-:r�'��"" - - ;�'. .-. - -:.. . :. .-.. _, __ '"'• �_-_
<br /> .. -#• ._ ,�' � _ . _ ' _ ` � h��'� _ ' �"' _.. __'. .
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<br /> . .� � . '"Y.. .__�,:�. :_ _—_ _ '
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<br /> -_"__k� _.��— _ . ( � c � � .. ' _ - - • . • ` ' . ( ' ` ' . ` ' � .G� .
<br /> . .C'. '_—_'_'— —. ' � - • . . - ' � . . _ . <
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<br /> .'. :.��w•"�7 �j l��/�Qr. ���il��7 ��7 �Yl ���Q YwT . . ; , .
<br /> . Se�[ity tmtramea�a(b)earY of ala�meat taf°�'�i°:B t�s S°c�h'�um�". Th�°eca�ditians are fhat Bonower: (:) .
<br /> , pays l.e�tkt ai1 sam+w�t�w�uid 6e�t-und�t�s�r �aud�tl�e Nate ag if no acceleration 5�d .
<br /> .oc�e,ya�ed:.(6)�u�es ao�'defiult of aay other oovemnts ar ag�eeaeats.n s.(C�WYs iR eapenses�in eafaocing this SecuritY .
<br /> � 1�u�eindinE,lx�not linsited w.nawaab�e�acn�ya'fee�aod(d}taires such�cdoa as Lender°may tr,asooabiY
<br /> nequite to u�t�at the lita of d�is SoauitY In�una�,Lader�s rights in tt+e Ptopaty and Borsowa�s obligatiw`to pay tbe .
<br /> � wms socu� by tbis Sx�icy Insttuatimt shall cmtinuv une6anged. UpoA_c+euutatemart by Bairower, tLis Sectuity
<br /> ' ` . L�tnua�iod tb�abligx�secuoed heneby s�6alt remsin fiuUy effec6ve as if no acceteration dad occurted. Howe�ter,this
<br /> - '.- rigl�t soraost#te aisnll not apply m the c„e��csxtaatioa wrd�et p�cag�aph 17.. -
<br /> 1! St1e d Nok;Cra�e d I.o�Serviov 1]�Note ar a puti�in�rest ro t6e Note(wBetUer with Wis Secari[y .
<br /> . IA��:�Y b�sotd oa ar moce times witt�prio;noticx io Bornower. A sate may rsvh in a cdaage iu tbe e�ticy
<br /> r�::�i:(,�y�,��-��'?t�t c�otExts ma�P;�ments due under th�Note end tl�iis Saxuity Insttnmea�. 'i'be�+e also.
<br /> � `V�,`'�z��'�� 1b�e�� of the I.o�n Savicce.rr uinretated w a sate of�hc Nae.�if tErxe is a change of the Lwn Savica,
<br /> ,.,:r�...�:��.:..�,. . � '
<br /> ~�::,{�oab��«���be givea wr;mm notice d+6e cl�ange in�icco¢+a�noe w;m�ph��la avove ana appCcabte�aw. 'l�se noaoe
<br /> ' w�t an�e dieaame aud add�ess of tLe nw Laaa Sesvica pnd the acid�ess�w whicfi payroents stwutd be a� 'iUt noace cviti =
<br /> . �ho ooaptin�nY od�ainfomntion required.bY�PPIx��w- � ` _
<br /> 21�'Hstr�iaa S�iMs�cxs. Barmaer shallnat cw.se ar petmit ibe p�eseece,use.disposal,storage,a teleasG of ang .
<br /> Hua=dous Substu�cas on or in tbe Pmperty. Bumwa abaU aot do,nar allo�v anyooe eise w do.anything affoMing ihe
<br /> . . Ptopaty tint is ia vidatian of�ay Fl►vicanmaual Law. 71�procedtn$tvm searencxs sluti aot apply to tbe pKSence,use.oE
<br /> stoage on t6e�tvpecty of am�ll qumtida oF Flazardous Substu�oes th�t m gene�alty iec�gniud tn 6e-�pprnpriate to nosmal
<br /> • :residentia!uses and W tn�ntenan�e of tht Pteperty. _ . �
<br /> �. Bortower shall P��Y Biva Lender w�itten notice of any investigotion,cl�im,dem�id.lawsilit a otlier action by any
<br /> Yavemtnentd os i+egulsWt�r asency or private puty involving the_P�oQerty and any Hazardous Substaace ar Fnviinameaul
<br /> La►w of whI¢h Bamwer hss actwt Wwwkdge. If Bamwer tan�s. or u notified 6y aay gavemerentai or rtgulatay _ r-
<br /> � w�lioriry.t6�t�mp tertav�l d�dher ten�ediuion of any H�za�ws Sulssqtrce affecting the t'mpaty is�xressuy,Bamnwer
<br />- - shtli promptly W[e�l!naessuy r�a�dial aetions in�cao�rd�nce with Enviro�urKatal Lsw. ,
<br /> As usod m tius pusgrspb 20."Hau.�Mous Substances"aie tbose substanees�ned as wxic or haraMons substuKres by
<br /> Envimraneatal Gw rnd the folbwing subst�nces: gasoline,Iceiosene,othet ftammabk or maic petrokum products,m�cic�
<br /> �� pestici0es ind lKtbkides,voi�tile solvents.materials containmg as6estos or fom�aldehyde,and radioactive materials. As
<br /> usM in this paragraph ZO."Environmenwl Law°means federal laws and laws of tl�e jurisdictian wtiere the Property is lacated ��
<br /> Y, ihu retate to tkald�,safety a er�virornrKntal prote�tian. � . _ . , —-—_-__-.
