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<br /> �a�le to pprfo�m any c�bli���r.ion, cc�vc►�.�arit, rcapr�Aent�Cion or
<br />' wrarxan�y under any of the L,oari 1nr�C�umr�nCe .
<br /> 5. Any failuro or £orbeasa;.�,GO by Lender to exerc3.se
<br /> any of Lender'B righ�o or remedies h�r�under shall not c�ngtitute
<br /> a wiaiver of such righte and remedies o�- o�.herwise prevent LPridex�
<br /> Fram exerciaing ouch rfghte and remc�die� in the future,
<br /> 6. Any right, power ox aizthc�ri ty granted Lender
<br /> hereunder may be exercised eithex p�xson�lly or by ite attorney
<br /> or agent without krringi.ng any action o� praceeding, at law or in
<br /> � eqLtity, ar by a receiver to bQ appointod by a court, aC the
<br /> � discre�ion of Lender, without regard to the adequacy of any
<br /> _ aecuri ty for any indebtednesa of Borrowor to Lender and without
<br /> ta}cing poasesaian o£ said ReaY Pr��exty.
<br /> � 7. LQnder shall not incux a�y liabi3aty for failing
<br /> to exercise any right, power or authority grant�d her�by, nor for
<br /> ; an� action taken in the good faith oxercise of what Lender
<br /> coa$iders to be ita business judgm�n� Fursuant to any euch right,
<br /> � power or autharity. Lender shall havo i�zo liability to Borrower,
<br /> or to aay oth�r pexson, for any damage suffered by safd Real
<br /> ,- , �roperty or Persona�. Property un1E6s dixectly caused by Che
<br /> . w1?lft±� miecond�:ct or gross negligcnce af Lernder. Lender ehall
<br /> have nc� r�sponsil�ility for the actions csf any tenant or occupant
<br /> --- af said Real Property, whethar such tenant or orcupant sha11 be
<br /> , a�bt ained by Borrower, Lender or Lend�r's agent. Barrower hereby
<br /> agrees to indemnify and hold LendEr harn�le�s from �nd againet arxy
<br /> � and ala. cleimw, causes of Zctio�, 'o�tes, damages or expensea
<br /> ' whi�h 7Lender might incur und�r or by ro�son af this Aesignmexst,
<br /> � or for any ac�ion taken by Lender hereurader (except for datnag�e
<br /> ;, direc�ly caused by the willful miscoi�du�t or grass negligenae oE
<br /> { Lender) , with intereat thereon at th� h3.gheat default rate set
<br /> - v torth in the note(s) aecured hereby. Tlze provisiona of thie
<br /> . paragraph 7 shall survive the pa�ymFnt o� Borrowe.r's indebtednese
<br /> r ' t:o i,ender.
<br /> 8. Un.til all sums owing nocv and in the tuture by
<br /> � # Borxow�r to Lender shall have been paid in full, Barrower will
<br /> . � tranefer and aesign to Lender any ai�.d all future leasee upon all
<br /> � ; or any part of the Real ProA�rty andJor Pe�raox�al Property updrr�
<br /> ,��� the earrne terma and cv��uii.iv�a� as herein contained, and I3orrower
<br /> i.' ah�11 execute, upon r�equest oF L"en.dn:�•, any and all ata�truments
<br />' '► requeated by I.ender to furLher imple_��nt thie Aseigrsment and to
<br /> ' furthez� perfect the interest of Lenc�tr in the lease� and
<br /> ° occupancy agr.Lementa and the rents, �.ssues an�d avails of satd
<br /> Rea1 ProperCy and Personal praperey c�.L1C�. all o�her moneys or
<br /> riglzts aQeignQd her�by.
<br /> ` 9. This Assignmcn� sha11 in no way o�er�Le to preven�
<br /> � Lender from pursuing any re�r�eoly whicl�. it now has or hereaft�sr may
<br /> riav� because of any present ar futu�� b�each o£ i:he fierma or
<br /> � conditai.ona of any mar�tgage, deed of t,rust, aecurity agreement or
<br /> any other inatrum�n� cf aecurity no�v or horea£ter h�1�c1 by Lendpr
<br /> ' which �nay encumber said Rea1 Proper�y or ehe tex-ma of �ny note or
<br /> � - 4 - _.
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