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<br /> I �EQrtow�r may cura auch e det�uB end relnetete, as provided N paragreph 1B, by causlnfl the action or proceeding to ba � _
<br /> dlsmiooed v�lth A rulinp that,in Lender'e {�ood telth daterminetlon. praciudes lorfelture ot tha Dortower'a Interost In tho Property or
<br /> other mAtertal Impalrtnent of the Ilen croated by thlo SecuNty Instrument or Lender'e security Intera�t. Borrowcr ahull alao bo In
<br /> dalauB II BorcoNer,tlurinq the Ioen applic�tlon process,p�ve mater�ly telse or Inaccurato Infomioilon or atutam�nle to Le�der (cr � �
<br /> talled to prav�de L�nd�r wHh �ny rt►�torlal Intotmatlon) In connectlon with the loan evldenced by the Note, Includin4, but nqt �
<br /> � Ilmited ta, roproeent�tlons conceming Bortower'e occupcncy ot the Property ee u pdncipal resldence. H thla 3ecurky � ;__
<br /> Indtrummt la on � la�sehotd, Borrower shtN compry with nn the provlelona of tha lease. If BoROwnr ncqulren tee titlo to tha �
<br /> 3-
<br /> • Prop�rty,the laasehold md the t�e tkle ahaU not merge unlAas Lender �greea to the merger in w�iting.
<br /> 7. Protactlon Ot �ender'd RIt�Me In the PropYrty.Ii eonower talis to pedorm the covenents and agreementa "
<br /> conteined In this S�curity Indtrument, or there la � leg�l p�oceedNp that may slgniflcanty attect Lender's righta In the Propedy � -
<br /> (such as t proceedk�y In baniwptcy,probtte,tor condemnalion oNortellure or to enforce lawe or reyuletlons),then Lenda rrMy
<br /> do and p�y tor whateva Is neceeeary to protect the value ol th�Property end Lender'e dphte In the Property. Lendar's actlon� �� -,
<br /> „- . may Includs p�yinp any sums secured by a Ilen which hae prlorily over thla Secu�ity Inatrummnt, eppenrinfl In court, paying • -
<br /> r reasoneblo attomaya' teea end entering on the Rroperry to meke rcpalro.Although I.onder mey take acUon under this parngrnph
<br /> ` 7, Lender does not Nave to do aa ,
<br /> My ameunta dls4ursed by Lender under pare�Qrxph 7 shall become additionel debt of Borrower secured by thle Secudly
<br /> : Inatrument. Unleaa Botrower and Le�der agren to other terma o1 psyment, thesa smounta shall bear Interest trom the data o1
<br /> dlaburosment et the No2e rate and ahap be payable,wlth Interest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower requeating paymant. - ''
<br /> • 9. Mo�tg:ga (t18tl��nCe. I} Lender requlred mortp¢ge Insurance as a conditlon ot making the lonn secured by thls �',����••'• `�
<br /> �. ' Securtty Instrument, Borrower shali pay the pramiums required to mair.:aln the mortgape insurance In ettect.If,4or eny resson, the � � ; ,� "`"''
<br /> :,"_�'�'�,•�:,
<br /> � mortgege Insurince coverage required by Lend�r lapses or ceasee to be fn ettect, Borrower ahall pay the premluma regalred to �': __
<br /> � obteln coverepe oubstantlal�y equNalent to the mortgage Insurenca prevlousy In e8ect, at s cast substanti�ityr equlvalent to the ��:���`-'_---
<br /> � ; coat to Borrower o1 the mortgage Insurance prevtously in ettect,(rom an akemete mortgage Inaura approveti by Lender. It _'�^'*'--�----
<br /> z substantlnAy equhraient morigage Insurence coverage Is no4 avattabla, Qar�ower shelf pay to Lsnder cach month a cum cqual to . - - -
<br /> � one�tweiRh ot the yairly mortgape Insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the tnsursnce covernge lapaed or ceaaed to '. .�,
<br /> � be N et(ect. Lender wIN accept, uae end retain theae payment6 ee a Iosa reserve in Ileu uf mortgege inauruice. Loas reserve ..�'`�'�_ `-'
<br /> paymmta rt►ay nu longor be requlred,et the optlon of Lender, if mortgage Insurence coverage (!n the amount and for the period _
<br /> - thnt Lender r�qulres) providod by an Inssurer approved by Lender egsln becomoa aveilable and ia obtnined. Borrotver ahaU p�y �_==�—
<br /> . the premtuma nsquired to malntnin mortgage insursnca fn eNect, ato provlde a loss reserve, unUl the�equiremmt for mortgage � •`R�°"�.=
<br /> ;� Insunnca enda In accordance wkh any wrftten agreement behveeo Borrower end Lender or epplicable law. '.�..����,•,:_-_;-�
<br /> . 9. Ina�f�CttOn. Lender or(ta agent may make reeson4bie enVles upon and inspectiona of the Property. Lender ehnll gMe '�.�'�.►•�
<br /> "' Borrowa noUce at the Ume ot or pdor to en InspecUon spedying reesonable ceuse for the tnspection. `�'`':j �AI��
<br /> 10. Cond�mnation.The proceede ot any award or clalm tor darr►ages, direct or consee,�+entlel, in connecUon wfth A11y A)�,�y� �-.�z_�"
<br /> . .� condertxiaUon or othe.�tek(ng of any part of the Properlyr, or tor wn�eyance In Iieu of condemnatlon, are hercby seelgned and
<br /> • sheh be paid to O.ender.
