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<br /> ` �� � Tnst�np�t,wMber or aot d�a due.wi�h.wy exoe�qid to Barnwer. Ia the eveat of a�partiat talcing of tLe Ptoperty in - . ,
<br /> ��� whicli tbe fair mailcet valtie of t6a Ptopaty imrde�ateIy befae the tat�ing is equal to or gte�ter than the�nt of the s�m►s .
<br /> ' <` sec�teed tiy this 5ecw�ty Iestrument imrnecliucly before the taking,uniess IIamwer and l�end�s�x apee iri writing.
<br /> � - tbe s�ms secuted by this Secutiry Tns�unent shall 6e teducod by trie amourt of tbe pcnceeds mvltiplied by the fiillowmg ' .
<br /> trsctioe: (s)d�e�ois�l an�mt of the sums sa�ttrd immedisoely befote tl�e t�lcing,dtvided by(b)the ftir tn�tket value o�tGe _
<br /> ; , - � �fropeKy muq�adistelg befoct dte tak'sng. Aay bslan�ee s6a1!-be paid to-Bonower. In the evait o�a putial.t�king of the . - - --
<br /> Pirope�ty in whic6 tHe fair muimt valueaf the Pmpecty iau�ediately 6efor�e the takiRg is kss tban the amauat of tde sums ,
<br /> �. ' secwed itnme�iatety befo[�tbe taking.unkss Bamwer wd Lender ot)rcneise ag�ee.'in writmg or unkss appficabk taw
<br /> o�wise qovides,tbe prnceeds s�hall be applied to ttx sums secutr�by this Sccuriry Iusuument whether ornot ihe su�ns a�e
<br /> .. �� :. .
<br /> I�the Ympetty is ab�ndoned by Bomawe�or if,after notico by Lender to Bamwer that tlie caademnor offers to make
<br /> an award or ses�k A`ci�a for da�nages,Borrowet fails to tespand w Lender within 9U drys aftec the date the noticx is givrn, _
<br /> l,ender is auda:ize�m cottect u�d appty the p�nceeds,az its aption,either to restaation or repair uf the P�vperty ar to the
<br /> � suats secu�ed by this Secia�iry Instr�nr�tat,whdber a Trot tdea due. �
<br /> Un1ess I.eader and Hoa�ower otheswise agne in writiag,any application of pcocoeds to principat si�aU nat eauend or
<br /> p�tpone the due date af the roonthiy psyments refemed to in puagraphs!and 2 os change tbe amaant of sucb paymeats.
<br /> 1L BarQ�!er.Not Rekaud3 Fabeara�ce $y Lesdcr Not s Waiva: Exunsion of.the time for payment or
<br /> modifxx�tian of artwrtizatian of tl�e sums secured 6y dus Secvrity Instrument granted by Lender to any s�ccessor iu inteaest -
<br /> of Bontowa sha11 twt oper�te w;z+e�se the Cability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in intee�st.Lender .,. .
<br /> �hall not 6e:zequined w e�n��'roeeed'in�s againct any sueeessor in inteccst ar n�fuse w extend time for paymeat or � -
<br /> oti�etwisemodify atnorti7atiai af t�ae scuns savz�ed by tbls Secwity Ittstrumene by nasou of suty demand made by the ari8in�l
<br /> � , BoR�gwer a Bo�mwer�s s�ccessoc��interest Any fa6eata�oe by Lender in axe�cising any nght or re`medy shaU ua ba a
<br /> wai�ecof or pscluda th�eueicise:�any right or remedy. `:
<br /> �. S�olC9loe�aed A�si�llt�"o011d's.1dat a�ld Several l.iib�ty.Co��e�s. 71�e covenants and agreements of this �r
<br /> Secudry Instcument shalt bin�t uid benefit the suecessors and assigns of Lender and Bocrower,subjoct to the pra�nsions of
<br /> paragiaph.l'x Bomuwer's covenants and agreements shalt be joint and several. Any Ro�nwer who co-signs this Security
<br /> � Insuument but does not esecute the Note: (a)is co-signii�g this Securiry Iusuument only to mortgage.grant and convey thaE
<br /> ` Bormwer's interest in the�Ptopecty under the tem�'s of this Security Instrumen� @)is aot personatty o6ligated to pay the sums -
<br /> - sarorod by this Security Instrument;and(c)agiees that l.ender and any otfier Borrower may agnee to extend.modify,forbear
<br /> or make any accommadations witin regard to the terms af s�is Security la5trument or the Note without that Borrower�.
