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(P} "Periodic Payment" means the regularly scheduled amount due for (i) pi <br />Note, plus ("u) any axnounts under Section 3 of this Se�urity Instrwoaent. <br />(� "RESPA" means the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (12 U. S. C. <br />implementing regulat9on, Regulation X(?A C.F.R. Part 3500), as they mi� <br />time, or any additional or successor legisla#ion ar regulation thak governs the <br />in this Security Instrument, "RESPA" refers to all requirexments and restrictic <br />to a"federally related mortgage ioan" even if the Loan does not qualify as <br />loaa" under RESPA. <br />(R) "Successor in IQterest of $orrnwer" means any party that has talcen titl <br />not that party has assumed Botrower's obligations under the'Note and/or this <br />T1tAN5FER OF RIGH1`S IN 'THE PROP�RTY <br />The beneficiary of this Sec;urity Instrument is MERS (solely as <br />L.ender's successors and assigns) and the sutacessors and assigns <br />Instrnment secures ta I.ender: (i) the repayment of the Loan, a� <br />and modifications of the Note; and (u) the performance of Borrower's co� <br />this Security Instrument and the Note. For this purpose, Borro� <br />conveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the following descn <br />County of <br />[Type of Recrnding Jurisdicteonj <br />lot Nineteen (19) in Capital Heights <br />Grand Island. Na11 County. Nebraska <br />Parcel ID Nwnber 400153807 <br />2817 Northwest Ave <br />Grand Island <br />{"PrOperty Address"): <br />[Name of Re <br />Fifth Subdivisi.o <br />I�uYI , <br />TOGETHER WITH a11 the improvements now or hereafter erecte <br />easements, appurtenances, and fuctures now or hereafter a pazt of the pn <br />adrlifions shall also be �vered by this S�urity Instrument. All of the fa: <br />Sec�rity Instrument as the "Property." Borrower understands and agrees ttia <br />to the interest granted by Borrower in this Securiiy Instrument, but, if nea <br />custom, MERS {as nominee for Lender and Lender's sua�essars and assigus) <br />or all of those interes#s, including, but not limited to, the right to foreclose <br />take any action required of Lender including, but not limited to, releasin� <br />Instrument. <br />NEBRASKA - Single Family - Fannie MaoJFroddie Maa UNIFORI� IN3TRUMENT Wt' <br />� 6A(NE} �oeto� Pape3 oi 15 Initials: <br />2oiio2zs� <br />. s <br />and interest under the <br />�tion 2601 et seq. } and its <br />t be a�mended from time to <br />ume subje�t matter. As used <br />� that aze imposed in regerd <br />"federally related mortgage <br />to the Property, whether or <br />xuritv Instrument. <br />�minee for Lender and <br />MERS. This Se�urity <br />all renewals, extensions <br />mts and agreements under <br />irrevocably grants and <br />praperty located in the <br />ling ]urisdiction] <br />i n the C1 ty of <br />currently has the address of <br />[��l <br />ta 688Q3 [zip codej <br />on the properiy, .and aII <br />ierty. All re,placements and <br />going is referred to in this <br />MERS holds only tegal title <br />sat� to camply with law or <br />�as the zight: to exercase any <br />nd sell the Property; and to <br />and canceling this Security <br />ii-ol-ooaao� <br />Fo�m 3028 1/01 <br />