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<br /> hereunder, have the righC �o colle�ct and retaix� euch rente, iseue�
<br /> and profita ae thoy become due and payable. U�on t�e occux�enc� of
<br /> an �vent of I7efault, Lender may, either in peraon or hy ae�ent, wit)n
<br /> or wiChaut bringing any action or proceeding, ox by a rece3v�r
<br /> appointed by a court And witr�out regard to the adequacy of 3te
<br /> aecurity, enter upon and take poase��ion of the Praperty, or Rny
<br /> part thereof, in ite own name or in the name of the Trur�tee, and do
<br /> any acks which it deema naceseary or c�eairab].e to preserve the
<br /> value, marketability or rentability of the Pr�per_ty, o� arsy part
<br /> thereof or ix�tereSt therein, increase the iizcome thersfrom or
<br /> prot�ct the security hereof and, with or without taking poeeoeoion
<br /> of �hc �roperty, �ue for or otherrrise co�I.ect the renta, ieoues and
<br /> prof3te �h.ereof, including those pasC due and unpaid, �nrl app3y the
<br /> same, lese coste and expensea of operation and collection including
<br /> atrarneye' feee, upon any indebtednese secured hereby, all in euah
<br /> order aa Lender may determine. The entering upan and taking
<br /> posseesian of the Propsrty, the collection nf auch rerite, iseuee
<br /> and pro�a.te and the application thereof ae aforesaid, ahall not
<br />= cure or v�aive any default or notice of default hereunder. or
<br /> invaZidate any act done in reaponse ta such detault or pureuant to
<br /> - aucY� notice of default and, notwi�hstanding the continuance in
<br /> � poas�ss�.on of the Property or the collection, receipt and
<br />' a�=1 i r.at�nn nf rPnt�n j '1 f7Ri1PA �r �Y'A�'L.1:S j and TrueCee and Lend�r
<br />� eha7.�. be entitl�d �o exerciae every right pravided for in any of
<br />� �he Security Documente or by law upon oacurrence of any Evsnt of
<br /> D�fault, includ�ng withouL limitaka.on th� right to exerciae th�
<br /> � power af eale. Fur•ther, L�nder�s rights and remedie� under this
<br /> paxagraph shall be cumulative with, and in no way a lim�.tation on,
<br /> Lender'�� righte and semediee under any as�ignment of leaaea and �
<br />�`�� rents recorded againsi: the Prope�'ty. Lender, Trus�ee and tihe
<br /> - re�e3vPx sha11 be l.iable to accouilt only for those rents actually
<br />=' received.
<br /> 11. �itente oE Defnult. The following ehall constitute
<br />= an Event of Uefault txnder t hie Deed of Trust:
<br /> t=� � (a) FailurA to pay any inatallment of pxincipal ox
<br />_C inte�es� or any other sum oecured hereby when due;
<br />•.
<br /> `� � (b? A breach of or de£ault under any pxavieion contained
<br /> 7 in �he Note, thie Deed of Truet, any of the Seau:ity
<br /> ' Documente, or any other lien or encumbxance upon th� Property;
<br /> :r'.
<br /> ~� (c) ,A wri� o£ execution or attachment or any eimilar
<br />� �r proc�ea ahall be entered against Trus�or which shall become a
<br /> � � lien on the l?roperty or any portion �hereof ar intexest
<br /> therein;
<br />' ; (d) There aha11 be filed by or again�� Trus�or ox
<br />` t Borrower an actiox� und�r any �resent or future Lederal, etate
<br /> � or other etatute, law or regulation rela�ing to bankrup�cy�
<br /> insolvency or other r.elief for debtors; or there eha13. Io�
<br />.;'� appointed any trustee, receiver or liquidatar of Tru�Cor or �
<br /> Horrower or of �.13 ar any part of th� Propertiy, or the r�nte, �
<br /> � ` - 5 -
<br />