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<br /> -. - � . . - - -. -. -
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<br /> .� �..- . .�.;��- ��= - -
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<br /> _,� .�� �F f , � . �`[�_ ._:. . � ; t .. � 92--ios�: . - --- �-=-
<br /> . - ` � � '[�Ot;E1�me vvri'H�u t�im�waaaxs,u��a��ea oo the pmpeny,.md au�ea�ts,:+rr�. � ` � �
<br /> ' � `and 6xtures naw a BaratEer a ppt of t6e pc+upeccy. Atl�aad add�tion's ah�ll also be coveced by this Security
<br /> Ia�ontosait. M af the faoe�oi�is rete�ed to ia t6is Secarit�'tastrume�t is tht"Ptopetty." .
<br /> HORROWE�t j00VfNAN1 S tlnt BaROwer is lawfully seised of the actate hae6yr caiveyed and da§the right to grant .
<br /> �d cmvey t6e R�a�aty aoa dnt tbe Prope�ty is oaeucamlxr�d,exapt�'or eaeumixances of ncor�. Barowa warraafs and _--
<br /> vn11 defrnd ga�y the titk ta the Pmpaty ag�iast at1 ciaims ead dem��nd.�.subjax to any encvmMa�xxs of iaeonl. �
<br /> Tf�S SEC[iRTfK INSTEitJMENT combines unifotm�c+ovenants far nuiaul ase and twn-unifam,cave�unts wiih
<br /> limited vari�flons by jarisdiction to constitute s uniform s�ecvtiry instrament caverin8 re�t P�P�� . _---
<br /> {JNIAURM COVENANTS. Banower and Lender rmrenanc and agrx a�foltbws: v when due the � =__ -- _ ._ _
<br /> �, � L p,,,y�t ut rriicS�iii s.a rera�Yrew�at a.a r.ate cia�es. Bamwer shall pcompiy pa . e-____ —
<br /> — Principal of wd intaGCt on the debt tvidenced by tde Note and uty p�}mia�t and Iate dmr8es cwe tmder tbe Note. _ _ ., _ _
<br /> � 2. F�i 1 d s f o e'l h s e a a e d L�t a e c a S u b j e�t w a p p l i c a 6 l e I aw a c w a wntten waivet b y Lende��arnweFshalt pay to _ -_—--- _ -
<br /> ` I.eader on t6e day monthIy ptyments m due wider the Nou:uat�We Nate is paid'm fuq,a suin("Funds")far:(a)YeulY � ---- -
<br /> ` nxss�d usess�nencc w6ich may auain p�imtY over t6is Sec�uity L�iniment as a Gen oa tLe propeny;tb)y�eartY.�l�s�O�d. ----- - _
<br />-- Paym�s a Smu�d irnts an the Pmpatty, if any: (c) Yeaz1Y ��a P�'P�Y ��( )Y Y . . -- _ ___
<br /> rn abk Baruwa to
<br />-- ins�uance p�emiums.�f aay:(e?Y�Y�S�B� �P�u�+��Y:�(fl any suass PaY d'Y =
<br />-- Leoder:m accadatxx with t6e pravisions of pa�agraph 8,in lieu of the paytaent o f mortgage insurance p n e m iurns. Thest -----------
<br /> items art c�11ed"Escmvr Iums." L.ender may,a[any time,coUect and hold Fands ui an amount not to eac;ced tbe maximum ` �:__�__
<br />�.� amonnt a lender far a federalty ielated a�ortg�ge taan may recNiie for Barnwer+s esc�ow accaunt mtder the federai Real �u_----
<br /> �� - Fctate Seutement Rocedm+es Act of 1974 as amended fram time w titae.i2 U.S.C.$2b01 u scq.("RFSP�►'�,uatess another �=i_ -
<br />';�� iaw thu applies to the Fvnds sets s tesser aaionnt If so,l.ender Tpay,at any pma.cottoct and hold Fimds in an amount not ta n=---
<br /> �;,�.:"_
<br />��: e x c e e d t 6 e l e s s a r a m o m�G L e n�i e r u s a y estimate the amount af Tonds due on the basis of current data and reasonable ���_;�:
<br /> - �of expendiuttes of fuau+C��items a ad�erwise in�t�dance with applicable iai�_�,, ���
<br />`� , .. The Fi�nds shail6e held ia aa��udbn w6ose deppsits�:msacrd by a federal agez:.�;:instrumentaiity,or eatiEy .�_ --
<br /> — -- ::.::{including i.erjder.if Lender is sucii�it iristimtion?ai za affg#�edieraf Home Laan Banlc. Lendei stiall app��e Funds to pay �' `
<br /> ,�. th�escrow - . �9—�. ` --
<br /> N .the F.sc[ow Items. I.etder may not ct�arge Boirbv�er��r bddtts8 and aPP1YN8 ihe Fvnds.annually aaaI�aB
<br />_ - :..�'��ccount,or vtnfyin8 the Escrow Iteaos.wiless l.ender gays Boaower intec�st on tht Funds and applica��•iaw peimits ,�;;
<br /> , �:�.."Lende�r w malce such a Fharge. However.Lender may regnne&inower to pay a one-time chargn for an independent real .. Y"�,;�:-�r,=�_
<br /> estatetax ��1�.
