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<br /> • . _. ... . . . . _ . . . . � .� SF.'7t:.-F.:...-�_�_�-•�
<br /> �,��l��l� 10040A 09/23/1996 . ..�s,-_-��—:-
<br /> CORY VO�,^rHY1AL KRYSTAL K ROBt..'RTS (��,� ••
<br /> 9. Condcinnatlon. Th� prnccc:dv iif nny nwc+rd nr clai�Yfiit�amagrs.direct or co��.sequential, in comiection with any
<br /> cun�ruuution �ir utl�er tnleii��{ ��f tl�e PP����ev�y, �»• p;�ri �here��f. ur far conveyance in lic:u of ciyndemnation, are lierehy _
<br /> '• assiEned�ind shall t�e paid t�� l.enJer,hunJ�ct to the t�nus of nny mort�aye,eleed cif trust��r od►er security agr�ement witl�d .
<br /> lien whict�hati priority��ver thiw Decd��f'fn�st,
<br /> 10. Borrawer Not Ileleascd; Forl�r�ncc 8y I.ent{er Not r+ Waiver. Extension uf dte time for payment or .
<br /> . mcxlificatinn uf umurdradnn ��f ihr nunisµcured hy thlx necd of Trust granted hy lxnder tn auy successur in interest uf
<br /> � e�ern�wer shall not u�xratc t�� relens+�, In wny n�vri�kr, Uic liuhiliry��f tl�e��riginal Borrower and Borr��wer's successon in , '
<br /> intere�t. lx��der nl�all uut he eeyufre:d In cnm�nen«�1�Ik;CI'iII11�tV U�jfllll.til tiUl'Il�LLCI'C�.tiOi Of rrfUtiC IU C%IC11(I[illlr fOi(1Ry111Cl1t
<br /> or othen+vi�mixlify Wmortizuti��n��f Ui� sumrµcund hy Ildr;Uced nf Trusc by reation of auy demand nude by die original
<br /> , - Bnttuwer anJ Borruwer'ti nus:ccssarn in iotercyt.,nny�t�t�hc"+��f or yr�u�rrche exercise�e�if ai ynu��h r glu orremedy ��der, .
<br /> - or�nherwise afforded hy�+pplicuhlr I�w. hhull iN t Ix, P
<br /> �.�,, 11. Successom pnrl Atss7Qn�Eloundt dofnl and Severpl Id�bllitys Co-slQners• Th� arvenu�ts and egreements herein ;
<br /> „ cancai«ed shalf hlnd, en�che�iglit:;her�ui�ler nhull h►ure tu,thc rchpective successor�and u.ccc�ns of Lender and Borrower. �� :. . .
<br /> subject ro tlie provislony�►f pnr�grapl� 16 IzereoF. All cuve»stntx w�xl wgreemenGC uf Aorrower shall be joinc and several. .,
<br /> ' Any Bott�wer who co-sigas thl�Dccd ��f Tntst, hut di�ey ix►t ex�cute the Note. (a) is rn-signing d�is Deed i�f Trust cmly m � .:,r., t
<br /> • ;. -::..;
<br /> �rant and convey that Dorrower'ti interest in U►e Pru1xrtY u� Truhtec wxler tl�r ternis uf this Deed of Trust. (b) is not :. r ,. , �,,_.;
<br /> ';� ,
<br /> . penonally fiable nn the Note ot u�xler thiti Dced af Trutit, atxl (c)wgrees that Ix�ider and any odier Bonower hereunder s:�, -
<br /> n�ay agree n�eatenJ,m�xlify. fnrbc:ar,ur nuke uny atl�er wccomnH►Judom witl�rrgar�ta tlie tenus of this Deed of Trust or , , ,�';;,� :'-
<br /> � t the Note. widiout thut Harrciwer'� cnnsent u�xl without raleASing tl��+� Hurrower nr mexlifying diis Deed��f Trust as to that `" +'�v`,, : _
<br /> r eki�u��}�7 -
<br /> Bottower's interest in the Pn�peny. 'i'�";'�`.
<br /> .��,. '
<br /> .. � 12. Natice. 6acept fi►e any notice reyutrei! ui�rr HI�pIIsa�Me luw to Fx; qiven in a�x�dier mamier. (a) any notice to r,: �5 ,�—
<br /> � Bonower pmvided for in this Deed of'frunt nhall he:givcn hy dclivering It ar by nutiling such notice by certified mail ; ' '{�}�n v
<br /> address e d to eanower at the Pra�en y AdJrecv or at tiucl�ad►er wddress as&�rruwer nu�y desig��ate by notice to i.euder as � ;,:�;�t;,,;,,��
<br /> ...�a provided hereiu, and(b)any twdc:e to ixixler shall he given hy cartitleJ nu�ll tu I.�txler's address stated herein or to suc h «; �, ;�.,;�
<br /> "���" other address as I.ender nwy designate by�x�dce ro Bomiwer�+pnivided I�rtein. Any notice provi�led for in[l�is Deed of ,�,,,, ;,�,��2.
