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<br /> t;.A�S6G�lMi:NT OF LEASM.S. U�x�n I.cndcr's requcst,porr��wcr shidl:i�sign to Lcndcr ull Ica,cs ut'thc �.
<br /> t� Y• P � --
<br /> Property and all +ecurity dcposits madc in conncction with lcascs nf thc i'ra rt U on thc ussignoicut, l.�:n cr
<br /> shaU havc the right ta n�alifq,cxtend or tersninate the cxisting leascs and w exccute new Ieascs, in l.cnder'r sole
<br /> discretion. As uscd in this paragruph G,the word "leasc" shall mean "suble�:sc" if thc Sccuriry Instrumcnt is on _
<br /> a leaschold.
<br /> Burrower absolutely and unconditianally ussigns und trnnsfers to Lender all the rcnts and revenucs("Rcnts")af c
<br /> the Propeny, regardless of to whom thc Rents of the Prapeny are payaMle. Borrc�wcr authnrirx, Lender or
<br /> Lender's agents to collect the Rcnts. and agrees that each tenant of the Propc:rty shall pay the Rencs to Lender or
<br /> l.ender's ngents. However,Borrower shaU reccive the Rents until(i)Lei�der lias given Borrower notice of dsfuult
<br /> pursuant to paragraph 21 of the Security Instniment and(ii)Lender has�;iven notice to thc tenant(s)that the Rents
<br /> are to!�e paid to Lender ar Lender's ugent. This�ssignment of Rents constitutes an absolute assignment nnd nat
<br /> an assignment for additional security only.
<br /> Cf Lender gives noticc of breacl�to Borrowcr: (i}�!! Rents receiv�.d by 8orrower shnll be held by Borrower
<br /> as trustee for the benefit of Lender only,to be applied w the sums sccurrd by the Security instniment; (ii)Lcnder
<br /> shAil be entiQed to collect and receive uU of the Rents of the Proper►y: (iii)Borruwer ag�ees that cach tennm�f the _
<br /> Properry shall pay all Rents due and unpaid to Le»der or Lender's agents upon Lender's writtcn demand a�the
<br /> tenant; (iv)unless applicable law provides otherwise, all Rents collected by l.ender or Lender's agents shall bc
<br /> applied first to the costs of taking control of and managing the Prope�Yy aiici collr.cting the Rents,including,but
<br /> not limited to, attorneys' tees, receiver's fces, premiums on receivor's t�onds, repuir nnd maintenance costs, L
<br /> insurance premiums, taxes, assessmcnts and ott�er ch:uges on the Property, mid thcn to thc sums secureJ by the
<br /> Security Instrument; (v)Lender,Lender's agents or any judicially nppointed recciver shall be liable to account for
<br /> only those Rents actually receivcd: and (vi) Lender shall be entitled ta havc a receiver appointcd co tnke
<br /> possession of and manage the Property a►►d m�lect the Rents and profits dcrived fr�rm the Property without any
<br /> sftowing as co the inuucytiacy�f t,"c QraF=t'-Y'-` `P`!'rity.
<br /> If the Rents of the Property are not sufficient to cover the custs o£ taking control of and managing tne
<br /> Property and of collecting the Rents any funds expended by Lender fi�r such purpose:s shall become indebtedness
<br /> �of Ftorrower to L.ender sccured by the Security Inswment pursuant t�Uniform Covcnxnt 1.
<br /> Hono�ver represents and warrants that Borrowe'r has not executed any prior assigmncut uf the Rents and has
<br /> not and will not perfurm any act that would prevent Lender from excir.ising its riIIhts under this paragraph.
<br /> Lender, or [.ender's a$ents or a judicially appointed receiver, sh�t� not be required to enter upon, tnke
<br /> contxol of or maintain the Property befare or after giving notice of defuult to Busrawer. However, Lender, or
<br /> Lender's.agents or a judicinlly appointed receiver, may do sa nt any time wl►en a d��fauit occurs. Any upplication
<br /> of Rents shall not c�re or waive any detault or invaiidu�e u��y ott��cr r.}�ht or rem���f�-��er.This assignment of
<br /> __.,w...i...c,.,.,..;r��„�rn�mrni:�re aaid in full.
<br /> Rents of the Property snaii cernnnuie wi�cu aii ii�o�u������.:�.-�w .^- --_.. .
<br /> I.CROSS-DEFAUi,T I'ROVISION.Bonower's default or breach under any note or agrcement in wl�ich
<br /> Lender has an interest shall be a breach under the Sewrity Instrumont and Lender m�y invoke any of thc remedxes
<br /> Permitted by the Security Instrument.
<br /> BY SIGNING BELOW. Borrower aaepts and agrees to tttp terms and p�nvisions contained in this I-�
<br /> Family Rider.
<br /> � . eal) (Seal)
<br /> ES B GOFZDON -Borrowcr
<br /> -Bormatr
<br /> >f _ �,(�D��iy� (Seal) (Seaq
<br /> ��1�.NA A C�iOR � -Borrowcr -eorro�;er
<br /> Form 37 70 3193
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