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�. <br />(P) "Periodic Payment" means the regularly scheduled a�nount due for (i) pi <br />Note, plus (ii) any amounts under Sedion 3 of this Security Instrument. <br />(� "RESPA" means the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act {i2 LT.S.C. <br />implementing reguiation, Regulation X(24 C.F.R Part 350(}), as they mi� <br />time, or any additional or succ�ssor legislation or regulation that governs the <br />in t3us Security Instrument, "RESPA" refets to all requirements and restridic <br />to a"federally related mortgage loan" even if' the Loan does not quaiify as <br />loan" under RESPA. <br />(R) "Succxssor in Interest uf Borrower" means any parry that has taken titl <br />not that party has assum� Borrower's obIigations under ihe Note and/or this <br />TRANSFER OF RIGHTS IN' THE PROPERTY <br />The bene�iciary of this Securiry Instrument is MERS (solely as <br />Lsnder's successors and assigns) and the successors and assigns <br />Instrument secures to Lender: (ij the repayment of the Loan, a� <br />and znodifications of the Note; and (ii) the performance of Borrower's co� <br />ttris Securiry Instrument and the Note. For this purpose, Bonov <br />conveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the following descr <br />County of <br />[1'ype of itecording Jutisdiction] [Name of Ri <br />Lot One (1), Block Two (2) in Ponderosa Lake Estates <br />the City of Grand Island. Hall County. Nebraska <br />Pazcel ID Number: 440364891 ' which <br />125 Ponderosa Dr <br />G r a n d I s T a n d �c�ry� , Nebrasl <br />(" Property Address" ): <br />TOGETHER WITIi all the im,pravements now or hereafter ereded <br />easements, appurtenances, and fixtures now or hereafter a pazt of the pro� <br />additions shall also be oovered by this Security Instzument. All of the fore <br />Security Instrument as the "Property." Bonower nnderstands and agrees tha� ',, <br />to the interest granted by Borrower in ttris Secutity Instrumenf', 6ut, if neces <br />custom, MERS (as nominee for Lender and Lender's suoc�ssors and assigns) b <br />or a1I of those intezests, including, but not limited to, the right to foreclose a <br />take any action required of Lender including, but not limited to, releasing <br />Instniment. <br />NEBRASKA - Single Family - Fannie Mae(Freddle Mac UNIFORM INSTAUMENT WITH M <br />�bA(NE)�oa�o� Payeaot�s i,,; � <br />20110237� <br />and interest under the <br />eckion 2601 et seq. ) and its <br />t be amended from time W <br />�me sutrject matter. As used <br />> that aze imposed in regard <br />"federally related mortgage <br />to the Property, whether or <br />�cwity Instrument. <br />ominee for Lender and <br />' MERS. This Security <br />all renewals, extensians <br />ants and agreements under <br />irrevocably grants and <br />i property located in the <br />T1 . <br />ling Jurisdictionj <br />ird Subdivision in <br />rrently has the address of <br />�str�� <br />b8803 (zq> CodeJ <br />on the property, and ail <br />:rty. All replacements and <br />eing is referred to in this <br />EERS holds only legal titie <br />�ry to comply with law or <br />s the righr. to exerGise any <br />d sell the Property; and to <br />nd canceling this Security <br />zi-oz-000060 <br />Form 3028 1/01 <br />