<br /> ..�„�. �..i� y..7ri.4
<br /> � J _: :}': �:;.
<br /> � � Trust shall be deemed to huve been giv�n to Bnrriiwer ur lx�xler wiicn glven lu the n�awi�r deaig�kllcd herein. ��.;�„
<br /> ,r,. r.,.
<br /> 13. Governtn�I.aw; 5overs6111ty.Tf�e state and kxal laws wp(►Iteuhlc tu this Deed of Truse shttll he d�e laws nf tlie ,k-��•
<br /> ..;��;�l'%dYr;�L'�.
<br /> jurisdicpon in which the Praperty is lcxwted. The foregaing e;rnte�xe s1iQU �wt Ifmit the applicnbilicy of Federali able lawis �4�
<br /> Deed of Trust. In tlte eve�tt that any prnviFlnn or clau�te of ti�is Deed af Trust i�r tlic Nate conflicts with app ��;rc���-�--
<br /> , « t such wnflice shall �xn affect odier pravisio��v nf this Deed uf Trust �►r tl�e Note wl�ich can be given effect without d�e =
<br /> couflicting provision, a�td t��dds ci►d the prnvisions nf this Ueed uf Trust Kix1 tl�e Noce are declared m�licab eb nw or
<br /> .. � ;:.
<br /> _ _-_ -__ � - _ "`iy��'. "rz��o• � ��sr�..neyc' fe��' i�x:lade all nums to the extent i�i�t prahibited�►Y EMP -- -
<br /> used iic.cL�, i'"
<br /> ' � limited herein. t '�`,�
<br /> . . .�_� 14. Borrower's Copy. Borrower Fh�.11 t►e fumished u coc�fittn�ed cupy uf tl�e Nut�Qixl of diis Deed nf Truse ac che
<br /> • time of execudun��r after reiordatian t�rreaf,
<br /> ' 15. Re�wbll[Uttlon LoAn A�reement, B�m��wer �+hall fulflll KII of B�►rr�►wer's cihligationti uuder any home
<br />� ' rehabilitatinn. impravement.rcpair or ather loan agrren�nt which Bnruiwer ruterK Inu�wid�Letxter• Le�cler. at Lender's
<br /> `. ' •� , nptinn. may require Bormwer ta execute aixl deliver tii I.eixler, in A ti�rm wccepu►hle to l.cixle;r, an assignmem of any ;;.'_
<br /> , " � �, , rig[its. clelms or defeaties which annawer n�ay I�ave wgainst pKrtiew wBu s;upply I�txir, nut�rivls ur�ervic�s in coiu�ection � :�,-,•,
<br />". . . ,#,. witu impcoven�ents made to die Pm�rty,
<br /> 16.TransPer o�P the Rropzrty or�Beneticl�l IMer�eel ln Borrower. If Wll�►r wny �nrt uf ti�c Property oe any interest
<br /> in it is sold or transfened (or it a het�ericiAi interest iu 8orruwc� in M►id �►t tr«tt�tenei! »tP,! wt�rrowet is �wt a natut�l �•.�
<br />'4�. ... ,_,,. Y pers�u) without Le��der's prior written con�ent. L�ixler n�ay, at its opdun, rcyuirc hnnxdiwte pxyn�ent in full of all smns ��,v�
<br />-- � - secured by diis Deed of Trust. Mowever, d�lA opdon sNall �xit t�e exercl�d hy I..r��irr ii exen:is;e i�s pmhihfted by federal �-
<br />�'"..T'`°'� ', �aw as of the date of this Deed af Trust. �
<br />����"�'�r if I.ender eaercises d�is optinn, l.encier sl�all give Bunnwar�x�dw e►f�celerntlon.The ixuice shzp provide a period
<br />�`� �' r7r'�� * of not less than 30 days from the date the imdc:e is delivereJ or nwfled within whlch Bturuwer must pay al1�1�m�;securecl
<br />�„• .;:
<br /> � - by this Deed of Ttust. If Bnrmwer fails ta pAy diese�+un�.ti prior tu die expirntlnn��f thls�ertcxl. Lender may invo e auy
<br />-• .I remedies permitted by tl�is Deed af Tnut wflhout i.urd�er�xidce or aenu�►xl�n�Bnrruwcr.
