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_ ; _ __ _: __ <br /> -�- . - " � — -- - --- <br /> _ y. _ „ _ , `, ` _ -- _ <br /> _ ._. •k:aRs'��^�-... <br /> Z, - 4' � ..--t�.. _ "__' . - c . . <br /> �- � i �c.+ <br /> .4 '� -_� — �.c. .. _ - _ : . � ` . ' <br /> - - � � _` :_ . _ �__ _ . , -. : , - �� � . - . g��=�os�s � . � �� � <br /> , E ���,�.�;�a,;��;a����:u e���e,►$«���m c�� <br /> a�pp�oval whicb shau noc bt�r�oe�biY wi�t�heW..U Baaoi�� m�intsin covera�e dacn'bee abov�Isender m.y,at <br /> : LuWec3 updad.aM�a cove�s�e to p[ola.�t Laides�s si�hts ie d�e�My in xxad�rce wftb pangrapi►?. <br /> All ias�aance pol�cies aod renewals sMdl b�acc�pta6k ta and shs11 include s staded mo�tg��e clsasc. Lasdec <br /> ' si�lt Inve tAe right tc hold d�e policies�ud trnew�l�. iF Lend�e teQui�e9.Barsawer ehsli qomptlY Sive to Lcader�}l re�cipts .. . <br /> of paid prem;u�ns and iene�val notices.�tn she evea�of lass.Barmwer sbalt�ive promp nntice�the insWance curiet aad <br /> � ` L.ender. Lebder may make proof of los�if not m�de pmmqty by 8amwer. . . <br /> Uakss Leeder and Borrower ctl�eewise a�ee in writin�.insur�nce pr�ctedv sfwit be applic�f ta zestoration or ciepa"a of <br /> the`pt�pertY dae�oa+ if tbe cestaratioo or.tepKtr�s�economicalty fs�stbk tuid l,estder's xcurity is not tesseenod. If tbe , � <br /> � �on oc repair is not ec«wmically feaqibk ar Lsnde�S[�ufl►y wauW 6c tess�er�od:d�e insurance prc�coed�s6all be <br /> . . appGed to die s�uac secund by this S�Qrity.tastntmen�whett�ervt nc�t then duc, with any excess paid to Boaower. ff ._ <br /> Bouower ab�dons tbe AoQetty,or das not�nswev within ill drys a natice iran f.eflder th�t the insueaxe ca�rier ha4. . <br /> offerrd to seak a cl�im.tBen Lender may colkct the insurance prncoeds. I.ender may use the proceeds��oc� <br /> the pt+operty or w pAy s�ms secuiM l+y this Security Instrument.whether ar not fhen 4ue. Tl�r 3Q�day�Pea be�in: . <br /> daeooticeisgiven. . � '�'`" � ' --. <br /> � Unkss Leader�ad Barower aixrwise a6ree in airiting,any applicat'�of procads w princi�l shall mt ext�ct ar;--:-, . <br /> - :.:.::partpone 8�e due d�e of tbe rtnmhlY P�Y�ts referred to in p�ragraphs t and 2ar cdange Ihe amo�uit of the Qiyment�:`�.;.� ' • . <br /> - ...under paagraph Zl the Ptaperty is acqaiu+ed by Lendrr.Hamnwer�right to any insurnce policiev utd proceeds nsolting ; . <br /> _ . :`finm damage to the Froperty priar ta 1be acquis�tion shalt pass to L.ender to�hc cxkre of the surt�s secuced by this Security <br /> .�':'�instnm�ent imtnediuely priorto the acqai�ition. <br /> . . • i� pocopsnc9, Praervatio�. MstNte��ice ard Yrotectio� af tht Froperly. Borrower•� l.asn Appli�sttoe; . - <br /> o . <br /> ` � l.ea�erold�. Baaower sha11 occupy:estaMish.and ase the Propetty As 8arrower�a principat cesidnice within sisty days afur <br />— the_executton of thia Security Instrumeat and shall continue to occupy 1he Propertq as Borruwer's principd nesidence for at .`. - <br /> kau aaa year after the ctate af accup�y. unkss Lendec otherwise agrees,i��writinp, which consent sbaU not be.;;;:;.; :':: . <br /> - umeasonabiy withheW,a unkss extrniiatiag circumstances exist wh�ch are 6eyaid Borrowc�a control:� Borrower aGaU na ':��:'`-.� .. <br /> - desti+uy.dantage or impair the Fmperty.altow the Plra�pecty tv deteriarate.or commit wactt an tAe PropeAy. Bamwer sball :; . <br /> .„ be in defauU if any ftxfeiture xtian or pnoxed3ng,whether civil or crimina�is besua Qat in LenderS:good fsith jadgffient . . . <br /> �. . Gculd n.gutt ia fafeiture of the Ptopaty ar aUerwise materiatly imp�r the lien crc�ted by thia Secucity Insaument a -. <br /> - :• Lender�s secur3ry intencst. Bomnwer may cure such a de�ault and provided in parngrapit 1$.by causing the xtian <br /> _�_.'�?l. or proaeding to be dismissed with a ruling tha�,in l.ender a good faith det¢rminanat.paciudos t'cxfeiture af the Boaower'� ..� <br /> _ ��;n�e property ar.o�her matecia{impaitsneat of the ti�n eresud by this Secunty Inst�ument or l.e�xfer�s securiry -' ,- <br />._��j: � - interest. Borrower sha0 atso be in defaulc if Borrower. during the toan appllcation praces.g. gave materially faJse or ��' � <br /> ;"�. inaccurate iafoimadon or statemenGg to I.ecder(ar failed to provide Lender with Any matec�al informahan)in connecdan witb .