. �
<br /> . , �
<br /> .
<br /> ;�: . .....�.-,.�
<br /> ,;� -a.�:;�..�
<br /> ��. . ' „ �. � -�•.:,�,::...
<br /> � .'�l0��:. �� � -- . � , a:-!.a.C::w�►.wj.,,�:nn�. ... . ,. ., ,. „e,,, • �.,v�,-.�y�w,-�-
<br /> . . : -
<br /> . . ..
<br /> r.,,.
<br /> . . ri . , � , . . : �;...,.,... .
<br /> ..._.�...��...
<br /> � � �.-........ .. .. - �Ay .. . ��.�_._
<br /> 'n��M)4�_ . ._ . .. ' ' . �fr�r�.➢f-�rp�.....
<br /> � . 96- iQ'74'7� . .. . ..�,.:...�...�.
<br /> � • �7. Tvenui�r of the Prasparty or e Beneflcid Int�ro�t In Borrowar. If eil or any part o1 tho Propercy or _
<br /> , any Intcrcat In il I� eald or tranoicncd(or il a bcneticlal Intcrest In �ortawer Is oatd or irenaferced and dorrowcr lo not a netursl
<br /> persony wlthaut lc:�dc:'s ptlor written conaent,Lender mey.el Ite optlon,requlre Immedlate payment In tull of all aumo accurcd by
<br /> this Secudty Inetrument. Howaver, thte oQllon eheil not b� exacl�ad by l.ande� 11 oxerclso la prohibitad by fedoral lew ae at th�
<br /> � d�te o1 thls Securtty Inatrument. �• � ,
<br /> II Lender exendsea thls optlon,Lender ehall gtve Borrower nalico o}�cceteratlan. Tho notice aheli provldo �perlod nf not _
<br /> lese th�n 30 d�ys trom the d�te the notice la deHvsred or rnalied wflhin whlch BoROwer muet p�y ell sums secured by thla q�
<br /> 3ecurtry InsUument.It Borrower taiis to psy these aume prior to the expirx+lon ot thla psrlod, Lender may invoke�ny remudlee „ �- •
<br /> � pertnftted by thia Securily Eiiatrumer+t wRhout Nrther notice or demond on Borrovrcr. .. --
<br /> 18. Borrow�r's Right to R�1118t1it�. If Borrower meete cart�ln conditlone, Borrower ahell heve the r1ph1 to have _
<br /> enforcement ot thia S+ecurriy Inatrument disconUnued at eny tlme pdor to ihe eedltr oi: (e) b d�ya (or such othe►perfod �a
<br /> , . � �pplicnble law rr�y apacNy tor rdnautement) betore aale oi the Property purau�nt to�ny power of eaie contalned in t�hl��e�c�dry
<br /> , , K Inetrument; or(b) entry o1 a Judgment entorcin�thla Securlty Instrumenl.7t►o�e conditlona nre thel8ortower. (e) pay
<br /> euma whlch then would be due under thr Secudty Inatrument end the Note es If no acceleretlon hnd occurted; (b) cures�ny �
<br /> defautt ot any other covenant or agracmenta� (o) P�rn ell expenses Incurred In 9nforcing this Setudty Inetrumant, Includlnp, but
<br /> not INnited to,reaaonable attomeys'1ees;end(d)takes such actlon as Lender may reasonably require to assure that the Ilen of . �5
<br /> this Secu�ity Inatrum�snt, Lenda's dght3!n ihe Property and Bortowere obl!paUon to pey tha sumo secured by thia Securlty �
<br /> Instrument ehell continue unchangod. Upon reinsta4emant by Bortower, thla Secudty Inatrumant and tha obllpaUone secured �. '�..:,.
