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<br /> 16.ilorrower'a Copy. Dorrowcr shall bc givcn onc conformect copy of thc Not�nnd of'this Sc�urity Inswmen�
<br /> �.. __ �7.T.on�t���r�h.p.ar.N��._a�r.y,_+��!..*.re,�t in Burrower. IC all or ony purt of thc Propc:rty or nny intcMSt in it is ,. „ ��.:
<br /> • � . � sold or Vunsfcrtcd (or if u bcnclicinl intcrest in Borrower is sold or trnnsfcrrcd and Barrowcr�s nat a natursilperson) wiu�uui .
<br /> Lcndcr's prior writtcn cunscnt,Lendcz may,nt its oPdon.rcquirc immedtate p�yment in full of all sums sccured by�t►is Securiry
<br /> In�wment.Nowevcr,this opiiun shall not be exa�ciscd by Lendcr if exerclsu is prohibieed by federnl law ns of the dnte of this
<br /> • ' Sccurity Insuumcn� � '
<br /> ., ; !f LendGr exerclscs this opdon,Lender shall give Borrower noUce of acceleration.11ie aotica shall provide aperiod of not less
<br /> .. +»�^�• �han 30 dnys from tho dnta tho nodca is dolivered ar mniled within whlch Borrower must pay aU sums secur�ed by this Ser:urity .• _
<br /> r .�r . Ii�suumcn�If Banowcr fails to� sams ' r•w;N�e�tpiration of d�is period,Lendcr muy i�vokc any remedic.c permittcd , _
<br /> by Ihis Sccurity Inswmcnt wi l9MA on Borrowcr. , . -
<br /> 18.Borrowe�'s R{Rht to R � � � !s ccr�ain condidans, Aorrowcr shall havc tho ri�hc to hnve
<br /> � en[orcemenl of this Socurity T��' � tf�l��`� dme prlor to Ihe earlicr of: (u) 5 dnys (or snch other period e� ...,�.o. .
<br /> u�pllcable law may spectfy For rcInstntcment)bcfore su18 oC tho Praperty pursuant to nny power of sale contained in this Sccudty .;,;��, �•�.;��:';,.;�.
<br /> Instnimcnt;or(b)enuy of a Judgmcnt cnforcireg this Socuriry Instrumcn�'Rio�c condltians arc that Bomnwcr:(a)pays Lcndcr all .�-��' ,.tL _ _�
<br /> sums which then would be due undu this Sacuriry Insuument and the Note as if no acceleradon had occurred:(b)cures enY -..,c*��°=r�_�_'.=--
<br /> �" defuult af any ott�e.r cavenants or ogreemenis; (c)pays nll oxpenses incurred in enforcinE this Securiry Instrument,including,but • ,_: ,`�:�,�_
<br /> ' not limit�d w.nsasonabk attomcys'foes;and(d)takes such acdon as L.cnder maX rcasonab�Y rccluire to s�ssnre that t�e Uen of�his ��,. ______—
<br /> s
<br /> 5ecuriry Insuument, l.ender's nghls in the PropeRy and BorrowePs obligauon to pay the sume secnred by this Security . ,,�='r=�--•
<br /> Instrumen! si�all oontinue unchsngcd. Upan reinstr.iement by Bortower, this Security Insaument and the obli�gtions secured -;'+�M _
<br /> „ hcreby shall remain fully etfecdve as if no accelcrntion had occwted.Howaver,this right to reinstate shall not apply iI1 Ihts C3S(s Of ,.:�r�'.;�
<br /> - acccic[saon undcr parap�aph !7. � 'R-'
<br /> 19.Sak of Note;Change ot Loan Servic�r. 'ilw Note or a partial interest in the Note (wgether with this Security � „'.�� _
<br /> � ; Inswmetit)rtwy be so�d one ar more tlmes without prior nodce to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in thc endty(known ,_;;_.,
<br /> as ihe"Loan Scrviccr")�hae caUects monthly payments dua under the Ncxe and this Securiry Insuumcnt.'lhere also may be one or �;;;,�=�-�
<br /> more cl�anges of the Loan Serviccr unrela t e d w a sale of Ihe Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicez,Boaow^„r will be ,�''�"."�
<br /> , � given wriuca nosice of the change in accordanco with P�'aBraph 14 above andapplicable law.Tfie nodce will state the name end '__�.!-�---
<br /> a�dmss of the new L.oan Servicer end the addsess co whlch payments should be made.The noticc+will also contain any other
<br /> infonxiauon require�bY aPPlicablo 1aw. �, storage. or release of eny ��:«�'"���°`=-.
<br /> uire
<br /> . ' �, ?A.Hnrardous Substances. Borrowu shaU not cause or peimit the Pmsence� use. dispo
<br /> Ha7ardous Substance.s on o�in the Property.Borrower shaU not do,nor allow anyone else tn do,anything affectinR the Properey �;: 1� � ,�,,`'��'
<br /> .. that is in violaHon of an�►Environmental Law.1he proceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence.use�or storage on the .._�t : .
