�`�: , fv
<br /> '� _ ;�. _ ' ' ' _ - � ` _-_-�-
<br /> �et.��-�i.3�, T� .. .- .. . . - " ` � '( Y ' ' . . --"— _ ':w.._ ..` c
<br /> _ -_=��_.:._� _ -_� � _ - _ . , , � 92-F 10��� ` . � _ � _
<br /> % coodeawtiae�or adfar�aFf�P�rt of tAe!'rope�cY:ar focia►veyainoe ia leeu of ca�denm�tio�.+�e 1�rY?�csi��. ` `
<br /> sh�ll be.p�tP�.endes= ` � � ` the�sums secused bY this Security .
<br /> .In the ad�t of s tapl�tatiug of thc Fcvpetty.t6e p�ocads ahalk be�ppl�c!<[a
<br /> irottunen�t;wtietbec ar not�irdt`due.wilh�=xcess paid to Bomawer. Ia the evt�t of a patiial takinB of the P�'openy in
<br /> . - which the fair mmi�et value of the Prope�cy imnudiately hefo[+c tlte talcing is equat to ar g�eater ttsan titie amouM oE tlie sums �
<br /> securod iry this SecuritY insuistknt immedfatelY befure the taking.uatess Barrowu�nd Lcnder oiherwise ugree in wrin�g,
<br /> the sums�bY this Security It�'shafl bc redE�ced by the amount of the�ncceds mulup�ied;hY tht foltowing
<br /> frictio� .(a)the toW amaunt of the sum�stcu�ed immedi�tely 6efate the t�tcir.g.divided bq(b)t1�e fair market vatue oithe
<br /> ` p�opaty immediatcty befae the takiag. �Any balance shalt be paid to Boaower. fn the eveat of a partial taking of the
<br /> - Ftoperty irr vet�ich t!�faJv matket value of t6e Roperty immQdiately befom the tatcing is less than tht amaunt vf the snms
<br /> -sxuted mn�nedi�tety befare the taking.unless Bor�uwer<anc!Lender ot6erwise agree iR writing or tmt�applicabte taw
<br /> �the�wise pruvides.the P'occeds si�all be apptied to the sums soeuiedby this Securiry instm�ent whetheror not the sdms a�e �
<br /> ttxn due. . ` � ,
<br /> �If ihe Prope►tY is abancW�ed by Roetuwet or.if;:afttr notice to�[x��-� mnwer that the caidemnor offers to make
<br /> an awud or seak a claim for damag�.c;$orrowei fails to i+esPond nd�r' ' �P��-y����t���°e is givar.
<br /> � �'" A''oPertY or to the
<br /> i.ender is autlwri��ta'collect a�1 apply.dic opti . '�i �°r.iepair of the
<br /> p[pCeedS�,3t-i[S: Ott,C1thCC:tS.,,.:_ Q,:..
<br /> �,-.<:.:. .
<br /> � sumssecwedh�this�eq!uiEY��w.whother�i6ottlieiidue. � :,;:�..;::::�:,':'�:. :
<br /> _ :'q�ess,�.and Sa�rower oti�erwisc agiee in writing.any .;app*ac2�iuti uf proceeas ta principai sh�l nat extend or
<br /> � ' �pu�tpoi�thei"<tuee 8ata of t6e moathlY PaYmeats refe�d t°in parap�'S�`�Z oc change ttie amount of such payments.
<br /> Iu
<br /> 1�. �Ra, Nd �pp�; Forhearan�e $y i,endec Not s Watver. E�unsion of the time for paymtnt or
<br /> atndificati�n of amortir�tion of the sams suured by this Security Inswment granted 1}y Lender w�ny successor in interest .
<br /> of Barowet sbatl nat aperate to release•d�e tiabitity of the original Bonowes or&�ower:4 successc�rs in interest.l-ertder
<br /> shatl aot be�equind to commence proceedings against any succeuar in intere�t or refuse to extend time for payment or"
<br /> ����yr�tization of the snms secured by this Security Instrument 8y rcascx�of any dem�nd made by the aciginal
<br /> g�nNr�r or Baerower�successas in iatens�. Any for6earance by Len�kr in exetcising arry aght ar remedy shatl�not be a �
<br /> waiver oi a pocclude tt�exenci.tie nf any right or rcmedy. �«�venaMs anb agrcements of this
<br /> 12. 5rceewors sMd A�douad:Joi�t aMd Severd LI�bNit�:C�rsisner�.