<br /> In the caae � � -'•�:-°_
<br /> hereby ehail remaln luly eifectNe ae II no ncceleration had occurred. hlowaver,thla right to relnsteta shall not appty . _ -._..� -
<br /> �� of acceleraUon under pue9�Ph 17. :.���rr-_=---
<br /> i 19. Sd� of Notr Chsnga of Loan Ssrvicor. The Note or a e parUal interost in the Note (together wkh thls . +. y,_Y,�
<br /> ' q Securiy InsRumer�t)may ba aold ane or mare times wHhaut pdor noUce to BoROwer. A sale may resuft In a change in the entity . .�.,•• _ _
<br /> (Imown as the'Loan Servieer')that coilecta monthy paymente due under the Note and this Secur(ty(nstrument. Yheie dso m�y _
<br /> � �� � be one or more changes of the loan 3ervieer unrelated to e sete of the Note. If there !e e change ot the Lom Ferv�cer� =_
<br /> Borrower wlll ba gNen wdtten notice of the change in aecordance with paragtaph 14 above end eppiicAble law. The notice wHl $i�,
<br /> : � state tha nsme aT:d addresa ot the new Loan Servlser and the address!o whlah paymenta ahould be made. The noUce w10 dso . #�L,�_ - =
<br /> contsin any oihar Nformetlon required by applicabla law. �` '�•`L---
<br /> � .� 20. Wazardous Substanese.Borrower shell not cause or pemiit tho presenco, use, disposal, storaae, or reteaan ot ��, """–'�"
<br /> � �ny Haurdous.4•ubstances on or In the ProQerty. Borrower shali not do, nor allow nnyone etse to do, enything ettectlnp the � �;�,'$�a—
<br /> r;
<br /> Property that�s tn vioatlon of eny Environmerttal law. The preceding two sentmces shail not apply to the prosence, uae, or ,,�,
<br /> � storage on the PropeRy of emall quantfUes o4 Hazerdous Substnnces that are genera�N recognlzed to be eppropriate to normal =_
<br /> �r resldenUnl uses and to mn(ntenance of the Properiy.
<br /> t ive Lender written noUce of any InvesUgaUon, clalm, dert�and, luwsuft or other action by any
<br /> Borrowa sF�d promPUY 9
<br />-_-___ goY����i o� ��u��N.� q$��� �;�ttp�.���ynnrt�a the Property and nny Haznrdoua Substance or EnvkonmenUJ Lew ot
<br /> • which Borrower h�a aclual knowicdpe. If 6orrower Ieams, or la notHfed by en aanecess��'Borrowot�shail�promptlyttake eU
<br /> �� removai or other remedlaUon oi eny H9TA�R10U8 3ubatance attecting Property �Y�
<br /> necesaary remed7al acUons in nccardance wflh Envkonmentel Law.
<br /> As used In thls paragraph 20,'Hezardoua Subatances' are thoae substnnces deftned ee toxlo or hazardous substencea by ;
<br /> Envlronmentnl law end the tollowing subatances: gesolina, kerosene, other tlamirsbte or toxia petroleum producte, toxla
<br /> pesUcldea and herbl�Jdes, voiatile eolvents, materiale corrtelning asbestoa or tortnaldehyde, end rndionctive m�terfa�s. As used tn
<br /> `�� paragnph 20, 'ErnlronmenUl Law'means tcderal laws and laws of the Judsdiation where tho Property Is locatc�d thnt relate to
<br />-• hoekh,safety or environmantel pratection.
<br /> � ���.. NON•UNIFOAM COVENANTS.Bortow�end Lender turther covenant and agree ae toUows: _
<br /> ' 21. Accsl�ratlon; Asmealua. Ler:a: shs:: g��e net!ce t�+ Anrrowar or�or to �s�ccelentlon __
<br /> � � follov�ing Borrowe�'e br��oh of �ny covenant or egroemortt In this Securtty Instrumant (bu! nat �;;�:�"��
<br /> � ���.�
<br />�'' .. .�� prlor to �acsl�r�tlon und�r puegraph 17 unb�s applicablo law provid�s oth�rwis�). Th� notic� ���
<br />-'°' �� shall op�cNy:(a)ths d�fault; (k�) the ectton requlred to cure the dQhutt: (c) � dato. not les�than —_
<br />-F`�- � 30 days from th� dat� th� notic� is givsn to Borrowtr. by whtCh th� d�t�ult must b� curod; md
<br />�x.,: �-
<br />,�,, � • � (d) that hilun to cur� ths dafault on or beton the dats spsclH�d In th� notic� may rosult In �
<br />,'.'�_••� ' aoc�lsratlon of ti» sums Ncured by thls S�curity Instrument and wl�of the Pro�»rty. Th� notice
<br /> -- ' shail fu�t8e�r Iniorm Borrowsr of ths r1gM to r�instat� xitsr �ccoleratlon vnd th� righ4 to bring � ___
<br />- - court actian to �ss�rt th� no�-axistenca of a dsfau{t or �ny oth�r def�ns� ot Borrowor to _ _
<br /> `- �� �• �� accN�ratOo�n �nd ulo. If the det�uR is nc►t curod on or boton th� dat� rp�cifl�d In ths notic�,
<br /> - i.�ndsr at Ita optlon may requlre immedlate paym�nt !n full of dl sums �mcur�d by this SACUrfty --
<br />:1.�•;�,°;�:. � Instrumont wlthout fudhor domand and may Invoks tho power af s�is �nd a�y oth�rr rem�dls� ��y
<br /> __,,;=� , � p�rmitt�d by applicabts I�xr. Lender ah�il b� entitl�d to coU�at all �xpena�s Incur��d In pursuinp �--
<br /> —,�_�.—
<br /> - � '� ��. � ths r�medla� provid�d fn thla par��nph 21, Including, but not Ilmit�d to. resson�bls attomoys' _ — __
<br /> :� f;'
<br /> ..