<br /> _ �, - _':YS�',�i'i af ss�l!qu°nt��f A�ar�rtnc S�.hsrances that are generaUv recoB�ized tn be appropriate to nonnal residential uses � �
<br /> �i� and to mau►tenance ot the Pc�uperty.
<br /> . •, . Barowu shall pmmptly give Lender wriuen nodce of any invesdga@on, claim, demand,lawsuit nr o�hu acdon by any
<br /> •• govemmcntal or rcgulutory agency or privete pazty involv�ng the Property and a�iy Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law
<br /> � of which Borcower has acwal kuowlcdge.If Bortower leams,or is notitied by any govemmental or regulawry authoriry.that enY
<br /> • removai or othu remediati�n of any Ha�rdous Substnnce affecting the Property is necessary.Barrower shall promptly take nll
<br /> ^ necessaryr remedia!actions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> � As �sod m th�s paragraph Z0, "Haznrdous Substaztces" are those substances defined as wxic ar hezardous substsmnces by
<br />- Environn�ental Law and the following suUstonccs: gasolir►e, kerosene. other flammable or toaIc petroleum �c�oducis. toxic ��'
<br />. . p�dcides and herbicides.volatile solvenes,ma►tari�ls containing asbesWs or fomnaldehyde,and rndioactive mat�als.As used in �
<br />. .. �is p�a�aph zp�•En�imn�n�l I,aw" means federnl laws and laws of the jurisdicdon where the Prope�ty is located that relet�e
<br /> � ±� ta hralth,�fetY c►r environmental protecrion.
<br /> :� ',wv��' � NON-UNIFORAQ COVBNANfS•Boimtiv�r and i�endcr further covenant and agree as follows: �
<br /> �._:,,,.}��
<br />- •- Zl.Aocderatbn;Remedies.Lender shall give notia to Borrower prbr to acaleratbn fofDowiag Barrower'e breach ot ���
<br />. °'�'_�•'��''�`� ` any oovenant or r�greement in tBi� Security Instrument (but not prbr to accekr�tion uoder paragrap6 17 unfesv _
<br />_'�: A,�� •., applirl6k law provides otiherwise).The notia stw0 specit�:(a)ths detautt;(b)the actbn required to cun the de�ault{(c) __
<br />�����; ` a date,not less thAn 30 days!'rom the date the notice i�given to Borrower�by whic6 We default must be cured;and(d)
<br /> 3; • .;j Yx, that fAOure to cun the defaWt on or befors t6e dnte specU'Kd in the notioe m�y result fe�eoeleration ot t6e sums secured
<br /> ;=•,;�.�,u,, by Wi�Stcnrity Instrumeet and sxk of the Property T'he notioe s6aU further intorm Borrower ot t�e ri�t�t to reinstate
<br />�,��^;ft,r,�• attter aaxkrxtion and the r3ght to bring a wurt action to�ssert t6e eon-e�teace of a detAnit or any ot6er detease ot
<br /> "��`•�;�: t8orrover to accekration and sa{e.It the detautt is nut cured on or before 46e d�te specU'Kd In the not6oe,Leader,xt iteti
<br /> • a��Y.y�.p.,
<br /> ;,�,.;,�;,.. ,: option�m�ay requtre tmmec�i�te pAyment in futl ot all aums secured by tht�Serur+ty Instrument wit6out turther deman
<br /> ;°'`.`.;��.-"`%�" an�d aay invotce the power af sak and aay other remedlas permitted by ppplkabk Ww.Lender shall be entitled to coUect ---- _
<br />_=�L•`'•-°• •�.. stfl expenses incun�ed in pursuing t6e remedies provided ie thEs paragraph 21,including,but not limfted to,rwsonable ����-
<br /> °�""" —�"'�---
<br /> ����.,� attorneya'�ees and costs oi titk tvideuce. _ ------
<br /> �__J �...t .t .. �:�.w f �nln..t� t� L M. tW �Ihin0. ur! f
<br />. , .'--- - lf �R! pOWCr UI lfill6 Ci W VC�wtu�t�IiSGCC 6tis�i siGiu• :.'S..w v^� u��wn tu cwCu �GYY�� A$��1 �.�l� --�'° ---
<br />_` prope�y�{ocated and ahall mail rnpies of such notke in the manner prescribed by appticabk Istw to Borrowu and to the _ - -
<br /> • oWer persons prescribed by applica6le law.After the time requirai by apptics�ble law,Trustee shaU give pu61k nolice of = �:.
<br /> � � • sak to tl�e persons and in t6e a�anner prescrtbed 6y ppp➢icabk law.Trustee,without demamd on Borrower,shatl seU t�e ��
<br /> �roperty at�ublic�uction to the 6i hest bidder at the time and lace and under the terme designAted ie t�e eMice otsa7e ' '�'���
<br /> g P ,� a±I�,_�*a�.
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