-. <br /> - ' the loan evidenced by the Note.inctuding, btu not Iimlted to. rcpresentations'conceming i3amwcr's accupancy of the <br />�'•a• Property as a principal nesidec�ce. If this Security Instrument is on a Ieasehold.Boaower sh�l!compty with all the provisions <br />�'rr"� of the lease. If Bormwer acquires fa tltte ta the Property.the Icasehold anQ the fee tiUe chall not merge untess f.endec agrees. <br /> :_r.:° <br /> a � to the merger in writing. <br />-'.,;� 7 protection o�i,tnder's Iti�bts in the Property If Bamower faits to perfartn the cavenants and agreemen[s � <br /> .: 4; cunttained in this Securiry Instrument,or then is a legal proceediog that may'significontly affect Lender�c rights io the <br /> -�'"� P��B P�Y B <br /> �;, Ptvperty(such as a in banktu c .prabata.for con�temnation or farfeiture or ta enforcc law�nr ra ulatians). n <br />: :��.':::. Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to p�tect the vatue of the Property�d l..e�xterss rtghtw in the P�operty. <br /> ' L,ender's actions may inctude paying any sams secured by a lien which ha.y prionty over th�s Security 1n�tMmen�eppearing __ <br /> in court.paying reasonable attomeys'fees and erttcring on the Prapetty to make repalr�.,Althc►ugb Lcndcr m�y take action _ <br /> under this paragcaph 7.Lender dces not have ta do so. �_�. <br />- " Any amounts d�sbursed by l.ender under this paragraph 7 shall t�ceume:�dAitianal dcbt oi'�ortnwer r+ccure0 by thk ��---- <br /> •dA <br /> Securiry Instrument. Untess Borrower and Lender Agree ta other terms af paymem,thcsc amaunty�hall hear intcrert fram the �, �_ <br />; : . �s_;. <br /> date af disbursemenc at the Nota rate and shat!bc payAble,with interesti upan naicc from Lcnd�,�r to som►wer requecting �_, <br />.���_> ••_ �` pa&nt.M�Insurance. If Lender required mongage insurance as• a canditian of m:�lcins thr laao r�ecured by this {°' <br /> - Securiry Instrament,Horrawer�hall pay �he premiums required to maintain the m�ngage insurance iR cffec�. li:[or any �-�" <br /> �`; se.;�ot�, the mortgage i�suranee caverage reyuued by l.ender lapsew ar ccase� �o be m eifeci. Harrawer shLll puy the .n:T: <br />,'• ' . ; •: p�zsr.iums nequired to obtsiin wverugc �ubstantially ce{uivalcnt ta the mongagc insura�ce previr�u�ly in cffect. at u ca�t ;_� ' <br />"_ ,,;`:;�' subscantialiy cquivalent ta the cost to 8orruwet af thc mangage insur.uuc previously in e(fect,fmm an altematc mortgage �;:%�:,•,: <br /> •. •�_ �`�.';' <br /> °�'•�„ in.surer approved by Lender. If substantial�y eyuivulent mortgage insurancc cavcrage iv not uvailahlc.porrower shal!p�y to <br /> _ "'- • Lender eacb month a sum equal ta ane-twelfih af the ycarly martg:�gc in�uranc�prcmium hcing paid 6y Borruwer when the �;`-=�� <br /> msvrance covcrage lapsed ar ceased to be in effect, l.cnder w�ll acccpt.usc aad retuin thc+c paymcnts As a toss�rcervc in lieu �� i_ <br /> �. . .; �of siwrtgAge insurance. Loss re.cerve payments may na longer be the aptian uf I.ender. ii'm�►rlguge in!�urance <br /> - . ' cuverage(in the amaune and for the period that L.ender�e�{uircti)pravided by am insurer s�pprmcd hy l.e�xler aguin becanc9 <br /> ��. , available and is obtained.Barrower shall pay the premiumc rcqu�red ta muintam martgagc intiur.mee m tn pmvidc a <br /> ����-���' ���" loss reserve.until the mquirement for mortgage insurance cndti in:��;curdance with ssny written ugmement t+e�wern 8om�wer • : <br /> � ''�` and Lender or applicabte faw. <br /> : ,� �•' 9. Iespection. l.ender or itw agent may makc rcmcam.ible entric�up+n:�nd inypcctian�i�i thc 1'ruperty. I.�n�kr�hall , <br /> __,,r�f.;x..`��.�,� give Borrower notice at tlie time of ar prior ta an intipection specifying rea�unabte cauce fur the intipec�ian. <br /> - -- 10 Caodemnatiun. 'the procee�ls af any award ar�laim far cla�u;ig«.�lirect�e eantryuentiul,in canarc�tun wi1h Uay --. <br /> ,,i: <br /> .. �;: SingteFamlty.•Fannkl�tae/F�e4db3tveUtilF'1►pS11rti'fNl��tt:!�'P�-Umtorml'uvcnant. 9,� �jaie�•!��jh�a�.qr�� <br /> a;..•- = � <br /> I�fr�t ttin fMwerar i'�ret Ini � <br /> , . '' - Tu1M�kYl:�d1 �IMAi.10'J.I!Y.1'IY�{O�BNt�ll.l) , <br /> _ f � <br /> . . '�1 � <br />. . .'6 . ._ _, ( <br /> � �� � s�.i:w_.�.._..�e_.....�..-�--.,'---'.�,-. .,---..___._ , _. . . ..... .. . . .. . ' ._- ----...-__ '. . . � _ :- , . <br /> ti.. . ,':�:. . . . . . _ , . ,. � . • <br />., ';,', • ;��.-.`4 rr>'i; .�' . . . , : .. . ' � • . . , <br /> . ' q f ~ ''��� • , � • , _ , , � , � . . • � , ' . 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