<br /> '._�-::...... .._ � �aas�r.� ccat- of tNte c:�lde�cs. _T_T.------— .:
<br /> tf 4he pow�r of ealo Is Invoked, Truatee shatl record a nattce of defautt in sach county tn = - �:r`
<br /> °��,:-
<br /> which any p�rt of the Prop�rty Is loc�ted and aha�l mall copies of such noUea In !he menner �.=_�=_� V
<br /> - � �� '� prescrlbed by �ppltc�ble taw to Borrower and to the other persons prescrlbad by appllcttble law. �-
<br /> � ��::
<br /> Aftor tha tlrn� nqulred by ap�liceble law, T�ustee ehaq give public no4lae of aalo to the persane tq����i_:
<br />- �., :t, and In the enanner prescrlbed by applicable law. Truatea, without demend on 6orrower, shatl seQ ��,:y�,,,�,�,��.,
<br /> ? � tha Prop�rCy�t public auatlon to the hlghest bldder at the tirme and pl�ce and under the terms 'y''� • '�'a"�
<br /> r�.
<br /> dsslgmt�d In the �vott4co af aab in one or moro parcols and in �ny order Trustao determines. ,�,��.�.,wr.��4
<br /> �� �;�,.;' .�. Trustee may poetpomo s�le of All or eny psrcel of the Pro e b ublic announeament at tho f'�°',,:,�_•«''�'���_
<br /> P �f► Y p 1.� :,.•�«:.��5:.
<br /> ��•,�; tlma and pl�co of my prevlously scheduled eale. Lender or Its desipnee may purchase the ��.w.��%•,_?,�:,,,.,
<br /> ,
<br /> . �
<br /> . ,�., � �
<br /> ,:
<br /> . .' ���'_ Prneselv 9! �hv S1�e. ' rpr,. ;:'
<br /> _. .___.. _ ' "_r_.-. ___,. .._'-� __..
<br /> �..a. �
<br /> . Upon recelp! of paym�nt of the price bid� Truetee ahall dellver io tno purcnaser i r�sioo s
<br /> deod conviaying the Pre�erty. The recitals in the Truetau's daed shall bo prima facle ovidonao of .,.
<br /> �� the truth of the statoments made thereln. Trustee shalt appty the pracesds of the sa8e In the � �'�'
<br /> � follawing ordor: (a) to all aosts end expenses of exercising the power of sale, �nd�the sale,
<br /> . including Yho p�yment oitlse 7PUStee's ieea actually Incurred, not to exceed Ten 7'1 — --- „
<br /> ______...._______---�---___________________ -- gb of the p�incipal areiount of tha �
<br /> note at th� time of the declaratlon of default� and reasonabie attorney�'s fees as permttted by law; �
<br /> (b) to all suma seaured by this Security Instrument; and (c) any excesa to the person or pers9ns
<br /> • � i�agally entHled to It. �
<br /> , F7318.LMQ(3/98) Pnge 4 of 5 •. .
<br /> n ..
<br /> 40652
<br /> � -
<br />