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<br /> -�!I.. .. - . . -MAI�Tww�A�+aw+�v�w+w+fsaveT�.�Ti��r� _'---- ... . �. • '� ', -
<br />" _"'_._ " ._ �---.-.��...�r...��.--__._".. e-• .
<br /> � 9f- �0�'�,92
<br /> (�) eon�es�, CUIIIpY'Alil].9E: aszd aettcle an)r tax -
<br /> aegesement or othsr charge levied or a�seesed upon all
<br /> or any part of eaid Real Property or Pereonal Property;
<br /> and
<br /> (g) execute and deliver any and all ins�rumente
<br /> deemed by �,ender to be neceseary or apprapriate in -
<br /> connection with the exercis� of any ri.ght, power or
<br /> authority granted hersby.
<br /> 3 . Lender may use and apply any moneys received by it
<br /> ae a result of this Aesignment, in �uch ordsr aB Lender may
<br /> elect, for any c�ne or more oE the following purposes:
<br /> (a) payment of any taxss, asaessments and charges
<br /> of any nature whatsoever �hat may be levied or assessed
<br /> in connection with said Real Property or Personal
<br />" Property;
<br /> (b� payment of. any lien or encumbrance affecting
<br /> all or any part of said Real Property or Pereonal
<br /> Property;
<br /> � (c) payment of pxemiume on such policies of °
<br /> �� fneurance on all or any pait of said icea3 gr�Ne;�y �:.
<br /> Y Per�onal praperty as may be deemed advisable by Lender;
<br /> } ..
<br />�� (d) payment of all expenses an3 liabiliti�s _
<br />-� incurred in the ca.re and maisagement of eaid Real �
<br /> Property and Person�l Property, i�tcluding any ��•'�
<br /> . '�,, compensation paid �o Lendex'e agen�a and th� expenae ef " �
<br /> such rebaira, a].terations, �dditions and impravements
<br /> tp eaid Real �roperty and Personal Prc�perty as may be
<br /> de�med neceseary or.advisable by Lender;
<br /> �s.,
<br /> ,9,.
<br /> (e) payment a� any attorneys' fees, court cos�s
<br /> and expenses incurred by Lender in corinea�i.on wi.th th�
<br /> �' . exercise o� its righte, po�vers and authori.ty hereunder;
<br /> - . and
<br /> ;,d . � ,
<br /> �� (�) payment of any ind�btedr�ess or liability af -
<br /> � Borrawer to Lender �r its assigns, whether abeolute or
<br /> � . , contingent, and rio matter when it shall ariae. .
<br /> ,�, , � 4 . Notwithstanding thati th3.s Aseignment ie a pree+��.t
<br /> `��� � a�eignment, Borrower sha11 have permission to collect the ren�.s,
<br /> `�'� ' �iasuee and pra�its from and manage the Real Property and Peraun�l
<br /> � . `Property £or �o long as Borrower duly and promp�ly performe all
<br /> � of ite obligaGions, covenants, representat ion.s and warrantiee
<br /> �,i under any axid a11 loan agreement(s) , note(s) , mortigage(s) ,
<br /> � 4 de�d(s) of trust, security agreement (s) , and/or any other
<br /> • documents and instruments executed by Borrower in favor or :Eor
<br /> ! the benefit o�. Lender (collectively, "Loan Inqtruments") ;
<br /> � provided that such permission s?r�all automatical�.y and without
<br /> . r natice terminate i.n the event Bc�rrower breaches or otherwiae
<br /> , + _ 3 ..
<br /> ' 4
<br />