<br /> � consent.
<br /> 13, I.oan Clwrges. If die T�n secured by this Servrity Insaument is subject to a law whicb sets maximum loan
<br /> charges.and that law is f t�ally inceryreted so that the mterest or ail�er loan charges coUected or to be collccted in aonnection
<br /> with the toan excad the pemutted limi�s.then: (a)any soch toan charge shall be reduceA by the amount necessary to reduce
<br /> tlx charge tu the permitted limix 4.�a(U)any sums atneady coltected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limiu wilt be
<br /> refanded ta Aom�wer. l.ender mag-�.�oose to make this c�efund by teducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> direct payment to Bocrower. 1f a�und reduces principal.the reduction will be ueated as a partial prepayment without any _
<br /> - prepayment charge under the Nate.
<br /> -- t4. Notkea Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security lnstrument shall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> mailing it by first ciass mail unless applicable law requues use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the Property
<br /> Address or any other address Borrower designate.s by notice to Lender. Any notice to i.ender shall6e given by fi�st class --
<br /> - '� mail to Lender's addre�.s stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Bortower. My notice provided for � ;;_
<br /> � in this Securiry lnsuument shal! be deemed to have been given to Bortower or Lender when given as provided in this __
<br /> �a15 Governing Law;Severability. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by federal law and the Taw of the
<br /> jurisdlction in which the Praperty is located. Jn the event that Any pravision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note -
<br /> - cantlicts with applicable law,suc8 conflict shall not affect other provisions af this 5ecurity Instrument or the Note which can
<br /> -- be gn�zn effect without the coati�:aing provision. Ta this end the provisions of this Sece�rity Instrumeqt and the\c�e are -
<br /> - deC�rd to be severabtc. ' -
<br /> 16. Borrawar's Copy. Sorrawer shall be given one confortned ropy of the Note and of this 5ecariex Instrument. _
<br /> 17. 71�ansfer o�the Property or a Benefklal lnterest in Borrowe� If all or any part of the Pre�e�y or any interest in _
<br /> it is sold or transferred(or if a beneRci�l interest in Bartowcr iti sofd ar transferred and 8orrower i.�cat a natural ) -
<br /> withaa�t l.ender's prior written cansent.l.ender may.at itti optian.require immediate payment in full of all sums recu�
<br /> - shis Security lnstrumem. Hou•ec-�.this option shall not be exercitied by Lender if exerc�se is prahibited by federal law as of ``
<br /> - the date of this Security Instrearc�e. =-
<br /> If Lender exec�ises this o�:��.-�.Lender shaQ give Borrower notice of acreleratian. 'i'he notice shall provide a period of =
<br /> not les.q than 30 d�gs�cam the da.�the notice is delivered or mail�d within which Borrowec must pay Ap sums r,ecured 6y this =_
<br /> =_ • Security Instrumecc. If Soaow•er fail.r•to pay 1he�e sumr prior ta the expiration of this period. I.ender may invoke uny =
<br /> � rers�dies permitted by thiw Secarrg instrumem withnut fu�her nudce or demand an gorre:�•cr. �
<br /> __'�'� L& Horrawer's Right ta��etnstate. If BoROwer meetc cenain conditions, ��rrc�er chall h�ve the right to have
<br /> �� enforcemcm of this Security L^�2t-,ament discontinued nt any timc prior to thc carlier vf, i a)S days(ar such otfier period as 4
<br /> _ � Singtc F.unily--iannie�1aNFreddk Hx UtitFl)N�11\STRi HF.ST--�s:form Covrn:mty 9190 fpnge 4 oje pu.ee.0 �
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