<br /> ' In the event o! a total teking of the Property, the procPeds ahnll be appiled to the sums secured by this 3ecurky
<br /> � � Instrument, whether or not tMen due,wfth eny excess pald to B�rrawec In the event of e paAial tek►ng ot thd Property in wh�h —
<br /> � t the h(r market vakte of the Property Immedlately betore the taWng Is equal to or greuter than the amount ot the suma necured ,
<br /> byt lhis Securfty Instrument immediatey before the teking, unle9s BoROwer and Lender otherwiso ngree In wrfting, the auma ��
<br /> b secured by thls Security Inatrument shall ba reducad 6y the amaunt of the proceeda muftiplled by the tollowing iraction: (a) tho ',
<br /> � toUl amount oi the sume secured Immedktey betore the takinfl. mvided by(b) the fair mnrket value of the Property fmmedintely i
<br /> betore the taking.My balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the erent of a parttal tqidng o}the Property tn whtch the talr market
<br /> ' value of the Property Mimedintety before the tekfng is less than the amount of the aums secured immedlatey befare tha takhg,
<br /> • � unless Bo+rowx end Lender othsrwiae agroe In writlng or unle� applicable law othawise providea, the proceeda eh�ll be
<br /> • appYed to the sums aucurod by this 8ecurfly laatrumont whether a not the sums rue then duo. '
<br /> --�- � K the Property ta ab�ndoned by Bortower,or if,after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor oftero to meke on . +
<br />-- :__-,-� eward a settle • daim tor damagea, Bortower fails to reapond to Lendet withln 30 daya efter the date the notice is given,
<br /> • Lendnr Is authorized to col�ect end eppy the prooeeds, at its op�on,either to reatornUon or repu{r o}the Property or to the -
<br /> ' sums secured by this Securky Inatrument,whether or not then due. �
<br />_ � ' Unks* Lendx and Borrowe► otherwiae ngrea In writing, eny eppiicatlon of proceeda to prindpal ehaM not extend or �""�
<br /> � `�S � �`- postpone!ho due date of the monthry paymente referted to In paragrephe 1 and 2 or change the amount ot such paymente.
