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<br /> �=`��.� in one or more p�rrele and to any order �'ruatee determtneA. �rustee may poAtpone eAk ot pll or Any pnreel of the -
<br />..:-��� ProperRy by publlc rnnouacement d the time And ptace of any prevkusly echedukd �k. [.ender or Ita dqignee may
<br /> - purc6ASe t6e PwpeHy at any sak.
<br />_�,� Upon rectipt ot payment ot the prkt b1d� 'Prustee shell delic�e� to R9�e purshaser Truatee•e deed convtyin� the -
<br /> Property.T6e rait�b in ths Trustee's deed ehAli be primw fack evklence of tha truth ot the etwtementa mtde thexetn.
<br /> = �� Trustee shall�pply the praceeds ot the sak tn the fai�,wing order:(A) to ail casts and exgenses of exerciatn�the power of =.
<br />- sak,�nd tbe saie,includ[aa the pAyrnent ot the 1'rusta's[ees Actually inc�rred,not to exceed 3.o00 �i, °
<br /> f'.5.;�.� oP t�e principal amount of We note wt the time of the declaratbn ot detault,snd rensonpble attorneya'Res ospermttted by _
<br />- law;(b)to all sums sec�red by thb Sccurity Inatruneent;and(c)pny eacess to the parson or persoa9legaily entitk�d to ft. �
<br /> ~�`���Y.• 22.Recoevey�ace. Upon payment of ell sums soc�ared by thfs Security Instrumcnt, Lendcr shal� rcq,�est Trustee to
<br /> �� recc►nvey the Property end s��all surrcnder this Security Instrumcnt end ell notes evidencing dc6t securcd by this Sccurity
<br />"---- InsWrt�et�t W'1'rustoe.'Itustec st�ail rccconvay the Property without warranty end wtUwut charge to thc puson or persons kqaily
<br /> �- entitkd to i�Such pe:soc�or aersotts shall pay any cecordation coste.
<br /> _—_=� 23.Substitxte TrusUx. L.endes,et its opdon.may from tima tn tlme nmove Trustec endnppoint a s�ccessar trustec tn eny .
<br /> --�� 'Ilrustoe ap�wintod hereundtt by an instcumer�t rocard�in the county in whkh thls Securlty Instntrt�t is recordod.Without
<br /> -�- � conveyance of the Prnpaty,the suc�essor wstcc shall succeed w all the tido,power and dudes confund upon'IYustee hexein end
<br />`����_'�. by applicable law.
<br /> "�"�� 24.ttequest tor Notices, Barowcr rcquests that oopiss of the nodces of default and sala be scnt to Horrower's address
<br />„-,R- - whtch u thep�y Address.
<br /> 25.Wders fo tlii.g 5ecurity Iastrumen� If one or nore riders are executed by Sormwer and recordeA together with this
<br /> �::r;� 5ecurity Instiument,thc covenants and agraemcnts of each such rider shall 6e imco�porated inm and shail amend and suppkme�►t
<br /> -: :•:•.� the covenar�ts and agreements of this Security Instrument ag if the dder(s)vv�ro a part of this Sccurity Instrwncnt
<br />.�,�{t; .:` � [Chc,ck applicable box(es)]
<br /> -._-- C]Adjostabk Ytete Ridu O Condomin3�Rider ❑1-4 F'amily Rider
<br /> --- . _ �Graduatod Payment Rider 0 Planned Unit DevEfuprnent Rider �Siwee3cly Payment Rider
<br />.� []Balloon Rider 0 Ratc Improvemtnl Rsz•l�r 0 Second Home Rider
<br /> Q�iA jt� U��(S�[gPppj�]A9a�lgnmanYe of Rent
<br /> ;,��
<br /> - DY SIGNiNG BB�W,Borrowcx eccepts end ngrees to the tcm�s and covc nnn�s conWned in this Socurity Inst�uma�t and in
<br /> mY tidc,r(s)exxutal by Barowu and recorckd with i� _
<br />-___— . Wimesscs:
<br /> (Scai)
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<br /> •Fsaro�rar
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<br /> -Harower -BomoMer
<br /> , Stste d Ne6ruica, � Couaty se:
<br /> _ , 7T�e foregoing enuuumrnt v��as aclrnowlodged m�Tore ma this 20�H �y pf SBPTSNID�R � 7.996 �
<br /> by LdZH1 Y. HRJCA A91D NAR(�lIPtBT M B11X7�. 1NSB11ND N7D WIPS
<br />__--� :'"s�.�.^.:,��_^.d^�:al;�� �ua�rn r�er_nun, rmnongga its.,:.f�Ccun ',tlte a.�a.����sa
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