<br /> NON-UIVIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further rnveaant and agree as foltows: �°�--
<br />:,`;- xl. Aoaleratio�;Remedka Leadee ahall givr eotke to Borro�rerprlor to�ccekration tdbWing BorrovrePs . ----
<br /> bn�le6 d asy cove�aat or a�semait in tbis Secaeity lnshu�oeat(but noE prtoF to aocekration neder paragraPh 17 - '
<br /> p�applieabk/sp provides otber�e).Tbe aotice a6aU specity: (a)#lie derAUlt;(b)t6e s�ction reqaired to cnre fUe ----
<br /> deGwk;(¢)s datti�ot Ie�tLae 30 d�ys trom tbe date t6e notks is given to Barruwer,by wbkb tbe d�lt must be ---�_
<br /> _ c�+ea;a.a ea)eMat tauare w coce t�aerault on or ierone tl�e aate speciflea la t6e,otice mxy resutt i�.s�da��ti�on a� _
<br /> � t6e�sccured by thh Securit�I�trpmeet ae�s�e o�tbe Propertys 'f6e notice sfisU farU�'is[ona Bacro�ver of
<br /> - tie r�t to reiatak�ttee�ecekratbo and tAe ri¢t W br1n8 a caart action to asseR tUe eon-existenoe d�1 de�Aalt or
<br />_ �- an�at6er defeate d BoreoRer to aocelee�}tloh and s� I!tUe defauk b eot cared on or before tie date specifkd� ' — -
<br />: '._ �he notke,Le�dee st its optbn m�y nqui�t immedi�te paymeat.in[all ot�li sames secured by t6is Sce�rity Instrumeet �_
<br /> �—,�
<br /> � �vithout further demsmd and may invoke the power ot sak And any Mher remedies permitted bp applicabk IsR -;;�;�:j��
<br /> l.eader siuil 6e entitkd tu cdkct all expenses iocurred in pursuing the remedies provlded in this parAgsAph 21, • .,�.,;;,.,�
<br /> � indodios,bat not Waited ta,reasonabte attorne s'tees and costs of title evideaca .n'��`�'---
<br /> � • If the power d sAle ig[nvolced,Trustee sha0 recorA a notice ot default in each couaty na arhicb any part ot tte '�`�~:-��n:�� —
<br /> • Property�a located�nd siwll nwil copiea ot such notke tn the mannes presceibed by applica6k law to Bonower a�d W .. `�'�-
<br /> the otMec persons prescribed by applkabk 1aw Atter the tlme required by applkabk law,7lrustee slr��Ive pab�ie '�'•��
<br /> ;�:t.:�__�.
<br /> • aMke at s�k to tLe persons And in the mmner presceibed by Appi�caWe taw 'llrustee.without dems�nd oq�orro�ver, �� ��
<br /> �;:•.:�.:r::--_
<br /> staU se11 the Property at pabUc aucNon to the fi�bidder at the Nme aad place and under the tern�desig�nated in ��=���=
<br /> ' tt�e natioe�sale ia ane or more pnreds and in any ocder limstee determines. 71r�c5tce uwq pastpoae sale ot all or An9 . �.r._
<br /> � pA�ce!uitie Property by pu6Uc aanonncemeM at the time aed piace ot any previausiy scheduled sale. Lender or its - '
<br /> . dcsignte auy purchaSe the Property at any sAk. . = . _
<br /> - • � iJpoo receipt ot payment o�the prke btd.Trastee shail deUver to the purchaser 7'rustee's deed conveying the •";:'`__—
<br /> • . � Property. The recits�ls in the 7lrustee'A deed shall be prlma tacle evldence oi the trutb of the statements made therein. ' �1 �=��j.-°._
<br /> . 7Yustee slail app/y the proceeds ot the s�k in the following order. (a)to atl casts and expenses ot exercisiag the power ;�.���3_.
<br /> , +�
<br /> � �t�����,�:
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