<br /> Seci�rity�nutuR�t�t 6ind:ux1 benefit the tit�ccesw�and ussigns df l.eixfer and Rcxrower.�ubjec�ta�lllC F1ft1Yl9ttMti UF
<br /> pangraph 17. i3�xiowcrS�cavenuttw apd t�grcemeni.�.rha0 Nc j��iot a�Q sevrrul. Any B�xn►wcr wl��ar�:�n�this Security
<br /> - Instrumcnl6ut d�w.w n�H cxccutc thc Notc: lai is c�rsigning tbi�Sccurity tn�trumcm only to mortgag�.gr.�nt and ca►vey�hat
<br /> &xrowerk interest in the f'rupeey wxlec the termv nf�hi.Security InrtnrmenC (b>is nnt pertianally obligated to puy�he r�ums
<br />;;�� secured by this S�curity Intitrument:and(c)ubtees th�t t:crtdcr and any olher Botrower may agcc.e ta cxumd.rtwd�fy.farbear . -
<br /> - or rti�{cc any xCanmadati�x�s with regard tn thc termx of this Security ta5trument or the Note without that Bprrowery _
<br /> � cansent.
<br /> ::;Y I3. l.aa�n Chargee. If the laan secured by thic Security lnstrument is rubject to a taw which sets m:u�imum loan _
<br /> =- charges.And that law is finally interQceted so that the interest or other loan charges collected ar ta be collected in connection -
<br /> ---� — with the loan excced tI�permitted lim+ts,then: !a)sinY such laan charge shall be reduced by ihe amount necessary to reduce
<br /> a
<br /> '� the charge to the pertnlned limi�and(b)any sums almady collected from Borrower which exceeded pertnitted limits will be
<br /> refunded to Barrower. Lender may choosc to make this refund by reducing the principal owed�uanderp p�or by making a
<br /> -_ direct payment to Bociuwer. If a refund reduces principal.the reduction will be aeated as a rtial re a ent without any
<br />��;,: prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> - 14. Notices. Any notice ta Barrower provided for in this Sec�uity instrument shall be$iven by dclivering ii or by
<br /> ' mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use af another method.The notice shall be tlirected ta the Pc�perty�
<br /> Address ar any other address Barrower designatec by notice to i.ender. Any notice to l.ender shall be��en by first class �:�
<br /> mail to l.ender's addre�.s stated herein or any nther address Lender designates by notice to Horrower. Any notice provided for �.���w�
<br /> in this 5ecuriry Instrument shall be deemed to have been eiven to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in cYsis F{-
<br /> P�Ph• ' �::;_w"°'
<br /> � v bili . 'lY�is Securi Instcument sha[E tie govemed by federal !aw and ihe law of the �'-_~
<br />- 15. Goveming LAw;& era ty IY. _�-�_-
<br /> = jurisdiction in which the Property is located. �n the event that any provision or ctause of th�s Secnrity lastrument or the Niote �,_�:_
<br /> r:��,` conflicts with applicable taw,such conflict shall not affeet other provisions of this Security l�strument or the Note which can ��__
<br />•�% - be given effect without the car�fiutmg provisian. To tfii5.�rrd the provisions of this Security lnstrument and thc Note are �_--,�`
<br /> declared to be sevcruble. ���T -
<br /> 16. Barrawu's Copy Borrawcr rhall bc given one conformed capy ot'the Note and of this Security Instrument. • � _
<br />� iZ 7Yansfer of the Property o�a Beneflcial lnter�t in Boreower. If all or any part af the Praperiy or any interest in . „ fi:-' -
<br /> •w�:�;=:;_
<br /> �t is sold or vansferted(or if a bcnefcial interest in Borrawer iw sald or transferted and Borrowcr is not u natural person) , :_��'W
<br /> -- cvi:haut L.ender's preor written consent,l.endcr may.at iu aption,rcquire immediate paymeni in full of al!sums secured by =��a��,
<br /> = this Security Instrumem. Howevcr.this option tihall not be exerciccd 6y Lender if excrrise is prohibited by federal!aw�of ;.�r��� _
<br /> _- the date of this Security Instrumeni. '��'-��+'�'w��"
<br /> If Lender exercises this option,l.ender shuD give Borrower natice of aceeler.uiun. The notice shall�rovide a periad of _.�:.?�*, �-�r
<br /> not tess than 3(?days from the date the natice is delivered ar mailed within which Borrower must pay all zums secured by this :,f.:..:�
<br /> •;:- ��ity �n.saurnynt, �f Bc9r�awer fails to pay these suma prior to the expiration af this periud.�.,ender ma�+ invake any _
<br /> � �+- remedies permitted by this Security In�trument without far�;er nrnice or demand on Hanower. . .
<br /> � 18. Brn'rower's Right to Retnstate. If Borrowe:t�ec�s cenain condi�inns. Bort�wer -naU have the ��F.! ta have
<br /> _ '- - - enforcement of fhic 5ecurity Instrument discanlinued at aay time priur to the carlicr of: (a)S days(or�uch��ther periad a�
<br /> .. _;...._ -< _•
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