� _,� ( . - ` ' . : n , � y ` . . . ,.j:;:;t � -'^+7s�� s .. _—_— .
<br /> :—=c=�_' . �..--=-:=., . , r� ' . , ` , �-�s_� _ ---- ,��� - . -_�..t-QS.. _ .
<br />. � ' . ` ' H. t .. -.. .. . .e -t .� . `ruo"FS`�� ..- _
<br /> - - ` v � . � ' ' ,.�..:.s� ^�. .i�.....c1L�.:.'u' , '� •L, .xt„ -
<br /> �-}` � _- �.._ _ -- _*� " . .. .
<br /> �,`.}�:t..��a�b.Y. ..
<br /> � 96� �o���,�._ .. .� , .u::�_:•,_ : _
<br /> � TOGETHEii WITH al� the impmvemenu now or hereafter erected on the property.and all cl�emen as� S•+� , • �..- , _
<br /> � fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property. All replzcem;.nts and additions shall alsa be covered by this� 3.r�ari�y y �•� •`�-�__
<br /> Instrument.AU of the faregoing is referred to in this Seter�t�lnsuvment as the"Property•" � k , , . . `
<br /> BORROWER COVENAN7'S t0at Sorrotiver is la�vfuNy seiscd af the estate hereby conveyed:ind has the right to grsr►t�►d �
<br /> a�d that the Property is unencumbereti. excepl for encum6ranc�+of ruord. Hurrowef a•amu'�ts. a�r.1 witl �`-.. �. --
<br /> rnnvey the Property :��
<br /> �_� defend generalty the tide to the Property against all claims and deraands.subject to any encumbr�cea of raoord. - —
<br /> THIS SECURI'tY INSTRUMENT combines uniform coves�'u�ts for national use and non-unifarm covenaata N�ih litniSt� �,
<br />�_ , _
<br /> variations by jurisdiccion[o constimte a uniform security instcument covering rea1 propercy. V�.-- ,� K �.. _
<br /> UiVIFORM COVENAN'TS. Borrower and l.endet covenant and agree as follows: N•�� ��f:; � ', ` —
<br /> 1. i'aymeint oY Ptinci�al sud Inteaest; Pcepayment atid I,u4e Chs+rgcs. Borrower shall pmmptiY Pay •f:... r-..� �.�:� _
<br /> ment and late charges due undei th�4'•cwt• - `-_=-�
<br /> - principal of and interest on[he debt evideaoed by the Nute and any prepaY '+°',�';���"``
<br /> -.�.��,-�,r •:
<br /> 2. Funds ffor Taxes a�td Insw�aa�•Subject to applicable law or to a w ritten waiver by Lendzr, BPiiQ11�f SIISr�R�Y �� ..;��,��_ ;_u q�,�;
<br /> x
<br /> Lender on the day montlily payments are du�under d►e Note,until th�Note is paid in full,a sum("�Fund�s")ja�(�u2���..�f}�� —; .. � _
<br /> and assessments which may �ttain priority over this Security Instrumu►1 as a lien on the Pmperty:( )fl�Y���� ��u�. ! '_ ��-��.
<br /> or ground rents on the Pro�erty.if aay:(c)yearlY hzra.-d or property insurance pmmiums:(d)yeu1Y � * _
<br /> � if any: (e)Year1Y�nortgage insurancg Preunums. if any:and(t�anY sums payable by Borrower to Le:ader. in a.�ardra�v=witb � ^� ' ':�#;
<br /> the provisions of paragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of martgage insurance premiums•These ite[ns are ra'+Itx1 "fis�rra'Ttpms." • �.j - —
<br /> �'t�.—_.�:_4.
