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<br /> �g, Ba�no�ryer's Ri�ht to Relnstate. Notwitl�standiug l.xnder's accelr.ratinu of tl�e sums se�:ured hy this l?eeJ �f
<br /> TntsE.�ue tn Bi�rrnwer's l�reach. QorroPveT sball I�iv�eadier�to ix:cue ofSQi)t�e fii'U�t�dyhh�:`i�re t ic�+�I���f'tit�f P�a�x;oty
<br /> Deed at't'rusc dis6o�diuur� a.�} dt�.p_!or M tl e �^..
<br /> � pursuant to Aie power of sale a►utained in diis Deed af Trust or(ii)entry��f u judgment enfurcing e!�is Qerd uf`�`ruse i: t�
<br /> ,{.
<br /> Borr�wer pays I.ender all sunu which would be then due u�idet ti�is Deed of'Ttust and tlie Nute h�d ix► acce��ry�iun
<br />- ,::» `i ' occurred: (b)Bonower cures�reaso�ble expeiues i cu�rced byy�t.ender�q�xf�Trutitee� i� enii�n:iug►lt rel'cuvciu�Dt� w��!
<br /> Trust: (a) Borrawer pay
<br /> � �. agreentents nf Bnrrower cantained in this Deed af i�eau�ble au��t�ys feetir uixl�()nBurrow�r tAk��`ucl r K�tl n�i u'y -
<br /> .,.�,'�# paragcapl� !7 t�ereof, tncluding, hut noe limited t , _
<br /> . =;# Lender may reasonnhly reyuire to assure Q�at tl�e lien of this D�eJ cef Ti rust, l.c�xler's interest in Qte Prnpeny a�xl
<br /> = a�"'"'r'�� B o r r o w e r's o b l i gT ti�15°D d o+F Trust andlQ en hligadDn�tiecur e dy he're by �h u l li r e n v�i u�fn i f u l l fa�C��+�xl1eff�t11xw�lf iH • .
<br />�k�°'"""'�'�� cure by Borrow . � ^
<br /> acceler�don had occuiTed. `�
<br /> 19. AsstgnmQnt of Renta; Appolnanrnt of Recdver� Lender In P�sse�.�l°n• Pas Ncidid�nul sr�:uriry herKwKler, ��,;.
<br /> ���• Bonowee hereby assigns to I.ender tlie revts nf tlie Property. provided thAt Bum�wer sA�ll.prior ui rcceleradun u�Hler =__
<br /> ' paragraph 11�nereaf or a b a n drn�ne n t af the Pm p erty,have tl�e right to collect aixt ret�in sucU rents u�tl�ry hecante due���1 =-
<br /> , payable. _
<br /> Upon acceleradon under pa�aBT�ph 17 hereof or ahaixionmc�u nf tlie Pro�ny. Le»der.In {xrum,hy age�u�i r y
<br /> ;�: �: judicially ap�inted receiver shall he entitled t�enter u�x�n. take{x�ssessjon nf und n�anage ttie Propeny a►K1 to cc►11ect the
<br /> _., • tants af tlie F'ra�.riy incliidin� ehn�f the Property,and collectnt�f enth.ntndudinge but iw►t li i�ited t�.�i�xivrt�fies� --
<br />-r .} payn�ent af th�ec�sGc of manag and dnn M the sun��:ureJ by this Deed of TNtit.l.eixl�r
<br /> � � � . premiums nn receiver's tx►nds and reasonabla attomeys'fees.
<br /> uid tke reaiver slwll be liable ta accauat unly for those cenis aetually rec:eived. �;..
<br />�s*{� "` , ment of all sunu secured hy tliis Deed of Trust. Ixnder �1�11 reyuest Trustee to �
<br /> • 20. Reconveyance. Upc►n pay
<br /> recanvey the Propeny and shuU sunender this Deed of Trust aud all nc►tes evidencing indehtedne�.ti ne�:ured by thi�Derd of
<br />_ � � . � Teust to T[ustee.Truhtee shall secmivey tUe Pmpeny w���f mcn�datyn f any��ut cl�arge to the{x►";�m ar�rt��ns legally
<br /> � r entided tl�ereto.Such persan or persrnu sl�all pay all a�sts
<br /> � 21. SubstlEate T►ustee. 1.cnder,at lxnder's option. may fmm tin�e m tinx:cenwve'Trustee and op{��i»t Q ����'���r
<br /> - '��''.' �' � trustce to any Tcvstee appc�inted hereunder hy an instrun�ent recorded in the county in wliicl� diis D W r���T��iieti
<br />`Yv,• '•� ' ' recorded. Without conveyance af the �'ropeny, the successc►r tcustee nh�ll succeed ea a1� the citle. �x
<br />�;;,�.;u� eonferred upam ilin T�si��h��in sn�b;a�g��c2bte law.
<br /> ?°;�����: �, g�que�t for Notices. Bnrrower requests ehat copies of die ix�dce of default and ex�tice �f Sate be senc m
<br /> w��?,,Vt��.� .
<br />--,._,���„� 9nrrower's address which is the Praperty Adr]eess.
<br /> =_�;u�; � .. �.H�rdo�Sutx�anzzs.Hnno�ler shnll nat rau.ce�r permit the prese�x:e,use.disposal.storage.or rcl�ase nf any
<br /> -`�'�`;� HAr�rdou�Substances on or in the Properry• Bormwer shaU not do. nor allow anynne else to do, anyd►iug tffecQng tlte
<br />=-T;�-�-�.'�'� pMMerty�utR is tn violatiou of any finvizonmental Law. The preceding two scntetx:es shal� ►xx apP�Y m the prescnce.►ue.
<br /> __„=,y�� �►r stora�e on the Properry of sma13 c�uandties of He�rdous Substances th�t are ge��erally recag�fr.ed w be appmpriate to
<br />�L;�� �xpmu�! raidendal uses and m miainaenaiace of the Pmperty.
<br />���� g�����}���p�mpdy give Leucler writt�n aattce of any investigadou,clain�. demand. lawsuit or�ther astiun by
<br /> -- - a��y ��.,r`„�-;��,.o� �r reaulatury agency or prlvate party tnvolving tl�e Pmperty atxl my H�urdous Subsltt�o ur
<br /> � EnvitunuK►itel i.aw of wbich Bonower Has actual knowledge. if Burruwrer leatns,ur is txx{fied by iwy K�vc•��::w��- �-
<br /> W regul4tory authority. ths►t any removal or other remediadan of any H�trclaus Substamx affa:ting ihc Property is
<br /> ----= ne�;esssey,Borrower s�aU prompt�y tek�all necessary rer�edial actians in eccorda�xe with 6nvtronn�enttl l.ow.
<br /> ----- -- As used in d�is paragr�ph 23. "HazAr<lous Subst�nces" are those substatxes definod as toxic or iwnr�duus wbst�nces
<br /> ��� by Buvironnxntal iaw uxl t1�e following substances:gasolii�c, kerosene, oti�er flanun�ble or roxic pe¢roleum pnxlu�:ts,
<br />�_= toaic pesticitks and herbicides,voladle solvents. materials contnia�ing asbestas or famutldehyde. ancl ndiostiti�e u�tCriils.
<br /> ---- As uxd In this pan8raph 23. 'Environmental law" tneans fed�ral laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Pcupetry is
<br /> v���. located thie nlAte to health,safety arerivimnmental protection.
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