fruth o[the statements made theretn. ��s.�° <br /> � "•� �'• ` 'llrustee stiaO apply 1be procad.g of t6e sate in the totlowing order. (a)to aIi wsts and expenses ot exercisicg the power 4"��- <br /> _ tw��_� <br /> F��4�r�{���'t.� . . • • ' ' '�'.. <br /> �7./• <br /> _ � . �l.' <br /> �..' , <br /> k;: ti' , f� . <br /> ' � <br /> :: . '•. <br />... j. ,. Fono 3028 9l40 i��c S�,l hM+Kes� �`, . . <br /> �' . G�'It. .. <br /> • . . . • ,� <br />_ • , ' '� � <br /> . � ' � . . <br /> � — - � •---n._ . ........,.__. . ... . .... . .... .-- . ... , .._..r�-•�`4:-;��- ' . <br />. . . . :r�n...i,y.Yw�i,Ai t. •• . ' � _ . . . . <br />_ , " _ , . , . . . . . , _ . , ' , <br /> �14,Y .. . . , ' . , <br />, •. "�.a_ . -... . . � . . �• " . . . . .. . ' ' ' .. <br /> �- . , � . • ., � - . <br /> . �� .. . . . . .. � ' � . � <br />... .. .. . :3.___...�. ..' . : � . '. .�.. . ._ . .. . � _ . . . . _.. .... . --. _. . . . � .. . . .. . <br /> '. .lfNi�•+�='t..:,i�.,.ye , .. ' . - . .. , � � " . ' • <br /> - . �. .� .4 'K� .�... ' . � . � " . ' . . . . . . � � <br /> ::3�``q"�`: :�.-,s.. '. � . . , . <br /> :•_�^'�'}3)--_� ,+ . •.. . <br /> , . _ '�. - . , . =f,,; . <br /> � . .i`t"`�:'�'� ' . . ' . ' .• . �. � ^ � ' � . � - • ' . <br /> - ----= -- —. - �--- -- _---- -- - -__.—'— . ._._= `_ � <br />