<br /> Lender may. at anY time• coliecc and hold Funds i n a n a m o u n t n o t to exceEd the maximum amount a les►9ca fas� fedcrally --r�f��F�-
<br /> m.�r3utes Act of ��._._,_�
<br />. reiated mortgag�loan ma7 require for Borrower's escrow account under the fedecal Rea1 Fstate SeII11e.'n�t Pr � _.:��.�_'__. ,�-
<br /> 1974 as amended froc�tium to time. 12 U.S.C. Seccion 2601 er seq. ("�PA"1• unless anather la.��•t1►,ah a�+4iEr.ta the Funds , T��_
<br /> �� 4,� �-
<br /> � s e t s a less e r a�:�=^i. ���, Lender may.at any rime. collect and hald Funds in an amount not eo eacor.�d tht,lesser amount. :`.�?•,_�.`'-y�v,;,,�
<br /> • Lender may e�t�:r�t:tte a�ount of Funds due on the basis of curreut datu and reasonable estimate.s o f exP�a�i t u�o f f u t u r e . .,^_
<br /> . �..�,,�
<br /> � " Fscrow Items or ot�eswi�in accordaACe with applicabie law. in�tntm�ntalit or enti .,_� y�`i; �� -
<br /> ty . :,:-
<br /> The Funds shal! �:: �-eld in an institutioa w�,� deposiu arc insured by a federal agesu."y. Y- .,_
<br /> ` • (including Lender.if LECr�r�is such an insatution)c r in any Federat Home Lo"dn Bar►1c. Lendea sha91 a,QFly.ih:°�unds ta pay the �; • . .,...;;m.:,.
<br /> '�'[�.:hi:..'=:.�:�.
<br /> • • Escruw Items. Lender may not chazge Bnrrower for halJsng and apptying the Funds,annual�Y asralYxin�1h=��'°�v assa�a°t,or •• �,.:5 `-t
<br /> . . ,:. verifying the Escrow Items. unless Lender pays BomoLVtr interest on the Funds and applicable!aw p,:mnits Lei.der to mF1:e such �����k �._
<br /> a charge. However, l..ender may require Borrower to gay a an�-time charpe for an independent rea���ka.�t:tax repatting�enrice ;,,',�.�. •�':�
<br /> ar�
<br /> used by Lender in connection with this loan, unt�,� applicable law procic�� otherwise. Unt�s ar.i ��,r�ment is mzde or , . ;,;� . _.
<br /> � appticable law requires i�:.rest to be paid.Lender sba11 not be required to�a? l��rUwer any in*J:cest or�3s nn tha Funds_ ; •
<br /> a .-.,,`:`�...,;,y' . :�,•� `..�_'.-
<br /> ��. . �.
<br /> � Borrower aud Lender c�.�z. agree in writing, however, that interest shall be F:::��:r':he Funds. Le.a�lev g�e for�w}tich�each ;��
<br /> ,;�,. •�. withc�ut cl��.-��. an a�ual accounting��r the Funds. shawing cr�;i;:s 3nd deb:�:o:he Funds arr�tto:p��p ,
<br />._;;r,,., ��t5;'�r.. ;,
<br />: :;;i�e,;'.' ��bit t�,c!,i��;zads was made.The F4m�:�a.�z pledged us additional.sa�c..-;y for all sums secei.-�r�<� s�eis St�+:rriry Insttums.nt.
<br /> Ff�:'�::iL:.-tds held by l.ender exceed the amautus Ye►trutted t�he 3ee1d by:��=icable la�v.Lreritt•sh,r�i a,�srount to Borrower
<br /> �� �.
<br /> :ar c2:::�:e�s Funds in accordance with the requireu�nts of appii�le law. gf�C�amount oF�tu:F�:nEs(iu�:�:?+Ixn�eT at any {; . ,�.
<br /> rime is Gcc.�c�t'-ficient to pay the Fscrow Items when due,Lender:!���so notify Bonower in writing.acrl;in�►'�n r�B°r�oW� i �_
<br /> shall pal;;���r-nder the amount necessary to make up the de6cien�,. �orrower shall make np ttu:de�lciz'r?' u�no more ehan �:
<br /> twelve m.��ni��r�Qaymenu.at Lender's sole discreaon.
