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<br /> � _ 1-4 FAMILY RID�R -- �:
<br />_� Asslgnmeut af Rents ?o 0 2�7�9 _
<br /> THIS I-4 FAMILY RIDBR is mudc thiti �;7 7� �ay�` p g g ' -
<br /> nnd is incorporatcd inta and shall be dccmed to umend imd supplement the t�lo g geT�eed it"Trust i�9 S�uriry m
<br />- Dccd (the "Sccurity Inslmmcnt") of thc same date given by the u�vlcrsigned (the "Borrower"1 t�� sicure __
<br />= Bnrrower's Notc to _
<br />_.� The Equitable Buildin� and Loan Association of Grand Island,
<br />—� Nobraska, A Federal 5avings Bank (chc��L.cndcr")
<br />�•� of thc samc date and covcrinb the Proptrty describcd in the Security Instrument and located ut: -.
<br />°_'. 714 HEDDE ST, GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801 -7191
<br /> �� --
<br /> A.j �Pmperty Addrctis� _
<br />� �
<br />� -
<br /> 1-4 FAMILY COVENANTS.In addition to the covenants and ugreements made in the Security Instrument.
<br /> fiorrower nnd Lender further covenant and Agree as follows:
<br /> = Praperty dcscribed in thc Security Insirument,the following items are added to the Property dascrip[ion, and shull
<br />-� nlsa constittue ihe Propeny covcrcd by the Security Instrument:building materials,applilnces ana gaods of every
<br /> -- nature whatscevcr now or herenfter located in, on, or used, or intendeci ro be used in connGCtion witB the
<br /> — Property, including, but not limited ta, those for the purposes of supplyinb or distributing hcatinB, cooling.
<br /> � electricity, �Gas, water, air and light, fire prevention and extinguishing apparatus, security and access control
<br /> apparatus, plumbing, bath tubs, water heaters, water closets, sinks, runge�, stoves, refri�rarators, dishwashers.
<br /> — disposals.wuahers. dryers, awnin�s, storm windows. s�orm dour�. ��.cx��s, biir3;. �ha3cs, cur'.:.'ir�::ui��artsi�
<br /> i rods,attachecl mirrors, eabinets,panelling and attached floor coverinEs now or hereafrer attttalted to the Property.
<br /> _ <ill of which, including replacements a�sd additions 'thereto, shall be dcemcd to be and �main a pu[t of the
<br /> Yraperty covered by the Security lnstrument. Alt of the foregoin� together with the Property d�scribed in the
<br />__ Security[nstrument(or the lea.sehold est�te if the Security Instrument is an A Ieasehold) a�n:f�rred to in this 1-4
<br /> — Family Rider and the Security Instrument As the"Property."
<br /> B. U5E OF PR�PERTY; COMPLIANCE �V1TH LAW. Borrower shAll not seek, agree to or make a
<br /> � change in the use uf the Property or its zoning classi�cution,unless L.ender hns agrced in writing to the change. _
<br /> — Borrower shall comply wieh all laws, ordinances, regulations and requirements of any gavemmencai baiy
<br />— �a�nlirahle tn th6 Prop�f'ty.
<br /> C.SUI3a1ZDINATE LIENS.Except as permitted by federal la�v. Bono�ver shaU nat aUuw airy tiCi�6�:;::a:
<br /> to the Security Instrument to be perfected agninst the Property without I.ender's prior writt�n permission. •
<br /> D.RENT LOS.S 11�iSiJRANCE. Borrower sfiall maintain insurancc against rent tnss in addition to th�.o:her
<br /> hazurds for�vhich insurancc is required by Uniform Covenant 5.
<br /> E."BORROWER'S RIGHT'TdD REINSTATE"DEL�TED. Uniform Covennnt 18 i:�deleted.
<br /> F. BO'ttROWER'S OCGUPAN�Y. Unless Lender and Horrowcr otherwise r��ree in writing, the first
<br /> sentence in Uniform Co��enant 6 conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Propeny is del�ted. All remaining
<br /> covenants and agmeme�its set forth in Uniform Covenant 6 shaU remain in cffect.
<br /> MULTISTAT�1•4 FAMI�Y q10ER-Fennlo MaelFreddie Mac Unlform Instrument Form 3170 3193
<br /> � -67�930�101 vMP MOt�TGnGE FORMS-18001621•7297 � Pnnttd on RecyNCd PEpEr
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