<br />��� � � NON-UNIPORM COVBNANTS. Borrower atxl Lencier funt�er cove�wnt WnJ��{rrr s�H folli��w��6 brach of any �
<br />��,�T��;��'. 17. Acceleratton; Ranedia, Except as provlded In p�ra=r�ph 16 hereot� upon _
<br />-�'-',u�i4,�.':. covenant or a�eanent of Borrower In this De�ot Tn�st. �nc�udlef BorroM'a'�s (dluro io pay� by tt�end ot 10
<br /> -�'�""'°.:�::;. � cs�lendar days Aflter they are due, Qny stens secured by thls D�ed ot Trttrt, l.aidRr prior to�ccelentlon sh�ii Qfve _ _Y
<br />+ '�x�-� '��'t� notla to Borrower s�s prortded In p�ra�ntph 12 IKreot epeclPyleq� (1) the bre�cMt l�)lhe�ctlon reqalred to cure - .�
<br />� ..�'tMky'`'' ' -- — -
<br />=Y;:.:.~ such breach; (3)�datc, nol less than ZO daye trom the date the notlee b m�lled lo Borrower�by whlch euch breach �;u,�_� .
<br /> . �•.�'��.
<br /> must be cured; and (4) tfiat fallure to eura such br�sh on or �x,fore the date�pecitled In lhe not�ce m�y r�sult in �;Y`y_��__
<br /> . , ''�.���.•� acceicration of the smns secured by this D�eed otTnat and e�le of the Propa►y.The notlee �ludl tW�rther Infonn -------
<br /> Borrower of the right to reinstate aner accelerptlon and the riQht to brin��court adlon tu�er1 ttk nonexlsta�re of
<br /> �' � ,�•� a def�ult or any other cld'ense of Borrower to�ccdetiytlon wnd sale. If tha Ure�ch b not cured on or before the dxte — ���
<br /> specified in the nottce� i.ender,tt Lender's optton,m�y declare�II of the eum�securrcl l�y thl�i)ted of'i'n�st to be ,,;::-��,.Y-��,,:,
<br /> c �, „ p � r"-�a���rsa: �
<br /> :.;: immediAtefy due and payable wtthout fl�rther demAnd�nd may Invoke the pow�r o�J r�k�nd Rny other ranedie� r����_._��V;
<br /> ` 1 permitted by appitcable law. Lender slu�ll he mNtled to collect �11 reuatuib{�coM� �nd expa�ees Incu^'ed in ;:,3.:�:':;,:;
<br />- . . ` $ pursuing the remedies prnvided In thl�p�re�ph N.includins,but nol(ImlRed lo,rtadonal►k�ttorr�ys'�ees. ,• �-:-� � `'
<br /> . : � �. ,'•� r:_ }`_
<br /> IP the power of sale Is Invoked,Tnutee ehsdi record�notice ot defwuil In c�ch couMy In whlch the PropertY or .,���;��„TM:_�'.
<br />� � } srrtne part thereuP Is located and shall mAil coples of euch nWlce In the mmner prescrllxd by applic�ble I�w to .,: :;;�r��,�'.. ,
<br /> .. ,_��_� '� ;� ..___._...._e...�.,..�„���.w,na nr�scrtbed bv eaultcable law.ARcr Qhe IRpse ot euch tlme�msy be requlrrd bY '• �:1�.; -,
<br /> _-_-,... _____.__ OV��ver. �..v•....��"'�r__". .._.�._
<br />_ . epplicable lew, Trttstee studl �Ive public nottce of sstle to the pe��ubllc euct o lo tM!hl hest bnitltkr�t Ahe tlme � : .,'�
<br />- �� � law.Tn�stee,v+ithon�t demwnd on Borrower,shall sell the Prope�tY P ;�
<br /> and place and under the terms deslgnated in the notice of enle In one or mora parcels Mnd In R►�h orcler bs Trustee �.,;,;• ' .
<br />_ . . mey detern�tne.Trustee may postpone sale ot all or any parcel of the Properly by pt[Mic wnn�nmcemMN wt the tlme �-i:::-, �.
<br /> ;�•
<br /> - and place of any prevlousey scheduled salt. Len�ler or Lender's desl�nee may purcha�e the i'�o{icriy�t Any wdx. .
<br /> . Upon recelpt of payment of the price bid, Trustee eh�ll ckliver to Ihe pi�retu►xr 7'rw�te�'x deeA conveyi�g the 1 ��
<br />� piropeNy sotd. The recttals In the Triutce's deed shall be prima fwcie evldcme ot the troth o!Ihe MwtemeM+ ma�k
<br /> � thereln.Trustee shall apply ti�e proceeds of the st+le le�thc Pollowin�orden (w)to �II rc�.M►nxUlr��ble Nn�l expcnsc.w oP
<br /> _ , ' the sale,Mclutt�rne s' fee�and coste of tltle evldcnce�b)il` IncuBr�ed's securecl by thl��t)eccl�ol,Iruw� Nnd�lcl'�� •
<br /> reasonable a y �•
<br /> � excess,lf any,to the person or persons legally entttled therclo.
<br /> ;� . �• ; . .
<br /> Nchraska 26R76-2 5/95 Origiaal(R�cord�d) Copy(exsnahl Copy(Cu�toaur) Vaee���r� �,'.
<br /> ;�r,
<br />