<br /> Upon t-s,.--.yment in full of all sums secured by this Security iastrument. Lender shall pram,plly rt;t.und to Horruc.�r,ny 'Y�� � �.�:
<br /> Fuiids hetd by Lender.[f.�unaner Faraga e d by I.c der a�the rime of acqu,is i on or sale as�calp at�rLr�isn�t th'�isin�r�6y � '.`�'°'"`'�.
<br /> � of the Property.sha�i�?r y '•'�`.
<br /> �.,«�,Fw.3.�
<br /> Y
<br /> ' �I13$CCUtf�:g Tl15TNJi1�:;!- �r�_
<br />�'""� 3.��cat�am of P:iyments.Ualass applicable law provi�c:s otherwise.all paymenas rer.�iz•ed�ry 1C.eader nn�er paragcaphs ; � : r
<br /> g ap
<br /> ..n:� �'t.. ° .
<br /> � 1 aad 2�.e.i be appliai first. to any pnpaym�nt cbar�es c�se���r the Note:secor�.tb 9lIIr3tL:Ct9�3Fj'ci1JI�under paragraph 2; :�-.,�,• :'�'.
<br /> :. Ati .v:r-.�:..V.-".;--..;
<br /> thicd.co::�:erest due:s.�_sth.to principal due:und lasE,tc�y I_s char�es due s;r,�ier the Note. ---- - ,�
<br /> I.4eas. Boaower shall pay ali taxes,a�sessrne:�ts, charges. i",�:f s and is�ieic�uarib4�i�tv the Property �w�4.,;.+��-�°�-- -
<br /> 4.C��`sges; -�r�. �•.,
<br /> � , which eta�.�s.�.'t a in priority over this Security Instrument. and:��.�'31d payrs::�ta or grou.nr�rcrJy.iff�aziy. Bono�ver shall pay ��-�.. •,,;;-�:;
<br /> • � these cbli;�rcions in the manner provided in parugmph 2,or if n�c T,.��in that r.�anner.B�rn►tiyec sF�t19 iy�3y them on tim�direct�y ���i;._�:,:"
<br /> ��, �
<br /> to the pe:^s�n owed payment.Hoaowcr shall pramptly fumish to Lender all e.oe:ces of ar�ancne4 tu 5��.p�d under this psra�rap . __
<br /> � If Boaovrer makes these payments directty,Barrower shall promptly furnish tc�P,,rnder recei^ra e.i�'nre:'sng tfi,_paym�ts. ���;��;,,�,:�-�
<br /> �;
<br /> Bor.ower shali promptly discharge any lien whlch hs�s priority over this S+�urity Ir�txu�r�nr.�.�5ws Borm:ver:(a)agrees in _ _
<br /> writing i�n che payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to L:reiar;Qt+f�x+�r;�ts in good f�th the lien �;���r,..—_
<br /> ,� by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in. legFd pcac�dings which in the Lec�;'er's c�i�:an operate to prevent the �,� ��-
<br /> nforcement of the lien: or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactccry u��snder subordinating the lien to 'i�s;'�
<br /> e •� v r ����i. �,�.�._.-.
<br /> • this Security Insuument. If Lender detertnines that any part of the Property is subject tc�a 1c3rt•v�h�_h m.iy attsun pnonry o e ■�,.�±.9s,.,�,—�,
<br /> this Security Instrumem. Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the tien.Born►ti�er shall satisfy die lien or take one or —__ ________
<br /> • more of r�^e z,ctions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. _ __ _ __
<br /> Fonn 3acr3 9190 --- ----
<br /> Pn;e 2 0l B �.�-^�'v�-�--
<br />. .. .- . . __- _�_'�:_-=--___-._
<br />' - zf i�r'.;•�Y�� '
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