<br /> .,,: ' 11. B�xrow�� Nat Rel�aaed; Forb�srance By Lmder Not �Waiv�r.Extenalon of the t[me tor pnyment or
<br /> � madlf6c�tbn ol�mortiuUon o}tho sums sscured by thie Security Inatrument flranted by Lender to any eucceaaor tn irrtereat of __
<br />- • � �.�� �errower sh�ll not oper�te to reieaae the Ikbility of the originnl Barower or Bo�rower'a succeaaoro In Intereat. Lender ehaM not
<br /> be roqulrod to commence proceedings ageinat any succesaor in interost or retusa to extend Ume tor payment or otherwlee
<br /> . madffy smartlzaUon ot tho auma secured by this Security inshument by rcason of eny de►nsnd�rtade by the odpfnei Borrower or � -
<br /> -'" • Bortower's succeaaoro in intereat. My tofieuance by Lender In exercising any dght ar rcmedyr shaN not ba � wahrer of or _-_- —
<br /> -�-�� :� predude ths exerdae ot�ny dght or rernedy. -
<br />---�i . 12. Succ�ssoro and Assipns Bound; Jotnt and Sov�ral U�blifty; Co-slgnon.The covenanta end __
<br /> " ,���`" � agreements of thls Securtty Inatrument shaY bind and benefit the eucr.easore end assigns ot Lender and BorroweP,aubJect to the =
<br /> '�� `.�v:..[. . -- ----
<br /> provislone o?pangraph 17. Borrower's covenonle and agreemanle ahUl be Jolnt and several. My Borrower who co-aigns thls �--
<br />- • Seairity Inatrument but does not mYacute the Note: (e)Is casigdng thls Secudty Instrument ony to mortgaya,grsnt and convey
<br />". , th�t Borrowor'e tnterest D� the Property under the tertna oi thfs Security Instrument; (b) is not personaly obligsted to pay the =_ _— _--�
<br /> -.. - ;. cuma eccurrd by thle S..^rurlty InaVuasr fh msd (c)�gr��s�hsl L�dM• end eny othc�Basra•:+�� m,.°yr sgr�4o ext�id, modiy. F��,�.��.���+�:
<br />_ ' torbe�r or meke any accommodaaons with regnrd to tho tertns al this Secudty Inatrument or the Note wfthout tlet Boirower's �`?�•'==��
<br /> � �������
<br /> �' "" consent. �"@`�'-
<br /> - h 13. Lo�n Chsrgos. I} the loan secured by thls Socudry Instrument la subJect to a law which set� maxlmum loen " �"
<br /> � cherges,and that taw la flnalty InterpreYed so that the Interast or other loen charpea collected or to be coAected in connecHon `ut�„ 4 � ;,r;
<br /> wRh the loan excead the permftted Iimfts,then: (a) eny auch loan chorgu ohall be reducai by the amount necessary to reduce '•=u"."_ :"�?°.-.L,,,-_�.�a-���
<br /> �j � the cherpe to the pamitted Iimk; and (b) any sums niro�dy cdlected tram Bortower which exceeded permitted ItmiW will be ;LS "�"�
<br /> , refunded to Borcower. Lender mey choosa to malce this refund by reducing the p�inclpal owed under the Note or by mak{ng s � �'� ����
<br /> ; . diroct peyment to Bortower, If a retund reduce� pdncfpal, the reducdon wlll be treated as a partial prepayment wKhout eny ��"�',,:•��.
<br /> ' '� +;•.,''.•�'���1 t�,.
<br /> ;r prepaymant charge under the Note. � �q,;�:k �u<<;;t..
<br /> : 14. Notl�os.My notice to Borrowx provlded for In thi�Secutlry Instrument shnll be gNen by delNednB n or R�y maitin0 K �. •. ,a.� '�.��•
<br /> _ ___ - bv lfrot cleae rtwN unleaa eppilcabie la�v requiraa uee ot another method. The notice eheH be directed to the Propertlr Addreas _ __ t� _- -_
<br /> --�-- __ - --.r._ _ r:.. _._--;
<br /> or eny other nddress Bortower deaignates by notice to Lender. Any noUce to Londer ehaB be given by Orot clase mall to - �
<br /> " Lender'e nddrose stated hereln or any other addresa lender de�ignntes by nodce to Borrower. My noUce provided tor In thls .. . '
<br /> Security InaVument ahall be dermed to have beon gNen to Borrower or Lender when given aa provfded In thi�paragmph. .
<br /> 16. �oYerning LaW; S�verabfllty. Thlu Secudry Inewmc+it ehnll be povemed by tedera! faw and the law of the
<br />__ �, JurisdtcUan In which the Property is located. In the event that My provislon or cla.use o} thla Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> conlHcte wRh eppllcable law, such contlict shall not aflect other provislons ot this Secutity InsUument or the Note which can be
<br /> glven ettect wkhout the conAictlng provision. To thla end the prodsiona of this Sacudty InaLUment aud the Note ere decinred to
<br /> be severable.
<br /> 18. Borrowsr'� COpy. Borrower shiall be gNen one conlortned copy of the Note and of this Security ineVUment. � "
<br /> - F�318.LM0(3198) Pngc�of 5 n
<br /> � { ' ,..
<br /> j 41i65Y '
<br /> {
<br /> � - - - _
<br />