<br /> � repocting senrice used by Lender in connecdon witb this Ioan,unless applicable law ptovides othenvise. Unless� r _
<br /> � .. agreen�N ts made or app1ic�b1e 1aw requires intetest to 6e�ai�i.�Ler�der sf�ll not be�quired ta pay Borrower any interesz or �z_-_: -
<br /> ` ri�'� V • e�mings on the l�nds. Bomower and Lender may agree_ia writing,however,that intenest shail be pa�d on the Funds. E.en�.., . ,�,- .� .<
<br /> s'"- - . sdall give to Borrower.without charge,an annual accaimdng of the Funds.showi�crediu and deBits to the Funds ariit the .-- ':`�
<br />� ,�:�=,;., p u r p o s e fa wh[ch each debit to the Funds was m�de. 'The Fvndg are pted8ed as addirioqal secnz't�'for all sums secured by - _.�-,
<br />. 'i/.,•'�f: this Savriry Insuumettt. i � -; _°�
<br /> " �;� ' If d�e Funds held by l.ender exc�ihe amounts penmtt�to be held by appiicable�aw. l.ender shall accot�n¢.i� -' . _� -
<br /> • '' Bormwer for tl�e excess Fimds in accc�dan:,e with thc reguirec�ems of applirabte taw. If the amount of tfte FunQs het��+y '""' �';��.:`��
<br /> ' l.en�der at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escraw Items when`due,L.ender may so noti f y Borrower in writing.and,in _ 7 -- •`�`
<br />� . . sucb case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount Reressary to maice up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the �•�.y;,�,�#{�_��
<br /> f--;
<br /> deficiency in no moc�e than tsvelve montiilY PaYments.at iender§sole discretion. .�"�°_`:-�—
<br /> r,j Upcx�payment in fWt of all sums secured by this Security 1nsUUmen�Lender shall pcomptly refund io Barrower any '-.�"''�r��'
<br /> pcx
<br />' "`� Punds heid by Lendcr. If.under paragraph 2l.lxnder sbal!acquhe or seii the Propeny,Lender.prior to the acquisition or - -
<br /> �,, . .
<br /> �° sate of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by L.ender at the time of acquisirion or sate as a credit against the sums � "�r�
<br /> � �.' •= secured by this Security InstrumenG �_'.�
<br /> ,�...�.�
<br /> � �' 3. Application ut�'aymenfs. Unfess applicable law provides othetwise,atl payments received by i.ender under . . :�€:��
<br /> ��`�` "� patagraphs 1 and 2 sha116e applied:first.to asy prepayment charges due un�er the Note:seconQ to amounts pay a b 1 e u n d e r . �•,,• _
<br /> :� �` ,,:�;_.:
<br /> V .;.;;. patagraph Z;third.to interest due;foacch,to principal due:and last,to any tate chazges due under the Note. � , . • __
<br /> ;� 4. C�s; Lkns. Borrower shall. paY all taaes. assessments,charges,fines and impositlons amibatable to the `:�•`�-�'._
<br /> �,, -�. ���-
<br /> �'' property wisichanay.att�in priority o��r this 5ecurity Instrument,and leasehoId paymenu or ground rents,if any. Borrower ' s �-������
<br /> i=r shatl pay thesc obligaaons in thc man.�er providec�sss�saragraph 2.or if not paid in that manneX.Bonower sdnall pay them vn �. _==_�
<br /> ''� t � t i m e d i r e c t l y t o t h e p e r s a n o w e d p a y m e n t. B o a o a e r s'h�a.n p s a m p d y f u m i s h t o l.e n d e r a l l n o t i c e s o f a m o u n u t o b e p aid under �; � . 'h�
<br /> ' � � . "�, :::. this paragrapb. If Borrower makes these paymenu Qi.:�ctty.Bonower shall prompQy fumish to Lender rec�ipts cwidencing s� -,a--'��'.:
<br /> I�. ` �'�
<br /> . . ;t-: the paymenrs. . .
<br />� � :;;i Borrower shall pcomptly discharge any lien whicb has prioriry over this Security Instrume»onless Banowcr:(a)a� �. . �`
<br /> ' in wrlting to the payment of the obligat�on secured hy the lien in a manner acceprable to l.ender:(b)contests in good faith the I -��--�--
<br /> lien by.or defends aga:��t enfarcement of the lien in.legal proceedings which in the LenAer's opinian operate to yrevent the 6• , "��'-'�=`
<br /> � „n-=
<br /> enforcement of ihe lien;or(c)secures ftom tt�e hotder of the Iten an ageement satisfactory ta l.ender subordinating the lien �. : � ,�
<br /> • to this Secudry lastrumenL If Lendcr determinea tt�;.s any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority E . • � �
<br /> .•.' � ovor thls Security Instra�menG Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shaU satisfy the lien or take � •
<br /> ' ' one or more of the actions set fonh a6rn�e within 10 days of the giving of notice. � • ,
<br />� ••i.`�1:',�i • 5. Ha�rd a'ProyNty Znst�ra�ee• Borrower shaH keep the improvemeats now existi�►g or bereafter erected on a�e
<br /> '�s"•� �` '' '�� ' . Property insured against►oss by fire,hazards irtcta@:d within the tertn"extended coverage"and any other tu�zzrds.including t � . '� �
<br /> floods or ftoading.for which Lender requires ias�sance. This insurance shall be maintained in the asr.�r��s and for the �'• �
<br /> s_ _ . .
<br /> . ��'�r}{,�'•��i�;;.�:, Form302g 9/90 Ipq¢e2a/6;+c;es; ; .
<br /> . ' ';'�;.�,+ i
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